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conservatives don't mind showing id at the ballot box !!!

Sure. Voter ID laws aren't being used to fight the minuscule number of fraud cases, they are being used to try to stop the massive turnout of black, Hispanic and young voters. Hence, states allowing hunting licenses to be used but not college ids. What next a poll tax or a literacy test?

How do you know that? Why not ensure that only those registered to vote in a precinct/district/state are voting in a particular election?

Nothing is keeping a black person, a Hispanic person, or a young voter from getting an ID card or registering to vote.

Nobody is discussing a poll tax or literacy test.

Because I study.

I think it is because you assume a great deal.

Isn't a state college ID an ID card?
It should be.

What does curtailing early voting have to do with ID laws? Because the states that are pushing voter ID laws are also limiting early voting. Research the percentage of black voters who used early voting in the 2008 presidential election.

Not until you answer some of the questions with something more legitimate than "because I study". Why is it that whenever you're asked a question, you bring up 2 or 3 other things (poll taxes, literacy tests, black early voting?"


Why not ensure that only those registered to vote in a precinct/district/state are voting in a particular election? In 2008 presidential election none of it would have mattered. But what about off year elections? What about municipal elections that are barely covered even in the towns where they are held? A few votes from outside the electorate could sway who wins.

Nothing is keeping a black person, a Hispanic person, or a young voter from getting an ID card or registering to vote. If you think there is, please tell us what is doing so.
Sure. Voter ID laws aren't being used to fight the minuscule number of fraud cases, they are being used to try to stop the massive turnout of black, Hispanic and young voters. Hence, states allowing hunting licenses to be used but not college ids. What next a poll tax or a literacy test?

How do you know that? Why not ensure that only those registered to vote in a precinct/district/state are voting in a particular election?

Nothing is keeping a black person, a Hispanic person, or a young voter from getting an ID card or registering to vote.

Nobody is discussing a poll tax or literacy test.

Because I study. Isn't a state college ID an ID card? What does curtailing early voting have to do with ID laws? Because the states that are pushing voter ID laws are also limiting early voting. Research the percentage of black voters who used early voting in the 2008 presidential election.

Anyone attending college, including illegals, can get a student ID. One needs an actual driver's license or state issued ID card to use as proof of identity. If you don't drive, the ID cards are cheap.
Consevatives bend over and take it up the arse a lot, but that's not the point it's against the U.S. Constitution.

Explain your comments.
What is against ( whatever the fuck that means) the US Constitution?
Is it your claim there is a Constitutional prohibition to being compelled to identify one's self?
conservatives support everyone showing id at the ballot box !!! and said conservatives express this opinion from rich to poor !!! thats because we only want to vote once !!! libbs are against a level playing field !!! it's not like libbs are the only ones required to show id !!everyone should rich or poor left or right !!! so where is the suppression libbs always like to bitch ,whine,and scream racism about !!
Of course not! They admire both the Hitler and Stalin philosophy: show me your papers!
That's what your sticking with? Show me your papers?
What do you really fear about voter ID?
Tell the truth. Do not use the above obfuscations either.
What person over the age of 10 doesn't have a photo ID in the modern world? You need I.D. to rent and apartment, buy a house, buy a car, cash a check, buy a beer, get into a government building, apply for food stamps, get on a plane (bus?), go to school, get a job.....If there is a tribe of humans other than the Amish lurking in modern society who have accomplished none of those routine things and are not incarcerated in a mental institution they probably don't give a damn about voting and somebody needs to study their lifestyle. In other words the issue is bogus.
Of course not! They admire both the Hitler and Stalin philosophy: show me your papers!

That is a chicken shit comparison. Here, it matters not what race or religion you are, just that you are a legal citizen and that you are who you claim. It's expected when you drive, apply for a loan or open a bank account.

I realize some don't want rules to get in the way of election fraud, but the rest of us will be disenfranchised if we allow cheaters.

:rolleyes: There is almost no election fraud. You already have to prove your identity to get your voter's registration. Affix a picture to it if you are that paranoid.

You idiots obsess over the stupidest things.
No..You people are imbeciles for opposing the identification process.
It means one is either hiding something, is guilty of something or intends to commit a bad act.
You fucking yellow streak up your back head in the sand lib/progressive/commie fucks are wrecking this country.
Your policies are shit. Your ideology is shittier and the results of your shittiness are sewage.
How do you know that? Why not ensure that only those registered to vote in a precinct/district/state are voting in a particular election?

Nothing is keeping a black person, a Hispanic person, or a young voter from getting an ID card or registering to vote.

Nobody is discussing a poll tax or literacy test.

I think it is because you assume a great deal.

It should be.

What does curtailing early voting have to do with ID laws? Because the states that are pushing voter ID laws are also limiting early voting. Research the percentage of black voters who used early voting in the 2008 presidential election.

Not until you answer some of the questions with something more legitimate than "because I study". Why is it that whenever you're asked a question, you bring up 2 or 3 other things (poll taxes, literacy tests, black early voting?"


Why not ensure that only those registered to vote in a precinct/district/state are voting in a particular election? In 2008 presidential election none of it would have mattered. But what about off year elections? What about municipal elections that are barely covered even in the towns where they are held? A few votes from outside the electorate could sway who wins.

Nothing is keeping a black person, a Hispanic person, or a young voter from getting an ID card or registering to vote. If you think there is, please tell us what is doing so.

Cmon Salt...
You didn't read the full article, did you? From my link:

"What’s more, the RNLA is dishonestly representing their data when they describe it as “in the past decade”: A quick gander at the website’s evidence shows citations going as far back as 1997. Although they claim to have evidence of 46 states with voter fraud prosecutions in the last decade, their website only lists 44 states. For two of those 44, there are only examples from the 1990s up to 2000, bringing the state count down to 42. To be clear, that’s eight states where they identified no instances of voter fraud in the last decade."

"Further, the RNLA brags: “The RNLA webpage presents evidence that there were at least seventeen cases involving prosecutions for non-citizen voting in 2005 just in one state: Florida.” However, according to the Department of Justice, at least four of the seventeen cases they list were dismissed."

Yes, I did read the entire article. Did you read my response? Care to comment?

Sure. Voter ID laws aren't being used to fight the minuscule number of fraud cases, they are being used to try to stop the massive turnout of black, Hispanic and young voters. Hence, states allowing hunting licenses to be used but not college ids. What next a poll tax or a literacy test?
Oh cry me a fucking river.
This 'disenfranchisement' shit is just a lot of bunk.
That miniscule amount of fraud can always be used to call the entire process into question. This is not about being right. It is about doing right. 98% is 'good enough'. The country cannot prosper on 'good enough'.
No person who has an ounce of integrity would oppose self identification for such a vital pert of the election process.
Yes, I did read the entire article. Did you read my response? Care to comment?

Sure. Voter ID laws aren't being used to fight the minuscule number of fraud cases, they are being used to try to stop the massive turnout of black, Hispanic and young voters. Hence, states allowing hunting licenses to be used but not college ids. What next a poll tax or a literacy test?
Oh cry me a fucking river.
This 'disenfranchisement' shit is just a lot of bunk.
That miniscule amount of fraud can always be used to call the entire process into question. This is not about being right. It is about doing right. 98% is 'good enough'. The country cannot prosper on 'good enough'.
No person who has an ounce of integrity would oppose self identification for such a vital pert of the election process.

The entire "disenfranchisement" argument is so weak, it is noteworthy that when pressed as to exactly how providing proper ID disenfranchises anyone, the most vocal proponent of the argument shied away.

If we are not going to register voters, thats fine. But if we are going to register voters, why not make the registration mean something?
conservatives support everyone showing id at the ballot box !!! and said conservatives express this opinion from rich to poor !!! thats because we only want to vote once !!! libbs are against a level playing field !!! it's not like libbs are the only ones required to show id !!everyone should rich or poor left or right !!! so where is the suppression libbs always like to bitch ,whine,and scream racism about !!
I think voter ID should be done by fingerprint or eye scan. I once overheard a bunch of Democrats bragging who voted the most times. One guy said he was a precinct chairman and voted 30 times for Al Gore and against President Bush who he spent the next 4+ years bitterly criticizing. After that, I left that leftist forum. Some of them can't stand a person who constantly brings proof to the table that their party line drivel isn't true.

I think if a cheater tries to vote twice, he should have his voter privileges revoked for life after serving a minimum sentence of 25 years.

That's how important I think the integrity of voting honestly is.

To compound matters, these community organizing braggarts were carting people to the polls for free and trolling nursing homes for absentee votes.

Damn, you are full of shit.
How many voter fraud cases hiave been tried in the past 30 years? How many in the past 10 years?

What percentage of those votes for Obama in 2008 were fraudulent?

There’s no record of voter fraud convictions in the 2008 presidential election that I could find.

But research for more than ten years has demonstrated that voter fraud is virtually non-existent, and of the cases of ‘fraud’ found, ID requirements wouldn’t have prevented the incidents:

Of course the Republicans passing these laws never acknowledge their real purpose, which is to turn away from the polls people who are more likely to vote Democratic, particularly the young, the poor, the elderly and minorities. They insist that laws requiring government identification cards to vote are only to protect the sanctity of the ballot from unscrupulous voters. Cutting back on early voting, which has been popular among working people who often cannot afford to take off from their jobs on Election Day, will save money, they claim.

None of these explanations are true. There is almost no voting fraud in America. And none of the lawmakers who claim there is have ever been able to document any but the most isolated cases. The only reason Republicans are passing these laws is to give themselves a political edge by suppressing Democratic votes.


The voter fraud phantom drives policy
that disenfranchises actual legitimate
voters, without a corresponding actual

Fraud by individual voters is a singularly
foolish way to attempt to win an election.

In some ways, the recent hunt for voter fraud began in Missouri in the 2000 election, the crucible that proved formative for Attorney General John Ashcroft and Senator Kit Bond, among others. Yet despite all the frenzy, the allegations yielded only six substantiated cases of Missouri votes cast by ineligible voters, knowingly or unknowingly, except for those votes permitted by court order. The six cases were double votes by four voters—two across state lines and two within Missouri—amounting to an overall rate of 0.0003%. None of these problems could have been resolved by requiring photo ID at the polls.

Royal Masset, the former political director for the Republican Party of Texas, concisely tied all of these strands together in a 2007 Houston Chronicle article concerning a highly
controversial battle over photo identification legislation in Texas. Masset connected the inflated furor over voter fraud to photo identification laws and their expected impact on legitimate voters:

Among Republicans it is an “article of religious faith that voter fraud is causing us to lose elections,” Masset said. He doesn’t agree with that, but does believe that requiring photo IDs could cause enough of a dropoff in legitimate Democratic voting to add 3 percent to the Republican vote.


If voter fraud is such a non-issue, then you should have nothing to worry about by requiring voters to show ID.

Voter fraud was never the issue for the GOP, keeping democrats from voting is.


Among Republicans it is an “article of religious faith that voter fraud is causing us to lose elections,” Masset said. He doesn’t agree with that, but does believe that requiring photo IDs could cause enough of a dropoff in legitimate Democratic voting to add 3 percent to the Republican vote.
How many voter fraud cases hiave been tried in the past 30 years? How many in the past 10 years?

What percentage of those votes for Obama in 2008 were fraudulent?

There’s no record of voter fraud convictions in the 2008 presidential election that I could find.

But research for more than ten years has demonstrated that voter fraud is virtually non-existent, and of the cases of ‘fraud’ found, ID requirements wouldn’t have prevented the incidents:

Of course the Republicans passing these laws never acknowledge their real purpose, which is to turn away from the polls people who are more likely to vote Democratic, particularly the young, the poor, the elderly and minorities. They insist that laws requiring government identification cards to vote are only to protect the sanctity of the ballot from unscrupulous voters. Cutting back on early voting, which has been popular among working people who often cannot afford to take off from their jobs on Election Day, will save money, they claim.

None of these explanations are true. There is almost no voting fraud in America. And none of the lawmakers who claim there is have ever been able to document any but the most isolated cases. The only reason Republicans are passing these laws is to give themselves a political edge by suppressing Democratic votes.


The voter fraud phantom drives policy
that disenfranchises actual legitimate
voters, without a corresponding actual

Fraud by individual voters is a singularly
foolish way to attempt to win an election.

In some ways, the recent hunt for voter fraud began in Missouri in the 2000 election, the crucible that proved formative for Attorney General John Ashcroft and Senator Kit Bond, among others. Yet despite all the frenzy, the allegations yielded only six substantiated cases of Missouri votes cast by ineligible voters, knowingly or unknowingly, except for those votes permitted by court order. The six cases were double votes by four voters—two across state lines and two within Missouri—amounting to an overall rate of 0.0003%. None of these problems could have been resolved by requiring photo ID at the polls.

Royal Masset, the former political director for the Republican Party of Texas, concisely tied all of these strands together in a 2007 Houston Chronicle article concerning a highly
controversial battle over photo identification legislation in Texas. Masset connected the inflated furor over voter fraud to photo identification laws and their expected impact on legitimate voters:

Among Republicans it is an “article of religious faith that voter fraud is causing us to lose elections,” Masset said. He doesn’t agree with that, but does believe that requiring photo IDs could cause enough of a dropoff in legitimate Democratic voting to add 3 percent to the Republican vote.


If voter fraud is such a non-issue, then you should have nothing to worry about by requiring voters to show ID.

Voter fraud was never the issue for the GOP, keeping democrats from voting is.


Among Republicans it is an “article of religious faith that voter fraud is causing us to lose elections,” Masset said. He doesn’t agree with that, but does believe that requiring photo IDs could cause enough of a dropoff in legitimate Democratic voting to add 3 percent to the Republican vote.
OH please...
The pile of bullshit coming from the left on this issue is now a mountain range.
Sure. Voter ID laws aren't being used to fight the minuscule number of fraud cases, they are being used to try to stop the massive turnout of black, Hispanic and young voters. Hence, states allowing hunting licenses to be used but not college ids. What next a poll tax or a literacy test?

How do you know that? Why not ensure that only those registered to vote in a precinct/district/state are voting in a particular election?

Nothing is keeping a black person, a Hispanic person, or a young voter from getting an ID card or registering to vote.

Nobody is discussing a poll tax or literacy test.

Because I study. Isn't a state college ID an ID card? What does curtailing early voting have to do with ID laws? Because the states that are pushing voter ID laws are also limiting early voting. Research the percentage of black voters who used early voting in the 2008 presidential election.
YOU research it.
Since you opened the door, you may now also research minority voter turnout. And don't try anything funny such as digging up stats in GOP dominant areas.
Yeah, we know all the tricks.

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