Conservatives: do you believe that there are unfair criticisms made about Obama...

All Presidents have been unfairly criticized. On Obama:

1. The slow economic growth. The economic meltdown we experienced before he took office was unlike any we have seen since the Great Depression. I doubt anybody could have fixed it as fast as some Republicans wanted Obama to.

2. Fast and Furious. It was a case of government incompetence. Being the man in charge, he deserves some criticism, but not at the level that some Republicans have done.

3. Benghazi. This issue is akin to blaming Bush for 9/11.

4. The credit downgrade. Both parties being unwilling to compromise was to blame for that.

I could probably go on for a while, but my eyes eyes are starting to droop.
Please explain how Benghazi compares to 9/11, before your eyes fully droop ......This ought to be a fuckin' hoot.

Both had warnings leading up to the attacks. Could both have done more? Maybe. Was anything going to stop the attacks from happening? Probably not.
All Presidents have been unfairly criticized. On Obama:

1. The slow economic growth. The economic meltdown we experienced before he took office was unlike any we have seen since the Great Depression. I doubt anybody could have fixed it as fast as some Republicans wanted Obama to.

2. Fast and Furious. It was a case of government incompetence. Being the man in charge, he deserves some criticism, but not at the level that some Republicans have done.

3. Benghazi. This issue is akin to blaming Bush for 9/11.

4. The credit downgrade. Both parties being unwilling to compromise was to blame for that.

I could probably go on for a while, but my eyes eyes are starting to droop.
Please explain how Benghazi compares to 9/11, before your eyes fully droop ......This ought to be a fuckin' hoot.

Both had warnings leading up to the attacks. Could both have done more? Maybe. Was anything going to stop the attacks from happening? Probably not.

Did Bush go one TV and blame a Youtube video no one had seen for a spontaneous attack on airliners? No, I didnt think so either.
Comparison fail.
All Presidents have been unfairly criticized. On Obama:

1. The slow economic growth. The economic meltdown we experienced before he took office was unlike any we have seen since the Great Depression. I doubt anybody could have fixed it as fast as some Republicans wanted Obama to.

Which means the recovery should have been the strongest growth on record. That is the historical pattern.
Instead we got the worst growth of any recovery, with stubborn high unemployment that is masked by people going on disability and quitting looking.
His economic policies are so bad not a single one of his econ advisors from his first year are still in the administraton.
GHWB gave us Clarence Thomas, the failure that keeps on failing.

C_Chamber_Pot never fails to fail.

Once again the Pot offers opinion severely at odds with one who actually knows something about the law and lawyers....

Jeffrey Toobin:
"In several of the most important areas of constitutional law, Thomas has emerged as an intellectual leader of the Supreme Court. Since the arrival of Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr., in 2005, and Justice Samuel A. Alito, Jr., in 2006, the Court has moved to the right when it comes to the free-speech rights of corporations, the rights of gun owners, and, potentially, the powers of the federal government; in each of these areas, the majority has followed where Thomas has been leading for a decade or more. Rarely has a Supreme Court Justice enjoyed such broad or significant vindication."
New Blue Nightmare: Clarence Thomas and the Amendment of Doom | Via Meadia


The Thomases vs. Obama’s Health-Care Plan : The New Yorker

Pot should only open his mouth to change feet.

Intellectual leader of the SC? How can anyone tell? He never says anything. He never asks any questions. He's like a lifelike animatronic robot that just rubber stamps anything that Scalia says.

There's nothing wrong with you that couldn't be cured with
a little Prozac and a polo mallet. other cons/repubs? Mainly by Republicans in office? What are some examples?

In the interest of fairness, I will openly admit that while I think Bush was a bad president, I don't believe he was the worst president of all time. He did do some good. I think he made conscious efforts to better certain social problems. He championed women's rights for instance.

I honestly think that if you cannot answer this question with solid examples, you have an unfair and unrealistic opinion about Obama's presidency. I'm not challenging you to change your overall opinion about him, I just want to know how many of you have a skewed perspective about him.

I couldn't care less if any criticism of him is unfair. I support whatever it takes to defeat him.

I just hate him because I hate him? Believe he's black. That's it, right? Kinda knew that. other cons/repubs? Mainly by Republicans in office? What are some examples?

In the interest of fairness, I will openly admit that while I think Bush was a bad president, I don't believe he was the worst president of all time. He did do some good. I think he made conscious efforts to better certain social problems. He championed women's rights for instance.

I honestly think that if you cannot answer this question with solid examples, you have an unfair and unrealistic opinion about Obama's presidency. I'm not challenging you to change your overall opinion about him, I just want to know how many of you have a skewed perspective about him.

I couldn't care less if any criticism of him is unfair. I support whatever it takes to defeat him.

You are the only one admitting the truth. All rightwingers just hate him for being him.

There the rub. Party over country.
GHWB gave us Clarence Thomas, the failure that keeps on failing.

C_Chamber_Pot never fails to fail.

Once again the Pot offers opinion severely at odds with one who actually knows something about the law and lawyers....

Jeffrey Toobin:
"In several of the most important areas of constitutional law, Thomas has emerged as an intellectual leader of the Supreme Court. Since the arrival of Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr., in 2005, and Justice Samuel A. Alito, Jr., in 2006, the Court has moved to the right when it comes to the free-speech rights of corporations, the rights of gun owners, and, potentially, the powers of the federal government; in each of these areas, the majority has followed where Thomas has been leading for a decade or more. Rarely has a Supreme Court Justice enjoyed such broad or significant vindication."
New Blue Nightmare: Clarence Thomas and the Amendment of Doom | Via Meadia


The Thomases vs. Obama’s Health-Care Plan : The New Yorker

Pot should only open his mouth to change feet.

Intellectual leader of the SC? How can anyone tell? He never says anything. He never asks any questions. He's like a lifelike animatronic robot that just rubber stamps anything that Scalia says.

Well, he has at least deigned to write his ‘thoughts’ in was passes for legal opinion.

Justice Thomas is a blind partisan ideologue, a libertarian extremist more dedicated to Social Darwinism than Constitutional case law.

Thomas’ opinion McDonald v. Chicago, for example, incorporating the Second Amendment to the states and local jurisdictions, is a diatribe of reactionary mythology predicated on no sound or accepted judicial tradition; even Scalia broke ranks with Thomas and affirmed incorporation doctrine.

Justice Thomas is entitled to his opinions, and has to right to play the role of the brave iconoclast; but his opinions rarely have any basis in settled and accepted case law, and are consequently irrelevant, he is not perceived as being any sort of ‘intellectual’ by the legal community. And indeed his opinions are at times regarded as irresponsible and reckless, as was the case with McDonald.
Please explain how Benghazi compares to 9/11, before your eyes fully droop ......This ought to be a fuckin' hoot.

Both had warnings leading up to the attacks. Could both have done more? Maybe. Was anything going to stop the attacks from happening? Probably not.

Did Bush go one TV and blame a Youtube video no one had seen for a spontaneous attack on airliners? No, I didnt think so either.
Comparison fail.
Nor did Bush engage in a blatant cover-up, or intimidation of witnesses....It's shaping up to be a very bad week for the completely inept Obama and equally inept cronies, as the witnesses will be speaking, and exposing the attempted cover-up along with the threats and intimidation.

Kudos to FOX News for sticking with the story, as those media entities who are in Obama's back pocket avoid it like the plague...And we all know why they are avoiding it like the plague.
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Both had warnings leading up to the attacks. Could both have done more? Maybe. Was anything going to stop the attacks from happening? Probably not.

Did Bush go one TV and blame a Youtube video no one had seen for a spontaneous attack on airliners? No, I didnt think so either.
Comparison fail.
Nor did Bush engage in a blatant cover-up, or intimidation of witnesses....It's shaping up to be a very bad week for the completely inept Obama and and equally inept cronies, as the witnesses will be speaking, and exposing the attempted cover-up along with the threats and intimidation.

Kudos to FOX News for sticking with the story, as those media entities who are in Obama's back pocket avoid it like the plague...And we all know why they are avoiding it like the plague.

Christ of course Fox News is going to stick to the story. You act like they are doing something daring and ballsy. They will beat to death and distort any story that even remotely goes against Obama. You really can't trust anything Fox has to say.
Did Bush go one TV and blame a Youtube video no one had seen for a spontaneous attack on airliners? No, I didnt think so either.
Comparison fail.
Nor did Bush engage in a blatant cover-up, or intimidation of witnesses....It's shaping up to be a very bad week for the completely inept Obama and and equally inept cronies, as the witnesses will be speaking, and exposing the attempted cover-up along with the threats and intimidation.

Kudos to FOX News for sticking with the story, as those media entities who are in Obama's back pocket avoid it like the plague...And we all know why they are avoiding it like the plague.

Christ of course Fox News is going to stick to the story. You act like they are doing something daring and ballsy. They will beat to death and distort any story that even remotely goes against Obama. You really can't trust anything Fox has to say.

Soooooo, you're just dismissing the mounting evidence of a cover-up, because FOX News is sticking with the story, as ALL media should be, seeing as though there are four of your fellow Americans who are as dead as door nails, because of the abject failures of this President, his administration, and SD. And are involved in witness intimidation and attempted cover-up?

Yep, it's shaping up to be a very bad week for the inept clown and his cronies,....and, the families of those four dead Americans should scream for justice against this President and cronies, for their abject disgusting acts, after the shit hits the fan this week.

"I never read the memo's, and as far I know, nobody in my department read the memo's"

Fucking disgusting!:evil:
Nor did Bush engage in a blatant cover-up, or intimidation of witnesses....It's shaping up to be a very bad week for the completely inept Obama and and equally inept cronies, as the witnesses will be speaking, and exposing the attempted cover-up along with the threats and intimidation.

Kudos to FOX News for sticking with the story, as those media entities who are in Obama's back pocket avoid it like the plague...And we all know why they are avoiding it like the plague.

Christ of course Fox News is going to stick to the story. You act like they are doing something daring and ballsy. They will beat to death and distort any story that even remotely goes against Obama. You really can't trust anything Fox has to say.

Soooooo, you're just dismissing the mounting evidence of a cover-up, because FOX News is sticking with the story, as ALL media should be, seeing as though there are four of your fellow Americans who are as dead as door nails, because of the abject failures of this President, his administration, and SD. And are involved in witness intimidation and attempted cover-up?

Yep, it's shaping up to be a very bad week for the inept clown and his cronies,....and, the families of those four dead Americans should scream for justice against this President and cronies, for their abject disgusting acts, after the shit hits the fan this week.

"I never read the memo's, and as far I know, nobody in my department read the memo's"

Fucking disgusting!:evil:

I never dismissed anything jackass.
Christ of course Fox News is going to stick to the story. You act like they are doing something daring and ballsy. They will beat to death and distort any story that even remotely goes against Obama. You really can't trust anything Fox has to say.

Soooooo, you're just dismissing the mounting evidence of a cover-up, because FOX News is sticking with the story, as ALL media should be, seeing as though there are four of your fellow Americans who are as dead as door nails, because of the abject failures of this President, his administration, and SD. And are involved in witness intimidation and attempted cover-up?

Yep, it's shaping up to be a very bad week for the inept clown and his cronies,....and, the families of those four dead Americans should scream for justice against this President and cronies, for their abject disgusting acts, after the shit hits the fan this week.

"I never read the memo's, and as far I know, nobody in my department read the memo's"

Fucking disgusting!:evil:

I never dismissed anything jackass.
Uh, yes, actually, you did.....But, that's to be expected from you Obamabot loons, as you will NEVER hold this inept President accountable for any of the growing number of abject failures, and downright dirty actions he has engaged, and is currently engaging in.

Soooooo, you're just dismissing the mounting evidence of a cover-up, because FOX News is sticking with the story, as ALL media should be, seeing as though there are four of your fellow Americans who are as dead as door nails, because of the abject failures of this President, his administration, and SD. And are involved in witness intimidation and attempted cover-up?

Yep, it's shaping up to be a very bad week for the inept clown and his cronies,....and, the families of those four dead Americans should scream for justice against this President and cronies, for their abject disgusting acts, after the shit hits the fan this week.

"I never read the memo's, and as far I know, nobody in my department read the memo's"

Fucking disgusting!:evil:

I never dismissed anything jackass.
Uh, yes, actually, you did.....But, that's to be expected from you Obamabot loons, as you will NEVER hold this inept President accountable for any of the growing number of abject failures, and downright dirty actions he has engaged, and is currently engaging in.

Lol do you even listen to yourself?

I get it though. Liberals are all the same. They all think the same. They NEVER hold Obama accountable. Yes, all of that sounds realistic.
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I never dismissed anything jackass.
Uh, yes, actually, you did.....But, that's to be expected from you Obamabot loons, as you will NEVER hold this inept President accountable for any of the growing number of abject failures, and downright dirty actions he has engaged, and is currently engaging in.

Lol do you even listen to yourself?

I get it though. Liberals are all the same. They all think the same. They NEVER hold Obama accountable. Yes, all of that sounds realistic. realistic as the sun setting this evening, only to rise again tomorrow morning.

It is what it is with you Obamabots, sadly.:(
Do I think that there are some unfair criticisms of the President? Yes, I do. There are "some" policies of his I actually agree with. Not many, but there are some. Some of his policies, I see the "intent" and believe his "intent" is good, but his action is wrong because he has this BIG GOVERNMENT mentality.

I agree with the use of drones in both Pakistan and Yemen to take out Al Queda leadership and members. This is a GOBAL WAR ON TERRORISM. You have to follow these cockroaches and then stomp on them when you find them.

I agree with the "winding down" of activities in Afghanistan. GWB's policy of "nation building" was ill-conceived. You going to build out-houses for a group of people who have no idea what an out-house or sanitation is? Kill the Taliban and Al-Quida then come home and tell them that if you have to come back, you're going to finish the job on everyone.

I understand where he is coming from on the guns. I am a member of the NRA and Gun Owners of America and I really do understand where it is coming from. I want the violence to stop as well. But it is misconstrued and wrong-headed. It's not the guns, that is a symptom. The disease is whats happening to society and I'm not sure that the government can solve it.

I understand where he is coming from on same-sex marriage. You WANT to be charitable. He's wrong because if you declare a national answer, like Roe v Wade, you're going to have a problem which will NEVER be solved (just like Roe v Wade). Don't think of a national mandate, think of a state-by-state answer. And NO, this is NOT a civil rights issue.

The issue is his outlook to me is unbelievable. Liberals cry about "government coming into the bedroom". Yet, they do the EXACT same thing on a much larger scale and certainly many more rooms. I don't want it in my bedroom, or my kitchen or anywhere else for that matter. The only thing for certain is that if you want to SCREW IT UP, get government involved. You'll muck it up for sure then.
Do I think that there are some unfair criticisms of the President? Yes, I do. There are "some" policies of his I actually agree with. Not many, but there are some. Some of his policies, I see the "intent" and believe his "intent" is good, but his action is wrong because he has this BIG GOVERNMENT mentality.

I agree with the use of drones in both Pakistan and Yemen to take out Al Queda leadership and members. This is a GOBAL WAR ON TERRORISM. You have to follow these cockroaches and then stomp on them when you find them.

I agree with the "winding down" of activities in Afghanistan. GWB's policy of "nation building" was ill-conceived. You going to build out-houses for a group of people who have no idea what an out-house or sanitation is? Kill the Taliban and Al-Quida then come home and tell them that if you have to come back, you're going to finish the job on everyone.

I understand where he is coming from on the guns. I am a member of the NRA and Gun Owners of America and I really do understand where it is coming from. I want the violence to stop as well. But it is misconstrued and wrong-headed. It's not the guns, that is a symptom. The disease is whats happening to society and I'm not sure that the government can solve it.

I understand where he is coming from on same-sex marriage. You WANT to be charitable. He's wrong because if you declare a national answer, like Roe v Wade, you're going to have a problem which will NEVER be solved (just like Roe v Wade). Don't think of a national mandate, think of a state-by-state answer. And NO, this is NOT a civil rights issue.

The issue is his outlook to me is unbelievable. Liberals cry about "government coming into the bedroom". Yet, they do the EXACT same thing on a much larger scale and certainly many more rooms. I don't want it in my bedroom, or my kitchen or anywhere else for that matter. The only thing for certain is that if you want to SCREW IT UP, get government involved. You'll muck it up for sure then.

USAF Sniper?? LOL Great joke!!

When I was in Nam' the Air force enlisted guys were known as the fancy lads, cargo handlers who had air conditioned barracks . :laugh2::laugh2: Real girliemen
C_Chamber_Pot never fails to fail.

Once again the Pot offers opinion severely at odds with one who actually knows something about the law and lawyers....

Jeffrey Toobin:
"In several of the most important areas of constitutional law, Thomas has emerged as an intellectual leader of the Supreme Court. Since the arrival of Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr., in 2005, and Justice Samuel A. Alito, Jr., in 2006, the Court has moved to the right when it comes to the free-speech rights of corporations, the rights of gun owners, and, potentially, the powers of the federal government; in each of these areas, the majority has followed where Thomas has been leading for a decade or more. Rarely has a Supreme Court Justice enjoyed such broad or significant vindication."
New Blue Nightmare: Clarence Thomas and the Amendment of Doom | Via Meadia


The Thomases vs. Obama’s Health-Care Plan : The New Yorker

Pot should only open his mouth to change feet.

Intellectual leader of the SC? How can anyone tell? He never says anything. He never asks any questions. He's like a lifelike animatronic robot that just rubber stamps anything that Scalia says.

There's nothing wrong with you that couldn't be cured with
a little Prozac and a polo mallet.

Whereas with you it would take massive doses of Thorazine and a buttplug.
"However, it was undeniable that the stimulus package greatly...."
Of course it's deniable.... thing you'll say is that FDR's stimulus solved the depression.

Undeniable=cannot be proven.
The best argument libs have.

Generalizing: the rationalization many conservatives use to demonize their opponents so they can feel safe thinking one sided about any political topic.

Sorry but your statements that it is ‘undeniable that the stimulus package greatly helped’ anything is no more ‘generalized,' partisan or one sided than that of the comments that you are berating. Most of the claims of jobs saved or created center around models that do not take reality into consideration and, instead, base their numbers wholly off of predictions based on past economic realities. Those previous economic occurrences are based off entirely different economic realities. We are now in a global market where the purchase of goods no longer have the same ‘multiplying’ effect as things that are purchased are picked in Mexico, produced in Thailand and do not represent the same effects as the same actions 20 or 30 years ago. Those economic models simply failed to predict anything accurately. Measurements on real events differ from little to no effect to greatly helping. There is REAL debate on the actual effects of the stimulus and claiming that there is none is not ‘fair’ so to speak.
C_Chamber_Pot never fails to fail.

Once again the Pot offers opinion severely at odds with one who actually knows something about the law and lawyers....

Jeffrey Toobin:
"In several of the most important areas of constitutional law, Thomas has emerged as an intellectual leader of the Supreme Court. Since the arrival of Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr., in 2005, and Justice Samuel A. Alito, Jr., in 2006, the Court has moved to the right when it comes to the free-speech rights of corporations, the rights of gun owners, and, potentially, the powers of the federal government; in each of these areas, the majority has followed where Thomas has been leading for a decade or more. Rarely has a Supreme Court Justice enjoyed such broad or significant vindication."
New Blue Nightmare: Clarence Thomas and the Amendment of Doom | Via Meadia


The Thomases vs. Obama’s Health-Care Plan : The New Yorker

Pot should only open his mouth to change feet.

Intellectual leader of the SC? How can anyone tell? He never says anything. He never asks any questions. He's like a lifelike animatronic robot that just rubber stamps anything that Scalia says.

Well, he has at least deigned to write his ‘thoughts’ in was passes for legal opinion.

Justice Thomas is a blind partisan ideologue, a libertarian extremist more dedicated to Social Darwinism than Constitutional case law.

Thomas’ opinion McDonald v. Chicago, for example, incorporating the Second Amendment to the states and local jurisdictions, is a diatribe of reactionary mythology predicated on no sound or accepted judicial tradition; even Scalia broke ranks with Thomas and affirmed incorporation doctrine.

Justice Thomas is entitled to his opinions, and has to right to play the role of the brave iconoclast; but his opinions rarely have any basis in settled and accepted case law, and are consequently irrelevant, he is not perceived as being any sort of ‘intellectual’ by the legal community. And indeed his opinions are at times regarded as irresponsible and reckless, as was the case with McDonald.

Interesting as whenever anyone on the right criticizes a SCOTUS opinion or ruling, you berate them and call the idiots because they are not accepting the case law as an actual reflection of the constitution.

It is different I guess when YOU disagree with a judge. I guess they ARE fallible, who would have thought. other cons/repubs? Mainly by Republicans in office? What are some examples?

In the interest of fairness, I will openly admit that while I think Bush was a bad president, I don't believe he was the worst president of all time. He did do some good. I think he made conscious efforts to better certain social problems. He championed women's rights for instance.

I honestly think that if you cannot answer this question with solid examples, you have an unfair and unrealistic opinion about Obama's presidency. I'm not challenging you to change your overall opinion about him, I just want to know how many of you have a skewed perspective about him.

I couldn't care less if any criticism of him is unfair. I support whatever it takes to defeat him.

Pure poetry.

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