Conservatives mock ‘Bring Back Our Girls’ hashtag

NEW: Nigeria girls 'shown' in Boko Haram video - BBC News - YouTube

Oops, heres another lsd induced rightwing news report speaking about RELIGION

Are you actually that profoundly stupid that you think I must have read and seen every news report everywhere? Really, you're that stupid?

I don't even have a television, you dumb shit.

So you started a thread about a topic that you didn't have all the information about and piss and moan when your partial tale is put in full context for you.

Go back to your cave. You're not ready.


To be fair he didn't start the thread he just proclaimed that he was the local sheriff in town and we should all shut up about the religion.

Just a weeeeee bit uninformed and full of himself
No, you don't know me from a hole in the ground. We've already established that. Told you before, I've never been part of a board that closed up, anywhere. You don't know who you're dicking with.

Windsock does. He asked what story I heard, so I posted it, even though I had already posted it. He's not real good on the reading thing.

That million bucks is still out there for anyone who finds it in the story. Happy huntin'.

Not the point anyway-- the point was I called out TK for bringing it into this thread. For that I got called "liar".

You're far more than a liar. Pompous, conceited, indignant, full of yourself, asshole, but most of all a LIAR

See you in 46 eh?

Don't worry, I'll find you. The smell will show the way.

Unless of course you can show where this "lie" is between now and then.

Why don't you ask Quantum Dickbag for help searching...

I will await your vengence of negs with baited breath all wise and knowing one...
I wonder if this kidnapping and forced conversion to Islam is viewed as a form of slavery by the Reverend Al and the Reverend Jesse....and our sensitive president? Havent heard a peep in that direction.
NEW: Nigeria girls 'shown' in Boko Haram video - BBC News - YouTube

Oops, heres another lsd induced rightwing news report speaking about RELIGION

Are you actually that profoundly stupid that you think I must have read and seen every news report everywhere? Really, you're that stupid?

I don't even have a television, you dumb shit.

So you started a thread about a topic that you didn't have all the information about and piss and moan when your partial tale is put in full context for you.

Go back to your cave. You're not ready.


You really are illiterate. I was hyperbole-miling before but I see now it's accurate.

You actually can't tell the difference between the OP and my name? Seriously? :banghead:

Have you even noticed that different posters have different names around here? No?

Hello? Anybody in there? (/gets cavernous echo)

Again, I came here to comment on the futility of twittering. I didn't start this thread and it's not one I would have. What is your native language then? Because you sure ain't making it in English...
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If Republicans couldnt be mean assholes they would be forced into silence.

They are like Asshole Hipsters. They didnt give a shit before it was popular

Raising awareness is the first step to solving any problem. Why some on the right (and it is just some) cannot see this and simply resist the urge to look idiotic just this once is bizarre.

NO, idiot. Solving the problem by formulating a plan that has a chance of working is the first step. Raising awareness is merely feel-goodism used by lefties as a substitute for actually doing something.
Are you actually that profoundly stupid that you think I must have read and seen every news report everywhere? Really, you're that stupid?

I don't even have a television, you dumb shit.

So you started a thread about a topic that you didn't have all the information about and piss and moan when your partial tale is put in full context for you.

Go back to your cave. You're not ready.


To be fair he didn't start the thread he just proclaimed that he was the local sheriff in town and we should all shut up about the religion.

Just a weeeeee bit uninformed and full of himself

oops......he was damned sure acting like it was his thread to rule
You're far more than a liar. Pompous, conceited, indignant, full of yourself, asshole, but most of all a LIAR

See you in 46 eh?

Don't worry, I'll find you. The smell will show the way.

Unless of course you can show where this "lie" is between now and then.

Why don't you ask Quantum Dickbag for help searching...

I will await your vengence of negs with baited breath all wise and knowing one...

So -- nothing found yet huh? Well you still have a few hours.

"Bated", not baited. Surely you can remember bated.
Are you actually that profoundly stupid that you think I must have read and seen every news report everywhere? Really, you're that stupid?

I don't even have a television, you dumb shit.

So you started a thread about a topic that you didn't have all the information about and piss and moan when your partial tale is put in full context for you.

Go back to your cave. You're not ready.


You really are illiterate. I was hyperbole-miling before but I see now it's accurate.

You actually can't tell the difference between the OP and my name? Seriously? :banghead:

Have you even noticed that different posters have different names around here? No?

Hello? Anybody in there? (/gets cavernous echo)

Again, I came here to comment on the futility of twittering. I didn't start this thread and it's not one I would have. What is your native language then? Because you sure ain't making it in English...

(see previous reply)

So you posted 32 times in a thread about a topic that you didn't have all the information on and act like a little bitch when you're corrected.

got it
So you started a thread about a topic that you didn't have all the information about and piss and moan when your partial tale is put in full context for you.

Go back to your cave. You're not ready.


To be fair he didn't start the thread he just proclaimed that he was the local sheriff in town and we should all shut up about the religion.

Just a weeeeee bit uninformed and full of himself

oops......he was damned sure acting like it was his thread to rule

Uh.. really. Explain.

Did I jump up and declare that some other poster was a "liar" for not knowing some wacko political wedge angle? Can you quote me on that then?

Don't worry, I'll find you. The smell will show the way.

Unless of course you can show where this "lie" is between now and then.

Why don't you ask Quantum Dickbag for help searching...

I will await your vengence of negs with baited breath all wise and knowing one...

So -- nothing found yet huh? Well you still have a few hours.

"Bated", not baited. Surely you can remember bated.

Nothing found cause I'm not looking. You were wrong but you're not man enough to admit it. No one gives a fuck what ONE news report you heardsaid. News flash jackass: this thread isn't about what YOU heard.
Are you actually that profoundly stupid that you think I must have read and seen every news report everywhere? Really, you're that stupid?

I don't even have a television, you dumb shit.

So you started a thread about a topic that you didn't have all the information about and piss and moan when your partial tale is put in full context for you.

Go back to your cave. You're not ready.


To be fair he didn't start the thread he just proclaimed that he was the local sheriff in town and we should all shut up about the religion.

Just a weeeeee bit uninformed and full of himself

Who jumped in calling who a "liar" for not knowing some demagoguery angle here? Was that me? Do I write your posts?

To be fair he didn't start the thread he just proclaimed that he was the local sheriff in town and we should all shut up about the religion.

Just a weeeeee bit uninformed and full of himself

oops......he was damned sure acting like it was his thread to rule

Uh.. really. Explain.

Did I jump up and declare that some other poster was a "liar" for not knowing some wacko political wedge angle? Can you quote me on that then?


I gave you actual news footage from the BBC and CNN that brought up the religious aspects. Now they're wacko reports? Really? Seriously?

Dig that hole chump
So you started a thread about a topic that you didn't have all the information about and piss and moan when your partial tale is put in full context for you.

Go back to your cave. You're not ready.


To be fair he didn't start the thread he just proclaimed that he was the local sheriff in town and we should all shut up about the religion.

Just a weeeeee bit uninformed and full of himself

Who jumped in calling who a "liar" for not knowing some demagoguery angle here? Was that me? Do I write your posts?


I gave you a dose of your own god damn medicine. Stop whining like a bitch about it & man up.
I will await your vengence of negs with baited breath all wise and knowing one...

So -- nothing found yet huh? Well you still have a few hours.

"Bated", not baited. Surely you can remember bated.

Nothing found cause I'm not looking. You were wrong but you're not man enough to admit it. No one gives a fuck what ONE news report you heardsaid. News flash jackass: this thread isn't about what YOU heard.

No it isn't but this particular point, liar, is about me calling out another poster for bringing religion into the thread as a political wedge, which he did and there's nothing you can do to alter that. And you pissed your pants because I called him out for partisanship. And I let it go. And then YOU negged ME.

So get the flying fuck off your holier-than-thou pedastal, troll. You're a fucking hack.

What you need to be looking for is that evidence of me being a "liar". And you can't do it.
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I already posted it -- this one. You find anything about "Christians" or "Muslims" in there and I'll send you a million bucks.

Again, you're deflecting. The point was that what I did was chastize Templar Kormac for bringing it into this thread. Do you deny he did that?

Fucking dishonest assholes.

Boko Haram, a group of Islamist militants ... right in the op.

Tee many martoonies today?

Do you not understand how to read?

Let me repeat it for ya:
The point was that what I did was chastize Templar Kormac for bringing it into this thread. Do you deny he did that?

-- more visible now or what?

Are you seriously this fucking stupid? The entire reason these girls were kidnapped, likely deformed and forced into marriages IS ISLAM.

That is the entire fucking point of what these assholes did and the foundation of why they did it. To deny so is unexpectedly stupid even by you.

The vile religion of islam is responsible for all of this. It's not extreme islam it's fucking islam at it's base. Extremist my ass, this is what they believe to be the core of their religion.
If Twitter had been around in 1979, Americans would have been using it to raise the alarm about the Iranian hostage crisis. Right-wing assholes just don't care about any kids unless they're still in the gestation period.
You really aren't that bright, are you?

We actually had a press back then that reported the news regardless of who was in power. There would not have been a need to spread the word via any method because the whole world knew about it the moment it happened.

In fact, I remember both parties, both Dem and GOP, giving warnings when Khomeini was coming to power in France just before he went to Iran.

Again, we had a press that had some integrity, unlike today.

This nonsense about twitter is just a fucking stunt. If this administration and our press were competent at all, we'd have had these fucks on a terror list years ago and these girls just might not have been in this position to begin with.

"Foreign policy" is not just two words put together randomly.
To be fair he didn't start the thread he just proclaimed that he was the local sheriff in town and we should all shut up about the religion.

Just a weeeeee bit uninformed and full of himself

Who jumped in calling who a "liar" for not knowing some demagoguery angle here? Was that me? Do I write your posts?


I gave you a dose of your own god damn medicine. Stop whining like a bitch about it & man up.

"Man up" -- to what?? YOU attacked ME here, fuckbreath. Want to see the time stamp?

Again --- you have evidence of my "lying"? POST IT.

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