Conservatives mock ‘Bring Back Our Girls’ hashtag

Who in the blue fuck are YOU to tell ME I'm "lying", ass wipe?

Go read the OP. There's not a damn word about religions in there.
Go search the thread -- nobody brought it up until TK did.
This ain't a story about religions -- it's about kidnapping. Stupid FUCK.

YOU are the liar, fascist asshole. :fu:



FUCK you, lying little pissant. I let your first attack go and then YOU neg ME? You pathetic little toad. Cocksucker fascists like you think you can shut people up?
You're on the clock now, ass hole. See you again in 48, dickweed.

He really got you good..
On the clock? HA HA HA......
This isn't about kidnapping.
It's about silly people tapping away on their phones think they are doing something that would have even smallest effect on the actions of those terrorists.
So you started a thread about a topic that you didn't have all the information about and piss and moan when your partial tale is put in full context for you.

Go back to your cave. You're not ready.


To be fair he didn't start the thread he just proclaimed that he was the local sheriff in town and we should all shut up about the religion.

Just a weeeeee bit uninformed and full of himself

Who jumped in calling who a "liar" for not knowing some demagoguery angle here? Was that me? Do I write your posts?


Don't you owe me a million bucks? Were you lying about that?
If there is anything worthy of mockery in the news today, this has to be it.

Talk about a pointless, meaningless, impotent gesture.

If you CARE about these 300 girls, then call your Congressperson and tell them to get U.S. resources involved in resolving the issue.

And don't jump on this bandwagon if you ignore the other killings that go on every day. What makes these girls any more special that the thousands of other victims of these bastards?

Oh yes, by all means, call your congressmen, that'll do it. How stupid can you conservatives get?

Who do you suggest people contact for action?

I guess Twitter is the way to least according to the USMB libs.

FUCK you, lying little pissant. I let your first attack go and then YOU neg ME? You pathetic little toad. Cocksucker fascists like you think you can shut people up?
You're on the clock now, ass hole. See you again in 48, dickweed.

He really got you good..
On the clock? HA HA HA......
This isn't about kidnapping.
It's about silly people tapping away on their phones think they are doing something that would have even smallest effect on the actions of those terrorists.

That's what I said when I got here.

Trollers gonna troll...
To be fair he didn't start the thread he just proclaimed that he was the local sheriff in town and we should all shut up about the religion.

Just a weeeeee bit uninformed and full of himself

Who jumped in calling who a "liar" for not knowing some demagoguery angle here? Was that me? Do I write your posts?


Don't you owe me a million bucks? Were you lying about that?

Did you find a reference to "Christians" in that CBC story?

Million bucks is still here on the table. Hurry up and find a Christian in there, or else it all goes to cocaine and hookers. Very expensive ones.
Who jumped in calling who a "liar" for not knowing some demagoguery angle here? Was that me? Do I write your posts?


Don't you owe me a million bucks? Were you lying about that?

Did you find a reference to "Christians" in that CBC story?

Million bucks is still here on the table. Hurry up and find a Christian in there, or else it all goes to cocaine and hookers. Very expensive ones.

That means you lied, good to know.

Remember that the next time you ask me to prove you are a lair, liar.
Who jumped in calling who a "liar" for not knowing some demagoguery angle here? Was that me? Do I write your posts?


Don't you owe me a million bucks? Were you lying about that?

Did you find a reference to "Christians" in that CBC story?

Million bucks is still here on the table. Hurry up and find a Christian in there, or else it all goes to cocaine and hookers. Very expensive ones.

Your original demand was not limited to "Christians."

I don't "twit". I heard it on the news. And I don't appreciate being called "liar" because the news story I heard didn't mention religion.
Nor was there any reason to unless one sponges news from LCD hair-on-fire sensationalist news sites that pander to the unwashed.

Guess that explains a lot.

Which news story did you hear? How did it manage to not mention that Boko Haram means "Western education is sin"?

Keep digging, I enjoy mocking religious nutjobs.

I already posted it -- this one. You find anything about "Christians" or "Muslims" in there and I'll send you a million bucks.

Again, you're deflecting. The point was that what I did was chastize Templar Kormac for bringing it into this thread. Do you deny he did that?

Fucking dishonest assholes.

You were going on about how religion was interjected into this thread and you weren't very well-versed in this story, you certainly didn't know the religious motives of the terrorists. So while others were having fun trolling you, your initial demand for the payout was that religion was not mentioned in the story you claim to have heard.
Are you illiterate too?

See the words in bold above?

Try reading them.

I have posted (or formed) no opinion on WHY anybody did what they did. That's not why I'm here. At all.

No I read your bullshit, loud and clear.

And look at the bolded in your reply. The fact you are too stupid to assign blame is the problem. It's very obvious where the problem lies you just can't bring yourself to admit it.

If you aren't here to figure out the problem why are you here? Islam is the problem, it's fucking obvious. The fact you are dancing around that is also obvious.

I have a couple hash tags for you though...




And ---- why do you imagine I need to "assign blame" as you put it? What the hell good would that do?

It solves the fucking problem. If you can't figure out who the problem is then you can't solve the problem. How in the hell do you think you are going to solve the problem of girls getting kidnapped and sold as sex slaves without assigning blame on those doing it?

That ain't why I came here. I came for the idea of twitting, not for the story behind it.
Then maybe you should just leave. If you're to fucking stupid to actually follow the story and are going to ignore the entire situation for a tweet then you're to fucking stupid to be on this board. Or any other really. If you can't follow what is happening and reply then don't reply at all. You are the ultimate useful idiot.

Refresh my memory -- who are you to dictate what I need to do again? :confused: Did I sleep through the job interview where you hired me?
I'm sure you are confused, you have run out of talking points and have proven yourself a retard. You've slept through the news of the day and admitted you don't really want to learn about it so yes. I can easily dismiss you as a moron.

As I already pointed out, the story I heard made no mention of Islam, Christianism, Zorastrianism or any other religion. Nor does the OP here. And nor did this thread, until post 136 where I called out the poster for bringing it in.
Just how stupid do you have to be to be you? It actually took you 136 posts to figure out who is behind this? You're about a 136 posts worth of stupid.

So maybe you need to define "obvious".

In your fucking case I'm not sure how obvious something needs to be for you to consider it obvious. How much more obvious does something need to be before you get it? 136 posts or more?

You could step outside your box and just realize the obvious that is a group of muslims took a group of girls hostage and are not planning good activities for them. Only a complete retard wouldn't see that in post one let alone need another 136 to come around.
FUCK you, lying little pissant. I let your first attack go and then YOU neg ME? You pathetic little toad. Cocksucker fascists like you think you can shut people up?
You're on the clock now, ass hole. See you again in 48, dickweed.

He really got you good..
On the clock? HA HA HA......
This isn't about kidnapping.
It's about silly people tapping away on their phones think they are doing something that would have even smallest effect on the actions of those terrorists.

That's what I said when I got here.

Trollers gonna troll...

Oh I trolled you alright. Your little bitch ass is so butthurt you've been ignoring me for the last hour. I bet in about 44 hours you'll remember me though. Lol
They just don't get it at Fox News... do they?

Conservatives mock 'Bring Back Our Girls' hashtag | MSNBC

Fox News doesn't get it? Why don't you cry about the fact that MSNBC doesn't get it?

These scumbags have been out there for years, do you think they are going to surrender just because Michelle Obama sent out a Tweet? Did all that hastagging make a difference in 2012 with Kony? Or is all this hashtag activism just something to make useless assholes feel better about themselves?

The perils of 'hashtag activism' | MSNBC

If you want to convince me you care about those girls feel free to go to Nigeria and get in the face of the idiots that are kidnapping those girls and demand their return. If you want to remain a pathetic fuckwad keep whining about the fact that Fox thinks people like you are pathetic fuckwads.

This was never about Michelle Obama sending out a tweet or hashtags, this is about the "bring back our girls" campaign. About the Nigerian girls abducted.

You conservative shitheads are the ones bitching and moaning about imagined 'tweets' and hashtags.

Pack your shit and got get them back.

gumgum style
I already posted it -- this one. You find anything about "Christians" or "Muslims" in there and I'll send you a million bucks.

Again, you're deflecting. The point was that what I did was chastize Templar Kormac for bringing it into this thread. Do you deny he did that?

Fucking dishonest assholes.

Boko Haram, a group of Islamist militants ... right in the op.

Tee many martoonies today?

Do you not understand how to read?

Let me repeat it for ya:
The point was that what I did was chastize Templar Kormac for bringing it into this thread. Do you deny he did that?

-- more visible now or what?

Pogo... just by the OP or anyone else calling them "Islamist militants" the subject of religion had already been interwoven into the thread. "Islamic", "Jihadists," what have you; both are references to a religion. You can find the reference "Islamist" in the first sentence of the second paragraph.

Boko Haram, a group of Islamist militants
So, as I saw it, religion was already in play in this thread. These girls are Christian, they were captured and held for ransom, and now they are being forcefully converted to Islam. The intents were religious, if you really want to get down to the nitty gritty. So, the OP knew these girls were Christians as well, then I brought it up. Religion by then was already fair game. Instead of 136 posts for it to be brought up, it only took 1. It wasn't that hard to figure out.

So, while your admonishment may have been goodhearted, it was misplaced here.
Last edited:
Boko Haram, a group of Islamist militants ... right in the op.

Tee many martoonies today?

Do you not understand how to read?

Let me repeat it for ya:
The point was that what I did was chastize Templar Kormac for bringing it into this thread. Do you deny he did that?

-- more visible now or what?

Pogo... just by the OP or anyone else calling them "Islamist Militants" the subject of religion had already been interwoven into the thread. "Islamic", "Jihadists," what have you; both are references to a religion. So, as I saw it, religion was already in play in this thread. These girls are Christian, they were captured and held for ransom, and now they are being forcefully converted to Islam. The intents were religious, if you really want to get down to the nitty gritty.

So, while your admonishment may have been goodhearted, it was misplaced here.

Fuck him. Reread his last 5 hours of admonishing you as if he is some kind of internet cop. I mean seriously, who the fuck is he to determine what is or isn't off limits on a message board?
Do you not understand how to read?

Let me repeat it for ya:
The point was that what I did was chastize Templar Kormac for bringing it into this thread. Do you deny he did that?

-- more visible now or what?

Pogo... just by the OP or anyone else calling them "Islamist Militants" the subject of religion had already been interwoven into the thread. "Islamic", "Jihadists," what have you; both are references to a religion. So, as I saw it, religion was already in play in this thread. These girls are Christian, they were captured and held for ransom, and now they are being forcefully converted to Islam. The intents were religious, if you really want to get down to the nitty gritty.

So, while your admonishment may have been goodhearted, it was misplaced here.

Fuck him. Reread his last 5 hours of admonishing you as if he is some kind of internet cop. I mean seriously, who the fuck is he to determine what is or isn't off limits on a message board?

Well, there's no need for that. I saw all the name calling he did too. I stooped to that level yesterday afternoon and got negged for it by another conservative. I deleted the post, and I haven't really gotten involved in this thread since then. This is the first time I've heard of it.

He can do what he wants. It's your choice to ignore him or not. If he began using argumentum ad hominem or argumentum ad baculum instead of making any real points, his contention was a losing one from then on.
Do you not understand how to read?

Let me repeat it for ya:
The point was that what I did was chastize Templar Kormac for bringing it into this thread. Do you deny he did that?

-- more visible now or what?

Boko Haram, a group of Islamist militants - right in the op, you didn't even bother to read. Not that that's an excuse for not knowing what's been common knowledge for weeks.

Are you ever right?

Do you ever read? How many times do I have to tell you I didn't read the OP, and what we're talking about is not in there anyway?

Are you functionally illiterate?

That was your entire problem. You didn't read the OP. Therefore when I brought up religion, you assumed it had been the first time it was brought up in the thread.
Pogo... just by the OP or anyone else calling them "Islamist Militants" the subject of religion had already been interwoven into the thread. "Islamic", "Jihadists," what have you; both are references to a religion. So, as I saw it, religion was already in play in this thread. These girls are Christian, they were captured and held for ransom, and now they are being forcefully converted to Islam. The intents were religious, if you really want to get down to the nitty gritty.

So, while your admonishment may have been goodhearted, it was misplaced here.

Fuck him. Reread his last 5 hours of admonishing you as if he is some kind of internet cop. I mean seriously, who the fuck is he to determine what is or isn't off limits on a message board?

Well, there's no need for that. I saw all the name calling he did too. I stooped to that level yesterday afternoon and got negged for it by another conservative. I deleted the post, and I haven't really gotten involved in this thread since then. This is the first time I've heard of it.

He can do what he wants. It's your choice to ignore him or not. If he began using argumentum ad hominem or argumentum ad baculum instead of making any real points, his contention was a losing one from then on.

I get negged by conservatives from time to time but it's usually similar bullshit to what pogo pulls. Some people will neg you simply for not towing their perceived ideological line. Fuck them too.

*gives Rottweiler the finger*
Boko Haram, a group of Islamist militants - right in the op, you didn't even bother to read. Not that that's an excuse for not knowing what's been common knowledge for weeks.

Are you ever right?

Do you ever read? How many times do I have to tell you I didn't read the OP, and what we're talking about is not in there anyway?

Are you functionally illiterate?

That was your entire problem. You didn't read the OP. Therefore when I brought up religion, you assumed it had been the first time it was brought up in the thread.

Stop kissing his ass. It's unbecoming. Most posters have defended you. Pogo was ill informed and out of line. That's hardly your problem.
Uhh... no, don't think so TK. I didn't know (or care) until now what their religion was, yet here you are trying to make a wedge out of it for political points on a message board by polarizing posters who haven't even mentioned Xianity.

What's more of a mockery?
Dissipating energy into a twitter campaign instead of meaningful action?
Or using a hostage situation to bash one's message board adversaries, none of whom the victims have ever heard of?

First, I don't have any interest in what you "think." You weren't behooved to read the article, and I know the all reasons why. However, their religion was what motivated their abduction in the first place. Research your history, see how badly extremist muslims hate Jews and Christians. Second, you ignore that the OP was doing the same thing from the getgo, using this hostage crisis to bludgeon his political adversaries over the head, but you call me down for it instead? Third, you can't mention this hostage situation without bringing religion into it. Religion is at the crux of this debate, Pogo, your slippery slope arguments notwithstanding.

Frankly, your behavior from what I've seen reading back, has been more polarizing aside from kidrocks'. I will be blunt: you don't have the right to tell others to stop discussing a pertinent topic. Civil discourse is key, with the operative word being "civil." If you aren't winning an argument, you can't attempt to silence it.

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