Conservatives: do you believe that there are unfair criticisms made about Obama...

Obama declared he would support expansion of jobs here in the U.S. - He did the opposite by signing the Asian-Pacific region NAFTA agreement as soon as he got into office. This allowed more American businesses to leave the U.S.

His insurance mandate is causing employers to reduce their employees and their hours which further cripples growth in the employment numbers. He supported the health insurance industry which hurts the American public in increased costs and limited ability to afford getting healthcare.

Two statements based on two fallacies. You'll do well here.
For the OP, of course. The birther movement is the biggest example. That is sick and makes me angry. Fast and furious, he deserves a lot of criticism for that but it goes way too far when people start coming up with him plotting the downfall of guns by planning this program to fail. Much of his foreign policy is criticized far too much. The right will not give him ANY points here and I find that ridiculous after Bush’s foreign policy – particularly when many of the same people are supporting those decisions.

Never gets any blame for anything from the media? You have got to be kidding me. That is so far off it isn't even funny. Apparently you have never watched more than 10 minutes of Fox News. Every news network have criticized Obama. Even pundits on MSNBC on rare occasions has criticized him.

I have absolutely no respect for Fox News. They, probably even more so than Republicans in office, have severely skewed his reputation. Fox News is a powerful propaganda machine. I think they are ruining politics in this country.

You single out Fox but it is no different than MSNBC. You see, Fox is the natural evolution of a left leaning media. When half the country is consistently called idiots by the majority of the media and the remaining media outlets paint a picture that is at odds with them, they are going to find their news somewhere. Fox stepped up and now is essentially the ‘main stream’ media machine now. At least fox gives debate a chance. Most of the other networks don’t even bother.

I find it interesting that you singled them out. That shows a bias already. ALL television media is complete garbage now. None of them even bother to broadcast news anymore: 30 second clips and sensationalized bullshit sells better. Most people don’t even bother, they prefer to get their ‘news’ from comedians. Comedians!!

Televised media PERIOD is ruining politics. Blogs too, they don’t even bother looking like they follow reality and people eat that shit up.

Anyway, I think that the ‘never gets criticized at all’ comes from the fact that even when criticized, nothing sticks. He could go outside tomorrow and beat an orphan to death and it would not stick. It reminds me of Clinton. Personally, I think that this is growing out of the demonization of political views. No one actually knows what the other side even stands for anymore. The frothing mouth republicans look over and thing that democrats all stand for a Marxist takeover of the economy where everyone has a state job, enslaved by the state and pays 100 percent taxes. We all know that everyone on the left believes that we have no rights whatsoever as the state has all the rights; they want to steal all the guns in the country, end all religion and steal your children. The frothing at the mouth left all knows that the right worships corporations, want to send the poor to the fire showers and demand that you convert everyone to Christianity immediately (unless they are black or Mexican because all people on the right are racist). The utter demonization of any political opponent really breaks the system because you have a lot of partisan voters that are going to vote for anyone as the other candidate represents complete destruction.

We remember the last election. If Romney won, it was going to be the end of the world with abortion illegal, corporations running everything and the rich stealing all the money in the nation and if Obama won we were still going to see the end of the world with tax rates so high the rich would cease to exist, guns confiscated and the military vanished. Where is the room for actual debate when your opponent is the devil?

you obviously didnt listen to the facts onf fast and furious.

this is why people dont see you as fair like you think they should

Where in the hell are the "FACTS" regarding F&F?

Christ, all we've seen is the ducking of the issue from this President, administration, ATF, and the DOJ, as we are also seeing with the Benghazi issue, that is about to blow up in their faces this week when the witnesses are going to come forward and speak. And it's not looking good for those involved, from the President on down, and the abject cover-up is about to be fully exposed.

Seriously, ya' drunken loon, you wouldn't know a damn fact if it bit ya' in the ass.
I got one for you Billy, The not mirandising the terrorist. Miranda is a stupid ruling and should be overturned.
"Very disappointing in substance though."

Funny you should say that, Billy-O!

That is my impression, and, no doubt, will be history's, of Barack Hussein Obama, mmm mmm mmm!

I just don't get it. You're obviously witty and funny, yet you seem to lack basic critical thinking skills. What's that about?

Now, Billy....

He's a failure at repairing the economy, even though he had the instruction manual penned by President Reagan, and President Harding...

He's failed at making the Middle East better..and, in fact made it worse...

Can you name all of the nations that have become our BFF's as a result of his policies?

Rather than keep promises such as bringing the nation together, he is the most divisive in history....

He and the missus live like Marie Antoinette at a time of supposed great poverty...

Unlike President Truman, the buck never stops on his desk...

And those are his good points!

How's that for critical thinking, Billy-0?

Well see you aren't demonstrating critical thinking because you are going off the premise that he has done nothing right at all when logically every president in history has done at least some things right. Your thinking on Obama is very black and white which is unrealistic. Even though you don't know of any examples of good policies, you should at least assume that they exist. You listing all of the major things you think he has done wrong does not demonstrate critical thinking. Whether or not they are reasonable criticisms is irrelevant.

Now I will address your points.

It is in black and white that Obama's stimulus package created or saved a few million jobs in the private sector. Look it up. Non partisan sources confirm it. The problem with it was that the stimulus was not big enough so it didn't have as high of an impact as it should have. However there is no getting around the fact that the number of jobs loss greatly improved from the second term of Bush's presidency.

How exactly did he make the Middle East worse? What is the evidence of that?

There is no friendship among nations. Only allies. He didn't make any new allies but he didn't burn any bridges. The Israeli government has favored his support of the nation. Not only that, but polls show that the majority of the people in several European countries, including Britain, give strong approval ratings of his foreign policy.

I think you can make the argument that Republicans in office and Fox News contributed to what made the country so polarized politically. It is unfair and unrealistic to say it is all Obama's fault.

Obama's wealth is no greater than many presidents before him. I don't think there are any indications he lives like a king in comparison. Sure he's wealthy, but he doesn't rub it in anyone's faces. He is worth 9 million which is feeble in comparison to Romney's worth which is 250 million.
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It is in black and white that Obama's stimulus package created or saved a few million jobs in the private sector. Look it up. Non partisan sources confirm it. The problem with it was that the stimulus was not big enough so it didn't have as high of an impact as it should have. However there is no getting around the fact that the number of jobs loss greatly improved from the second term of Bush's presidency.


There are fewer jobs today than the day Obama took office. How did that create any jobs at all? How do you count "saved" jobs?
This lie has been repeated so many times and debunked it is amazing anyone still believes it. The same crap trotted out from the CBO. And when it's pointed out the CBO assumed that if gov't spends X dollars it will creae Y jobs and that's where they got the number from, we hear crickets. Until the next time some dolt brings up this "fact."

Total US Employment

CES employment peaked for the US in January 2008 at 138,056,000. Since then 2,582,000 jobs have been lost according to the employer survey. From a trough of 129,320,000 in February 2010, the US has added 6,154,000 jobs according to CES employment figures.

CPS employment reached a maximum of 146,595,000 in November 2007. 3,016,000 have been lost since then according to the household survey. From a December 2009 low of 138,025,000, the US has added 5,554,000 jobs according to the CPS survey.
US Employment and Jobs | Department of Numbers
It is in black and white that Obama's stimulus package created or saved a few million jobs in the private sector. Look it up. Non partisan sources confirm it. The problem with it was that the stimulus was not big enough so it didn't have as high of an impact as it should have. However there is no getting around the fact that the number of jobs loss greatly improved from the second term of Bush's presidency.


There are fewer jobs today than the day Obama took office. How did that create any jobs at all? How do you count "saved" jobs?
This lie has been repeated so many times and debunked it is amazing anyone still believes it. The same crap trotted out from the CBO. And when it's pointed out the CBO assumed that if gov't spends X dollars it will creae Y jobs and that's where they got the number from, we hear crickets. Until the next time some dolt brings up this "fact."

Total US Employment

CES employment peaked for the US in January 2008 at 138,056,000. Since then 2,582,000 jobs have been lost according to the employer survey. From a trough of 129,320,000 in February 2010, the US has added 6,154,000 jobs according to CES employment figures.

CPS employment reached a maximum of 146,595,000 in November 2007. 3,016,000 have been lost since then according to the household survey. From a December 2009 low of 138,025,000, the US has added 5,554,000 jobs according to the CPS survey.
US Employment and Jobs | Department of Numbers

Read the article on the stimulus package on Wikipedia. It provides sources for all of the information provided.

The source you provided only includes information up to 2009...
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It is in black and white that Obama's stimulus package created or saved a few million jobs in the private sector. Look it up. Non partisan sources confirm it. The problem with it was that the stimulus was not big enough so it didn't have as high of an impact as it should have. However there is no getting around the fact that the number of jobs loss greatly improved from the second term of Bush's presidency.


There are fewer jobs today than the day Obama took office. How did that create any jobs at all? How do you count "saved" jobs?
This lie has been repeated so many times and debunked it is amazing anyone still believes it. The same crap trotted out from the CBO. And when it's pointed out the CBO assumed that if gov't spends X dollars it will creae Y jobs and that's where they got the number from, we hear crickets. Until the next time some dolt brings up this "fact."

Total US Employment

CES employment peaked for the US in January 2008 at 138,056,000. Since then 2,582,000 jobs have been lost according to the employer survey. From a trough of 129,320,000 in February 2010, the US has added 6,154,000 jobs according to CES employment figures.

CPS employment reached a maximum of 146,595,000 in November 2007. 3,016,000 have been lost since then according to the household survey. From a December 2009 low of 138,025,000, the US has added 5,554,000 jobs according to the CPS survey.
US Employment and Jobs | Department of Numbers

Read the article on the stimulus package on Wikipedia. It provides sources for all of the information provided.

The source you provided only includes information up to 2009...

From your own source:

Based on that the UE rate ought to be about 5.25% since we enacted Obama's plan. Instead it's 7.5%, and that's only because workforce participation is the lowest since the early 1980s. The real rate is over 10%.
That means the stimulus was a failure compared to what teh administration claimed it would do. It might be the biggest failure in economic history.
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I just don't get it. You're obviously witty and funny, yet you seem to lack basic critical thinking skills. What's that about?

Now, Billy....

He's a failure at repairing the economy, even though he had the instruction manual penned by President Reagan, and President Harding...

He's failed at making the Middle East better..and, in fact made it worse...

Can you name all of the nations that have become our BFF's as a result of his policies?

Rather than keep promises such as bringing the nation together, he is the most divisive in history....

He and the missus live like Marie Antoinette at a time of supposed great poverty...

Unlike President Truman, the buck never stops on his desk...

And those are his good points!

How's that for critical thinking, Billy-0?

Well see you aren't demonstrating critical thinking because you are going off the premise that he has done nothing right at all when logically every president in history has done at least some things right. Your thinking on Obama is very black and white which is unrealistic. Even though you don't know of any examples of good policies, you should at least assume that they exist. You listing all of the major things you think he has done wrong does not demonstrate critical thinking whether they are valid. Whether or not they are reasonable criticisms is irrelevant to critical thinking.

Now I will address your points.

It is in black and white that Obama's stimulus package created or saved a few million jobs in the private sector. Look it up. Non partisan sources confirm it. The problem with it was that the stimulus was not big enough so it didn't have as high of an impact as it should have. However there is no getting around the fact that the number of jobs loss greatly improved from the second term of Bush's presidency.

How exactly did he make the Middle East worse? What is the evidence of that?

There is no friendship among nations. Only allies. He didn't make any new allies but he didn't burn any bridges. The Israeli government has favored his support of the nation. Not only that, but polls show that the majority of the people in several European countries, including Britain, give strong approval ratings of his foreign policy.

I think you can make the argument that Republicans in office and Fox News contributed to what made the country so polarized politically. It is unfair and unrealistic to say it is all Obama's fault.

Obama's wealth is no greater than many presidents before him. I don't think there are any indications he lives like a king in comparison. Sure he's wealthy, but he doesn't rub it in anyone's faces. He is worth 9 million which is feeble in comparison to Romney's worth which is 250 million.

1. "It is in black and white that Obama's stimulus package created or saved a few million jobs in the private sector."
Strike one, Billy.

a. "January 2009 when Barack Obama was sworn in as President,... a reported 142 million people had jobs."
RealClearMarkets - More Unemployed Presently, Than In 2009

b. " The labor market, which peaked in November 2007 when there were 139,143,000 jobs, now encompasses only 132,705,000 workers, a drop of 6.4 million jobs from the peak. The only work that has increased is part-time work, and that is because it allows employers to reduce costs through a diminished benefit package or none at all." Mort Zuckerman: The Jobs Picture Is Far Worse Than It Looks - US News and World Report

c. The increase in the US population is about 18 million since the mistake was elected.

2. "The problem with it was that the stimulus was not big enough...."
Strike two, Billy...

a. "America's greatest depression fighter was Warren Gamaliel Harding.
Harding inherited Wilson's mess— in particular, a post–World War I depression that was almost as severe, from peak to trough, as the Great Contraction from 1929 to 1933 that FDR would later inherit. The estimated gross national product plunged 24 percent from $91.5 billion in 1920 to $69.6 billion in 1921. The number of unemployed people jumped from 2.1 million to 4.9 million.

One of Harding's campaign slogans was "less government in business," ...called for tax cuts in his first message to Congress on April 12, 1921. The highest taxes, on corporate revenues and "excess" profits, were to be cut. Personal income taxes were to be left as is, with a top rate of 8 percent of incomes above $4,000. Harding recognized the crucial importance of encouraging the investment that is essential for growth and jobs, something that FDR never did."


"As a result, the recession that started in 1920 ended before 1923. Lower taxes and reduced regulation helped America's economy quickly adjust...."

3."How exactly did he make the Middle East worse?"

a. "But in his new book, "The Dispensable Nation," Vali Nasr – a former member of President Obama's foreign policy team – offers a sharp indictment of Obama’s approach to foreign engagement...under President Obama, America is in retreat.... “It's also a highly destabilizing sentiment, because you can't go from being everything to all of a sudden being nothing. That creates turbulence,” Nasr said. “Even if we are going to reduce our footprint in the Middle East, we should do it in a right way and we should do it gradually in a way that it doesn't actually cause problems.”
Is America giving the cold shoulder to the world? ? Amanpour - Blogs

b. No support to the Green movement in Iran, all troops leaving Iraq, no improvements in Egypt, loss of pro-American governments in Egypt and Libya, A.Q.Khan freed in Pakistan, gives Iran our latest drone technology, Benghazi.

The bad news, just struck out.

The good news: you qualify as both 'the low information voter,' and 'the reliable Democrat voter.' other cons/repubs? Mainly by Republicans in office? What are some examples?

In the interest of fairness, I will openly admit that while I think Bush was a bad president, I don't believe he was the worst president of all time. He did do some good. I think he made conscious efforts to better certain social problems. He championed women's rights for instance.

I honestly think that if you cannot answer this question with solid examples, you have an unfair and unrealistic opinion about Obama's presidency. I'm not challenging you to change your overall opinion about him, I just want to know how many of you have a skewed perspective about him.

I couldn't care less if any criticism of him is unfair. I support whatever it takes to defeat him.

You are the only one admitting the truth. All rightwingers just hate him for being him.
Having been both Democrat and a Republican, I am now an Independent. a pissed off one at that.

When I see conservative Republicans, I see people who love America very much. While the politics we see from them are over the edge, I think these are disguises for their real FEELINGS. I believe conservatives see America as country with AMERICAN VALUES that is being destroyed because we no longer live up to them. Now, I don't believe that is all together true, but it is true enough to respect them.

We see Fox News and the Republican noise machine, but what conservative Republicans are really saying is "Take responsibility for yourself, don't expect me to pay to clean up your mess because you did not plan for your future." On the other hand Liberals have a point too, not everyone can just take control of their lives. Education is lacking.

I think the statement made about Mitt Romney in the last election was true. We all know his father was a millionaire which let him start out life on third base. Romney hit the ball one time, and got a home run. Most of us don't have that opportunity. For many it is difficult to get even to first base.

So, I am an Independent, unhappy and disappointed by both political partyies. When I hear news commentary that America today is similar to the last days of Rome, I am concerned. Has America lost its core values? Or, are we entering a new era where our standard of living is going down because Wall Street has mismanaged the nation, and politicians are bought and paid for?

About all this Independent can offer is that I read and watch as much news and history as possible. We have decided on no children. We would not wish this world on a child. Then I cross my fingers, and say a little prayer for my country. I should be dead by 2060, I think America can last that long before it is totally flushed down the toilet. My ass seems to be covered. Self-serving, yes. Practical and realistic? I am afraid so.

2060 end of the world | 2060 isaac newton | 2060 predictions | 2060 | 2061 | 2062 | 2063 | 2064 | 2065 | 2066 | 2067 | 2068 | 2069 | 2060s | Correlation CO2 Temperature Graph | Ecotechnic Future | Future antimatter engines | Timeline | Technology 206
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]2060-2069 timeline contents[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]2060-2100 - Global political and economic systems are in a period of immense transition[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]2060 - Flood barriers are erected in New York | Tropical cyclones are wreaking havoc in the Mediterranean |[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Global extinction rates are peaking |[/FONT] An aging population | Helium-3 mining on the Moon | Technology has transformed modern education[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]2061 - Halley's Comet returns | The UK population reaches 80 million[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]2062 - Nanofabricators are a mainstream consumer product[/FONT] (Nanofabrication is the design and manufacture of devices with dimensions measured in nanometers. One nanometer is 10 -9 meter, or a millionth of a millimeter).
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]2064 - IT's share of the US economy reaches 20%[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]2065 - Longevity treatments that can halt aging[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] | Self-assembling buildings made entirely from nanotech | Invisibility suits are in military use[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] | Insurance crisis[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]2067 - The first generation of antimatter-powered spacecraft is emerging | Male and female salaries are reaching parity[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]2068 - A major landmark in the world of athletics[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]2069 - 100th anniversary of Apollo 11 | The U.S. population reaches half a billion[/FONT]
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Now, Billy....

He's a failure at repairing the economy, even though he had the instruction manual penned by President Reagan, and President Harding...

He's failed at making the Middle East better..and, in fact made it worse...

Can you name all of the nations that have become our BFF's as a result of his policies?

Rather than keep promises such as bringing the nation together, he is the most divisive in history....

He and the missus live like Marie Antoinette at a time of supposed great poverty...

Unlike President Truman, the buck never stops on his desk...

And those are his good points!

How's that for critical thinking, Billy-0?

Well see you aren't demonstrating critical thinking because you are going off the premise that he has done nothing right at all when logically every president in history has done at least some things right. Your thinking on Obama is very black and white which is unrealistic. Even though you don't know of any examples of good policies, you should at least assume that they exist. You listing all of the major things you think he has done wrong does not demonstrate critical thinking whether they are valid. Whether or not they are reasonable criticisms is irrelevant to critical thinking.

Now I will address your points.

It is in black and white that Obama's stimulus package created or saved a few million jobs in the private sector. Look it up. Non partisan sources confirm it. The problem with it was that the stimulus was not big enough so it didn't have as high of an impact as it should have. However there is no getting around the fact that the number of jobs loss greatly improved from the second term of Bush's presidency.

How exactly did he make the Middle East worse? What is the evidence of that?

There is no friendship among nations. Only allies. He didn't make any new allies but he didn't burn any bridges. The Israeli government has favored his support of the nation. Not only that, but polls show that the majority of the people in several European countries, including Britain, give strong approval ratings of his foreign policy.

I think you can make the argument that Republicans in office and Fox News contributed to what made the country so polarized politically. It is unfair and unrealistic to say it is all Obama's fault.

Obama's wealth is no greater than many presidents before him. I don't think there are any indications he lives like a king in comparison. Sure he's wealthy, but he doesn't rub it in anyone's faces. He is worth 9 million which is feeble in comparison to Romney's worth which is 250 million.

1. "It is in black and white that Obama's stimulus package created or saved a few million jobs in the private sector."
Strike one, Billy.

a. "January 2009 when Barack Obama was sworn in as President,... a reported 142 million people had jobs."
RealClearMarkets - More Unemployed Presently, Than In 2009

b. " The labor market, which peaked in November 2007 when there were 139,143,000 jobs, now encompasses only 132,705,000 workers, a drop of 6.4 million jobs from the peak. The only work that has increased is part-time work, and that is because it allows employers to reduce costs through a diminished benefit package or none at all." Mort Zuckerman: The Jobs Picture Is Far Worse Than It Looks - US News and World Report

c. The increase in the US population is about 18 million since the mistake was elected.

2. "The problem with it was that the stimulus was not big enough...."
Strike two, Billy...

a. "America's greatest depression fighter was Warren Gamaliel Harding.
Harding inherited Wilson's mess— in particular, a post–World War I depression that was almost as severe, from peak to trough, as the Great Contraction from 1929 to 1933 that FDR would later inherit. The estimated gross national product plunged 24 percent from $91.5 billion in 1920 to $69.6 billion in 1921. The number of unemployed people jumped from 2.1 million to 4.9 million.

One of Harding's campaign slogans was "less government in business," ...called for tax cuts in his first message to Congress on April 12, 1921. The highest taxes, on corporate revenues and "excess" profits, were to be cut. Personal income taxes were to be left as is, with a top rate of 8 percent of incomes above $4,000. Harding recognized the crucial importance of encouraging the investment that is essential for growth and jobs, something that FDR never did."


"As a result, the recession that started in 1920 ended before 1923. Lower taxes and reduced regulation helped America's economy quickly adjust...."

3."How exactly did he make the Middle East worse?"

a. "But in his new book, "The Dispensable Nation," Vali Nasr – a former member of President Obama's foreign policy team – offers a sharp indictment of Obama’s approach to foreign engagement...under President Obama, America is in retreat.... “It's also a highly destabilizing sentiment, because you can't go from being everything to all of a sudden being nothing. That creates turbulence,” Nasr said. “Even if we are going to reduce our footprint in the Middle East, we should do it in a right way and we should do it gradually in a way that it doesn't actually cause problems.”
Is America giving the cold shoulder to the world? ? Amanpour - Blogs

b. No support to the Green movement in Iran, all troops leaving Iraq, no improvements in Egypt, loss of pro-American governments in Egypt and Libya, A.Q.Khan freed in Pakistan, gives Iran our latest drone technology, Benghazi.

The bad news, just struck out.

The good news: you qualify as both 'the low information voter,' and 'the reliable Democrat voter.'

Yeah okay i will concede there was a lack of growth. However, it was undeniable that the stimulus package greatly reduced the rate of job losses.

Interesting article about the foreign policy, but i remain unconvinced considering it is one man's opinion. I'm willing to bet most of that cabinet favors his foreign policy especially since they are advisors...

Your point B is horseshit. Apparently you have no idea what the Arab Spring was. It isn't Obama's place to mettle with that especially since those govs were replaced with democracy.

As far as "striking out", I disagree considering you only countered two of my points. Your overall rebuttal was a weak attempt.But hey, I give you props for backing up what you actually did.
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Well see you aren't demonstrating critical thinking because you are going off the premise that he has done nothing right at all when logically every president in history has done at least some things right. Your thinking on Obama is very black and white which is unrealistic. Even though you don't know of any examples of good policies, you should at least assume that they exist. You listing all of the major things you think he has done wrong does not demonstrate critical thinking whether they are valid. Whether or not they are reasonable criticisms is irrelevant to critical thinking.

Now I will address your points.

It is in black and white that Obama's stimulus package created or saved a few million jobs in the private sector. Look it up. Non partisan sources confirm it. The problem with it was that the stimulus was not big enough so it didn't have as high of an impact as it should have. However there is no getting around the fact that the number of jobs loss greatly improved from the second term of Bush's presidency.

How exactly did he make the Middle East worse? What is the evidence of that?

There is no friendship among nations. Only allies. He didn't make any new allies but he didn't burn any bridges. The Israeli government has favored his support of the nation. Not only that, but polls show that the majority of the people in several European countries, including Britain, give strong approval ratings of his foreign policy.

I think you can make the argument that Republicans in office and Fox News contributed to what made the country so polarized politically. It is unfair and unrealistic to say it is all Obama's fault.

Obama's wealth is no greater than many presidents before him. I don't think there are any indications he lives like a king in comparison. Sure he's wealthy, but he doesn't rub it in anyone's faces. He is worth 9 million which is feeble in comparison to Romney's worth which is 250 million.

1. "It is in black and white that Obama's stimulus package created or saved a few million jobs in the private sector."
Strike one, Billy.

a. "January 2009 when Barack Obama was sworn in as President,... a reported 142 million people had jobs."
RealClearMarkets - More Unemployed Presently, Than In 2009

b. " The labor market, which peaked in November 2007 when there were 139,143,000 jobs, now encompasses only 132,705,000 workers, a drop of 6.4 million jobs from the peak. The only work that has increased is part-time work, and that is because it allows employers to reduce costs through a diminished benefit package or none at all." Mort Zuckerman: The Jobs Picture Is Far Worse Than It Looks - US News and World Report

c. The increase in the US population is about 18 million since the mistake was elected.

2. "The problem with it was that the stimulus was not big enough...."
Strike two, Billy...

a. "America's greatest depression fighter was Warren Gamaliel Harding.
Harding inherited Wilson's mess— in particular, a post–World War I depression that was almost as severe, from peak to trough, as the Great Contraction from 1929 to 1933 that FDR would later inherit. The estimated gross national product plunged 24 percent from $91.5 billion in 1920 to $69.6 billion in 1921. The number of unemployed people jumped from 2.1 million to 4.9 million.

One of Harding's campaign slogans was "less government in business," ...called for tax cuts in his first message to Congress on April 12, 1921. The highest taxes, on corporate revenues and "excess" profits, were to be cut. Personal income taxes were to be left as is, with a top rate of 8 percent of incomes above $4,000. Harding recognized the crucial importance of encouraging the investment that is essential for growth and jobs, something that FDR never did."


"As a result, the recession that started in 1920 ended before 1923. Lower taxes and reduced regulation helped America's economy quickly adjust...."

3."How exactly did he make the Middle East worse?"

a. "But in his new book, "The Dispensable Nation," Vali Nasr – a former member of President Obama's foreign policy team – offers a sharp indictment of Obama’s approach to foreign engagement...under President Obama, America is in retreat.... “It's also a highly destabilizing sentiment, because you can't go from being everything to all of a sudden being nothing. That creates turbulence,” Nasr said. “Even if we are going to reduce our footprint in the Middle East, we should do it in a right way and we should do it gradually in a way that it doesn't actually cause problems.”
Is America giving the cold shoulder to the world? ? Amanpour - Blogs

b. No support to the Green movement in Iran, all troops leaving Iraq, no improvements in Egypt, loss of pro-American governments in Egypt and Libya, A.Q.Khan freed in Pakistan, gives Iran our latest drone technology, Benghazi.

The bad news, just struck out.

The good news: you qualify as both 'the low information voter,' and 'the reliable Democrat voter.'

Yeah okay i will concede there was a lack of growth. However, it was undeniable that the stimulus package greatly reduced the rate of job losses.

Interesting article about the foreign policy, but i remain unconvinced considering it is one man's opinion. I'm willing to bet most of that cabinet favors his foreign policy especially since they are advisors...

Your point B is horseshit. Apparently you have no idea what the Arab Spring was. It isn't Obama's place to mettle with that especially since those govs were replaced with democracy.

As far as "striking out", I disagree considering you only countered two of my points. Your overall rebuttal was a weak attempt.But hey, I give you props for backing up what you actually did.

"However, it was undeniable that the stimulus package greatly...."
Of course it's deniable.... thing you'll say is that FDR's stimulus solved the depression.
1. "It is in black and white that Obama's stimulus package created or saved a few million jobs in the private sector."
Strike one, Billy.

a. "January 2009 when Barack Obama was sworn in as President,... a reported 142 million people had jobs."
RealClearMarkets - More Unemployed Presently, Than In 2009

b. " The labor market, which peaked in November 2007 when there were 139,143,000 jobs, now encompasses only 132,705,000 workers, a drop of 6.4 million jobs from the peak. The only work that has increased is part-time work, and that is because it allows employers to reduce costs through a diminished benefit package or none at all." Mort Zuckerman: The Jobs Picture Is Far Worse Than It Looks - US News and World Report

c. The increase in the US population is about 18 million since the mistake was elected.

2. "The problem with it was that the stimulus was not big enough...."
Strike two, Billy...

a. "America's greatest depression fighter was Warren Gamaliel Harding.
Harding inherited Wilson's mess— in particular, a post–World War I depression that was almost as severe, from peak to trough, as the Great Contraction from 1929 to 1933 that FDR would later inherit. The estimated gross national product plunged 24 percent from $91.5 billion in 1920 to $69.6 billion in 1921. The number of unemployed people jumped from 2.1 million to 4.9 million.

One of Harding's campaign slogans was "less government in business," ...called for tax cuts in his first message to Congress on April 12, 1921. The highest taxes, on corporate revenues and "excess" profits, were to be cut. Personal income taxes were to be left as is, with a top rate of 8 percent of incomes above $4,000. Harding recognized the crucial importance of encouraging the investment that is essential for growth and jobs, something that FDR never did."


"As a result, the recession that started in 1920 ended before 1923. Lower taxes and reduced regulation helped America's economy quickly adjust...."

3."How exactly did he make the Middle East worse?"

a. "But in his new book, "The Dispensable Nation," Vali Nasr – a former member of President Obama's foreign policy team – offers a sharp indictment of Obama’s approach to foreign engagement...under President Obama, America is in retreat.... “It's also a highly destabilizing sentiment, because you can't go from being everything to all of a sudden being nothing. That creates turbulence,” Nasr said. “Even if we are going to reduce our footprint in the Middle East, we should do it in a right way and we should do it gradually in a way that it doesn't actually cause problems.”
Is America giving the cold shoulder to the world? ? Amanpour - Blogs

b. No support to the Green movement in Iran, all troops leaving Iraq, no improvements in Egypt, loss of pro-American governments in Egypt and Libya, A.Q.Khan freed in Pakistan, gives Iran our latest drone technology, Benghazi.

The bad news, just struck out.

The good news: you qualify as both 'the low information voter,' and 'the reliable Democrat voter.'

Yeah okay i will concede there was a lack of growth. However, it was undeniable that the stimulus package greatly reduced the rate of job losses.

Interesting article about the foreign policy, but i remain unconvinced considering it is one man's opinion. I'm willing to bet most of that cabinet favors his foreign policy especially since they are advisors...

Your point B is horseshit. Apparently you have no idea what the Arab Spring was. It isn't Obama's place to mettle with that especially since those govs were replaced with democracy.

As far as "striking out", I disagree considering you only countered two of my points. Your overall rebuttal was a weak attempt.But hey, I give you props for backing up what you actually did.

"However, it was undeniable that the stimulus package greatly...."
Of course it's deniable.... thing you'll say is that FDR's stimulus solved the depression.

Undeniable=cannot be proven.
The best argument libs have.
I couldn't care less if any criticism of him is unfair. I support whatever it takes to defeat him.

This explains politics perfectly.

So much of what the Left and Right says is motivated not by explaining reality but changing it.

When politicians and their supporters meet in the "war room", they don't care about truth - they care about winning. They say whatever they need to say to make themselves look good and the enemy look bad. Same thing during a job interview. People are not consciously lying so much as they are speaking from self-interest. Organisms care about survival and pleasure not truth (where the two conflict).
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Yeah okay i will concede there was a lack of growth. However, it was undeniable that the stimulus package greatly reduced the rate of job losses.

Interesting article about the foreign policy, but i remain unconvinced considering it is one man's opinion. I'm willing to bet most of that cabinet favors his foreign policy especially since they are advisors...

Your point B is horseshit. Apparently you have no idea what the Arab Spring was. It isn't Obama's place to mettle with that especially since those govs were replaced with democracy.

As far as "striking out", I disagree considering you only countered two of my points. Your overall rebuttal was a weak attempt.But hey, I give you props for backing up what you actually did.

"However, it was undeniable that the stimulus package greatly...."
Of course it's deniable.... thing you'll say is that FDR's stimulus solved the depression.

Undeniable=cannot be proven.
The best argument libs have.

Generalizing: the rationalization many conservatives use to demonize their opponents so they can feel safe thinking one sided about any political topic.
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Legitimate criticisms of Obama include but are not limited to:
1. Obama hired Geithner and Holder, scum committed to hiding the past rather than exposing it and prosecuting it
2. Obama agreed to bailing out AIG/Goldman et al at 100c on the dollar instead of negotiating prices at or below market price, and worse
3. Obama failed absolutely to reign in speculative abuses in commodities trading and in off-radar derivatives markets
4. Obama's stimulus, supply-side in principle, put money into state and local governments, then expected "trickle down" to hoi polloi. It didn't.
5. Obama didn't end the Bush tax cuts in 2010. That is a lot bigger failure than generally acknowledged.
6. Obama got suckered by the insurance industry. Healthcare is likely Obama's Iraq/Afghanistan in the sense that war won't be over in 2016.
Ultimately Obama is, as Reagan, Junebug Bush and Clinton were not either, simply not up to the job. All these presidents depended on "experts" more than, say, IKE, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, and Pap Bush needed to. And ultimately every one of them fucked America continuing wild-eyed spending and promoting group rights (yes, corporations are, like Blacks, Latinos, etc., a class or a group) over individual rights.

The best president since 1980 was old man Bush, and he was a step down from Nixon, but the white trash scum of the earth drove him from office in 1992 for dialing back ReagaNUT voodoo econ by cutting defense after winning a war. Nothing that competent is even on the horizon.

GHWB gave us Clarence Thomas, the failure that keeps on failing.

C_Chamber_Pot never fails to fail.

Once again the Pot offers opinion severely at odds with one who actually knows something about the law and lawyers....

Jeffrey Toobin:
"In several of the most important areas of constitutional law, Thomas has emerged as an intellectual leader of the Supreme Court. Since the arrival of Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr., in 2005, and Justice Samuel A. Alito, Jr., in 2006, the Court has moved to the right when it comes to the free-speech rights of corporations, the rights of gun owners, and, potentially, the powers of the federal government; in each of these areas, the majority has followed where Thomas has been leading for a decade or more. Rarely has a Supreme Court Justice enjoyed such broad or significant vindication."
New Blue Nightmare: Clarence Thomas and the Amendment of Doom | Via Meadia


The Thomases vs. Obama’s Health-Care Plan : The New Yorker

Pot should only open his mouth to change feet.

Intellectual leader of the SC? How can anyone tell? He never says anything. He never asks any questions. He's like a lifelike animatronic robot that just rubber stamps anything that Scalia says.
All Presidents have been unfairly criticized. On Obama:

1. The slow economic growth. The economic meltdown we experienced before he took office was unlike any we have seen since the Great Depression. I doubt anybody could have fixed it as fast as some Republicans wanted Obama to.

2. Fast and Furious. It was a case of government incompetence. Being the man in charge, he deserves some criticism, but not at the level that some Republicans have done.

3. Benghazi. This issue is akin to blaming Bush for 9/11.

4. The credit downgrade. Both parties being unwilling to compromise was to blame for that.

I could probably go on for a while, but my eyes are starting to droop.
All Presidents have been unfairly criticized. On Obama:

1. The slow economic growth. The economic meltdown we experienced before he took office was unlike any we have seen since the Great Depression. I doubt anybody could have fixed it as fast as some Republicans wanted Obama to.

2. Fast and Furious. It was a case of government incompetence. Being the man in charge, he deserves some criticism, but not at the level that some Republicans have done.

3. Benghazi. This issue is akin to blaming Bush for 9/11.

4. The credit downgrade. Both parties being unwilling to compromise was to blame for that.

I could probably go on for a while, but my eyes eyes are starting to droop.
Please explain how Benghazi compares to 9/11, before your eyes fully droop ......This ought to be a fuckin' hoot.

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