Conservatives: do you believe that there are unfair criticisms made about Obama... other cons/repubs? Mainly by Republicans in office? What are some examples?

In the interest of fairness, I will openly admit that while I think Bush was a bad president, I don't believe he was the worst president of all time. He did do some good. I think he made conscious efforts to better certain social problems. He championed women's rights for instance.

I honestly think that if you cannot answer this question with solid examples, you have an unfair and unrealistic opinion about Obama's presidency. I'm not challenging you to change your overall opinion about him, I just want to know how many of you have a skewed perspective about him.

Yes there are always unfair criticisms of any politician by the other party it happens to Obama it happened to those who came before him and it will happen to those who follow him it happened to Romney in the 2012 election for good or bad it's part of politics. other cons/repubs? Mainly by Republicans in office? What are some examples?

In the interest of fairness, I will openly admit that while I think Bush was a bad president, I don't believe he was the worst president of all time. He did do some good. I think he made conscious efforts to better certain social problems. He championed women's rights for instance.

I honestly think that if you cannot answer this question with solid examples, you have an unfair and unrealistic opinion about Obama's presidency. I'm not challenging you to change your overall opinion about him, I just want to know how many of you have a skewed perspective about him.

I'm sure you will say I have a skewed perspective, but he deserves all of the criticism other than the racial slurs.

Yes you definitely do. other cons/repubs? Mainly by Republicans in office? What are some examples?

In the interest of fairness, I will openly admit that while I think Bush was a bad president, I don't believe he was the worst president of all time. He did do some good. I think he made conscious efforts to better certain social problems. He championed women's rights for instance.

I honestly think that if you cannot answer this question with solid examples, you have an unfair and unrealistic opinion about Obama's presidency. I'm not challenging you to change your overall opinion about him, I just want to know how many of you have a skewed perspective about him.

Yes, there are some statements he has made supporting Israel, I definitely approve of that. Whereas some might say he never said anything good, never did anything good - I think he has. I don't have an issue with him playing golf. I think there has been some unfair scrutiny of his interest in sports. I don't find it to be that important.

Although I think his cash for clunkers idea didn't achieve its claimed objective I'd give him points for helping to get some unsafe cars off the roads, giving car business a boost which at the time was languishing badly.. it also gave opportunity to some struggling people to own a better car because the trade in value on their junk was substantial. I disagree with his politics in general though.

I am a conservative. I tell you where I draw the line. I find that the Russians are on these boards and they enjoy making a mockery of Americans by making different comments about Obama being a girl - a homosexual - they will compare Putin to Obama. I disagree with joining some Russian losers in making a mockery of our own president no matter WHO it is. That includes Obama.

So that has changed my idea about what one should or should not say on a message board. I cannot see shaming ourselves further by joining the enemy in shaming our leaders. Disagree with our leaders on politics? Yes. Shame them? No. That is where the line should be drawn in my opinion.
Not really unfair criticism. But I can't allow myself to even have a thought about debilitating injury, illness, or even death. He's better than Joe Biden, who we would have to endure if anyting happened to him, and that's about all I'm going to give him.
For the OP, of course. The birther movement is the biggest example. That is sick and makes me angry. Fast and furious, he deserves a lot of criticism for that but it goes way too far when people start coming up with him plotting the downfall of guns by planning this program to fail. Much of his foreign policy is criticized far too much. The right will not give him ANY points here and I find that ridiculous after Bush’s foreign policy – particularly when many of the same people are supporting those decisions.

I think sometimes he's blamed unfairly but I do think the people he surrounds himself with makes most of the problems in government fall into his lap. That sort of goes with the job.

Obama is the first president I've seen that never gets blame for anything from the media even when it's obvious.

His greatest flaw is a failure to lead. He causes problems then acts like he's as indignant about them as the rest of us.

Never gets any blame for anything from the media? You have got to be kidding me. That is so far off it isn't even funny. Apparently you have never watched more than 10 minutes of Fox News. Every news network have criticized Obama. Even pundits on MSNBC on rare occasions has criticized him.

I have absolutely no respect for Fox News. They, probably even more so than Republicans in office, have severely skewed his reputation. Fox News is a powerful propaganda machine. I think they are ruining politics in this country.

You single out Fox but it is no different than MSNBC. You see, Fox is the natural evolution of a left leaning media. When half the country is consistently called idiots by the majority of the media and the remaining media outlets paint a picture that is at odds with them, they are going to find their news somewhere. Fox stepped up and now is essentially the ‘main stream’ media machine now. At least fox gives debate a chance. Most of the other networks don’t even bother.

I find it interesting that you singled them out. That shows a bias already. ALL television media is complete garbage now. None of them even bother to broadcast news anymore: 30 second clips and sensationalized bullshit sells better. Most people don’t even bother, they prefer to get their ‘news’ from comedians. Comedians!!

Televised media PERIOD is ruining politics. Blogs too, they don’t even bother looking like they follow reality and people eat that shit up.

Anyway, I think that the ‘never gets criticized at all’ comes from the fact that even when criticized, nothing sticks. He could go outside tomorrow and beat an orphan to death and it would not stick. It reminds me of Clinton. Personally, I think that this is growing out of the demonization of political views. No one actually knows what the other side even stands for anymore. The frothing mouth republicans look over and thing that democrats all stand for a Marxist takeover of the economy where everyone has a state job, enslaved by the state and pays 100 percent taxes. We all know that everyone on the left believes that we have no rights whatsoever as the state has all the rights; they want to steal all the guns in the country, end all religion and steal your children. The frothing at the mouth left all knows that the right worships corporations, want to send the poor to the fire showers and demand that you convert everyone to Christianity immediately (unless they are black or Mexican because all people on the right are racist). The utter demonization of any political opponent really breaks the system because you have a lot of partisan voters that are going to vote for anyone as the other candidate represents complete destruction.

We remember the last election. If Romney won, it was going to be the end of the world with abortion illegal, corporations running everything and the rich stealing all the money in the nation and if Obama won we were still going to see the end of the world with tax rates so high the rich would cease to exist, guns confiscated and the military vanished. Where is the room for actual debate when your opponent is the devil? other cons/repubs? Mainly by Republicans in office? What are some examples?

In the interest of fairness, I will openly admit that while I think Bush was a bad president, I don't believe he was the worst president of all time. He did do some good. I think he made conscious efforts to better certain social problems. He championed women's rights for instance.

I honestly think that if you cannot answer this question with solid examples, you have an unfair and unrealistic opinion about Obama's presidency. I'm not challenging you to change your overall opinion about him, I just want to know how many of you have a skewed perspective about him.

This brings up an important point.

Had republicans and conservatives maintained an actual policy of that of the loyal opposition, rather than the failed strategy of “Obama: always wrong, all the time,” criticism of the president would have some validity. Instead, conservative criticism of Obama falls on deaf ears, as the right suffers from the boy who cried wolf syndrome.

Moreover, the unwarranted and hyper-critical nature of the right’s animosity toward the president has made liberals and democrats loathe to criticize Obama, and understandably so, resulting in virtually no political dialogue continued gridlock.
Yeah, that's why even liberal pundits are hammering him after his disastrous news conference the other day....Even they are admitting that the man doesn't lead, and only tries to place the blame on others for his abject failures, and fully proven inability to lead.

Face it, the mans legacy will no doubt mirror that of Carter's, as a President who could not unite, and had an abject inability to lead.
I personally am more than capable of neurotically switching between the big 3 (FOX, CNN, MSNBC) and drawing my own conclusions.
For the OP, of course. The birther movement is the biggest example. That is sick and makes me angry. Fast and furious, he deserves a lot of criticism for that but it goes way too far when people start coming up with him plotting the downfall of guns by planning this program to fail. Much of his foreign policy is criticized far too much. The right will not give him ANY points here and I find that ridiculous after Bush’s foreign policy – particularly when many of the same people are supporting those decisions.

I think sometimes he's blamed unfairly but I do think the people he surrounds himself with makes most of the problems in government fall into his lap. That sort of goes with the job.

Obama is the first president I've seen that never gets blame for anything from the media even when it's obvious.

His greatest flaw is a failure to lead. He causes problems then acts like he's as indignant about them as the rest of us.

Never gets any blame for anything from the media? You have got to be kidding me. That is so far off it isn't even funny. Apparently you have never watched more than 10 minutes of Fox News. Every news network have criticized Obama. Even pundits on MSNBC on rare occasions has criticized him.

I have absolutely no respect for Fox News. They, probably even more so than Republicans in office, have severely skewed his reputation. Fox News is a powerful propaganda machine. I think they are ruining politics in this country.

You single out Fox but it is no different than MSNBC. You see, Fox is the natural evolution of a left leaning media. When half the country is consistently called idiots by the majority of the media and the remaining media outlets paint a picture that is at odds with them, they are going to find their news somewhere. Fox stepped up and now is essentially the ‘main stream’ media machine now. At least fox gives debate a chance. Most of the other networks don’t even bother.

I find it interesting that you singled them out. That shows a bias already. ALL television media is complete garbage now. None of them even bother to broadcast news anymore: 30 second clips and sensationalized bullshit sells better. Most people don’t even bother, they prefer to get their ‘news’ from comedians. Comedians!!

Televised media PERIOD is ruining politics. Blogs too, they don’t even bother looking like they follow reality and people eat that shit up.

Anyway, I think that the ‘never gets criticized at all’ comes from the fact that even when criticized, nothing sticks. He could go outside tomorrow and beat an orphan to death and it would not stick. It reminds me of Clinton. Personally, I think that this is growing out of the demonization of political views. No one actually knows what the other side even stands for anymore. The frothing mouth republicans look over and thing that democrats all stand for a Marxist takeover of the economy where everyone has a state job, enslaved by the state and pays 100 percent taxes. We all know that everyone on the left believes that we have no rights whatsoever as the state has all the rights; they want to steal all the guns in the country, end all religion and steal your children. The frothing at the mouth left all knows that the right worships corporations, want to send the poor to the fire showers and demand that you convert everyone to Christianity immediately (unless they are black or Mexican because all people on the right are racist). The utter demonization of any political opponent really breaks the system because you have a lot of partisan voters that are going to vote for anyone as the other candidate represents complete destruction.

We remember the last election. If Romney won, it was going to be the end of the world with abortion illegal, corporations running everything and the rich stealing all the money in the nation and if Obama won we were still going to see the end of the world with tax rates so high the rich would cease to exist, guns confiscated and the military vanished. Where is the room for actual debate when your opponent is the devil?

I like what you said about Obama. Definitely the best response so far.

I stand by singling out Fox News. Every network has a bias, but there are different levels of bias. I don't like MSNBC. I think it is a irresponsible news network, but it doesn't measure up to the lack of integrity that Fox has. There are key differences between the networks:

MSNBC has one conservative pundit (Morning Joe). Fox News doesn't even have one liberal pundit.

MSNBC is at least honest about its bias (slogan: "Lean Forward"). Fox News is not (slogan: "Fair and Balanced News").

Fox News is a business first and a news network second. They are ruthless and uncompromising. I really don't believe that MSNBC is as predatory as Fox News. I don't believe that they are as aggressive.

I mean sure you can make an argument that Fox News is just a response to the liberal bias you'll see on TV, but i believe Fox goes above and beyond. I will give the producers of Fox credit. They are damn good at what they do. They know how to pull an audience. They are a powerful news network. The popularity of it is unbelievable and they take full advantage of it. I don't think there is enough awareness about how distorted it is and there needs to be.

I advise anyone to avoid watching either network, however. other cons/repubs? Mainly by Republicans in office? What are some examples?

In the interest of fairness, I will openly admit that while I think Bush was a bad president, I don't believe he was the worst president of all time. He did do some good. I think he made conscious efforts to better certain social problems. He championed women's rights for instance.

I honestly think that if you cannot answer this question with solid examples, you have an unfair and unrealistic opinion about Obama's presidency. I'm not challenging you to change your overall opinion about him, I just want to know how many of you have a skewed perspective about him.

This brings up an important point.

Had republicans and conservatives maintained an actual policy of that of the loyal opposition, rather than the failed strategy of “Obama: always wrong, all the time,” criticism of the president would have some validity. Instead, conservative criticism of Obama falls on deaf ears, as the right suffers from the boy who cried wolf syndrome.

Moreover, the unwarranted and hyper-critical nature of the right’s animosity toward the president has made liberals and democrats loathe to criticize Obama, and understandably so, resulting in virtually no political dialogue continued gridlock.

lol, you Obamabot hacks would never criticize him..stop with the goofy spin other cons/repubs? Mainly by Republicans in office? What are some examples?

In the interest of fairness, I will openly admit that while I think Bush was a bad president, I don't believe he was the worst president of all time. He did do some good. I think he made conscious efforts to better certain social problems. He championed women's rights for instance.

I honestly think that if you cannot answer this question with solid examples, you have an unfair and unrealistic opinion about Obama's presidency. I'm not challenging you to change your overall opinion about him, I just want to know how many of you have a skewed perspective about him.

I fully acknowledge that he is one of the most beloved entertainers of our generation!

When he does that jog down the steps of Air Force 1, with his little arms folded....doing an impression of a Tyrannosaurus rex!.... could knock me over with a feather!
Legitimate criticisms of Obama include but are not limited to:
1. Obama hired Geithner and Holder, scum committed to hiding the past rather than exposing it and prosecuting it
2. Obama agreed to bailing out AIG/Goldman et al at 100c on the dollar instead of negotiating prices at or below market price, and worse
3. Obama failed absolutely to reign in speculative abuses in commodities trading and in off-radar derivatives markets
4. Obama's stimulus, supply-side in principle, put money into state and local governments, then expected "trickle down" to hoi polloi. It didn't.
5. Obama didn't end the Bush tax cuts in 2010. That is a lot bigger failure than generally acknowledged.
6. Obama got suckered by the insurance industry. Healthcare is likely Obama's Iraq/Afghanistan in the sense that war won't be over in 2016.
Ultimately Obama is, as Reagan, Junebug Bush and Clinton were not either, simply not up to the job. All these presidents depended on "experts" more than, say, IKE, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, and Pap Bush needed to. And ultimately every one of them fucked America continuing wild-eyed spending and promoting group rights (yes, corporations are, like Blacks, Latinos, etc., a class or a group) over individual rights.

The best president since 1980 was old man Bush, and he was a step down from Nixon, but the white trash scum of the earth drove him from office in 1992 for dialing back ReagaNUT voodoo econ by cutting defense after winning a war. Nothing that competent is even on the horizon.

GHWB gave us Clarence Thomas, the failure that keeps on failing.
Legitimate criticisms of Obama include but are not limited to:
1. Obama hired Geithner and Holder, scum committed to hiding the past rather than exposing it and prosecuting it
2. Obama agreed to bailing out AIG/Goldman et al at 100c on the dollar instead of negotiating prices at or below market price, and worse
3. Obama failed absolutely to reign in speculative abuses in commodities trading and in off-radar derivatives markets
4. Obama's stimulus, supply-side in principle, put money into state and local governments, then expected "trickle down" to hoi polloi. It didn't.
5. Obama didn't end the Bush tax cuts in 2010. That is a lot bigger failure than generally acknowledged.
6. Obama got suckered by the insurance industry. Healthcare is likely Obama's Iraq/Afghanistan in the sense that war won't be over in 2016.
Ultimately Obama is, as Reagan, Junebug Bush and Clinton were not either, simply not up to the job. All these presidents depended on "experts" more than, say, IKE, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, and Pap Bush needed to. And ultimately every one of them fucked America continuing wild-eyed spending and promoting group rights (yes, corporations are, like Blacks, Latinos, etc., a class or a group) over individual rights.

The best president since 1980 was old man Bush, and he was a step down from Nixon, but the white trash scum of the earth drove him from office in 1992 for dialing back ReagaNUT voodoo econ by cutting defense after winning a war. Nothing that competent is even on the horizon.

GHWB gave us Clarence Thomas, the failure that keeps on failing.

C_Chamber_Pot never fails to fail.

Once again the Pot offers opinion severely at odds with one who actually knows something about the law and lawyers....

Jeffrey Toobin:
"In several of the most important areas of constitutional law, Thomas has emerged as an intellectual leader of the Supreme Court. Since the arrival of Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr., in 2005, and Justice Samuel A. Alito, Jr., in 2006, the Court has moved to the right when it comes to the free-speech rights of corporations, the rights of gun owners, and, potentially, the powers of the federal government; in each of these areas, the majority has followed where Thomas has been leading for a decade or more. Rarely has a Supreme Court Justice enjoyed such broad or significant vindication."
New Blue Nightmare: Clarence Thomas and the Amendment of Doom | Via Meadia


The Thomases vs. Obama’s Health-Care Plan : The New Yorker

Pot should only open his mouth to change feet.
For the OP, of course. The birther movement is the biggest example. That is sick and makes me angry. Fast and furious, he deserves a lot of criticism for that but it goes way too far when people start coming up with him plotting the downfall of guns by planning this program to fail. Much of his foreign policy is criticized far too much. The right will not give him ANY points here and I find that ridiculous after Bush’s foreign policy – particularly when many of the same people are supporting those decisions.

I think sometimes he's blamed unfairly but I do think the people he surrounds himself with makes most of the problems in government fall into his lap. That sort of goes with the job.

Obama is the first president I've seen that never gets blame for anything from the media even when it's obvious.

His greatest flaw is a failure to lead. He causes problems then acts like he's as indignant about them as the rest of us.

Never gets any blame for anything from the media? You have got to be kidding me. That is so far off it isn't even funny. Apparently you have never watched more than 10 minutes of Fox News. Every news network have criticized Obama. Even pundits on MSNBC on rare occasions has criticized him.

I have absolutely no respect for Fox News. They, probably even more so than Republicans in office, have severely skewed his reputation. Fox News is a powerful propaganda machine. I think they are ruining politics in this country.

You single out Fox but it is no different than MSNBC. You see, Fox is the natural evolution of a left leaning media. When half the country is consistently called idiots by the majority of the media and the remaining media outlets paint a picture that is at odds with them, they are going to find their news somewhere. Fox stepped up and now is essentially the ‘main stream’ media machine now. At least fox gives debate a chance. Most of the other networks don’t even bother.

I find it interesting that you singled them out. That shows a bias already. ALL television media is complete garbage now. None of them even bother to broadcast news anymore: 30 second clips and sensationalized bullshit sells better. Most people don’t even bother, they prefer to get their ‘news’ from comedians. Comedians!!

Televised media PERIOD is ruining politics. Blogs too, they don’t even bother looking like they follow reality and people eat that shit up.

Anyway, I think that the ‘never gets criticized at all’ comes from the fact that even when criticized, nothing sticks. He could go outside tomorrow and beat an orphan to death and it would not stick. It reminds me of Clinton. Personally, I think that this is growing out of the demonization of political views. No one actually knows what the other side even stands for anymore. The frothing mouth republicans look over and thing that democrats all stand for a Marxist takeover of the economy where everyone has a state job, enslaved by the state and pays 100 percent taxes. We all know that everyone on the left believes that we have no rights whatsoever as the state has all the rights; they want to steal all the guns in the country, end all religion and steal your children. The frothing at the mouth left all knows that the right worships corporations, want to send the poor to the fire showers and demand that you convert everyone to Christianity immediately (unless they are black or Mexican because all people on the right are racist). The utter demonization of any political opponent really breaks the system because you have a lot of partisan voters that are going to vote for anyone as the other candidate represents complete destruction.

We remember the last election. If Romney won, it was going to be the end of the world with abortion illegal, corporations running everything and the rich stealing all the money in the nation and if Obama won we were still going to see the end of the world with tax rates so high the rich would cease to exist, guns confiscated and the military vanished. Where is the room for actual debate when your opponent is the devil?

Well said. I don't agree with 100% of it but well said none the less. other cons/repubs? Mainly by Republicans in office? What are some examples?

In the interest of fairness, I will openly admit that while I think Bush was a bad president, I don't believe he was the worst president of all time. He did do some good. I think he made conscious efforts to better certain social problems. He championed women's rights for instance.

I honestly think that if you cannot answer this question with solid examples, you have an unfair and unrealistic opinion about Obama's presidency. I'm not challenging you to change your overall opinion about him, I just want to know how many of you have a skewed perspective about him.

There are for all intents and purposes, NO criticisms of Obama coming from the left/MSM. That says it all. He is a fiction and a farce. other cons/repubs? Mainly by Republicans in office? What are some examples?

In the interest of fairness, I will openly admit that while I think Bush was a bad president, I don't believe he was the worst president of all time. He did do some good. I think he made conscious efforts to better certain social problems. He championed women's rights for instance.

I honestly think that if you cannot answer this question with solid examples, you have an unfair and unrealistic opinion about Obama's presidency. I'm not challenging you to change your overall opinion about him, I just want to know how many of you have a skewed perspective about him.

I fully acknowledge that he is one of the most beloved entertainers of our generation!

When he does that jog down the steps of Air Force 1, with his little arms folded....doing an impression of a Tyrannosaurus rex!.... could knock me over with a feather!

Eloquently put post, I'll give you that. Very disappointing in substance though. other cons/repubs? Mainly by Republicans in office? What are some examples?

In the interest of fairness, I will openly admit that while I think Bush was a bad president, I don't believe he was the worst president of all time. He did do some good. I think he made conscious efforts to better certain social problems. He championed women's rights for instance.

I honestly think that if you cannot answer this question with solid examples, you have an unfair and unrealistic opinion about Obama's presidency. I'm not challenging you to change your overall opinion about him, I just want to know how many of you have a skewed perspective about him.

I fully acknowledge that he is one of the most beloved entertainers of our generation!

When he does that jog down the steps of Air Force 1, with his little arms folded....doing an impression of a Tyrannosaurus rex!.... could knock me over with a feather!

Eloquently put post, I'll give you that. Very disappointing in substance though.

"Very disappointing in substance though."

Funny you should say that, Billy-O!

That is my impression, and, no doubt, will be history's, of Barack Hussein Obama, mmm mmm mmm!
You couldn't even qualify to suck the sweat off of his balls kid.

Wanna be pretenders like you will always be stuck chasing ambulances.

Legitimate criticisms of Obama include but are not limited to:
1. Obama hired Geithner and Holder, scum committed to hiding the past rather than exposing it and prosecuting it
2. Obama agreed to bailing out AIG/Goldman et al at 100c on the dollar instead of negotiating prices at or below market price, and worse
3. Obama failed absolutely to reign in speculative abuses in commodities trading and in off-radar derivatives markets
4. Obama's stimulus, supply-side in principle, put money into state and local governments, then expected "trickle down" to hoi polloi. It didn't.
5. Obama didn't end the Bush tax cuts in 2010. That is a lot bigger failure than generally acknowledged.
6. Obama got suckered by the insurance industry. Healthcare is likely Obama's Iraq/Afghanistan in the sense that war won't be over in 2016.
Ultimately Obama is, as Reagan, Junebug Bush and Clinton were not either, simply not up to the job. All these presidents depended on "experts" more than, say, IKE, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, and Pap Bush needed to. And ultimately every one of them fucked America continuing wild-eyed spending and promoting group rights (yes, corporations are, like Blacks, Latinos, etc., a class or a group) over individual rights.

The best president since 1980 was old man Bush, and he was a step down from Nixon, but the white trash scum of the earth drove him from office in 1992 for dialing back ReagaNUT voodoo econ by cutting defense after winning a war. Nothing that competent is even on the horizon.

GHWB gave us Clarence Thomas, the failure that keeps on failing.

C_Chamber_Pot never fails to fail.

Once again the Pot offers opinion severely at odds with one who actually knows something about the law and lawyers....

Jeffrey Toobin:
"In several of the most important areas of constitutional law, Thomas has emerged as an intellectual leader of the Supreme Court. Since the arrival of Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr., in 2005, and Justice Samuel A. Alito, Jr., in 2006, the Court has moved to the right when it comes to the free-speech rights of corporations, the rights of gun owners, and, potentially, the powers of the federal government; in each of these areas, the majority has followed where Thomas has been leading for a decade or more. Rarely has a Supreme Court Justice enjoyed such broad or significant vindication."
New Blue Nightmare: Clarence Thomas and the Amendment of Doom | Via Meadia


The Thomases vs. Obama’s Health-Care Plan : The New Yorker

Pot should only open his mouth to change feet.
I fully acknowledge that he is one of the most beloved entertainers of our generation!

When he does that jog down the steps of Air Force 1, with his little arms folded....doing an impression of a Tyrannosaurus rex!.... could knock me over with a feather!

Eloquently put post, I'll give you that. Very disappointing in substance though.

"Very disappointing in substance though."

Funny you should say that, Billy-O!

That is my impression, and, no doubt, will be history's, of Barack Hussein Obama, mmm mmm mmm!

I just don't get it. You're obviously witty and funny, yet you seem to lack basic critical thinking skills. What's that about?

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