Conservatives,Let's Compare First Five Years Into The Bush Years To Obama's First 5.

Why is it that rethugs are SO invested in the CRA requirements of banks?

It's like they desperately NEED the CRA requirements to validate everything they are told to believe.
No matter what information is presented to them, the results of their pea addled brain is the same.
THE CRA MADE BANKS GIVE MORTGAGE MONEY AWAY TO POOR PEOPLE. Rush and FOX told me that and I want to believe Rush and FOX. Cause Rush and FOX are smarter than the average REthug.

Weird when people can't change their opinion in the face of facts. Weird and dangerous.
Okay. Let's.

When Bush came to office, we had 4% unemployment, were posting 200 Billion dollar surpluses, we were at peace, we were enjoying a new golden age.

When he left, we had been rocked by two recessions, we were posting deficits of half a trillion, we were involved in two wars that were claiming thousands of American lives, and because he appointed hacks and cronies to key positions, a major city was levelled by a hurricane.

When Obama came to office,i the entire economic system had effectively collapsed, unemployment was shooting up to double digits, we were bogged down in two pointless wars, and posting trillion dollar deficits.

Now we have stabalized the economy, unemployment is down below where it was when he started, we've ended one war and are going to soon end the other (although not soon enough for me).

What part of comparing the first five years is difficult for you to understand?

I understand you're a liberal but please do try to stay on topic. If you need assistance ask a conservative to help you.

I did.

I'm sorry you didn't understand the concept.

Bush took a good economy and turned it into an absolutely s hitty one.

Even if you take out the 2008 recession because it hadn't happen yet, at the end of the first five years of Bush, we still had.

Huge Deficits.
the 2001 Recession
The Afghan War
The Iraq War
Katrina wiping out NOLA.

Man, sorry, Bush really did fuck it up. It's why he lost Congress in 2006, because even with the worst not having happened yet, everyone realized this guy was a huge mistake.

Obama lost the Congress in 2012. Obama is making a bad economy worse. You clowns are too stupid to realize this guy is a huge mistake.
Okay. Let's.

When Bush came to office, we had 4% unemployment, were posting 200 Billion dollar surpluses, we were at peace, we were enjoying a new golden age.

When he left, we had been rocked by two recessions, we were posting deficits of half a trillion, we were involved in two wars that were claiming thousands of American lives, and because he appointed hacks and cronies to key positions, a major city was levelled by a hurricane.

When Obama came to office,i the entire economic system had effectively collapsed, unemployment was shooting up to double digits, we were bogged down in two pointless wars, and posting trillion dollar deficits.

Now we have stabalized the economy, unemployment is down below where it was when he started, we've ended one war and are going to soon end the other (although not soon enough for me).

What part of comparing the first five years is difficult for you to understand?

I understand you're a liberal but please do try to stay on topic. If you need assistance ask a conservative to help you.

I did.

I'm sorry you didn't understand the concept.

Bush took a good economy and turned it into an absolutely s hitty one.

Even if you take out the 2008 recession because it hadn't happen yet, at the end of the first five years of Bush, we still had.

Huge Deficits.
the 2001 Recession

The Afghan War
The Iraq War
Katrina wiping out NOLA.

Man, sorry, Bush really did fuck it up. It's why he lost Congress in 2006, because even with the worst not having happened yet, everyone realized this guy was a huge mistake.

2001 recession would have ZERO to do with any policies enacted by Bush's administration, as that year's budget would have been passed 10/2000

Another leftist hack blaming Bush for 911??

And a fucking hurricane???

Why is it that rethugs are SO invested in the CRA requirements of banks?

It's like they desperately NEED the CRA requirements to validate everything they are told to believe.
No matter what information is presented to them, the results of their pea addled brain is the same.
THE CRA MADE BANKS GIVE MORTGAGE MONEY AWAY TO POOR PEOPLE. Rush and FOX told me that and I want to believe Rush and FOX. Cause Rush and FOX are smarter than the average REthug.

Weird when people can't change their opinion in the face of facts. Weird and dangerous.

CRA was the root of the financial crisis, section Vi to be precise.
What part of comparing the first five years is difficult for you to understand?

I understand you're a liberal but please do try to stay on topic. If you need assistance ask a conservative to help you.

I did.

I'm sorry you didn't understand the concept.

Bush took a good economy and turned it into an absolutely s hitty one.

Even if you take out the 2008 recession because it hadn't happen yet, at the end of the first five years of Bush, we still had.

Huge Deficits.
the 2001 Recession
The Afghan War
The Iraq War
Katrina wiping out NOLA.

Man, sorry, Bush really did fuck it up. It's why he lost Congress in 2006, because even with the worst not having happened yet, everyone realized this guy was a huge mistake.

Obama lost the Congress in 2012. Obama is making a bad economy worse. You clowns are too stupid to realize this guy is a huge mistake.

It was 2010 not 12.

Lib logic: Bush's policies suck, Libs come into power base on the argument that Bush's policies sucked, Libs continue Bush policies even doubling down on the stupidity of them, Libs blame Bush, Libs demand the opportunity to triple down on the same stupid policies arguing that Bush did it why can't we?
What part of comparing the first five years is difficult for you to understand?

I understand you're a liberal but please do try to stay on topic. If you need assistance ask a conservative to help you.

I did.

I'm sorry you didn't understand the concept.

Bush took a good economy and turned it into an absolutely s hitty one.

Even if you take out the 2008 recession because it hadn't happen yet, at the end of the first five years of Bush, we still had.

Huge Deficits.
the 2001 Recession
The Afghan War
The Iraq War
Katrina wiping out NOLA.

Man, sorry, Bush really did fuck it up. It's why he lost Congress in 2006, because even with the worst not having happened yet, everyone realized this guy was a huge mistake.

Obama lost the Congress in 2012. Obama is making a bad economy worse. You clowns are too stupid to realize this guy is a huge mistake.

But the economy has done nothing but improve since he took office. How do you justify that statement? What was the Dow when he took office? How many jobs were we losing per month when he was sworn in?
I did.

I'm sorry you didn't understand the concept.

Bush took a good economy and turned it into an absolutely s hitty one.

Even if you take out the 2008 recession because it hadn't happen yet, at the end of the first five years of Bush, we still had.

Huge Deficits.
the 2001 Recession
The Afghan War
The Iraq War
Katrina wiping out NOLA.

Man, sorry, Bush really did fuck it up. It's why he lost Congress in 2006, because even with the worst not having happened yet, everyone realized this guy was a huge mistake.

Obama lost the Congress in 2012. Obama is making a bad economy worse. You clowns are too stupid to realize this guy is a huge mistake.

It was 2010 not 12.

Lib logic: Bush's policies suck, Libs come into power, Libs continue Bush policies even doubling down on the stupidity of them, Libs blame Bush, Libs demand the opportunity to triple down on the same stupid policies arguing that Bush did it why can't we?

Oops my bad I meant 2010.

Note to self:

Proofread before posting.
Why is it that rethugs are SO invested in the CRA requirements of banks?

It's like they desperately NEED the CRA requirements to validate everything they are told to believe.
No matter what information is presented to them, the results of their pea addled brain is the same.
THE CRA MADE BANKS GIVE MORTGAGE MONEY AWAY TO POOR PEOPLE. Rush and FOX told me that and I want to believe Rush and FOX. Cause Rush and FOX are smarter than the average REthug.

Weird when people can't change their opinion in the face of facts. Weird and dangerous.

CRA was the root of the financial crisis, section Vi to be precise.

That lie has been debunked, but facts don't matter.
I did.

I'm sorry you didn't understand the concept.

Bush took a good economy and turned it into an absolutely s hitty one.

Even if you take out the 2008 recession because it hadn't happen yet, at the end of the first five years of Bush, we still had.

Huge Deficits.
the 2001 Recession
The Afghan War
The Iraq War
Katrina wiping out NOLA.

Man, sorry, Bush really did fuck it up. It's why he lost Congress in 2006, because even with the worst not having happened yet, everyone realized this guy was a huge mistake.

Obama lost the Congress in 2012. Obama is making a bad economy worse. You clowns are too stupid to realize this guy is a huge mistake.

But the economy has done nothing but improve since he took office. How do you justify that statement? What was the Dow when he took office? How many jobs were we losing per month when he was sworn in?

By artificial means.

Incomes Have Dropped Twice as Much During the 'Recovery' as During the Recession


Why is it that rethugs are SO invested in the CRA requirements of banks?

It's like they desperately NEED the CRA requirements to validate everything they are told to believe.
No matter what information is presented to them, the results of their pea addled brain is the same.
THE CRA MADE BANKS GIVE MORTGAGE MONEY AWAY TO POOR PEOPLE. Rush and FOX told me that and I want to believe Rush and FOX. Cause Rush and FOX are smarter than the average REthug.

Weird when people can't change their opinion in the face of facts. Weird and dangerous.

CRA was the root of the financial crisis, section Vi to be precise.

That lie has been debunked, but facts don't matter.

New Study - Facts Don't Matter When Political Agendas Are Involved | The Allegiant

Your article doesn't debunk squat.
CRA was the root of the financial crisis, section Vi to be precise.

That lie has been debunked, but facts don't matter.

New Study - Facts Don't Matter When Political Agendas Are Involved | The Allegiant

Your article doesn't debunk squat.

It wasn't meant to. There is no need to go over the CRA thing again. I'ts bullshit, you can look it up anywhere, even in a hundred threads here. The article is a study about how people, because of their partisan leanings, refuse the facts even when presented. It's a very interesting read.
I actually had it rough right after sept 11th. It was hard to find work. I took a job from an illegal basically and ended up pushing wheel barrows, digging ditches and other such labor for $6 an hour just to live in my car at a camp site that at least had running water. That was a rough winter.

It was over quick enough though. I was making pretty good money not long after that, then entered the army and went to Iraq. I'm not actually as bad off as a lot of people I still know now are, because the obozo "recovery" hasn't happened for them. I got through a hard time during the Bush admin. Millions of people haven't gotten out of hard times during the moonbat messiah's reign of terror.
Bush walked into a booming economy and a budget surplus which he quickly spent on tax cuts for the rich and two unfunded wars. He left office amid the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. Do you people actually think that people have forgotten that? A majority still blame Bush for the mess that was handed to Obama.

Bush walked into RECESSION and steered it away skillfully and quickly and the economy under Bush was really booming.

The failure in the WH we have now made things much worse, and the reason we had a recession in 2008 are dimocraps and their failed policies of housing bubble for all

You're delusional. Bush took a surplus and turned it into record deficits. Bush was a fucking failure. He is STILL blamed for the 2007 recession and the mess that was left for Obama. I'm sorry that you can't deal with reality.

Delusional is one who considers Bush deficits "record" yet is totally content with obama's unthinkable trillion deficits :lol:

Bush walked into recession of dot com bubble and steered the nation from it in less than 2 yeras , while dealing with the 9/11 aftermath and conducting the war. And the economy was booming with record low unemployment and prosperity. If not the greedy dimocraps Barney and Chris and their mob, the housing bubble could have been avoided or lessened.

But low information voters as yourself are not meant to think, they are meant to chant the dimocraps talking points ad nauseum
all Obama had to do was lower the capital gains tax to approx. 20% in 2009. at least that would of been a start! why wont he ever drop it from the current 35%??? no wonder thousands of small businesses collapsed/closed under his watch. Never mind what Obama-Care is doing to them.

Of course short term Capital Gains have always been taxed the same as regular income.

Long term Capital Gains tax has bee 15% all through Obamas terms until 2013 when only the two highest brackets got raised 3.8% and 8.8% respectively.

Federal Capital Gains Tax Rates, 1988-2013 | Tax Foundation

As for your OP. President Obama got handed a big pile of Shit to start with.
all Obama had to do was lower the capital gains tax to approx. 20% in 2009. at least that would of been a start! why wont he ever drop it from the current 35%??? no wonder thousands of small businesses collapsed/closed under his watch. Never mind what Obama-Care is doing to them.

Of course short term Capital Gains have always been taxed the same as regular income.

Long term Capital Gains tax has bee 15% all through Obamas terms until 2013 when only the two highest brackets got raised 3.8% and 8.8% respectively.

Federal Capital Gains Tax Rates, 1988-2013 | Tax Foundation

As for your OP. President Obama got handed a big pile of Shit to start with.

Is that what you think of America? A big pile of Shit?
bush walked into a good economy
whether Clinton or not would be another thread
obama had it rough starting out..
whos policies at fault would be another thread LOL

Bush had to contend with the dotcom bust, Katrina and 911 without getting a 1.2 trillion dollar bailout. Obama had it easy by comparison, but pissed away billions on green jobs that all went bust.
I actually had it rough right after sept 11th. It was hard to find work. I took a job from an illegal basically and ended up pushing wheel barrows, digging ditches and other such labor for $6 an hour just to live in my car at a camp site that at least had running water. That was a rough winter.

It was over quick enough though. I was making pretty good money not long after that, then entered the army and went to Iraq. I'm not actually as bad off as a lot of people I still know now are, because the obozo "recovery" hasn't happened for them. I got through a hard time during the Bush admin. Millions of people haven't gotten out of hard times during the moonbat messiah's reign of terror.

I remember that time quite well as I was indirectly affected by people losing jobs ( I did not but my jobs at the moment were in a low paying segment anyway).

It started in the middle of 2000 -at least in NYC - plenty of people were losing their IT jobs. Granted those jobs were created in a frame of dot com bubble, but my point is - the first signs of the recession started while it was still Clinton in office and we supposedly had a budjet surplus for the year.
all Obama had to do was lower the capital gains tax to approx. 20% in 2009. at least that would of been a start! why wont he ever drop it from the current 35%??? no wonder thousands of small businesses collapsed/closed under his watch. Never mind what Obama-Care is doing to them.

Of course short term Capital Gains have always been taxed the same as regular income.

Long term Capital Gains tax has bee 15% all through Obamas terms until 2013 when only the two highest brackets got raised 3.8% and 8.8% respectively.

Federal Capital Gains Tax Rates, 1988-2013 | Tax Foundation

As for your OP. President Obama got handed a big pile of Shit to start with.

Obama got handed TARP already passed and a 1.2 Trillion bundle of cash to fix things and all he did was stir up the big pile of shit.
hey zeke.. Mortgage brokers exist to find a bank or a direct lender that an individual seeks with a specific loan the individual is seeking..
majority of mortgage brokers are regulated to ensure compliance with banking and or finance laws

You wrote mortgage loans? You sure you didn't just sweep their floors? LOL

one can write a document for an entity which does not make him the management of the entity

TN you really are a stupid motherfucker. And stupid can't be fixed.

CRA. Community Re investment Act was designed to keep banks from accepting deposits in a particular neighborhood and then not offering lending of all types to the same neighborhood the bank was accepting deposits from. That is it.

And with your level of stupidity, you might not know that mortgage brokers do not have branch banking locations where they accept deposits from citizens. And it didn't matter WHO the broker sold his loans to, he still didn't have to comply with CRA requirements.

Just the way it is dude. Yea, brokers had regulations they were supposed to follow.
CRA was not one of them you dumb fuk.

You ever get enough credit to buy a house? Work at a job long enough to qualify for a mortgage loan? Or is your trailer paid for? Cause you sure as shit don't know anything about the mortgage business beyond what Rush told you to believe.
well I have fucked some mothers :)
who is rush?
I am 27 have already owned a home and about to buy another. I wouls guess I younger than you and probably worth more. so you can take your false surmise and shove it up your loose ass hole.
I dont give a goddamn what you say, your credibility is in question. I know what the duck the CRA is, a bank is, and what mortgage brokers are. thanks to the GLBD, clinton gave the banks the power to act as a.combination of commercial banks, BROKERS, security and insurance companies.

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