Conservatives,Let's Compare First Five Years Into The Bush Years To Obama's First 5.

well they have thousands of homes planned and being built here. even a mile from my community, something major is under construction. I guess Naples is projected to keep booming. I remember driving here in 1991 from Sarasota, there was no traffic on 75.,,and homes were around 80K !!
i can still remember bill o'rielly on this subject., i think it was late 2009/early 2010, he bitched and bitched on how it was around 10% of the adults in the USA who F*****Ked it up for the rest taking out mortgages they knew they couldnt afford. and he was right,,,,frikkin greedy poor people who wanted it all,.,,AND WANTED IT NOW !!!!

in my level of responsibility I place those 10% on the LAST position.

There are much more responsible in a much higher positions.

and though people in the last positions differ, all of the higher-ups have something very common - they ALL are leftard dimocraps
the banks were FORCED to do it, so they found the loophole.

the collapse of 2008 was caused by

1) Clinton's repeal of Glass-Steagall
2) forceful enforcement of the mortgage loaning to dangerous clients with penalties if the banks do not - forced by dems
3) banks finding loopholes to do so and go on steroids with risks
4) Dems refusing to control the Fanny and Freddie with Barney outfront LYING that everything is nice and peachy
5) irresponsible greedy customers who wanted to make their little buck in the growing and growing and growing bubble

I have read a LOT of stupid things written here by those that identify as Republicans.

But the highlighted above is close to the most stupid thing I have read. Yet.

Thank you for saying that. It was amazing to see your warped sense of the world.

The banks were "forced" to make bad loans. Priceless.

Community Reinvestment Act??? (liberal policies :lol:)
To comply with the CRA, banks had to show that they did not discriminate in making loans in poor and black neighborhoods!
That compliance got tougher in 1995 when Clinton decided to help fuck shit up, forcing banks to demonstrate statistically they were making their quota of loans in low-income neighborhoods and encouraging community activist groups like NACA to file complaints against banks.

TN dude you are wrong about what he CRA did. It has been explained right on these pages many MANY times. I wrote mortgage loans for 18 years. You don't know what the fuk you are talking about.

Plain and simple for you. Mortgage brokers were writing the vast bulk of high risk mortgage loans. High risk liar loan. NINA loans. Brokers wrote that business. Not banks. (Though some banks did buy broker operations to get in on the action) Mortgage brokers did not operate under CRA requirements. Mortgage brokers are not "banks" and "banks" are what had to operate under CRA requirements.

Geez dude. Quit believing everything you read on here.
i can still remember bill o'rielly on this subject., i think it was late 2009/early 2010, he bitched and bitched on how it was around 10% of the adults in the USA who F*****Ked it up for the rest taking out mortgages they knew they couldnt afford. and he was right,,,,frikkin greedy poor people who wanted it all,.,,AND WANTED IT NOW !!!!

in my level of responsibility I place those 10% on the LAST position.

There are much more responsible in a much higher positions.

and though people in the last positions differ, all of the higher-ups have something very common - they ALL are leftard dimocraps

Frank and Dodd were chairs of their respective banking committees.
They told me everything was hunky-dory
at least my three brothers and one sister had plenty of money left over after they built thier 4000 sq foot homes !!! you wanna buy a house, then broke, then a wheel from a cessna comes into your living room while watching "Harball",,,,your on your own!
I wonder how pissed middle class americans who worked 2/3 years to buy a home felt back then as banks were giving away homes to the poor and even dead people.

You are either an idiot or drinking heavily. Or both. You figure out which tax you were talking about earlier? Was it the capital corporate real estate income abatement tax? Is that the one?
I think it was 15%. Yea, that's the one.

you better STFU yourself, idiot.

You have just submitted to the whole world how ignorant you are that you never heard of CRA and the ways of its enforcement :lol:

BUT BUT BUT it was Bushs fault :rofl:
I wonder how pissed middle class americans who worked 2/3 years to buy a home felt back then as banks were giving away homes to the poor and even dead people.

You are either an idiot or drinking heavily. Or both. You figure out which tax you were talking about earlier? Was it the capital corporate real estate income abatement tax? Is that the one?
I think it was 15%. Yea, that's the one.

you better STFU yourself, idiot.

You have just submitted to the whole world how ignorant you are that you never heard of CRA and the ways of its enforcement :lol:

VOX hey I been reading your rantings. You are lucky you can spell C R A.
although i do admit, i always fear something will come crashing into my living room some night,,,maybe even a UFO.
bush walked into a good economy
whether Clinton or not would be another thread
obama had it rough starting out..
whos policies at fault would be another thread LOL

Bush walked into RECESSION which he steered away quickly and skillfully.

Obama walked into the same recession and made things much worse

IDK Vox..
I have always looked at calling the " Dot Com burst" being a recession was a RW talking point.
The "2000 recession" didn't hit the US until 2002 or 2003 I think? That happened in most developed countries..
Besides, there wasn't even 2 consecutive quarters of loss here in the US.

No, it hit right in the spring of 2000.
I knew a LOT of people who lost their jobs exactly then - I was living in NYC and was living around young IT specialists.

There were really many of them.

On the contrary, I never met anybody who lost thir job in 2008-09 crisis.

But I was in a different part of the country and in a totally different professional setting by that time.
It was much harder to get a decent job in my specialty( 2008-09) - where I wanted to. 1-2-4 years before one could open the door by their boot anywhere - anywhere, in any geographical area, which drastically changed in 2008 - exactly the moment I started to look :D
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god i hope health-care finally hits the wall soon. thats why obama wont delay it,,,cause then the economy will improve !! more jobs!! but no,,,the dems forbid a great economy!
You are either an idiot or drinking heavily. Or both. You figure out which tax you were talking about earlier? Was it the capital corporate real estate income abatement tax? Is that the one?
I think it was 15%. Yea, that's the one.

you better STFU yourself, idiot.

You have just submitted to the whole world how ignorant you are that you never heard of CRA and the ways of its enforcement :lol:

VOX hey I been reading your rantings. You are lucky you can spell C R A.

feeling that you embarrassed yourself, sunshine? I am sure it is not the first time and definitely not the last one - libtards are brainless, and it will continue :D
you better STFU yourself, idiot.

You have just submitted to the whole world how ignorant you are that you never heard of CRA and the ways of its enforcement :lol:

VOX hey I been reading your rantings. You are lucky you can spell C R A.

feeling that you embarrassed yourself, sunshine? I am sure it is not the first time and definitely not the last one - libtards are brainless, and it will continue :D

You are an idiot. I wrote mortgage loans for banks. I attended I don't know how many sessions on Fair Lending and the CRA requirements for banks.

You and you CRA blaming buddies don't know what the fuk you are talking about. True story. You don't know what the fuk you are talking about.
you better STFU yourself, idiot.

You have just submitted to the whole world how ignorant you are that you never heard of CRA and the ways of its enforcement :lol:

VOX hey I been reading your rantings. You are lucky you can spell C R A.

feeling that you embarrassed yourself, sunshine? I am sure it is not the first time and definitely not the last one - libtards are brainless, and it will continue :D
Even a frog has a brain. Surely libtards at least have the intelligence of a frog.
2006 was so much fun !!! since then, Pelosi and Reid have F*****Ked most of our lives going into 2007 when they crashed the DOW.
VOX hey I been reading your rantings. You are lucky you can spell C R A.

feeling that you embarrassed yourself, sunshine? I am sure it is not the first time and definitely not the last one - libtards are brainless, and it will continue :D

You are an idiot. I wrote mortgage loans for banks. I attended I don't know how many sessions on Fair Lending and the CRA requirements for banks.

You and you CRA blaming buddies don't know what the fuk you are talking about. True story. You don't know what the fuk you are talking about.

writing mortgage loans for the bank makes you an operative in the lower chain of command working either directly for the bank as an employee or as a private contractor from a separate business.

Does not make you a higher officer of the bank responsible with compliance with government regulations or the one responsible for expansion of the bank into the new areas. neither the one in the management of the finances.

To put things in a more crude way - performing one operation FOR the bank does not elevate you to the thinking tank of the bank.
An accountant in the doctor's office has no idea what regulations and evaluations the hospital the doctors operates in is subjected to.

Now you don't even have to go online and do your research.
Just tell us how well off you were financially, the equity you built in your home, the numerous job offers you had to refuse because of "The Booming Bush Economy".
Wasn't unemployment around 5% back then? Homes were selling faster than the time it took for an Obama Supporter to answer "Who Is The Vice-President" ??
And what was the national debt in 2005?
No need to compare the stats of 2013. And the left thinks all is doing well? The economy is booming??:laugh:

I tripled my income under Bush. Under Obama, my former employer offered me a promotion but the promotion included my choice of moving to China, Saudi Arabia, Brazil, or India; or 90% travel within the US. My previous job you see was off-shored to China, the whole team to be specific. I turned the "generous" offer down and now work at home for a small startup, happily, for about 1/2 my previous salary.

IMO this President and his fellow democrats, really just don't give a shit about anyone who is not at least one of rich, poor, a union member, or a government worker.

Wait. Didn't you claim to be rich a while back?

Obama only cares about the rich, the poor, union members and government employees? Really? That's all?

You remind me of Navin Johnson.
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The dumb-ass Arkansas perverts aka the Clinton administration authorized a democrat brain storm akin to LBJ's "great society" where all Americans would be able to achieve the American dream by owning their own home regardless of their ability to pay the mortgage. The amazingly flawed idea worked for about 15 years by forcing banks to write bad mortgages or face unwanted civil rights litigation. The plan included everything organized crime would be proud of including no-show jobs (every friendly witness in the 9-11 investigation was given a post in the mortgage board). When things got a bit testy bad loans were bundled up with good loans and sold back to lending institutions as good loans. Democrats controlled both houses in the Bush administration when Fannie Mae could no longer finance the criminal enterprise. Lucky for democrats and some republicans that the media blamed Bush and there was no investigation.
I have read a LOT of stupid things written here by those that identify as Republicans.

But the highlighted above is close to the most stupid thing I have read. Yet.

Thank you for saying that. It was amazing to see your warped sense of the world.

The banks were "forced" to make bad loans. Priceless.

Community Reinvestment Act??? (liberal policies :lol:)
To comply with the CRA, banks had to show that they did not discriminate in making loans in poor and black neighborhoods!
That compliance got tougher in 1995 when Clinton decided to help fuck shit up, forcing banks to demonstrate statistically they were making their quota of loans in low-income neighborhoods and encouraging community activist groups like NACA to file complaints against banks.

TN dude you are wrong about what he CRA did. It has been explained right on these pages many MANY times. I wrote mortgage loans for 18 years. You don't know what the fuk you are talking about.

Plain and simple for you. Mortgage brokers were writing the vast bulk of high risk mortgage loans. High risk liar loan. NINA loans. Brokers wrote that business. Not banks. (Though some banks did buy broker operations to get in on the action) Mortgage brokers did not operate under CRA requirements. Mortgage brokers are not "banks" and "banks" are what had to operate under CRA requirements.

Geez dude. Quit believing everything you read on here.

hey zeke.. Mortgage brokers exist to find a bank or a direct lender that an individual seeks with a specific loan the individual is seeking..
majority of mortgage brokers are regulated to ensure compliance with banking and or finance laws
You wrote mortgage loans? You sure you didn't just sweep their floors? LOL
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First five years?

Bush did not keep our country safe and saw the worst attack in our history
Started two unprovoked wars
Engaged in torture
Turned a surplus into a deficit

No thanks......I'll take Obama
Global Warming Caused the 9/11 attack, How could it have been Bush's fault if the planning started around 1993?

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