Conservatives cheering for Russia's naked aggresion

There really wasn't a cause.


The US had been bullying and badgering Iraq for quite some time. And if it didn't sit on such a vast ocean of oil, no one would have really given a fuck about the human rights violations.

There's a bloodbath that's been going on in the Sudan for quite some time. No notice from the US..and there's plenty of other examples.

No the right wing of this country, feels that invasion was in any way justified. And in fact, it's made things a hell of a lot worse for the entire world.

What you really mean is you don't give a fuk because it was Bush. Did you see one US interest in the Balkins when we bombed those people for 72 days killing Chinese nationals in the process? What were the US interests in Lybia and Syria? Sure those three are good examples of liberal wars, no risks to our side just slaughter the other into submission. And what did we get for it Lybia???? Benghazi. I see your point with the Sudan why do you think a black president apparently doesn't give a crap? At least Bush helped and was loved by the African people. I am sure Obama is too but only for one reason.

What is really a pile of dung is that the left is claiming the right is rooting Putin on when they are not but the left had/has no problem using the Iraq war, which they voted for, as political fodder. Our men didn't die for nothing no matter how low the liberals want to go.

These are relatively easy points to address:

The Balkans were in US interest because Yugoslavia had just dissolved and it was going to become a bloodbath. Europe was not going to act either. Having a region that big in turmoil next to the "breadbasket" of the world was not a good option. Additionally, the US really did stop a genocide. The Balkans was a raging success..except to you folks.

Libya has oil that our allies France makes use of..and it's in their national interest. Additionally? Mommar Gaddafi, A TERRORIST, that authored the killing of close to 100 Americans over Lockerbie was the head of that Country. Funny you folks always seem to forget that. Probably because it was Reagan that started the shitstorm with him but chickened out when this guy REALLY was involved in terrorism. France got what it wanted and we got what we wanted. Still a work in progress.

Syria? Well that's the result of Iraq. Instability was the gift of that invasion. Iraq unleashed a torrent of violence that has shaken every country in the region. And it was the Republicans that were tearing their hair out for involvement up until Obama was going to get involved. Then they called for a vote. When they got that vote? They complained they couldn't be bothered because they were on vacation. You CAN'T make this stuff up.

As to the rest of you post? Democrats were lied too. And lied too after a terrorist attack. Not only that? They were told that if they didn't vote for the Iraq war, they were on the side of terrorists. That's pretty powerful propaganda.

And you liberals say WE make excuses to go to war? Earth to Sallow!!

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Giuliani is not rooting on Putin he is pointing out the deficiencies of Obama and his ability not to make a decision, like Putin. I think it is a ridicules comparison but it still does not mean anyone is routing for Putin and what he is doing quite the opposite actually.

Did you even bother to watch the video?

Giuliani, gleefully, said that Putin had a decision to invade Ukraine in 15 minutes.

First off, what functioning Democracy makes that sort of decision so quickly?

Second off, Putin had already invaded. Giuliani leaves that part out.

Third off, Putin dissolved the government in 2007. He's also been killing Journalists, Lawyers and Political dissenters, something Rudy left out too.

Of course I watched the video I am not a liberal that just repeats talking points from Medica Matters.

He did not say what you and MM implies he just was talking about leaders act. I don't completely agree with him but that does not mean he is routing for Putin. Besides he doesn't speak for Republicans or Conservatives.

First of all, this "situation" has been coming for quite some time. Responses should have been prepared week ago. That is what we pay the CIA and the NSA and all the advisors of Obama to do. There are economic sanctions that could be in place today.

As for moving quickly, Bush did go through the channels before the Iraq war unlike Clinton did in his bombing of Kosovo. So I am assuming you like how Bush handled Iraq over how Clinton did Serbia?

All the other things you point out are not the discussion topic in the video. He is not praising anything Putin is doing he is pointing out that Obama is not doing anything.

I will admit that I don't agree with Rudy making the comparison it was stupid because it is something to get blown way out of proportion and did. I will also say that Obama is in a no win situation unless he acts precisely right and still he will take heat. Damn if he does and damned if he doesn't. But ain't that the same for all presidents? What if Bush had not acted in Iraq and the terrorism that Iraq did sponsor killed many more Americans? Damn if he did and damned if he didn't.

The point stands. Putin is a dictator. He doesn't have to work the same levers Obama has too. Making a comparison was ridiculous and in bad form.

He's not the only one who does this. Rand Paul compared the back and forth between Obama and Putin to a tennis game, and gave the point to Putin.

FOX has been practically cheering the guy on..

It's pretty incredible. I've never seen this sort of thing before.
What you really mean is you don't give a fuk because it was Bush. Did you see one US interest in the Balkins when we bombed those people for 72 days killing Chinese nationals in the process? What were the US interests in Lybia and Syria? Sure those three are good examples of liberal wars, no risks to our side just slaughter the other into submission. And what did we get for it Lybia???? Benghazi. I see your point with the Sudan why do you think a black president apparently doesn't give a crap? At least Bush helped and was loved by the African people. I am sure Obama is too but only for one reason.

What is really a pile of dung is that the left is claiming the right is rooting Putin on when they are not but the left had/has no problem using the Iraq war, which they voted for, as political fodder. Our men didn't die for nothing no matter how low the liberals want to go.

These are relatively easy points to address:

The Balkans were in US interest because Yugoslavia had just dissolved and it was going to become a bloodbath. Europe was not going to act either. Having a region that big in turmoil next to the "breadbasket" of the world was not a good option. Additionally, the US really did stop a genocide. The Balkans was a raging success..except to you folks.

Libya has oil that our allies France makes use of..and it's in their national interest. Additionally? Mommar Gaddafi, A TERRORIST, that authored the killing of close to 100 Americans over Lockerbie was the head of that Country. Funny you folks always seem to forget that. Probably because it was Reagan that started the shitstorm with him but chickened out when this guy REALLY was involved in terrorism. France got what it wanted and we got what we wanted. Still a work in progress.

Syria? Well that's the result of Iraq. Instability was the gift of that invasion. Iraq unleashed a torrent of violence that has shaken every country in the region. And it was the Republicans that were tearing their hair out for involvement up until Obama was going to get involved. Then they called for a vote. When they got that vote? They complained they couldn't be bothered because they were on vacation. You CAN'T make this stuff up.

As to the rest of you post? Democrats were lied too. And lied too after a terrorist attack. Not only that? They were told that if they didn't vote for the Iraq war, they were on the side of terrorists. That's pretty powerful propaganda.

And you liberals say WE make excuses to go to war? Earth to Sallow!!


Yes..good on you TK.

You show the depth of your arguments with a photoshop.


Somewhere a debate club longs for you to be with them with a laptop of your photoshop powerpoints.

And lets get down to brass tacks. Syria, Libya and Balkans were wars? Really?

Bodycount on American Troops:

Syria - 0
Libya - 0
Balkans - 0
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The Russians would be doing the same thing in the current Ukraine situation if McCain or Romney were president.

There is no credible argument to the contrary.
Woke up this morning....crisis is over, market is rebounding....the only thing that stays the same is Obabble wants to tax and spend.

Republicans will push Putin's actions into the headlines as hard as possible as long as they think they can make political hay from it. As soon as they feel it has lost its political usefulness, or that it is going badly for them, they will drop it for the next politically expedient topic. What is actually good for the country is not on their list of priorities. All these Republican Senators who were on the circuit Sunday, try to find them today. They have slinked back under their rock.
I blame da BOOOOOOOSH! No but seriously, BOOOOOSH-haters rooted for anyone who hated America all throughout his 8yrs. in office. So like i said, this thread is Bullshite. The Obamabots are just being dishonest hypocrites again. Personally, i don't care for Putin or Obama. They both have roots in Communism. And they're both asshole Dictators. I can't root for either one.

Obama was duly elected.

Your lying

Ah, both are Communist assholes. I'll never cheer for either one. Fuck em.
The Russians would be doing the same thing in the current Ukraine situation if McCain or Romney were president.

There is no credible argument to the contrary.

probably not, but we will never know because you fools elected the kenyan messiah twice.
I have always believed in continuing education so I an open to the possibility that I could be wrong, but I have a hard time believing that some words and phrases have only negative or positive connotations. For example does the word genius apply only to a good moral person? I don’t think so. If one says that an athlete outclasses his opponent it means that he is mostly to be the winner.

As a leader of a nation Putin outclasses Obama because among other things Putin is highly intelligent and utterly ruthless, qualities that have benefited Russian leaders for a long time.

I see no indication of "intelligence" on Putin's part. As for complimentary and derogatory words being's been a couple of decades since I was in elementary school so perhaps that's the new English. #lame

It takes intelligence to recognize it in others. This is why Putin's escapes you.
Nice sig line btw. Have you gotten the memo that Reince Preibus is actually a man and not a woman as you thought?

You mistake brute force for intelligence....basic conservative short-coming. As for other conservative short-comings....if you're not proud to have such knowledge of shouldn't have said it.
Did you even bother to watch the video?

Giuliani, gleefully, said that Putin had a decision to invade Ukraine in 15 minutes.

First off, what functioning Democracy makes that sort of decision so quickly?

Second off, Putin had already invaded. Giuliani leaves that part out.

Third off, Putin dissolved the government in 2007. He's also been killing Journalists, Lawyers and Political dissenters, something Rudy left out too.

Of course I watched the video I am not a liberal that just repeats talking points from Medica Matters.

He did not say what you and MM implies he just was talking about leaders act. I don't completely agree with him but that does not mean he is routing for Putin. Besides he doesn't speak for Republicans or Conservatives.

First of all, this "situation" has been coming for quite some time. Responses should have been prepared week ago. That is what we pay the CIA and the NSA and all the advisors of Obama to do. There are economic sanctions that could be in place today.

As for moving quickly, Bush did go through the channels before the Iraq war unlike Clinton did in his bombing of Kosovo. So I am assuming you like how Bush handled Iraq over how Clinton did Serbia?

All the other things you point out are not the discussion topic in the video. He is not praising anything Putin is doing he is pointing out that Obama is not doing anything.

I will admit that I don't agree with Rudy making the comparison it was stupid because it is something to get blown way out of proportion and did. I will also say that Obama is in a no win situation unless he acts precisely right and still he will take heat. Damn if he does and damned if he doesn't. But ain't that the same for all presidents? What if Bush had not acted in Iraq and the terrorism that Iraq did sponsor killed many more Americans? Damn if he did and damned if he didn't.

The point stands. Putin is a dictator. He doesn't have to work the same levers Obama has too. Making a comparison was ridiculous and in bad form.

He's not the only one who does this. Rand Paul compared the back and forth between Obama and Putin to a tennis game, and gave the point to Putin.

FOX has been practically cheering the guy on..

It's pretty incredible. I've never seen this sort of thing before.

Some on the right have hailed Putin as some kind of model of power-geopolitics, claiming that he is constantly outfoxing Obama, when he cannot even keep Ukraine in his orbit and has such splendid allies as Syria's Bashar al-Assad and an economy crudely rooted in 20th century carbon fuels.
I see no indication of "intelligence" on Putin's part. As for complimentary and derogatory words being's been a couple of decades since I was in elementary school so perhaps that's the new English. #lame

It takes intelligence to recognize it in others. This is why Putin's escapes you.
Nice sig line btw. Have you gotten the memo that Reince Preibus is actually a man and not a woman as you thought?

You mistake brute force for intelligence....basic conservative short-coming. As for other conservative short-comings....if you're not proud to have such knowledge of shouldn't have said it.
It isnt brute force. It was a brilliant tactical move. Remind me what damage Putin has done to Russia.
Still pretending Preibus is a woman? Wishful thinking?
Woke up this morning....crisis is over, market is rebounding....the only thing that stays the same is Obabble wants to tax and spend.

Republicans will push Putin's actions into the headlines as hard as possible as long as they think they can make political hay from it. As soon as they feel it has lost its political usefulness, or that it is going badly for them, they will drop it for the next politically expedient topic. What is actually good for the country is not on their list of priorities. All these Republican Senators who were on the circuit Sunday, try to find them today. They have slinked back under their rock.

Yeah, you don't see the conservatives here doing much in the way of denouncing an invasion of another you?
It takes intelligence to recognize it in others. This is why Putin's escapes you.
Nice sig line btw. Have you gotten the memo that Reince Preibus is actually a man and not a woman as you thought?

You mistake brute force for intelligence....basic conservative short-coming. As for other conservative short-comings....if you're not proud to have such knowledge of shouldn't have said it.
It isnt brute force. It was a brilliant tactical move. Remind me what damage Putin has done to Russia.
Still pretending Preibus is a woman? Wishful thinking?

So now he's brilliant? Your accolades for the former KGB chief are well noted there comrade.

Not brutal...
Tell that to the Ukranians... Think any of the other former satellites are going to be eager to take Vladdy at his word any more going forward? It hurts but the larger countries on the globe can withstand irritants and irritations....

As for're a tell us.
You mistake brute force for intelligence....basic conservative short-coming. As for other conservative short-comings....if you're not proud to have such knowledge of shouldn't have said it.
It isnt brute force. It was a brilliant tactical move. Remind me what damage Putin has done to Russia.
Still pretending Preibus is a woman? Wishful thinking?

So now he's brilliant? Your accolades for the former KGB chief are well noted there comrade.

Not brutal...
Tell that to the Ukranians... Think any of the other former satellites are going to be eager to take Vladdy at his word any more going forward? It hurts but the larger countries on the globe can withstand irritants and irritations....

As for're a tell us.
You understand that "brute" and "brutal" are two separate words,right?
Of course I watched the video I am not a liberal that just repeats talking points from Medica Matters.

He did not say what you and MM implies he just was talking about leaders act. I don't completely agree with him but that does not mean he is routing for Putin. Besides he doesn't speak for Republicans or Conservatives.

First of all, this "situation" has been coming for quite some time. Responses should have been prepared week ago. That is what we pay the CIA and the NSA and all the advisors of Obama to do. There are economic sanctions that could be in place today.

As for moving quickly, Bush did go through the channels before the Iraq war unlike Clinton did in his bombing of Kosovo. So I am assuming you like how Bush handled Iraq over how Clinton did Serbia?

All the other things you point out are not the discussion topic in the video. He is not praising anything Putin is doing he is pointing out that Obama is not doing anything.

I will admit that I don't agree with Rudy making the comparison it was stupid because it is something to get blown way out of proportion and did. I will also say that Obama is in a no win situation unless he acts precisely right and still he will take heat. Damn if he does and damned if he doesn't. But ain't that the same for all presidents? What if Bush had not acted in Iraq and the terrorism that Iraq did sponsor killed many more Americans? Damn if he did and damned if he didn't.

The point stands. Putin is a dictator. He doesn't have to work the same levers Obama has too. Making a comparison was ridiculous and in bad form.

He's not the only one who does this. Rand Paul compared the back and forth between Obama and Putin to a tennis game, and gave the point to Putin.

FOX has been practically cheering the guy on..

It's pretty incredible. I've never seen this sort of thing before.

Some on the right have hailed Putin as some kind of model of power-geopolitics, claiming that he is constantly outfoxing Obama, when he cannot even keep Ukraine in his orbit and has such splendid allies as Syria's Bashar al-Assad and an economy crudely rooted in 20th century carbon fuels.

Saddam, Mohamar, and Osama are probably wondering where this support was when they were enemies of the "Great Satan".
The point stands. Putin is a dictator. He doesn't have to work the same levers Obama has too. Making a comparison was ridiculous and in bad form.

He's not the only one who does this. Rand Paul compared the back and forth between Obama and Putin to a tennis game, and gave the point to Putin.

FOX has been practically cheering the guy on..

It's pretty incredible. I've never seen this sort of thing before.

Some on the right have hailed Putin as some kind of model of power-geopolitics, claiming that he is constantly outfoxing Obama, when he cannot even keep Ukraine in his orbit and has such splendid allies as Syria's Bashar al-Assad and an economy crudely rooted in 20th century carbon fuels.

Saddam, Mohamar, and Osama are probably wondering where this support was when they were enemies of the "Great Satan".

They had your support. Like you Obamabots weren't cheering for them when your BOOOOSH Boogeyman was in office. Gawd, you Bots are such dishonest hypocrites. Hilarious. :lol:
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The Russians would be doing the same thing in the current Ukraine situation if McCain or Romney were president.

There is no credible argument to the contrary.

probably not, but we will never know because you fools elected the kenyan messiah twice.

Are you holding that having Kenyan ancestry is a bad thing?

And are you holding "messiah" (A Hebrew Word) to be a bad thing?

And why do you seem to gloss over the fact that Obama is Irish, and the grandson of a WWII vet?

He was also born in Hawaii, is that a bad thing also?
It isnt brute force. It was a brilliant tactical move. Remind me what damage Putin has done to Russia.
Still pretending Preibus is a woman? Wishful thinking?

So now he's brilliant? Your accolades for the former KGB chief are well noted there comrade.

Not brutal...
Tell that to the Ukranians... Think any of the other former satellites are going to be eager to take Vladdy at his word any more going forward? It hurts but the larger countries on the globe can withstand irritants and irritations....

As for're a tell us.
You understand that "brute" and "brutal" are two separate words,right?

"I'll take Dictators you'd like to sleep with for $1,000, Alex." Maybe then you can compare his and Princess's equipment.

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