Conservatives have to boycott Disney now or we're not worth our salt

Conservatives, boycotting Disney now is mandatory.

Leave conservatives out of this. Moronic Trumpists are not conservatives nor are they republicans, they are simply moronic Trumpets.

I like people posting their politics on social media. I then get to decide if I want to do business with them or not.
I would love for the filthy Trumpets to not go to Disney World. It would upgrade the place.
Thanks for helping with this!
Hey “bro” unwise CAL Berkeley pole puffing faggots clearly have a lot to learn...Obviously, you were raised by MTV, the Kardashian’s, Jersey Shore and Mark Zuckerberg....your opinion on matters such as these are dogshit son. Now beat it...and let the wise adults do the thinking.

says the deplorable who has a confederate flag in his avatar

Irony much?

LOL, I love to laugh at you folks.
Hey “bro” unwise CAL Berkeley pole puffing faggots clearly have a lot to learn...Obviously, you were raised by MTV, the Kardashian’s, Jersey Shore and Mark Zuckerberg....your opinion on matters such as these are dogshit son. Now beat it...and let the wise adults do the thinking.

says the deplorable who has a confederate flag in his avatar

Irony much?

LOL, I love to laugh at you folks.

Robert E. Lee is the greatest badass this nation has ever known....Would you have the balls to stand up and fight government if they started depriving you of constitutional rights?
Robert E. Lee is the greatest badass this nation has ever known....Would you have the balls to stand up and fight government if they started depriving you of constitutional rights?

Like Trumpists, he was a piece of garbage traitor.

Using him as your avatar identifies you instantly.
Robert E. Lee is the greatest badass this nation has ever known....Would you have the balls to stand up and fight government if they started depriving you of constitutional rights?

Like Trumpists, he was a piece of garbage traitor.

Using him as your avatar identifies you instantly.

You’re identifies me as a legit, good, real, core who shares the same last name of many who served in our world wars...How many Obama’s fought for America?
Hey “bro” unwise CAL Berkeley pole puffing faggots clearly have a lot to learn...Obviously, you were raised by MTV, the Kardashian’s, Jersey Shore and Mark Zuckerberg....your opinion on matters such as these are dogshit son. Now beat it...and let the wise adults do the thinking.

says the deplorable who has a confederate flag in his avatar

Irony much?

LOL, I love to laugh at you folks.
Whatever agenda the Prog Party takes up, you follow with blind loyalty. There are people who are not Progs. That does not mean they are Trumpists. They vote for someone for different reasons. The Progs would not be acting like this if they did not have firm control of this nation. they control the media, the entertainment, the communications, much of the internet and social media, and have endless resources from the elites of the world. You do not even pay attention to their end goals which you should know.

Gina Carano did nothing wrong, even by today's distorted standards.

She said nothing insulting to homosexuals, transsexuals, or blacks.

All she did was point out that today's "Cancel Culture" is stirring up hatred towards conservatives like the Nazis stirred up hatred towards the Jews.

Which is true.

Conservatives, boycotting Disney now is mandatory.

If we don't stick up for Gina Carano, we're done for.

You know, you all tried this over "Gay Days"

Know what Disney said? "Fuck off! Gays spend WAAAAY more than the people who hate them." And you know what happened to that boycott? What? Never heard of it? Yeah, that's why. Disney lost not a single dollar over your gay hate and won't lose a single dollar over this round of hate.

Disney is losing money hand over fist. And not just because of covid.

Their wokeness has put the brakes on the ticket sales for the star wars movies, big time.
My goodness you are one ignorant little hater aren't you

Up till 3/2020 Disney's revenues grew q/q and y/y for the last 15 years?
What happened in 3/2020?
Well, Trump's incompetent handling of the COVID pandemic.

Got nothing to do with gays, or actors, or anything but political incompetence at a criminal level.

The Disney movie Solo didn't make money. The wokeness drove away fans.

I loved the Han Solo character from the original trilogy. Do you know how hard it was for them to drive me and my wallet away? But they managed.

DISNEY is the one that is criminal incompetent.

Do you support the dogpiling and cancelling of Gina Carano for partisan politics?
Yep. Life long Star Wars fan. Saw them all up to The Last Jedi. Haven’t watched anything after that. Not to mention... the employees of Marvel have turned me off as well by acting like douche bags online no more super hero shit either.

People like to pretend there isnt plenty of old entertainment media to go back and revisit or watch that was missed first release. Comics,books,tv,movies etc....and honestly the new stuff the entertainment industry cranks out is trash anyway. No great loss.
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Gina Carano did nothing wrong, even by today's distorted standards.

She said nothing insulting to homosexuals, transsexuals, or blacks.

All she did was point out that today's "Cancel Culture" is stirring up hatred towards conservatives like the Nazis stirred up hatred towards the Jews.

Which is true.

Conservatives, boycotting Disney now is mandatory.

If we don't stick up for Gina Carano, we're done for.
Please do conservative sycophants. It will make visiting the park more enjoyable for everyone else.
If Disney is hitching their star to broke progressive asshats that live on ramen and don’t even support their shows or purchase their merch ( parks included). They are in for a rude awakening.

Gina Carano did nothing wrong, even by today's distorted standards.

She said nothing insulting to homosexuals, transsexuals, or blacks.

All she did was point out that today's "Cancel Culture" is stirring up hatred towards conservatives like the Nazis stirred up hatred towards the Jews.

Which is true.

Conservatives, boycotting Disney now is mandatory.

If we don't stick up for Gina Carano, we're done for.
You fuckin wackos are always boycotting something. You're a bunch of little babies.

I remember when you smashed your Kerig coffee machines in Suport of that pedophile Roy Moore...

Why would you support a known pedophile? That is a common theme for republicans...
Amusing coming from the whiney idiots that boycott Chick Fil a,Walmart,Papa Johns, My Pillow,Goya and try to cancel every media and entertainment personality that makes you cry.

Gina Carano did nothing wrong, even by today's distorted standards.

She said nothing insulting to homosexuals, transsexuals, or blacks.

All she did was point out that today's "Cancel Culture" is stirring up hatred towards conservatives like the Nazis stirred up hatred towards the Jews.

Which is true.

Conservatives, boycotting Disney now is mandatory.

If we don't stick up for Gina Carano, we're done for.

You know, you all tried this over "Gay Days"

Know what Disney said? "Fuck off! Gays spend WAAAAY more than the people who hate them." And you know what happened to that boycott? What? Never heard of it? Yeah, that's why. Disney lost not a single dollar over your gay hate and won't lose a single dollar over this round of hate.

Disney is losing money hand over fist. And not just because of covid.

Their wokeness has put the brakes on the ticket sales for the star wars movies, big time.
My goodness you are one ignorant little hater aren't you

Up till 3/2020 Disney's revenues grew q/q and y/y for the last 15 years?
What happened in 3/2020?
Well, Trump's incompetent handling of the COVID pandemic.

Got nothing to do with gays, or actors, or anything but political incompetence at a criminal level.

The Disney movie Solo didn't make money. The wokeness drove away fans.

I loved the Han Solo character from the original trilogy. Do you know how hard it was for them to drive me and my wallet away? But they managed.

DISNEY is the one that is criminal incompetent.

Do you support the dogpiling and cancelling of Gina Carano for partisan politics?

First, Solo was made inevitably bad when the entire plot turned on trying to explain that "less than 12 parsecs" was actually correct. the movie was a full length JarJar failure.

Second, She is a public personality closely identified with Disney. Disney has every right to deal with what it considers behaviors that harm its business.

Personally, I don't know what she said or who she said it to but I read today she's got a new movie deal so...

What is this cancel thing?

Cancel Culture is the use of pretend outrage to destroy people.

A lot of people are being hurt by these mobs of people, and it has grown to where it is effect society as a whole, negatively.

looking for the source?
Look in the mirror.
Know why 43 Republicans voted to acquit in the face of a mountain of evidence? Afraid of being cancelled.
You and yours have been carrying on this way for nearly 20 years (remember the outing of the CIA agent)
but it took on a life of its own with the Tea Party crap.
You've been cancelling your own people for 12 years.

Has nothing to do with "cancelling" anything.
She worked for Disney.
Disney is trying desperately to overcome a 60 year history of open racism and anti-semetism.
As a Disney employee she has a "public behavior" clause in her contract.
When she made that clearly anti-semitic remark disney acted to preserve its image.
Got nothing to do with her or her image.

NOW...NOW that we have that out of the way...

Where is your attacks on the people boycotting Disney over this? Aren't they "cancelling?"

Gina Carano did nothing wrong, even by today's distorted standards.

She said nothing insulting to homosexuals, transsexuals, or blacks.

All she did was point out that today's "Cancel Culture" is stirring up hatred towards conservatives like the Nazis stirred up hatred towards the Jews.

Which is true.

Conservatives, boycotting Disney now is mandatory.

If we don't stick up for Gina Carano, we're done for.

You know, you all tried this over "Gay Days"

Know what Disney said? "Fuck off! Gays spend WAAAAY more than the people who hate them." And you know what happened to that boycott? What? Never heard of it? Yeah, that's why. Disney lost not a single dollar over your gay hate and won't lose a single dollar over this round of hate.

Disney is losing money hand over fist. And not just because of covid.

Their wokeness has put the brakes on the ticket sales for the star wars movies, big time.
My goodness you are one ignorant little hater aren't you

Up till 3/2020 Disney's revenues grew q/q and y/y for the last 15 years?
What happened in 3/2020?
Well, Trump's incompetent handling of the COVID pandemic.

Got nothing to do with gays, or actors, or anything but political incompetence at a criminal level.
Still hanging on to the Trump is to blame for burnt toast, dry creek beds, and whatever else you leftist can think of eh ?
The numbers are the numbers.
If Trump had not totally screwed up his response to the COVID problem he would be president today.
Live with it.

The numbers are garbage. They were designed to be garbage.
450k dead is not garbage.
That you say it is really just serves to highlight your delusions.

That number is not real. It is generated garbage. lose.

When you lie openly you lose the discussion.

Only delusional Trumpinistas deny the ttotals. lose.

When you lie openly you lose the discussion.

Only delusional Trumpinistas deny the ttotals.

It's insane isn't it? Thousands are dying every day and they want to pretend it's not happening. I don't get it. Of course this is the same group of people that also want to deny the devastating effects of climate change so this shouldn't surprise me, but you'd think overrun hospitals and morgues would clue them in. Guess those are all "fake" too.
So...let me see if I have this right.

Conservatives are fine with CANCELLING something when their actions offend their own personal values.

This CULTURE of CANCELLING things they find offensive is not an issue?

I thought conservatives were against this kind of behavior.
So...let me see if I have this right.

Conservatives are fine with CANCELLING something when their actions offend their own personal values.

This CULTURE of CANCELLING things they find offensive is not an issue?

I thought conservatives were against this kind of behavior.
Come haven't given up on pointing out their rank hypocrisy yet? They are completely immune to it. They found a hypocrisy vaccine with 100% efficacy.

Gina Carano did nothing wrong, even by today's distorted standards.

She said nothing insulting to homosexuals, transsexuals, or blacks.

All she did was point out that today's "Cancel Culture" is stirring up hatred towards conservatives like the Nazis stirred up hatred towards the Jews.

Which is true.

Conservatives, boycotting Disney now is mandatory.

If we don't stick up for Gina Carano, we're done for.

You know, you all tried this over "Gay Days"

Know what Disney said? "Fuck off! Gays spend WAAAAY more than the people who hate them." And you know what happened to that boycott? What? Never heard of it? Yeah, that's why. Disney lost not a single dollar over your gay hate and won't lose a single dollar over this round of hate.

Disney is losing money hand over fist. And not just because of covid.

Their wokeness has put the brakes on the ticket sales for the star wars movies, big time.
My goodness you are one ignorant little hater aren't you

Up till 3/2020 Disney's revenues grew q/q and y/y for the last 15 years?
What happened in 3/2020?
Well, Trump's incompetent handling of the COVID pandemic.

Got nothing to do with gays, or actors, or anything but political incompetence at a criminal level.
Still hanging on to the Trump is to blame for burnt toast, dry creek beds, and whatever else you leftist can think of eh ?
The numbers are the numbers.
If Trump had not totally screwed up his response to the COVID problem he would be president today.
Live with it.

The numbers are garbage. They were designed to be garbage.
450k dead is not garbage.
That you say it is really just serves to highlight your delusions.

That number is not real. It is generated garbage.
^^^COVID truthers are as bad if not worse than 9/11 truthers. ^^^

Tell us again how getting money is not a motive.

Show us again your proof hospitals are profiting off COVID deaths, COVID truther.
Uhhhhh, I'm not sure, but I heard that the clinic's were all getting so much money per patient that was diagnosed a Covid patient, and hospitals the same. Don't have proof, but that's what I was hearing. Someone will come along hopefully with some facts on it.
So...let me see if I have this right.

Conservatives are fine with CANCELLING something when their actions offend their own personal values.

This CULTURE of CANCELLING things they find offensive is not an issue?

I thought conservatives were against this kind of behavior.
Canceling things like product lines due to unhealthy purposes or certain actions that are harmful to human beings if practiced or rebuking hate speak that divides or is divisive, and other such things that are damaging to Americans and conservative culture is one thing, but canceling things due to being a crybaby butt hurt whining leftist that didn't get his or her spoiled rotten way, uhh is something else entirely different these days.

Gina Carano did nothing wrong, even by today's distorted standards.

She said nothing insulting to homosexuals, transsexuals, or blacks.

All she did was point out that today's "Cancel Culture" is stirring up hatred towards conservatives like the Nazis stirred up hatred towards the Jews.

Which is true.

Conservatives, boycotting Disney now is mandatory.

If we don't stick up for Gina Carano, we're done for.

You know, you all tried this over "Gay Days"

Know what Disney said? "Fuck off! Gays spend WAAAAY more than the people who hate them." And you know what happened to that boycott? What? Never heard of it? Yeah, that's why. Disney lost not a single dollar over your gay hate and won't lose a single dollar over this round of hate.

Disney is losing money hand over fist. And not just because of covid.

Their wokeness has put the brakes on the ticket sales for the star wars movies, big time.
My goodness you are one ignorant little hater aren't you

Up till 3/2020 Disney's revenues grew q/q and y/y for the last 15 years?
What happened in 3/2020?
Well, Trump's incompetent handling of the COVID pandemic.

Got nothing to do with gays, or actors, or anything but political incompetence at a criminal level.

The Disney movie Solo didn't make money. The wokeness drove away fans.

I loved the Han Solo character from the original trilogy. Do you know how hard it was for them to drive me and my wallet away? But they managed.

DISNEY is the one that is criminal incompetent.

Do you support the dogpiling and cancelling of Gina Carano for partisan politics?
Yep. Life long Star Wars fan. Saw them all up to The Last Jedi. Haven’t watched anything after that. Not to mention... the employees of Marvel have turned me off as well by acting like douche bags online no more super hero shit either.

People like to pretend there isnt plenty of old entertainment media to go back and revisit or watch that was missed first release. Comics,books,tv,movies etc....and honestly the new stuff the entertainment industry cranks out is trash anyway. No great loss.
You are absolutely right. The cheap fake bullcrap pushed on this country now is a disgrace. Yep, me and the wife watch alot of old stuff, it's just so much better, and the characters are more relatable also.
Canceling things like product lines due to unhealthy purposes or certain actions that are harmful to human beings if practiced or rebuking hate speak that divides or is divisive, and other such things that are damaging to Americans and conservative culture is one thing, but canceling things due to being a crybaby butt hurt whining leftist that didn't get his or her spoiled rotten way, uhh is something else entirely different these days.

That’s a long run-on sentence. I’m still having difficulty understanding.

When a liberal cancels something, you say they’re being a crybaby. Why is it different when a conservative does it?
So...let me see if I have this right.

Conservatives are fine with CANCELLING something when their actions offend their own personal values.

This CULTURE of CANCELLING things they find offensive is not an issue?

I thought conservatives were against this kind of behavior.

Cancelling people is what Lefties do when they are butthurt....little mobs of idiots with no life outside of Twitter harass people for wrong think for months ,and actively contact and harass companies that employ or support them to fire them.

Terminating your Disney subscription because you don’t want to pay for their product anymore is not even remotely the same thing.

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