"Conservatives" don't even understand that the 1st amendment was literally destroyed this month.

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No, whiny little bitches posting on message boards from their parent's basement aren't the reason why this country exists.

How do you simultaneously manage to have both such delusions of grandeur, as well as such butthurt whininess?
Because I am a member of the most oppressed group of people to ever walk the earth...and I am one of the few actually intelligent enough to understand just how true this statement is.

You're starting to sound like a black guy with ONS.

Who knew it works both ways?
Black people literally could not get any more privileged if they held the entire rest of the country at gunpoint.

So..you have OCS, correct?

Oppressed Cracka Syndrome? Hoo boy!

This is a hoot!
I have a triple digit IQ.

You apparently do not.


Now you're bragging about your supposed IQ?

Could you possibly be more of a cliche neckbeard?

No, whiny little bitches posting on message boards from their parent's basement aren't the reason why this country exists.

How do you simultaneously manage to have both such delusions of grandeur, as well as such butthurt whininess?
Because I am a member of the most oppressed group of people to ever walk the earth...and I am one of the few actually intelligent enough to understand just how true this statement is.

You're starting to sound like a black guy with ONS.

Who knew it works both ways?
Black people literally could not get any more privileged if they held the entire rest of the country at gunpoint.

So..you have OCS, correct?

Oppressed Cracka Syndrome? Hoo boy!

This is a hoot!
I have a triple digit IQ.

You apparently do not.

It is already settled, by your side because you didn't think it through. It applies to any service provided by any company. If they provide a service they can NOT discriminate against anyone who has the ability to pay for the service OTHERWISE the bakers would not have lost their case. You shitpiles set the precedent. AND the operable thing is what they cannot discriminate against.

They are incapable of thinking. The businesses SHOULD HAVE been able to reject making wedding cakes or catering to queer weddings. Leftist courts supported the fascists.

I'm not going to go tit for tat.

When certain financial companies like Pay Pal stopped doing business with Gun Dealers because the meat puppet faggot and his Stabchef Eric Holder pressured them I just stopped doing business with them as best I could. The Gun Stores are still here, the meat puppet faggot and his minions are gone.

The nazi douchebags will find someone else to host their websites.

Hell... I will assert there may come a day when the democrook party decides it needs the KKK back and the media will make them out to be patriots.

Because I am a member of the most oppressed group of people to ever walk the earth...and I am one of the few actually intelligent enough to understand just how true this statement is.

You're starting to sound like a black guy with ONS.

Who knew it works both ways?
Black people literally could not get any more privileged if they held the entire rest of the country at gunpoint.

So..you have OCS, correct?

Oppressed Cracka Syndrome? Hoo boy!

This is a hoot!
I have a triple digit IQ.

You apparently do not.


Now you're bragging about your supposed IQ?

Could you possibly be more of a cliche neckbeard?
No, I am insulting yours, moron.

The fact that you actually think I am "bragging" about anything proves that your IQ is laughable.
Hey guy, you probably should lay off the sauce, take a couple deep breaths and get some perspective for a minute, ok?

I've been there..

Relax fella.

No, whiny little bitches posting on message boards from their parent's basement aren't the reason why this country exists.

How do you simultaneously manage to have both such delusions of grandeur, as well as such butthurt whininess?
Because I am a member of the most oppressed group of people to ever walk the earth...and I am one of the few actually intelligent enough to understand just how true this statement is.

You're starting to sound like a black guy with ONS.

Who knew it works both ways?
Black people literally could not get any more privileged if they held the entire rest of the country at gunpoint.

So..you have OCS, correct?

Oppressed Cracka Syndrome? Hoo boy!

This is a hoot!
I have a triple digit IQ.

You apparently do not.
Too bad it has a minus sign in front of it.
It is already settled, by your side because you didn't think it through. It applies to any service provided by any company. If they provide a service they can NOT discriminate against anyone who has the ability to pay for the service OTHERWISE the bakers would not have lost their case. You shitpiles set the precedent. AND the operable thing is what they cannot discriminate against.

Hell... I will assert there may come a day when the democrook party decides it needs the KKK back and the media will make them out to be patriots.

This is laughably stupid.

The KKK isn't even a good organization for white nationalists anymore.

Why would the anti-white Democrats decide to use a useless supposedly pro-white organization?
Actually the VAST majority of people in this country HATE leftist communist scum. The Police the Military, the decent working class of all colors, the black people who follow the doctorine that Dr. Martin Luther King preached, and his family still does The Evangelical Christians, The NRA members, The Hunters, ON AND ON >>>>>>> The fact that you still consider it okay to kill people like the Branch Davidian women and Children, The Weavers, Robert 'LaVoy' Finicum, ALL of these people killed by shit like the shit attacking conservatives daily NOW. I think we need some REAL websites that gather the forces together for the coming war. I think with the military, the cops, and the hunters we can bring a halt to antifa and anyone who supports them can be collateral damage and made into ornaments for the streetlight poles. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.


The police aren't gonna be on your side in your little race war.
The white ones will....
The problem is in not fully understanding how things work. Even if all the white police agree with you (and they won't) the non white police are going to be there in "the war" and if the white cops start violating the policies in place and going after non-whites, the others will waste no time in telling on them. At least some will. Most people today don't fully understand how things work in organizations. Your view of reality and the consequences of actions you take based on half truths may be seriously impacted by this. It's just like the OP the other day where a cop was saying it was legal to shoot people tearing down statues. As much as some may like to do that, in reality if those statues are not on your property and owned by you, you would no doubt be charged with murder. And then, they would see "how things work" first hand.
Because I am a member of the most oppressed group of people to ever walk the earth...and I am one of the few actually intelligent enough to understand just how true this statement is.

You're starting to sound like a black guy with ONS.

Who knew it works both ways?
Black people literally could not get any more privileged if they held the entire rest of the country at gunpoint.

So..you have OCS, correct?

Oppressed Cracka Syndrome? Hoo boy!

This is a hoot!
I have a triple digit IQ.

You apparently do not.
Too bad it has a minus sign in front of it.
I am sure you actually believe that is possible....
I have news for you: the 1st Amendment doesn't apply to private organizations. It is governmentally stipulated proscriptions of expression/speech that the 1st Amendment says are impermissible. A private organization like a web hosting company is limited only by its own terms and conditions, which customers must agree to prior to the company hosting anything on the customer's behalf.

Give that is the way the 1st Amendment works, no First Amendment rights were even slightly infringed, let alone destroyed. That some organizations lost their hosting has zero impact on anyone's 1st Amendment rights.
You're starting to sound like a black guy with ONS.

Who knew it works both ways?
Black people literally could not get any more privileged if they held the entire rest of the country at gunpoint.

So..you have OCS, correct?

Oppressed Cracka Syndrome? Hoo boy!

This is a hoot!
I have a triple digit IQ.

You apparently do not.
Too bad it has a minus sign in front of it.
I am sure you actually believe that is possible....
Believe? You're living proof. Own up to it, we might be able to get you into the Guinness Book of Records!!! :thup:
Actually the VAST majority of people in this country HATE leftist communist scum. The Police the Military, the decent working class of all colors, the black people who follow the doctorine that Dr. Martin Luther King preached, and his family still does The Evangelical Christians, The NRA members, The Hunters, ON AND ON >>>>>>> The fact that you still consider it okay to kill people like the Branch Davidian women and Children, The Weavers, Robert 'LaVoy' Finicum, ALL of these people killed by shit like the shit attacking conservatives daily NOW. I think we need some REAL websites that gather the forces together for the coming war. I think with the military, the cops, and the hunters we can bring a halt to antifa and anyone who supports them can be collateral damage and made into ornaments for the streetlight poles. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.


The police aren't gonna be on your side in your little race war.
The white ones will....
The problem is in not fully understanding how things work. Even if all the white police agree with you (and they won't) the non white police are going to be there in "the war" and if the white cops start violating the policies in place and going after non-whites, the others will waste no time in telling on them. At least some will. Most people today don't fully understand how things work in organizations. Your view of reality and the consequences of actions you take based on half truths may be seriously impacted by this. It's just like the OP the other day where a cop was saying it was legal to shoot people tearing down statues. As much as some may like to do that, in reality if those statues are not on your property and owned by you, they would no doubt be charged with murder. And then, they would see "how things work" first hand.
I understand full well what reality is now.

This country doesn't actually exist anymore, and neither do Western European countries.

There are no real laws being upheld because there is no real government.

The white cops will realize all of this very soon, and most of them will decide that their self interests matter.
I have news for you: the 1st Amendment doesn't apply to private organizations. It is governmentally stipulated proscriptions of expression/speech that the 1st Amendment says are impermissible. A private organization like a web hosting company is limited only by its own terms and conditions, which customers must agree to prior to the company hosting anything on the customer's behalf.

Give that is the way the 1st Amendment works, no First Amendment rights were even slightly infringed, let alone destroyed. That some organizations lost their hosting has zero impact on anyone's 1st Amendment rights.
Many people today have a very limited understanding of rights. Just to give you an example: I've heard many times and I'm sure you have too that you "can't yell fire in a crowed theater". Well, you certainly can. Especially if the theater is on fire! If it's not and you cause problems, you will pay for your actions.
I have news for you: the 1st Amendment doesn't apply to private organizations. It is governmentally stipulated proscriptions of expression/speech that the 1st Amendment says are impermissible. A private organization like a web hosting company is limited only by its own terms and conditions, which customers must agree to prior to the company hosting anything on the customer's behalf.

Give that is the way the 1st Amendment works, no First Amendment rights were even slightly infringed, let alone destroyed. That some organizations lost their hosting has zero impact on anyone's 1st Amendment rights.

No, but there could be legal (civil) repercussions if the host violated their terms of the contract.
Actually the VAST majority of people in this country HATE leftist communist scum. The Police the Military, the decent working class of all colors, the black people who follow the doctorine that Dr. Martin Luther King preached, and his family still does The Evangelical Christians, The NRA members, The Hunters, ON AND ON >>>>>>> The fact that you still consider it okay to kill people like the Branch Davidian women and Children, The Weavers, Robert 'LaVoy' Finicum, ALL of these people killed by shit like the shit attacking conservatives daily NOW. I think we need some REAL websites that gather the forces together for the coming war. I think with the military, the cops, and the hunters we can bring a halt to antifa and anyone who supports them can be collateral damage and made into ornaments for the streetlight poles. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.


The police aren't gonna be on your side in your little race war.
The white ones will....
The problem is in not fully understanding how things work. Even if all the white police agree with you (and they won't) the non white police are going to be there in "the war" and if the white cops start violating the policies in place and going after non-whites, the others will waste no time in telling on them. At least some will. Most people today don't fully understand how things work in organizations. Your view of reality and the consequences of actions you take based on half truths may be seriously impacted by this. It's just like the OP the other day where a cop was saying it was legal to shoot people tearing down statues. As much as some may like to do that, in reality if those statues are not on your property and owned by you, they would no doubt be charged with murder. And then, they would see "how things work" first hand.
I understand full well what reality is now.

This country doesn't actually exist anymore, and neither do Western European countries.

There are no real laws being upheld because there is no real government.

The white cops will realize all of this very soon, and most of them will decide that their self interests matter.
What was the name of this fantasy planet you live on again? :dunno:
Actually the VAST majority of people in this country HATE leftist communist scum. The Police the Military, the decent working class of all colors, the black people who follow the doctorine that Dr. Martin Luther King preached, and his family still does The Evangelical Christians, The NRA members, The Hunters, ON AND ON >>>>>>> The fact that you still consider it okay to kill people like the Branch Davidian women and Children, The Weavers, Robert 'LaVoy' Finicum, ALL of these people killed by shit like the shit attacking conservatives daily NOW. I think we need some REAL websites that gather the forces together for the coming war. I think with the military, the cops, and the hunters we can bring a halt to antifa and anyone who supports them can be collateral damage and made into ornaments for the streetlight poles. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.


The police aren't gonna be on your side in your little race war.
The white ones will....
The problem is in not fully understanding how things work. Even if all the white police agree with you (and they won't) the non white police are going to be there in "the war" and if the white cops start violating the policies in place and going after non-whites, the others will waste no time in telling on them. At least some will. Most people today don't fully understand how things work in organizations. Your view of reality and the consequences of actions you take based on half truths may be seriously impacted by this. It's just like the OP the other day where a cop was saying it was legal to shoot people tearing down statues. As much as some may like to do that, in reality if those statues are not on your property and owned by you, they would no doubt be charged with murder. And then, they would see "how things work" first hand.
I understand full well what reality is now.

This country doesn't actually exist anymore, and neither do Western European countries.

There are no real laws being upheld because there is no real government.

The white cops will realize all of this very soon, and most of them will decide that their self interests matter.

And black cops won't?

I'm just trying to feel out your position here.
I have news for you: the 1st Amendment doesn't apply to private organizations. It is governmentally stipulated proscriptions of expression/speech that the 1st Amendment says are impermissible. A private organization like a web hosting company is limited only by its own terms and conditions, which customers must agree to prior to the company hosting anything on the customer's behalf.

Give that is the way the 1st Amendment works, no First Amendment rights were even slightly infringed, let alone destroyed. That some organizations lost their hosting has zero impact on anyone's 1st Amendment rights.

No, but there could be legal (civil) repercussions if the host violated their terms of the contract.

It would be utterly shocking if all of those contracts don't include terms of service that are subjective enough for them to shit down any site they want without violating any contracts.

Have you ever read a website hosting contract?
I have news for you: the 1st Amendment doesn't apply to private organizations. It is governmentally stipulated proscriptions of expression/speech that the 1st Amendment says are impermissible. A private organization like a web hosting company is limited only by its own terms and conditions, which customers must agree to prior to the company hosting anything on the customer's behalf.

Give that is the way the 1st Amendment works, no First Amendment rights were even slightly infringed, let alone destroyed. That some organizations lost their hosting has zero impact on anyone's 1st Amendment rights.

No, but there could be legal (civil) repercussions if the host violated their terms of the contract.

It would be utterly shocking if all of those contracts don't include terms of service that are subjective enough for them to shit down any site they want without violating any contracts.

Have you ever read a website hosting contract?

Not in..19 years.
Actually the VAST majority of people in this country HATE leftist communist scum. The Police the Military, the decent working class of all colors, the black people who follow the doctorine that Dr. Martin Luther King preached, and his family still does The Evangelical Christians, The NRA members, The Hunters, ON AND ON >>>>>>> The fact that you still consider it okay to kill people like the Branch Davidian women and Children, The Weavers, Robert 'LaVoy' Finicum, ALL of these people killed by shit like the shit attacking conservatives daily NOW. I think we need some REAL websites that gather the forces together for the coming war. I think with the military, the cops, and the hunters we can bring a halt to antifa and anyone who supports them can be collateral damage and made into ornaments for the streetlight poles. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.


The police aren't gonna be on your side in your little race war.
The white ones will....
The problem is in not fully understanding how things work. Even if all the white police agree with you (and they won't) the non white police are going to be there in "the war" and if the white cops start violating the policies in place and going after non-whites, the others will waste no time in telling on them. At least some will. Most people today don't fully understand how things work in organizations. Your view of reality and the consequences of actions you take based on half truths may be seriously impacted by this. It's just like the OP the other day where a cop was saying it was legal to shoot people tearing down statues. As much as some may like to do that, in reality if those statues are not on your property and owned by you, they would no doubt be charged with murder. And then, they would see "how things work" first hand.
I understand full well what reality is now.

This country doesn't actually exist anymore, and neither do Western European countries.

There are no real laws being upheld because there is no real government.

The white cops will realize all of this very soon, and most of them will decide that their self interests matter.

And black cops won't?

I'm just trying to feel out your position here.
The self interest of the black cops would be to let it happen.

They will also realize this.
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