Conservatives have to boycott Disney now or we're not worth our salt lose.

When you lie openly you lose the discussion.

Only delusional Trumpinistas deny the ttotals.

It's insane isn't it? Thousands are dying every day and they want to pretend it's not happening. I don't get it. Of course this is the same group of people that also want to deny the devastating effects of climate change so this shouldn't surprise me, but you'd think overrun hospitals and morgues would clue them in. Guess those are all "fake" too.

What "devastating effects of climate change"?

Gina Carano did nothing wrong, even by today's distorted standards.

She said nothing insulting to homosexuals, transsexuals, or blacks.

All she did was point out that today's "Cancel Culture" is stirring up hatred towards conservatives like the Nazis stirred up hatred towards the Jews.

Which is true.

Conservatives, boycotting Disney now is mandatory.

If we don't stick up for Gina Carano, we're done for.

You know, you all tried this over "Gay Days"

Know what Disney said? "Fuck off! Gays spend WAAAAY more than the people who hate them." And you know what happened to that boycott? What? Never heard of it? Yeah, that's why. Disney lost not a single dollar over your gay hate and won't lose a single dollar over this round of hate.

Disney is losing money hand over fist. And not just because of covid.

Their wokeness has put the brakes on the ticket sales for the star wars movies, big time.
My goodness you are one ignorant little hater aren't you

Up till 3/2020 Disney's revenues grew q/q and y/y for the last 15 years?
What happened in 3/2020?
Well, Trump's incompetent handling of the COVID pandemic.

Got nothing to do with gays, or actors, or anything but political incompetence at a criminal level.

The Disney movie Solo didn't make money. The wokeness drove away fans.

I loved the Han Solo character from the original trilogy. Do you know how hard it was for them to drive me and my wallet away? But they managed.

DISNEY is the one that is criminal incompetent.

Do you support the dogpiling and cancelling of Gina Carano for partisan politics?

First, Solo was made inevitably bad when the entire plot turned on trying to explain that "less than 12 parsecs" was actually correct. the movie was a full length JarJar failure.

Second, She is a public personality closely identified with Disney. Disney has every right to deal with what it considers behaviors that harm its business.

Personally, I don't know what she said or who she said it to but I read today she's got a new movie deal so...

What is this cancel thing?

Cancel Culture is the use of pretend outrage to destroy people.

A lot of people are being hurt by these mobs of people, and it has grown to where it is effect society as a whole, negatively.

looking for the source?
Look in the mirror.
Know why 43 Republicans voted to acquit in the face of a mountain of evidence? Afraid of being cancelled.
You and yours have been carrying on this way for nearly 20 years (remember the outing of the CIA agent)
but it took on a life of its own with the Tea Party crap.
You've been cancelling your own people for 12 years.

Has nothing to do with "cancelling" anything.
She worked for Disney.
Disney is trying desperately to overcome a 60 year history of open racism and anti-semetism.
As a Disney employee she has a "public behavior" clause in her contract.
When she made that clearly anti-semitic remark disney acted to preserve its image.
Got nothing to do with her or her image.

NOW...NOW that we have that out of the way...

Where is your attacks on the people boycotting Disney over this? Aren't they "cancelling?"

Her remark was not anti-semitic.

Her remark was true. That is why the shock. She dared speak the Truth.

Firing or canceling for doing a bad job is legitimate. I am not attacking Disney for their political beliefs. I am attacking them for using their political beliefs as a reason for hurting innocent people, and/or turning out crap product (of an intellectual property that I care about)

The rest of your post is a form of gish gallop fallacy.

Gina Carano did nothing wrong, even by today's distorted standards.

She said nothing insulting to homosexuals, transsexuals, or blacks.

All she did was point out that today's "Cancel Culture" is stirring up hatred towards conservatives like the Nazis stirred up hatred towards the Jews.

Which is true.

Conservatives, boycotting Disney now is mandatory.

If we don't stick up for Gina Carano, we're done for.

You know, you all tried this over "Gay Days"

Know what Disney said? "Fuck off! Gays spend WAAAAY more than the people who hate them." And you know what happened to that boycott? What? Never heard of it? Yeah, that's why. Disney lost not a single dollar over your gay hate and won't lose a single dollar over this round of hate.

Disney is losing money hand over fist. And not just because of covid.

Their wokeness has put the brakes on the ticket sales for the star wars movies, big time.
My goodness you are one ignorant little hater aren't you

Up till 3/2020 Disney's revenues grew q/q and y/y for the last 15 years?
What happened in 3/2020?
Well, Trump's incompetent handling of the COVID pandemic.

Got nothing to do with gays, or actors, or anything but political incompetence at a criminal level.
Still hanging on to the Trump is to blame for burnt toast, dry creek beds, and whatever else you leftist can think of eh ?
The numbers are the numbers.
If Trump had not totally screwed up his response to the COVID problem he would be president today.
Live with it.

The numbers are garbage. They were designed to be garbage.
450k dead is not garbage.
That you say it is really just serves to highlight your delusions.

That number is not real. It is generated garbage. lose.

When you lie openly you lose the discussion.

Only delusional Trumpinistas deny the ttotals.

Wow. What a convincing supporting argument to your claim. YOu called me a name.

I know that is the best most of you libs can do. So I will go easy on you..

You lose. Now, run away kid, before I crush your world view by speaking Truth that will burn and scar you for life.

Gina Carano did nothing wrong, even by today's distorted standards.

She said nothing insulting to homosexuals, transsexuals, or blacks.

All she did was point out that today's "Cancel Culture" is stirring up hatred towards conservatives like the Nazis stirred up hatred towards the Jews.

Which is true.

Conservatives, boycotting Disney now is mandatory.

If we don't stick up for Gina Carano, we're done for.

You know, you all tried this over "Gay Days"

Know what Disney said? "Fuck off! Gays spend WAAAAY more than the people who hate them." And you know what happened to that boycott? What? Never heard of it? Yeah, that's why. Disney lost not a single dollar over your gay hate and won't lose a single dollar over this round of hate.

Disney is losing money hand over fist. And not just because of covid.

Their wokeness has put the brakes on the ticket sales for the star wars movies, big time.
My goodness you are one ignorant little hater aren't you

Up till 3/2020 Disney's revenues grew q/q and y/y for the last 15 years?
What happened in 3/2020?
Well, Trump's incompetent handling of the COVID pandemic.

Got nothing to do with gays, or actors, or anything but political incompetence at a criminal level.
Still hanging on to the Trump is to blame for burnt toast, dry creek beds, and whatever else you leftist can think of eh ?
The numbers are the numbers.
If Trump had not totally screwed up his response to the COVID problem he would be president today.
Live with it.

The numbers are garbage. They were designed to be garbage.
450k dead is not garbage.
That you say it is really just serves to highlight your delusions.

That number is not real. It is generated garbage.
^^^COVID truthers are as bad if not worse than 9/11 truthers. ^^^

Tell us again how getting money is not a motive.

Show us again your proof hospitals are profiting off COVID deaths, COVID truther.
Uhhhhh, I'm not sure, but I heard that the clinic's were all getting so much money per patient that was diagnosed a Covid patient, and hospitals the same. Don't have proof, but that's what I was hearing. Someone will come along hopefully with some facts on it.
You asked for it, you got it.

Medicare — the federal health insurance program for Americans 65 and older, a central at-risk population when it comes to COVID-19 — pays hospitals in part using fixed rates at discharge based off a grouping system known as diagnosis-related groups.​
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has classified COVID-19 cases with existing groups for respiratory infections and inflammations. A CMS spokesperson told us exact payments vary, depending on a patient’s principal diagnosis and severity, as well as treatments and procedures. There are also geographic variations.​
An analysis by the Kaiser Family Foundation looked at average Medicare payments for hospital admissions for the existing diagnosis-related groups and noted that the “average Medicare payment for respiratory infections and inflammations with major comorbidities or complications in 2017 … was $13,297. For more severe hospitalizations, we use the average Medicare payment for a respiratory system diagnosis with ventilator support for greater than 96 hours, which was $40,218.”​
It is true, however, that the government will pay more to hospitals for COVID-19 cases in two senses: By paying an additional 20% on top of traditional Medicare rates for COVID-19 patients during the public health emergency, and by reimbursing hospitals for treating the uninsured patients with the disease (at that enhanced Medicare rate).​
Both of those provisions stem from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, or CARES Act.​
The CARES Act created the 20% add-on to be paid for Medicare patients with COVID-19. The act further created a $100 billion fund that is being used to financially assist hospitals — a “portion” of which will be “used to reimburse healthcare providers, at Medicare rates, for COVID-related treatment of the uninsured,” according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.​
As the Kaiser analysis noted, though, “it is unclear whether the new fund will be able to cover the costs of the uninsured in addition to other needs, such as the purchase of medical supplies and the construction of temporary facilities.”​
Either way, the fact that government programs are paying hospitals for treating patients who have COVID-19 isn’t on its own representative of anything nefarious.​
“There’s an implication here that hospitals are over-reporting their COVID patients because they have an economic advantage of doing so, [which] is really an outrageous claim,” Gerald Kominski, senior fellow at the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research, told us. And, he said, any suggestion that patients may be put on ventilators out of financial gain, not medical need, “is basically saying physicians are violating their Hippocratic Oath … it would be like providing heart surgery on someone who doesn’t need it.”

So thank you. YOur source clearly states that they are getting more money for covid cases.

More money is a motive. EVen with the best intentions, such a factor will normally effect decision making.

And considering the large number of people making the decisions, some of them have to be effected.

Now, combine that with the other two factors, ie accepting with as from and guesses,

and no reasonable and informed person would have any faith in those numbers.
Canceling things like product lines due to unhealthy purposes or certain actions that are harmful to human beings if practiced or rebuking hate speak that divides or is divisive, and other such things that are damaging to Americans and conservative culture is one thing, but canceling things due to being a crybaby butt hurt whining leftist that didn't get his or her spoiled rotten way, uhh is something else entirely different these days.

That’s a long run-on sentence. I’m still having difficulty understanding.

When a liberal cancels something, you say they’re being a crybaby. Why is it different when a conservative does it?
Because when liberals do it, their just being whiney butt hurt cry babies, but when conservatives do it, it's because liberals are at the core of their decision making. No one likes butt hurt cry babies or companies that support butt hurt cry babies, and that's the differences in the two comparison's and/or why's.
So, how long is the list of the Republican cancel culture?

Conservatives are voluntarily canceling things they disagree with. The demleftists are shaming and forcing it.
See the difference?
No, because I have never seen what drives people to want be part of either, which means I don't join in the lemmings acceptance of commercialism.
Don't have Disney or any of these streaming services don't plan on getting any of them so I am way ahead of the curve.
Same here. I dropped them all when they were hounding me to donate to BLM and also after witnessing their vile employees actions on Twitter for several years. Never again.
This is to you and the rest of the people here claiming to boycott Disney.

WTF are you doing here? If you're REALLY boycotting Disney then how are you aware of this and what does it matter to you anyway?

Methinks I got a sackful of self-righteous liars here!

You've got a sackful of something alright.
People are canceling their streaming service. No one is “ cancelling Disney”.

Title: "Conservatives have to boycott Disney now"

Boycotting/cancelling. You don't consider these the same thing?

Are you saying that it's ok to boycott something but not ok to cancel something? Still not following your argument.
Canceling subscriptions or canceling products, and/or hollyweird for their support for terrible corrosive things is merely a move in hopes to challenge the idiot's in hopes that they might change in their ways, but leftist cancel culture is an attempt to destroy individual's that don't go along with the corrosive things in which they engage in. There is a right and wrong in everything, so don't act stupid.

Gina Carano did nothing wrong, even by today's distorted standards.

She said nothing insulting to homosexuals, transsexuals, or blacks.

All she did was point out that today's "Cancel Culture" is stirring up hatred towards conservatives like the Nazis stirred up hatred towards the Jews.

Which is true.

Conservatives, boycotting Disney now is mandatory.

If we don't stick up for Gina Carano, we're done for.

You know, you all tried this over "Gay Days"

Know what Disney said? "Fuck off! Gays spend WAAAAY more than the people who hate them." And you know what happened to that boycott? What? Never heard of it? Yeah, that's why. Disney lost not a single dollar over your gay hate and won't lose a single dollar over this round of hate.

Disney is losing money hand over fist. And not just because of covid.

Their wokeness has put the brakes on the ticket sales for the star wars movies, big time.
My goodness you are one ignorant little hater aren't you

Up till 3/2020 Disney's revenues grew q/q and y/y for the last 15 years?
What happened in 3/2020?
Well, Trump's incompetent handling of the COVID pandemic.

Got nothing to do with gays, or actors, or anything but political incompetence at a criminal level.
Still hanging on to the Trump is to blame for burnt toast, dry creek beds, and whatever else you leftist can think of eh ?
The numbers are the numbers.
If Trump had not totally screwed up his response to the COVID problem he would be president today.
Live with it.

The numbers are garbage. They were designed to be garbage.
450k dead is not garbage.
That you say it is really just serves to highlight your delusions.

That number is not real. It is generated garbage.
^^^COVID truthers are as bad if not worse than 9/11 truthers. ^^^

Tell us again how getting money is not a motive.

Show us again your proof hospitals are profiting off COVID deaths, COVID truther.
Uhhhhh, I'm not sure, but I heard that the clinic's were all getting so much money per patient that was diagnosed a Covid patient, and hospitals the same. Don't have proof, but that's what I was hearing. Someone will come along hopefully with some facts on it.
You asked for it, you got it.

Medicare — the federal health insurance program for Americans 65 and older, a central at-risk population when it comes to COVID-19 — pays hospitals in part using fixed rates at discharge based off a grouping system known as diagnosis-related groups.​
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has classified COVID-19 cases with existing groups for respiratory infections and inflammations. A CMS spokesperson told us exact payments vary, depending on a patient’s principal diagnosis and severity, as well as treatments and procedures. There are also geographic variations.​
An analysis by the Kaiser Family Foundation looked at average Medicare payments for hospital admissions for the existing diagnosis-related groups and noted that the “average Medicare payment for respiratory infections and inflammations with major comorbidities or complications in 2017 … was $13,297. For more severe hospitalizations, we use the average Medicare payment for a respiratory system diagnosis with ventilator support for greater than 96 hours, which was $40,218.”​
It is true, however, that the government will pay more to hospitals for COVID-19 cases in two senses: By paying an additional 20% on top of traditional Medicare rates for COVID-19 patients during the public health emergency, and by reimbursing hospitals for treating the uninsured patients with the disease (at that enhanced Medicare rate).​
Both of those provisions stem from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, or CARES Act.​
The CARES Act created the 20% add-on to be paid for Medicare patients with COVID-19. The act further created a $100 billion fund that is being used to financially assist hospitals — a “portion” of which will be “used to reimburse healthcare providers, at Medicare rates, for COVID-related treatment of the uninsured,” according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.​
As the Kaiser analysis noted, though, “it is unclear whether the new fund will be able to cover the costs of the uninsured in addition to other needs, such as the purchase of medical supplies and the construction of temporary facilities.”​
Either way, the fact that government programs are paying hospitals for treating patients who have COVID-19 isn’t on its own representative of anything nefarious.​
“There’s an implication here that hospitals are over-reporting their COVID patients because they have an economic advantage of doing so, [which] is really an outrageous claim,” Gerald Kominski, senior fellow at the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research, told us. And, he said, any suggestion that patients may be put on ventilators out of financial gain, not medical need, “is basically saying physicians are violating their Hippocratic Oath … it would be like providing heart surgery on someone who doesn’t need it.”
Hmmmm, do you think that hospital's aren't profit oriented ?? What about the thousands of doctor's that violated their hypocratic oaths when fueling the opioid crisis ?? So do you trust everything or do you question or ponder ?

Gina Carano did nothing wrong, even by today's distorted standards.

She said nothing insulting to homosexuals, transsexuals, or blacks.

All she did was point out that today's "Cancel Culture" is stirring up hatred towards conservatives like the Nazis stirred up hatred towards the Jews.

Which is true.

Conservatives, boycotting Disney now is mandatory.

If we don't stick up for Gina Carano, we're done for.

You know, you all tried this over "Gay Days"

Know what Disney said? "Fuck off! Gays spend WAAAAY more than the people who hate them." And you know what happened to that boycott? What? Never heard of it? Yeah, that's why. Disney lost not a single dollar over your gay hate and won't lose a single dollar over this round of hate.

Disney is losing money hand over fist. And not just because of covid.

Their wokeness has put the brakes on the ticket sales for the star wars movies, big time.
My goodness you are one ignorant little hater aren't you

Up till 3/2020 Disney's revenues grew q/q and y/y for the last 15 years?
What happened in 3/2020?
Well, Trump's incompetent handling of the COVID pandemic.

Got nothing to do with gays, or actors, or anything but political incompetence at a criminal level.
Still hanging on to the Trump is to blame for burnt toast, dry creek beds, and whatever else you leftist can think of eh ?
The numbers are the numbers.
If Trump had not totally screwed up his response to the COVID problem he would be president today.
Live with it.

The numbers are garbage. They were designed to be garbage.
450k dead is not garbage.
That you say it is really just serves to highlight your delusions.

That number is not real. It is generated garbage.
^^^COVID truthers are as bad if not worse than 9/11 truthers. ^^^

Tell us again how getting money is not a motive.

Show us again your proof hospitals are profiting off COVID deaths, COVID truther.

You denied that they were benefiting from it. Now you are admitting they are getting money for it. Your request to move the goal post is denied.

You can still stonewall some more and pretend that getting money is not a motive.

Did you read that the next day and realize who bad it make you look?

Seriously. I'm not denying that covid exists. I'm just pointing out that the numbers are not trustworthy.

We will get better numbers some day and can discuss what really happened as history.

It really doesn't matter now, it worked, Trump lost.


Are you really afraid that he will run again in four years?
Of course they get money for services rendered. They are not listing non COVID deaths as COVID in order to get money which is what the lying claim was.

You are correct that the numbers are likely wrong, but all the experts believe that COVID deaths are underreported.

After the last few days, he might run but he will lose. The top Republican in the Senate gave a lengthy speech telling us all how unfit for office Donnie Covidseed is. lose.

When you lie openly you lose the discussion.

Only delusional Trumpinistas deny the ttotals.

It's insane isn't it? Thousands are dying every day and they want to pretend it's not happening. I don't get it. Of course this is the same group of people that also want to deny the devastating effects of climate change so this shouldn't surprise me, but you'd think overrun hospitals and morgues would clue them in. Guess those are all "fake" too.

What "devastating effects of climate change"?
As if on cue...:rolleyes:
Hmmmm, do you think that hospital's aren't profit oriented ?? What about the thousands of doctor's that violated their hypocratic oaths when fueling the opioid crisis ?? So do you trust everything or do you question or ponder ?

Of course they are, unfortunately. That's the nature of our for-profit healthcare system. There is still ZERO evidence that anyone is listing COVID as the cause of death when it isn't.

Thousands of Doctors didn't violate their Hippocratic Oath when prescribing pain medication to patients in pain.

First, in all fairness, I will start with physicians. We overprescribe opioids, just as we overprescribe antibiotics. But it is generally well meaning; we don’t want our patients to experience pain. But then we prescribe 30 or 60 pills when 5 or 20 would have been adequate. We do that because we are used to prescribing in multiples of 30; 30 days for a month supply of a once a day medication, 90 days for a mail-order prescription. Prescribing 6 or 10 pills will undoubtedly result in a phone call from a pharmacist asking for a round number of pills, taking up time better spent entering meaningless information into our electronic health record systems. It is the leftover pills that sit forgotten in the medicine cabinet which often lead to trouble, stolen by a relative or visitor and abused. But sometimes it is that prescription that was provided for true pain that leads rapidly to tolerance and addiction. Healthy Living magazine recently published a heart wrenching story of a woman whose life was nearly destroyed by two weeks of oxycodone prescribed by a well-meaning physician for arthritis.
The role of these physicians can best be described as innocent bystander. We were truly trying to help the patient.
I've been boycotting Walt Disney since Nov 1975...after I was tricked into being Mickey Mouse for Halloween! I decided I hated everything Disney when I was 5 years old. I've had a vendetta ever since nad will support anyone else who would like to see Disney wiped off the face of the earth forever.

Gina Carano did nothing wrong, even by today's distorted standards.

She said nothing insulting to homosexuals, transsexuals, or blacks.

All she did was point out that today's "Cancel Culture" is stirring up hatred towards conservatives like the Nazis stirred up hatred towards the Jews.

Which is true.

Conservatives, boycotting Disney now is mandatory.

If we don't stick up for Gina Carano, we're done for.

You know, you all tried this over "Gay Days"

Know what Disney said? "Fuck off! Gays spend WAAAAY more than the people who hate them." And you know what happened to that boycott? What? Never heard of it? Yeah, that's why. Disney lost not a single dollar over your gay hate and won't lose a single dollar over this round of hate.

Disney is losing money hand over fist. And not just because of covid.

Their wokeness has put the brakes on the ticket sales for the star wars movies, big time.
My goodness you are one ignorant little hater aren't you

Up till 3/2020 Disney's revenues grew q/q and y/y for the last 15 years?
What happened in 3/2020?
Well, Trump's incompetent handling of the COVID pandemic.

Got nothing to do with gays, or actors, or anything but political incompetence at a criminal level.

The Disney movie Solo didn't make money. The wokeness drove away fans.

I loved the Han Solo character from the original trilogy. Do you know how hard it was for them to drive me and my wallet away? But they managed.

DISNEY is the one that is criminal incompetent.

Do you support the dogpiling and cancelling of Gina Carano for partisan politics?

First, Solo was made inevitably bad when the entire plot turned on trying to explain that "less than 12 parsecs" was actually correct. the movie was a full length JarJar failure.

Second, She is a public personality closely identified with Disney. Disney has every right to deal with what it considers behaviors that harm its business.

Personally, I don't know what she said or who she said it to but I read today she's got a new movie deal so...

What is this cancel thing?

Cancel Culture is the use of pretend outrage to destroy people.

A lot of people are being hurt by these mobs of people, and it has grown to where it is effect society as a whole, negatively.

looking for the source?
Look in the mirror.
Know why 43 Republicans voted to acquit in the face of a mountain of evidence? Afraid of being cancelled.
You and yours have been carrying on this way for nearly 20 years (remember the outing of the CIA agent)
but it took on a life of its own with the Tea Party crap.
You've been cancelling your own people for 12 years.

Has nothing to do with "cancelling" anything.
She worked for Disney.
Disney is trying desperately to overcome a 60 year history of open racism and anti-semetism.
As a Disney employee she has a "public behavior" clause in her contract.
When she made that clearly anti-semitic remark disney acted to preserve its image.
Got nothing to do with her or her image.

NOW...NOW that we have that out of the way...

Where is your attacks on the people boycotting Disney over this? Aren't they "cancelling?"

Her remark was not anti-semitic.

Her remark was true. That is why the shock. She dared speak the Truth.

Firing or canceling for doing a bad job is legitimate. I am not attacking Disney for their political beliefs. I am attacking them for using their political beliefs as a reason for hurting innocent people, and/or turning out crap product (of an intellectual property that I care about)

The rest of your post is a form of gish gallop fallacy.
You can tell her comments weren’t directed at the Jews,but at the left. And because the Left hates Jews...If she were actually disparaging Jews they wouldn’t care. She correctly called the left out on their own hate. Which is why they are pissed. Notice she didn’t clarify what party she was talking about ...they just automatically knew and assigned it to themselves.
I'd like to join the boycott, but I haven't supported a single Disney product since they openly supported the degenerate queer lifestyle years ago. I guess I was just ahead of the game.
Because when liberals do it, their just being whiney butt hurt cry babies, but when conservatives do it, it's because liberals are at the core of their decision making.

That doesn’t make sense.

If liberals do it, they’re crybabies. If conservatives do it, it’s ok.
Canceling subscriptions or canceling products, and/or hollyweird for their support for terrible corrosive things is merely a move in hopes to challenge the idiot's in hopes that they might change in their ways, but leftist cancel culture is an attempt to destroy individual's that don't go along with the corrosive things in which they engage in. There is a right and wrong in everything, so don't act stupid.

Are you not trying to destroy Disney and the NFL, among others?

If you just cancel Disney, that’s one thing. But look at this post and you see that conservatives also want OTHER people to cancel Disney.

Gina Carano did nothing wrong, even by today's distorted standards.

She said nothing insulting to homosexuals, transsexuals, or blacks.

All she did was point out that today's "Cancel Culture" is stirring up hatred towards conservatives like the Nazis stirred up hatred towards the Jews.

Which is true.

Conservatives, boycotting Disney now is mandatory.

If we don't stick up for Gina Carano, we're done for.

Aren't you guys already boycotting Disney because of their homosexual-friendly policies?
She thinks all conservatives are yellow pencils.

Unlike the left, we dont do marching orders. We think independently.

I have boycotted all things Disney for over a decade

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