Conservatives,Let's Compare First Five Years Into The Bush Years To Obama's First 5.

I love how dimocraps, usually but not always younger ones, spend most of their time in here telling us how bad they have it, have unfair life is and then defend the Stuttering Clusterfuck like he's their Living God.

Stupidity and Loserdom really do stroll hand-in-hand.

Just walk away. It's all you can do.

Like my Daddy always said, "You can't fix stupid, just walk away."[/QUOTE]

Did he walk away after he told you that?

Love how you fucked up the quote formatting and then accuse someone else of being mentally deficient.

You guys are 0 and 2 right now. You oughta quit
I love how dimocraps, usually but not always younger ones, spend most of their time in here telling us how bad they have it, have unfair life is and then defend the Stuttering Clusterfuck like he's their Living God.

Stupidity and Loserdom really do stroll hand-in-hand.

Just walk away. It's all you can do.

Like my Daddy always said, "You can't fix stupid, just walk away."[/QUOTE]

Did he walk away after he told you that?

Love how you fucked up the quote formatting and then accuse someone else of being mentally deficient.

You guys are 0 and 2 right now. You oughta quit

it doesn't matter how many times you liberals drag President Bush through your mud bath. The truth is the five years of obama are nothing but one giant fuck up after another.
Love how you fucked up the quote formatting and then accuse someone else of being mentally deficient.

You guys are 0 and 2 right now. You oughta quit


Yeah, you spotted it quickly enough and fixed it before the software would show an 'edit' at the bottom of the box.

Don't play that shit with me you dishonest fuck.

That's the whole reason I called.

I don't mind what you believe so much as I mind how you lie. Everything you people believe, everything you people say, everything you do is based on lies.

And then you lie to cover the lie. And then lie to cover that lie.

It isn't political philosophy that makes me HATE dimocraps. I just disagree with that... If you were honest -- We could talk. But you're not.....

Its the lies. Every day. Every hour of every day, another lie.

It's all you do.

You lie. All of you. Your entire existence is based on lies.

Even in the smallest, most insignificant of details.... You lie.

That's a sickness dewd..... Or dewdette.

It will eventually catch up to you if you don't fix it. It always does.


All a person has in this world is their word, their honor. It's how others judge you.

You might think you're slick now, but it will eventually bite you in the ass..... Hard
[Conservatives,Let's Compare First Five Years Into The Bush Years To Obama's First 5.

Okay. Let's.

When Bush came to office, we had 4% unemployment, were posting 200 Billion dollar surpluses, we were at peace, we were enjoying a new golden age.

When he left, we had been rocked by two recessions, we were posting deficits of half a trillion, we were involved in two wars that were claiming thousands of American lives, and because he appointed hacks and cronies to key positions, a major city was levelled by a hurricane.

When Obama came to office,i the entire economic system had effectively collapsed, unemployment was shooting up to double digits, we were bogged down in two pointless wars, and posting trillion dollar deficits.

Now we have stabalized the economy, unemployment is down below where it was when he started, we've ended one war and are going to soon end the other (although not soon enough for me).

Yeah, you spotted it quickly enough and fixed it before the software would show an 'edit' at the bottom of the box.

Don't play that shit with me you dishonest fuck.

That's the whole reason I called.

I don't mind what you believe so much as I mind how you lie. Everything you people believe, everything you people say, everything you do is based on lies.

And then you lie to cover the lie. And then lie to cover that lie.

It isn't political philosophy that makes me HATE dimocraps. I just disagree with that... If you were honest -- We could talk. But you're not.....

Its the lies. Every day. Every hour of every day, another lie.

It's all you do.

You lie. All of you. Your entire existence is based on lies.

Even in the smallest, most insignificant of details.... You lie.

That's a sickness dewd..... Or dewdette.

It will eventually catch up to you if you don't fix it. It always does.


All a person has in this world is their word, their honor. It's how others judge you.

You might think you're slick now, but it will eventually bite you in the ass..... Hard

My daddy had a saying for people who throw tantrums over petty little shit

"Stop being a whiny bitch"
Last edited:
TN dude you are wrong about what he CRA did. It has been explained right on these pages many MANY times. I wrote mortgage loans for 18 years. You don't know what the fuk you are talking about.

Plain and simple for you. Mortgage brokers were writing the vast bulk of high risk mortgage loans. High risk liar loan. NINA loans. Brokers wrote that business. Not banks. (Though some banks did buy broker operations to get in on the action) Mortgage brokers did not operate under CRA requirements. Mortgage brokers are not "banks" and "banks" are what had to operate under CRA requirements.

Geez dude. Quit believing everything you read on here.

hey zeke.. Mortgage brokers exist to find a bank or a direct lender that an individual seeks with a specific loan the individual is seeking..
majority of mortgage brokers are regulated to ensure compliance with banking and or finance laws

You wrote mortgage loans? You sure you didn't just sweep their floors? LOL

one can write a document for an entity which does not make him the management of the entity

TN you really are a stupid motherfucker. And stupid can't be fixed.

CRA. Community Re investment Act was designed to keep banks from accepting deposits in a particular neighborhood and then not offering lending of all types to the same neighborhood the bank was accepting deposits from. That is it.

And with your level of stupidity, you might not know that mortgage brokers do not have branch banking locations where they accept deposits from citizens. And it didn't matter WHO the broker sold his loans to, he still didn't have to comply with CRA requirements.

Just the way it is dude. Yea, brokers had regulations they were supposed to follow.
CRA was not one of them you dumb fuk.

You ever get enough credit to buy a house? Work at a job long enough to qualify for a mortgage loan? Or is your trailer paid for? Cause you sure as shit don't know anything about the mortgage business beyond what Rush told you to believe.
[Conservatives,Let's Compare First Five Years Into The Bush Years To Obama's First 5.

Okay. Let's.

When Bush came to office, we had 4% unemployment, were posting 200 Billion dollar surpluses, we were at peace, we were enjoying a new golden age.

When he left, we had been rocked by two recessions, we were posting deficits of half a trillion, we were involved in two wars that were claiming thousands of American lives, and because he appointed hacks and cronies to key positions, a major city was levelled by a hurricane.

When Obama came to office,i the entire economic system had effectively collapsed, unemployment was shooting up to double digits, we were bogged down in two pointless wars, and posting trillion dollar deficits.

Now we have stabalized the economy, unemployment is down below where it was when he started, we've ended one war and are going to soon end the other (although not soon enough for me).

What part of comparing the first five years is difficult for you to understand?

I understand you're a liberal but please do try to stay on topic. If you need assistance ask a conservative to help you.
hey zeke.. Mortgage brokers exist to find a bank or a direct lender that an individual seeks with a specific loan the individual is seeking..
majority of mortgage brokers are regulated to ensure compliance with banking and or finance laws

You wrote mortgage loans? You sure you didn't just sweep their floors? LOL

one can write a document for an entity which does not make him the management of the entity

TN you really are a stupid motherfucker. And stupid can't be fixed.

CRA. Community Re investment Act was designed to keep banks from accepting deposits in a particular neighborhood and then not offering lending of all types to the same neighborhood the bank was accepting deposits from. That is it.

And with your level of stupidity, you might not know that mortgage brokers do not have branch banking locations where they accept deposits from citizens. And it didn't matter WHO the broker sold his loans to, he still didn't have to comply with CRA requirements.

Just the way it is dude. Yea, brokers had regulations they were supposed to follow.
CRA was not one of them you dumb fuk.

You ever get enough credit to buy a house? Work at a job long enough to qualify for a mortgage loan? Or is your trailer paid for? Cause you sure as shit don't know anything about the mortgage business beyond what Rush told you to believe.

Sounds like you were an incompetent mortgage broker given you do know what the hell you're talking about.

◾The Community Reinvestment Act is intended to encourage depository institutions to help meet the credit needs of the communities in which they operate, including low- and moderate-income neighborhoods, consistent with safe and sound banking operations. It was enacted by the Congress in 1977 (12 U.S.C. 2901) and is implemented by Regulations 12 CFR parts 25, 228, 345, and 195. (See Regulation).

◾The CRA requires that each insured depository institution's record in helping meet the credit needs of its entire community be evaluated periodically. That record is taken into account in considering an institution's application for deposit facilities, including mergers and acquisitions (See CRA Ratings). CRA examinations (see Exam Schedules) are conducted by the federal agencies that are responsible for supervising depository institutions: the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (FRB), the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC).
in 2006 Richard Gere could of brought in "One Of His Little Furry Pets" into Wachovia Bank, wanted to get the rodent a mortgage for a new/larger cage (let's just say an uprgade), I am pretty sure the rodent would of been approved of the mortgage, no questions asked, so long as he was alive, breathing, and gaurenteed not to die in at least 7 years.
in 2006 Richard Gere could of brought in "One Of His Little Furry Pets" into Wachovia Bank, wanted to get the rodent a mortgage for a new/larger cage (let's just say an uprgade), I am pretty sure the rodent would of been approved of the mortgage, no questions asked, so long as he was alive, breathing, and gaurenteed not to die in at least 7 years.

You've just lost what little credibility you had.
one can write a document for an entity which does not make him the management of the entity

TN you really are a stupid motherfucker. And stupid can't be fixed.

CRA. Community Re investment Act was designed to keep banks from accepting deposits in a particular neighborhood and then not offering lending of all types to the same neighborhood the bank was accepting deposits from. That is it.

And with your level of stupidity, you might not know that mortgage brokers do not have branch banking locations where they accept deposits from citizens. And it didn't matter WHO the broker sold his loans to, he still didn't have to comply with CRA requirements.

Just the way it is dude. Yea, brokers had regulations they were supposed to follow.
CRA was not one of them you dumb fuk.

You ever get enough credit to buy a house? Work at a job long enough to qualify for a mortgage loan? Or is your trailer paid for? Cause you sure as shit don't know anything about the mortgage business beyond what Rush told you to believe.

Sounds like you were an incompetent mortgage broker given you do know what the hell you're talking about.

◾The Community Reinvestment Act is intended to encourage depository institutions to help meet the credit needs of the communities in which they operate, including low- and moderate-income neighborhoods, consistent with safe and sound banking operations. It was enacted by the Congress in 1977 (12 U.S.C. 2901) and is implemented by Regulations 12 CFR parts 25, 228, 345, and 195. (See Regulation).

◾The CRA requires that each insured depository institution's record in helping meet the credit needs of its entire community be evaluated periodically. That record is taken into account in considering an institution's application for deposit facilities, including mergers and acquisitions (See CRA Ratings). CRA examinations (see Exam Schedules) are conducted by the federal agencies that are responsible for supervising depository institutions: the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (FRB), the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC).

You post up something that backs up what I said and claim I was incompetent?

You are hilarious. I highlighted the part about "deposits" and "credit needs" just so you could read them again.

You a follower of TN? Must be. Stupid does rub off I guess. At least it did on you.

You do know what "deposits" are? Maybe?
TN you really are a stupid motherfucker. And stupid can't be fixed.

CRA. Community Re investment Act was designed to keep banks from accepting deposits in a particular neighborhood and then not offering lending of all types to the same neighborhood the bank was accepting deposits from. That is it.

And with your level of stupidity, you might not know that mortgage brokers do not have branch banking locations where they accept deposits from citizens. And it didn't matter WHO the broker sold his loans to, he still didn't have to comply with CRA requirements.

Just the way it is dude. Yea, brokers had regulations they were supposed to follow.
CRA was not one of them you dumb fuk.

You ever get enough credit to buy a house? Work at a job long enough to qualify for a mortgage loan? Or is your trailer paid for? Cause you sure as shit don't know anything about the mortgage business beyond what Rush told you to believe.

Sounds like you were an incompetent mortgage broker given you do know what the hell you're talking about.

◾The Community Reinvestment Act is intended to encourage depository institutions to help meet the credit needs of the communities in which they operate, including low- and moderate-income neighborhoods, consistent with safe and sound banking operations. It was enacted by the Congress in 1977 (12 U.S.C. 2901) and is implemented by Regulations 12 CFR parts 25, 228, 345, and 195. (See Regulation).

◾The CRA requires that each insured depository institution's record in helping meet the credit needs of its entire community be evaluated periodically. That record is taken into account in considering an institution's application for deposit facilities, including mergers and acquisitions (See CRA Ratings). CRA examinations (see Exam Schedules) are conducted by the federal agencies that are responsible for supervising depository institutions: the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (FRB), the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC).

You post up something that backs up what I said and claim I was incompetent?

You are hilarious. I highlighted the part about "deposits" and "credit needs" just so you could read them again.

You a follower of TN? Must be. Stupid does rub off I guess. At least it did on you.

You do know what "deposits" are? Maybe?

"Community Re investment Act was designed to keep banks from accepting deposits in a particular neighborhood"

Not even close.
TN you really are a stupid motherfucker. And stupid can't be fixed.

CRA. Community Re investment Act was designed to keep banks from accepting deposits in a particular neighborhood and then not offering lending of all types to the same neighborhood the bank was accepting deposits from. That is it.

And with your level of stupidity, you might not know that mortgage brokers do not have branch banking locations where they accept deposits from citizens. And it didn't matter WHO the broker sold his loans to, he still didn't have to comply with CRA requirements.

Just the way it is dude. Yea, brokers had regulations they were supposed to follow.
CRA was not one of them you dumb fuk.

You ever get enough credit to buy a house? Work at a job long enough to qualify for a mortgage loan? Or is your trailer paid for? Cause you sure as shit don't know anything about the mortgage business beyond what Rush told you to believe.

Sounds like you were an incompetent mortgage broker given you do know what the hell you're talking about.

◾The Community Reinvestment Act is intended to encourage depository institutions to help meet the credit needs of the communities in which they operate, including low- and moderate-income neighborhoods, consistent with safe and sound banking operations. It was enacted by the Congress in 1977 (12 U.S.C. 2901) and is implemented by Regulations 12 CFR parts 25, 228, 345, and 195. (See Regulation).

◾The CRA requires that each insured depository institution's record in helping meet the credit needs of its entire community be evaluated periodically. That record is taken into account in considering an institution's application for deposit facilities, including mergers and acquisitions (See CRA Ratings). CRA examinations (see Exam Schedules) are conducted by the federal agencies that are responsible for supervising depository institutions: the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (FRB), the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC).

You post up something that backs up what I said and claim I was incompetent?

You are hilarious. I highlighted the part about "deposits" and "credit needs" just so you could read them again.

You a follower of TN? Must be. Stupid does rub off I guess. At least it did on you.

You do know what "deposits" are? Maybe?

It contradicted what you said. But given your intellectual capacity I don't expect you to see the error of your ways.
[Conservatives,Let's Compare First Five Years Into The Bush Years To Obama's First 5.

Okay. Let's.

When Bush came to office, we had 4% unemployment, were posting 200 Billion dollar surpluses, we were at peace, we were enjoying a new golden age.

When he left, we had been rocked by two recessions, we were posting deficits of half a trillion, we were involved in two wars that were claiming thousands of American lives, and because he appointed hacks and cronies to key positions, a major city was levelled by a hurricane.

When Obama came to office,i the entire economic system had effectively collapsed, unemployment was shooting up to double digits, we were bogged down in two pointless wars, and posting trillion dollar deficits.

Now we have stabalized the economy, unemployment is down below where it was when he started, we've ended one war and are going to soon end the other (although not soon enough for me).

What part of comparing the first five years is difficult for you to understand?

I understand you're a liberal but please do try to stay on topic. If you need assistance ask a conservative to help you.

I did.

I'm sorry you didn't understand the concept.

Bush took a good economy and turned it into an absolutely s hitty one.

Even if you take out the 2008 recession because it hadn't happen yet, at the end of the first five years of Bush, we still had.

Huge Deficits.
the 2001 Recession
The Afghan War
The Iraq War
Katrina wiping out NOLA.

Man, sorry, Bush really did fuck it up. It's why he lost Congress in 2006, because even with the worst not having happened yet, everyone realized this guy was a huge mistake.
they say that "Everyone Is Entitled To A New Home", or any home. Really? even those who never worked hard to own one? thats how the left feels. they could care less for anyone who worked their butts off for years to acheive the american dream, while others were just handed 100% mortgages. even if they were illegal aliens.
in 2006 Richard Gere could of brought in "One Of His Little Furry Pets" into Wachovia Bank, wanted to get the rodent a mortgage for a new/larger cage (let's just say an uprgade), I am pretty sure the rodent would of been approved of the mortgage, no questions asked, so long as he was alive, breathing, and gaurenteed not to die in at least 7 years.

Besides the fact that the whole "Gerbil" story is an urban myth, (and how did Richard Gere get into this conversation, anyway...)

the CRA had nothing to do with the easier lending that the banks did in the Oughts.

The banks were signing off on questionable loans because they were allowed to bundle those loans and sell them off as "investments".
they say that "Everyone Is Entitled To A New Home", or any home. Really? even those who never worked hard to own one? thats how the left feels. they could care less for anyone who worked their butts off for years to acheive the american dream, while others were just handed 100% mortgages. even if they were illegal aliens.

The problem was not that people got homes.

The problem was that the housing market was artificially inflated by the banks, who sold off said mortgages as "investments" to other suckers.

Incidently, if a political party doesn't give a fuck about people who work their butts off, it's the one who nominates a guy who proudly says, "I like to be able to fire people!"
Sounds like you were an incompetent mortgage broker given you do know what the hell you're talking about.

◾The Community Reinvestment Act is intended to encourage depository institutions to help meet the credit needs of the communities in which they operate, including low- and moderate-income neighborhoods, consistent with safe and sound banking operations. It was enacted by the Congress in 1977 (12 U.S.C. 2901) and is implemented by Regulations 12 CFR parts 25, 228, 345, and 195. (See Regulation).

◾The CRA requires that each insured depository institution's record in helping meet the credit needs of its entire community be evaluated periodically. That record is taken into account in considering an institution's application for deposit facilities, including mergers and acquisitions (See CRA Ratings). CRA examinations (see Exam Schedules) are conducted by the federal agencies that are responsible for supervising depository institutions: the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (FRB), the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC).

You post up something that backs up what I said and claim I was incompetent?

You are hilarious. I highlighted the part about "deposits" and "credit needs" just so you could read them again.

You a follower of TN? Must be. Stupid does rub off I guess. At least it did on you.

You do know what "deposits" are? Maybe?

"Community Re investment Act was designed to keep banks from accepting deposits in a particular neighborhood"

Not even close.

Hey hey, you edited my sentence. Now why would that be? Could it be because of what the rest of the sentence said?

You are willfully being stupid. Why is that. Just curious.
Five years into Bush's presidency, unemployment was at 5.08% with a Labor Force Participation Rate of 66%. Eight years later, and under Obama's Reign of Economic Terror, and we have unemployment of 7.3% with an LFPR of 63.2% (which means millions and millions of people have given up work because the virtually nonexistent GDP growth rate in the Age of Obamanomics is not resulting in adequate job creation).

Heckuva job, Barry!

Statistically the Titanic had a much better trip than Apollo 13. Apollo made it back.

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