Conservatives cheering for Russia's naked aggresion

first they agitated Russia and mocking Putin everyday, then waited for Putin's "aggressive reaction" and finally got some then say " see...I told you so!"
first they agitated Russia and mocking Putin everyday, then waited for Putin's "aggressive reaction" and finally got some then say " see...I told you so!"

In free countries it is acceptable and allowed to mock leaders. Criticizing leader is proper thing to do. It helps get rid of bad leaders. Gives chance for best leaders to earn way into being leader. Allows people to choose who is their leader and boss. Prevents leadership by unqualified person who only get to be leader because of father, grandfather and control of military and police who enslave population.
first they agitated Russia and mocking Putin everyday, then waited for Putin's "aggressive reaction" and finally got some then say " see...I told you so!"

And that's not what happened.

Putin's been solidifying his power for quite some time now.

Typically dictators like to make enemies of people with little political power.

Gays fit the bill here. And it appeals to the large Christian population.

A 2-fer.

Remind me what he's ruined exactly. Nothing. In fact he comes across as a guy to be afraid of because he will do what he means to do, even if people get killed.

That's typical of all dictators.

Remind me what he's ruined exactly. Nothing. In fact he comes across as a guy to be afraid of because he will do what he means to do, even if people get killed.

That's typical of all dictators.

He is doing a pretty good job of ruining the Russian economy. Moscow stock exchange is seeing a loss of over 60 billion, nobody wants their bonds and people are getting rid of rubles as fast as they can. It will probably drop in value to less than a US quarter. Long term, countries in Europe who have been decreasing their dependence on Russian gas and oil because of Putin's use of his main source of Russian income to implement political extrotion will be increasing the speed of removing themselves from this dependency.
first they agitated Russia and mocking Putin everyday, then waited for Putin's "aggressive reaction" and finally got some then say " see...I told you so!"

And that's not what happened.

Putin's been solidifying his power for quite some time now.

Typically dictators like to make enemies of people with little political power.


You mean he likes to "punish his enemies"?
Well, it is quite obvious no matter what our President does, you assholes will object to it. If he were to have a way to interject our military into the situation, he is a warmonger. If he and the EU resort to sanctions and economic measures, he is weak.

However, the situation remains. Do we let Putin start the re-establishment of the old Soviet empire? Apperantly, you people think this is a good idea, and are cheering Putin as one of your own.

No. But it IS obvious that despite the irrational, inept, horrific crap committed by Obumbler, you sycophantic Obumbler salad tossers will continue to praise it or simply pretend that all is well. If he inserts our military into situations without rhyme, reason or authority, you suddenly forget that you all detest the military and war. If he refuses to act where action is arguably not just important, but authorized, you douche bags will insist that he is showing leadership and that we should all "give peace a chance" and perhaps sing a chorus of Kumbaya. When his notion of talking tough and backing it up is to resort to weak-ass economic "sanctions," that's fine by you even if it accomplishes absolutely nothing and further erodes our ability to project even an appearance of strength and international credibility.

We may not have all that much of a meaningful say in whether Putin progresses in his evident desire to re-establish some version of the SOVIET Union. But the only ones "cheering on" Putin are you lolberal gasbags who endorse Obumbler's entirely empty ineffectual bombastic rhetoric and his ensing unwillingness and inability to back up his braying bravado.

And even now it doesn't dawn on you useful idiots that maybe -- hey -- this may NOT be the best time in world history for the United states to actively seek to REDUCE its own armed forces to pre WWII levels. So get back down there and toss more of the inept incumbent's sald. You're on the clock, bitches.
Translation: he's an embarrassed Republican.

I'm a "republican" who's against the war on drugs, opposes the wars in the middle east, opposes our military presence in the middle east, opposes other morality laws including gambling and prostitution and is pro choice. Unlike the Republicans, I'm also actually a fiscal conservative.

You're an idiot.

And that's the playbill for this evening's performance...
You did not support President Bush's decision to invade Iraq and remove Saddam Hussein?

Slow on the uptake, aren't you? No, I didn't, and you've seen me say that a hundred times. Now on the other hand, Democrats did. Which is what I mock you idiots for. The beauty of not being you is that I don't have to be a hypocrite to win political points. I also have long term memory. Saddam sucked, but he wasn't our problem.
first they agitated Russia and mocking Putin everyday, then waited for Putin's "aggressive reaction" and finally got some then say " see...I told you so!"

And that's not what happened.

Putin's been solidifying his power for quite some time now.

Typically dictators like to make enemies of people with little political power.


You mean he likes to "punish his enemies"?

I don't really know what you are getting at..

This is a typical and almost boilerplate move by someone seeking to consolidate power.

Make a weak, unpopular group a scapegoat for the masses.

It provides cover for all the undemocratic moves that a dictator makes.
I'm a "republican" who's against the war on drugs, opposes the wars in the middle east, opposes our military presence in the middle east, opposes other morality laws including gambling and prostitution and is pro choice. Unlike the Republicans, I'm also actually a fiscal conservative.

You're an idiot.

And that's the playbill for this evening's performance...
You did not support President Bush's decision to invade Iraq and remove Saddam Hussein?

He's a libertarian, dunce. That means he supports no military action until it's too late. And then what's the point?

See Synthahol, that's why i keep saying Republicans are just smarter than you people are. I don't agree with Rabbi's position, but he does at least grasps my actual position. He isn't all "duh, you're against Iraq?" and in the next conversation, you'll be "duh, you're against Iraq?" And the one after that.... Republicans on the other hand grasp it. That puts them well ahead of you.

To clarify though Rabbi, I would have attacked Afghanistan and devastated the Taliban and al Qaeda who actually attacked us. I just wouldn't have stayed and "nation built" which isn't working, didn't work for the Russians, and didn't work for the English, four times. I don't see how not attacking Iraq is waiting until it's "too late" since Iraq wasn't threatening us and we're not the policeman to the world. I would also massively open domestic energy so we are less dependent on bad people for energy.
Ain't nobody CHEERING PUTIN on, kiddies.

Those claiming that the other side are, are nothing but big fat liars.

Line on boys cause if you made that claim yes I am calling YOU a liar.
Remind me what he's ruined exactly. Nothing. In fact he comes across as a guy to be afraid of because he will do what he means to do, even if people get killed.

That's typical of all dictators.

He is doing a pretty good job of ruining the Russian economy. Moscow stock exchange is seeing a loss of over 60 billion, nobody wants their bonds and people are getting rid of rubles as fast as they can. It will probably drop in value to less than a US quarter. Long term, countries in Europe who have been decreasing their dependence on Russian gas and oil because of Putin's use of his main source of Russian income to implement political extrotion will be increasing the speed of removing themselves from this dependency.

Agree with you for the most part.

But the EU will be back at Russia's oil pump pretty soon.

There aren't really many good choices. :doubt:

Although it was somewhat encouraging that Merkel seems to think Putin has lost his mind.

Angela Merkel Says Vladimir Putin Is Out to Lunch | Mother Jones

But it was kind of hard to watch Kerry condemn Russia for the invasion. It was one of those moments that make you wince.

"You just don't in the 21st century behave in 19th century fashion by invading another country on completely trumped up pre-text," Kerry told the CBS program "Face the Nation."
Kerry condemns Russia's 'incredible act of aggression' in Ukraine | Reuters

Just about every Irony meter on the planet exploded at once.
The USA invades and destroys Iraq, with no just cause.

But we are going to condemn Russia for doing close to the same thing. Except for the claim on saving Russian nationals. We couldn't claim that in Iraq. (saving Americans).

If I were Putin I would tell us to stfu.

Thanks George Bush.

Hey how does Putin feel about personal weapons. Are Russians allowed to own any gun they want?
I don't think so. Yet you righties sure do love you some putin. LMAO. He would take your guns away in a heartbeat.
I am so sick and tired of these "when are repulicans going to quit beating their wives" threads. It seems that all the liberals have left is to start threads with false premises and then continue on as if they were true. Really pathetic.

My opinion is I don't like Obama's policies for a couple of reasons, the debt put on my children, our standing in the world has taken a big hit with the frat boy in the WH, and to me personally what has been the consequences of Obamacare to ME.

No one is cheering on Putin but maybe some are taking a twisted solace in knowing they were right about Obama/Clinton and their damn "reset" button. I bet Putin had a good laugh when they blathered that bit of BS. Putin is a egomaniac and his aggression should not have surprised anyone.

As for Putin riding a bear being an example of a leader, nope. Here's a better example, remember when we had pride in being American?

The USA invades and destroys Iraq, with no just cause.

But we are going to condemn Russia for doing close to the same thing. Except for the claim on saving Russian nationals. We couldn't claim that in Iraq. (saving Americans).

If I were Putin I would tell us to stfu.

Thanks George Bush.

Hey how does Putin feel about personal weapons. Are Russians allowed to own any gun they want?
I don't think so. Yet you righties sure do love you some putin. LMAO. He would take your guns away in a heartbeat.

American invades Iraq and Zeke lies about no cause....typical.
Ain't nobody CHEERING PUTIN on, kiddies.

Those claiming that the other side are, are nothing but big fat liars.

Line on boys cause if you made that claim yes I am calling YOU a liar.


Do you remember when it was considered poor form to criticize a sitting President dealing with an international crisis because patriotism demanded we set aside politics for the good of the country? Yeah, those days are over.

Today's Republicans haven't hesitated to compromise President Obama's authority with regard to Ukraine and Putin's activity in Crimea, all in the name of political scorekeeping. But Sally Kohn was having none of it.
Sally Kohn Says It: Republicans Are Cheering Putin On | Crooks and Liars

Giuliani: Putin Is More of a Leader Than Obama
On Fox, Giuliani Praises Putin: He's "What You Call A Leader," In Contrast To Obama | Video | Media Matters for America
The USA invades and destroys Iraq, with no just cause.

But we are going to condemn Russia for doing close to the same thing. Except for the claim on saving Russian nationals. We couldn't claim that in Iraq. (saving Americans).

If I were Putin I would tell us to stfu.

Thanks George Bush.

Hey how does Putin feel about personal weapons. Are Russians allowed to own any gun they want?
I don't think so. Yet you righties sure do love you some putin. LMAO. He would take your guns away in a heartbeat.

American invades Iraq and Zeke lies about no cause....typical.

There really wasn't a cause.


The US had been bullying and badgering Iraq for quite some time. And if it didn't sit on such a vast ocean of oil, no one would have really given a fuck about the human rights violations.

There's a bloodbath that's been going on in the Sudan for quite some time. No notice from the US..and there's plenty of other examples.

No the right wing of this country, feels that invasion was in any way justified. And in fact, it's made things a hell of a lot worse for the entire world.

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