Conservatives In Thrall To Old Black Magic Of Voodoo Economics


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014
During his failed bid for the 1980 Republican presidential nominationGeorge H W Bush described Ronald Reagan’s “supply side” doctrine – the claim that cutting taxes on high incomes would lead to spectacular economic growth, so that tax cuts would pay for themselves – as “voodoo economic policy”. Bush was right. Even rapid recovery from the 1981-82 recession was driven by interest-rate cuts, not tax cuts. Still, the voodoo faithful claimed vindication.

Conservatives in thrall to old black magic of voodoo economics
During his failed bid for the 1980 Republican presidential nominationGeorge H W Bush described Ronald Reagan’s “supply side” doctrine – the claim that cutting taxes on high incomes would lead to spectacular economic growth, so that tax cuts would pay for themselves – as “voodoo economic policy”. Bush was right. Even rapid recovery from the 1981-82 recession was driven by interest-rate cuts, not tax cuts. Still, the voodoo faithful claimed vindication.

Conservatives in thrall to old black magic of voodoo economics
No worse than being in thrall to the 'grow a bubble, burst a bubble' Keynesian nonsense.
Trickle-down is faith-based bullshit. Adherents act as if it is pure heresy to even doubt that economic policy should always target the "job creators" with lavish gifts.
I don't know who makes up these stupid names but they can't seem to get through life without them. Voodoo economics and notice it's just conservatives who is "thrall" with it


I was reading this one from pmsnbc. Now if you question the Unemployment numbers you're now labeled, an Unemployment TRUTHER from that brilliant Rachel Maddcow

Unemployment truthers see new conspiracy
Unemployment truthers see new conspiracy MSNBC
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