Conservatives have to boycott Disney now or we're not worth our salt

disney is completely bankrupt... espn is sucking them into the septic tank along with the rest of the shitty brand... who's stuck in the 60's still watching abc?

Occasionally I'll steal one of their movies and say "entertain me, fucking monkeys!" and then I'm usually disappointed... I suppose I got my money's worth. I would never pay for that shit. Evah!

Gina Carano did nothing wrong, even by today's distorted standards.

She said nothing insulting to homosexuals, transsexuals, or blacks.

All she did was point out that today's "Cancel Culture" is stirring up hatred towards conservatives like the Nazis stirred up hatred towards the Jews.

Which is true.

Conservatives, boycotting Disney now is mandatory.

If we don't stick up for Gina Carano, we're done for.

You know, you all tried this over "Gay Days"

Know what Disney said? "Fuck off! Gays spend WAAAAY more than the people who hate them." And you know what happened to that boycott? What? Never heard of it? Yeah, that's why. Disney lost not a single dollar over your gay hate and won't lose a single dollar over this round of hate.

Disney is losing money hand over fist. And not just because of covid.

Their wokeness has put the brakes on the ticket sales for the star wars movies, big time.
My goodness you are one ignorant little hater aren't you

Up till 3/2020 Disney's revenues grew q/q and y/y for the last 15 years?
What happened in 3/2020?
Well, Trump's incompetent handling of the COVID pandemic.

Got nothing to do with gays, or actors, or anything but political incompetence at a criminal level.
Still hanging on to the Trump is to blame for burnt toast, dry creek beds, and whatever else you leftist can think of eh ?
The numbers are the numbers.
If Trump had not totally screwed up his response to the COVID problem he would be president today.
Live with it.
Yet another leftist fabrication....absolute fraud.
You know, claim "fabrication" as a Trump lover is ridiculous both on its face and on its ass.
Yeah....and you're ugly.
I have Disney+ only because it comes as a package deal with Hulu and ESPN. Really, the only reason I have it is because I cut the cable over a year ago, but I still want to be able to watch formula 1 racing, rather than paying a subscription to F1 TV, id rather pay just a little more and get F1 on ESPN, and get all of Hulu and disney+ to boot.

Gina Carano did nothing wrong, even by today's distorted standards.

She said nothing insulting to homosexuals, transsexuals, or blacks.

All she did was point out that today's "Cancel Culture" is stirring up hatred towards conservatives like the Nazis stirred up hatred towards the Jews.

Which is true.

Conservatives, boycotting Disney now is mandatory.

If we don't stick up for Gina Carano, we're done for.

You know, you all tried this over "Gay Days"

Know what Disney said? "Fuck off! Gays spend WAAAAY more than the people who hate them." And you know what happened to that boycott? What? Never heard of it? Yeah, that's why. Disney lost not a single dollar over your gay hate and won't lose a single dollar over this round of hate.

Disney is losing money hand over fist. And not just because of covid.

Their wokeness has put the brakes on the ticket sales for the star wars movies, big time.
My goodness you are one ignorant little hater aren't you

Up till 3/2020 Disney's revenues grew q/q and y/y for the last 15 years?
What happened in 3/2020?
Well, Trump's incompetent handling of the COVID pandemic.

Got nothing to do with gays, or actors, or anything but political incompetence at a criminal level.
Still hanging on to the Trump is to blame for burnt toast, dry creek beds, and whatever else you leftist can think of eh ?
The numbers are the numbers.
If Trump had not totally screwed up his response to the COVID problem he would be president today.
Live with it.
Yet another leftist fabrication....absolute fraud.
You know, claim "fabrication" as a Trump lover is ridiculous both on its face and on its ass.
Yeah....and you're ugly.
While I would love to argue that claim my mirror begs to differ.
Been boycotting Disney for decades already.

Will carry on.
Might not be much left for conservatives to spend money on in America, but yes I don't spend my money where I know it's not wanted, so now I got a huge pocket full of it. Oh well, to bad for the leftist.
That's about where I am at.

No problem for me. I am a hermit by nature.
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disney is completely bankrupt... espn is sucking them into the septic tank along with the rest of the shitty brand... who's stuck in the 60's still watching abc?

Occasionally I'll steal one of their movies and say "entertain me, fucking monkeys!" and then I'm usually disappointed... I suppose I got my money's worth. I would never pay for that shit. Evah!

I think Democrats are cutting their own throats with this fascism.

Considering the Twitter mobs aren’t actual fans of their properties ,nor do they pay for any of the services or products. Pissing off the paying customers is not a good idea.

Gina Carano did nothing wrong, even by today's distorted standards.

She said nothing insulting to homosexuals, transsexuals, or blacks.

All she did was point out that today's "Cancel Culture" is stirring up hatred towards conservatives like the Nazis stirred up hatred towards the Jews.

Which is true.

Conservatives, boycotting Disney now is mandatory.

If we don't stick up for Gina Carano, we're done for.

Easily offended conservatives are going to find themselves back in the Stone Age if they keep this nonsense up – there won’t be any television to watch, no movies to go to, and no internet sites to visit.
She was cancelled for saying its bad to cancel people.

The snake is eating its own tail.
Thin-skinned conservatives must realize that private media entities don’t want to have anything to do with rightwing bigotry, racism, and hate.

‘A spokesperson with the production company said in a statement on Wednesday that Carano is not currently employed by Lucasfilm with “no plans for her to be in the future.”

“Nevertheless, her social media posts denigrating people based on their cultural and religious identities are abhorrent and unacceptable,” the statement read.’


Gina Carano did nothing wrong, even by today's distorted standards.

She said nothing insulting to homosexuals, transsexuals, or blacks.

All she did was point out that today's "Cancel Culture" is stirring up hatred towards conservatives like the Nazis stirred up hatred towards the Jews.

Which is true.

Conservatives, boycotting Disney now is mandatory.

If we don't stick up for Gina Carano, we're done for.

You know, you all tried this over "Gay Days"

Know what Disney said? "Fuck off! Gays spend WAAAAY more than the people who hate them." And you know what happened to that boycott? What? Never heard of it? Yeah, that's why. Disney lost not a single dollar over your gay hate and won't lose a single dollar over this round of hate.

Disney is losing money hand over fist. And not just because of covid.

Their wokeness has put the brakes on the ticket sales for the star wars movies, big time.
My goodness you are one ignorant little hater aren't you

Up till 3/2020 Disney's revenues grew q/q and y/y for the last 15 years?
What happened in 3/2020?
Well, Trump's incompetent handling of the COVID pandemic.

Got nothing to do with gays, or actors, or anything but political incompetence at a criminal level.

The Disney movie Solo didn't make money. The wokeness drove away fans.

I loved the Han Solo character from the original trilogy. Do you know how hard it was for them to drive me and my wallet away? But they managed.

DISNEY is the one that is criminal incompetent.

Do you support the dogpiling and cancelling of Gina Carano for partisan politics?

Gina Carano did nothing wrong, even by today's distorted standards.

She said nothing insulting to homosexuals, transsexuals, or blacks.

All she did was point out that today's "Cancel Culture" is stirring up hatred towards conservatives like the Nazis stirred up hatred towards the Jews.

Which is true.

Conservatives, boycotting Disney now is mandatory.

If we don't stick up for Gina Carano, we're done for.

You know, you all tried this over "Gay Days"

Know what Disney said? "Fuck off! Gays spend WAAAAY more than the people who hate them." And you know what happened to that boycott? What? Never heard of it? Yeah, that's why. Disney lost not a single dollar over your gay hate and won't lose a single dollar over this round of hate.

Disney is losing money hand over fist. And not just because of covid.

Their wokeness has put the brakes on the ticket sales for the star wars movies, big time.
My goodness you are one ignorant little hater aren't you

Up till 3/2020 Disney's revenues grew q/q and y/y for the last 15 years?
What happened in 3/2020?
Well, Trump's incompetent handling of the COVID pandemic.

Got nothing to do with gays, or actors, or anything but political incompetence at a criminal level.
Still hanging on to the Trump is to blame for burnt toast, dry creek beds, and whatever else you leftist can think of eh ?
The numbers are the numbers.
If Trump had not totally screwed up his response to the COVID problem he would be president today.
Live with it.

The numbers are garbage. They were designed to be garbage.
I've been thinking of boycotting Disney for many years but this firing of an actress because she opposes Cancel Culture is the straw that broke the camel's back.
She was fired for making problematic public comments that were not received well by the public which forced her employer to act in order to preserve their interests. I’m sure her contract covered such behaviors.

You dopes really need to learn how to not screw yourselves over.
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Gina Carano did nothing wrong, even by today's distorted standards.

She said nothing insulting to homosexuals, transsexuals, or blacks.

All she did was point out that today's "Cancel Culture" is stirring up hatred towards conservatives like the Nazis stirred up hatred towards the Jews.

Which is true.

Conservatives, boycotting Disney now is mandatory.

If we don't stick up for Gina Carano, we're done for.
Please do conservative sycophants. It will make visiting the park more enjoyable for everyone else.

Gina Carano did nothing wrong, even by today's distorted standards.

She said nothing insulting to homosexuals, transsexuals, or blacks.

All she did was point out that today's "Cancel Culture" is stirring up hatred towards conservatives like the Nazis stirred up hatred towards the Jews.

Which is true.

Conservatives, boycotting Disney now is mandatory.

If we don't stick up for Gina Carano, we're done for.
The party of dumb is already over.
I don't agree with cancel culture, on either side. If you want to boycott businesses because they have liberal vues you don't like, the list of businesses you are going to boycott will be long.

Rather, the best way to fix this problem is for true free speech entrepenures to start building their own social media platforms, distribution methods, and entertainment companies. Until that happens, unfortunately, we will be at the whim of a mostly liberal controlled society.
I don't know... If the conservatives were as unified as the liberals or leftist, a boycott would be devastating to leftist platforms. It probably already is or has started quietly, but the media is probably putting a smiley face on it when it should be a pouting face on it instead. Now unfortunately the Democrat's have the ability (if checks and balances break down), to funnel taxpayer money's in various schemes to them if they need it.

Gina Carano did nothing wrong, even by today's distorted standards.

She said nothing insulting to homosexuals, transsexuals, or blacks.

All she did was point out that today's "Cancel Culture" is stirring up hatred towards conservatives like the Nazis stirred up hatred towards the Jews.

Which is true.

Conservatives, boycotting Disney now is mandatory.

If we don't stick up for Gina Carano, we're done for.
Please do conservative sycophants. It will make visiting the park more enjoyable for everyone else.
That's what you ignants have been wanting all along eh ??? A world without Christian's/conservatives. Good luck in your dreams of utopia without the good folks to bail your butts out mentally and physically when you shoot yourselves constantly in the foots.

Gina Carano did nothing wrong, even by today's distorted standards.

She said nothing insulting to homosexuals, transsexuals, or blacks.

All she did was point out that today's "Cancel Culture" is stirring up hatred towards conservatives like the Nazis stirred up hatred towards the Jews.

Which is true.

Conservatives, boycotting Disney now is mandatory.

If we don't stick up for Gina Carano, we're done for.

You know, you all tried this over "Gay Days"

Know what Disney said? "Fuck off! Gays spend WAAAAY more than the people who hate them." And you know what happened to that boycott? What? Never heard of it? Yeah, that's why. Disney lost not a single dollar over your gay hate and won't lose a single dollar over this round of hate.

Disney is losing money hand over fist. And not just because of covid.

Their wokeness has put the brakes on the ticket sales for the star wars movies, big time.
My goodness you are one ignorant little hater aren't you

Up till 3/2020 Disney's revenues grew q/q and y/y for the last 15 years?
What happened in 3/2020?
Well, Trump's incompetent handling of the COVID pandemic.

Got nothing to do with gays, or actors, or anything but political incompetence at a criminal level.

The Disney movie Solo didn't make money. The wokeness drove away fans.

I loved the Han Solo character from the original trilogy. Do you know how hard it was for them to drive me and my wallet away? But they managed.

DISNEY is the one that is criminal incompetent.

Do you support the dogpiling and cancelling of Gina Carano for partisan politics?

First, Solo was made inevitably bad when the entire plot turned on trying to explain that "less than 12 parsecs" was actually correct. the movie was a full length JarJar failure.

Second, She is a public personality closely identified with Disney. Disney has every right to deal with what it considers behaviors that harm its business.

Personally, I don't know what she said or who she said it to but I read today she's got a new movie deal so...

What is this cancel thing?

Gina Carano did nothing wrong, even by today's distorted standards.

She said nothing insulting to homosexuals, transsexuals, or blacks.

All she did was point out that today's "Cancel Culture" is stirring up hatred towards conservatives like the Nazis stirred up hatred towards the Jews.

Which is true.

Conservatives, boycotting Disney now is mandatory.

If we don't stick up for Gina Carano, we're done for.

You know, you all tried this over "Gay Days"

Know what Disney said? "Fuck off! Gays spend WAAAAY more than the people who hate them." And you know what happened to that boycott? What? Never heard of it? Yeah, that's why. Disney lost not a single dollar over your gay hate and won't lose a single dollar over this round of hate.

Disney is losing money hand over fist. And not just because of covid.

Their wokeness has put the brakes on the ticket sales for the star wars movies, big time.
My goodness you are one ignorant little hater aren't you

Up till 3/2020 Disney's revenues grew q/q and y/y for the last 15 years?
What happened in 3/2020?
Well, Trump's incompetent handling of the COVID pandemic.

Got nothing to do with gays, or actors, or anything but political incompetence at a criminal level.
Still hanging on to the Trump is to blame for burnt toast, dry creek beds, and whatever else you leftist can think of eh ?
The numbers are the numbers.
If Trump had not totally screwed up his response to the COVID problem he would be president today.
Live with it.

The numbers are garbage. They were designed to be garbage.
450k dead is not garbage.
That you say it is really just serves to highlight your delusions.

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