Conservatives mock ‘Bring Back Our Girls’ hashtag

Frankly kid, you don't care. Not one bit. These girls are Christians, and as I can tell, far left types like you hate Christians. Why are these girls worth the effort? They aren't. They exist only for you to exploit for political reasons. If you truly cared, you wouldn't be trying to bait people into responses by saying they don't care. I care, but not because I care for Obama. I value the sanctity of life and freedom, not the political reputation of the man I foolishly voted for.

You? You're genuinely pathetic.

Digging up the girls' religion? Really? And then in the same breath talking about exploiting them for political reasons? Think about it.

Uhh, its a widely known fact they are Christian, Pogo. And Far Left Liberals like kidrocks and BlindBoo have made it clearly evident that they don't care too much for Christians.

However, I'm even more surprised to see you here in this thread participating in this circus. Before you lecture me, think about what you're doing first. You thanked Boo's post which suggested that people in our party would block an effort to rescue these girls. He uses terms like "chambermaids" to describe them. Do you really believe that we don't care about the plight of others?

What is more of a mockery? Turning a life or death situation into a political bludgeon? Or mentioning the religious affiliation of the hostages? You tell me.
like Bengazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

You can leave the thread now
NEW: Nigeria girls 'shown' in Boko Haram video - BBC News - YouTube

Oops, heres another lsd induced rightwing news report speaking about RELIGION

Are you actually that profoundly stupid that you think I must have read and seen every news report everywhere? Really, you're that stupid?

I don't even have a television, you dumb shit.

And because YOU are sheltered from the REAL news it's everyone elses fault? I offered you an out right from the start. I told you that you were either uninformed or lying. Obviously you were uninformed but rather than admit that possibility you lashed out at everyone else for some percieved religious agenda. And im not even a religious person so fuck you too LIAR
You are ignoring one possibility, the fact that he has an conscious blindness to anything fact that doesn't fit into his worldview, just like any religious fundamentalist.

Again, I don't know what kind of slop y'all use for your news that centers on religion. I get most of my news from CBC, and they never mentioned it. Nor should they have, because it's not part of the issue. Nor does the OP article here. It's a kidnapping story fer chrissake. Dumb shits.

But oh no, don't I dare call out a poster for bringing in religion as a political wedge, I'm a "liar" and a "fundamentalist". Well fuck both of you up the ass with a cheese grater. Dishonest hacks.

Muslim extremists that oppose all education that includes anything that is not the Koran invade a Christian school and kidnap a bunch of young girls and you want me to believe that religion is not an issue. I owe all the lying sacks of shit in the universe an apology for ever comparing them to a religious whachjob like you. You should partner up with theword and help him build his church of never being wrong, the two of you are exactly the same.

Yeah I'd say it's not an issue when the entire story never mentions it. Far as I know it's a political act to coerce the freeing of some prisoners, is it not? That's got nothing to do with "religion".

All of which is off the point, which was that I called out TK for bringing religion into this thread, where it hadn't been before that, as a partisan truncheon. And I was correct to do so, and y'all piss your pants. Fucking losers.

But say, aren't you supposed to be looking up those posts of mine calling for "big government" somewhere? What ever happened to that quest? Or the one before it? Or the one before that? Or before that, or before that?

Run away now, coward. It's what you do.

No I didn't know that, and more to the point it wasn't in this thread until TK brought it in here as a political wedge. I don't know what kind of news sources y'all fawn over that obsess on religion but this was the first I've heard of that angle. And with any luck the last. Nor is any of it mentioned in the OP article for what your "front and center" song and dance is worth.

So you go fuck yourself.

Did you know the girls were kidnapped a month ago? Or did you only notice it when it came up on Twitter?

I don't "twit". I heard it on the news. And I don't appreciate being called "liar" because the news story I heard didn't mention religion.
Nor was there any reason to unless one sponges news from LCD hair-on-fire sensationalist news sites that pander to the unwashed.

Guess that explains a lot.

Which news story did you hear? How did it manage to not mention that Boko Haram means "Western education is sin"?

Keep digging, I enjoy mocking religious nutjobs.
Uhh... no, don't think so TK. I didn't know (or care) until now what their religion was, yet here you are trying to make a wedge out of it for political points on a message board by polarizing posters who haven't even mentioned Xianity.

What's more of a mockery?
Dissipating energy into a twitter campaign instead of meaningful action?
Or using a hostage situation to bash one's message board adversaries, none of whom the victims have ever heard of?

You tell me. And there you are doing the same thing with the Christian bullshit. And btw, getting on me because I thanked a post? Seriously? Here's the post (I searched it out, you didn't say which one) with the part I chose to thank in bold:

So spare me the selective partisan interpretation.

Yes, when terrorists commit a political kidnapping, the thing to do is not take to twitter; it's take the opportunity to call the POTUS "douchenozzle" and his wife "First Ho". That'll get them home safe. :thup:

The completely impartial Pogo strikes again. Put him anywhere and he will manage to criticize anyone who does not bow before the superior wisdom of the progressive agenda and big government, and then deny that he has an agenda, even though there are plenty of examples of left wing stupidity to point out of he just opens his eyes.

Oh noes, this is too easy...

You know what's coming.... wait for it...

:link: to anything like that?

Cue crickets. Time for you to run away and hide. Seeya.

Did you miss the post I quoted?
They just don't get it at Fox News... do they?

Conservatives mock 'Bring Back Our Girls' hashtag | MSNBC

Fox News contributors on Sunday scoffed at the “Bring Back Our Girls” hashtag recently created in support of finding the nearly 300 missing schoolgirls in Nigeria.

The international community has taken to Twitter using #BringBackOurGirls to encourage the release of the teenage girls. Boko Haram, a group of Islamist militants, attacked a school in Chibok nearly one month ago and kidnapped 276 individuals. Since, they took eight additional girls and threatened to “sell” them all on the market.

“I do not know how adults stand there facing a camera and say, ‘Bring Back Our Girls.’ Are these barbarians in the wilds of Nigeria supposed to check their Twitter accounts and say, ‘Uh-oh Michelle Obama is very cross with us, we better change our behavior?’” Will said on Fox News Sunday.

The question is not whether or not its effective.

The point of this is that faux is adding fuel to the fire and not adding anything of substance.

What have THEY done to help solve this?

They've done just to opposite. If they could, they would get those girls killed just so they could blame Obama.
SOP for the GOP. Denigrate anything Obama. God forbid Faux would ever champion the idea that Congress should authorize the president taking some type of action to help those poor families.

This has nothing to do with the thread. Moreover, since when do hashtags free hostages? Hmm? Think about this for a moment, Obama has two black daughters, Sasha and Malia. If they were abducted or taken hostage by a lunatic, he would do everything in his power to get them freed, he wouldn't sit there and take to twitter saying #FreeSashaAndMalia. He would use the full force of American military power and jurisprudence to make sure they were freed!

But nevermind these Nigerian girls. They're not worth more than a simple twitter campaign. Heaven forbid we actually call forth an effort to rescue these girls beyond sending search teams and talking these terrorists to death 140 characters at a time.

You liberals make me sick. Obama makes me sick. He has two daughters there in the White House, of whom those poor Nigerian school girls should remind him of how precious they are to him. He should also know just how precious those school girls are to their families. This should be a moment where he as not just a president, but as a father, acts as their savior. Michelle Obama shouldn't have to be doing a photo-op holding up a damned sign saying #FreeOurGirls, he should be speaking out, ordering a rescue operation... something other than this halfhearted routine he calls foreign policy. His two daughters should be reminding him of what he should be fighting for!

You have a lot of gall telling us we don't care about these girls. I personally care for any child who gets abducted, killed, or abused. These girls don't deserve to be the subject of a political debate, such as the OP originally tried to make it out as. It is frankly insulting, friends, when instead of caring about the fate of these young girls, liberals in this thread sit here and make political sport out of it. How dare you? How dare you claim to care? All you can do is say "oh you don't care about these girls because you hate Obama and watch Faux(Fox) News."

Seriously? You liberals make my blood boil. Everyone on both sides of the aisle should care. What if those were your children being held hostage by Boko Haram? Have some freaking decency, dammit.

Really? shouldnt be up for debate?

You liberals make me sick. Obama makes me sick. He has two daughters there in the White House, of whom those poor Nigerian school girls should remind him of how precious they are to him. He should also know just how precious those school girls are to their families. This should be a moment where he as not just a president, but as a father, acts as their savior. Michelle Obama shouldn't have to be doing a photo-op holding up a damned sign saying #FreeOurGirls, he should be speaking out, ordering a rescue operation... something other than this halfhearted routine he calls foreign policy. His two daughters should be reminding him of what he should be fighting for!

you are a hypocrite in your own post kid. We have already located the girls via satellite.
Boko Haram offers to swap kidnapped Nigerian girls for prisoners | Reuters

We have helped but in the end it is up to their own government to go get them.

Last....don't speak about what a father should do, because you are not one. Know your place TK, and you are over stepping.
This is the story I heard a radio version of.

Not a damn word about "Christian" this or "Muslim" that.

Dishonest fucking hacks.

Is that because the story was all about how it upset Michelle? Why the fuck is that more important than the 200 girls who have been kidnapped and help by Muslim extremists? Or all the young boys these assholes have killed just because they were going to school?
Did you know the girls were kidnapped a month ago? Or did you only notice it when it came up on Twitter?

I don't "twit". I heard it on the news. And I don't appreciate being called "liar" because the news story I heard didn't mention religion.
Nor was there any reason to unless one sponges news from LCD hair-on-fire sensationalist news sites that pander to the unwashed.

Guess that explains a lot.

Which news story did you hear? How did it manage to not mention that Boko Haram means "Western education is sin"?

Keep digging, I enjoy mocking religious nutjobs.

I already posted it -- this one. You find anything about "Christians" or "Muslims" in there and I'll send you a million bucks.

Again, you're deflecting. The point was that what I did was chastize Templar Kormac for bringing it into this thread. Do you deny he did that?

Fucking dishonest assholes.
Pogo, pretending that religion isn't part of this story doesn't make it so. Just stick your head back in the sand. Even now that you've been informed you're still denying it.

I don't "twit". I heard it on the news. And I don't appreciate being called "liar" because the news story I heard didn't mention religion.
Nor was there any reason to unless one sponges news from LCD hair-on-fire sensationalist news sites that pander to the unwashed.

Guess that explains a lot.

Which news story did you hear? How did it manage to not mention that Boko Haram means "Western education is sin"?

Keep digging, I enjoy mocking religious nutjobs.

I already posted it -- this one. You find anything about "Christians" or "Muslims" in there and I'll send you a million bucks.

Again, you're deflecting. The point was that what I did was chastize Templar Kormac for bringing it into this thread. Do you deny he did that?

Fucking dishonest assholes.

You aren't real bright Pogo.....but then I've known that for some time.
Pogo their christianity has been front and center since day one. Their forced conversion to Islam has also been front and center. If you never noticed it you either had your head in the sand or you're lying.


No I didn't know that, and more to the point it wasn't in this thread until TK brought it in here as a political wedge. I don't know what kind of news sources y'all fawn over that obsess on religion but this was the first I've heard of that angle. And with any luck the last. Nor is any of it mentioned in the OP article for what your "front and center" song and dance is worth.

So you go fuck yourself.
So, just who did you think Boko Haram, a group of Islamist militants -mentioned in the op - took?

"Who do I think they took"? :confused:

They took girls from a dormitory. Is this a trick question?

I didn't read the OP. I heard the story before I got here. I came here to support the idea that twittering was stoopid and then called out one of the posters for piling on to the polarization. And the rest of the polarizers then piled on me, because they're dishonest partisan hacks.

And that's all I know -- a bunch of dishonest trolls who get called out for using a kidnapping to make political points on a message board don't like being exposed for that so they turn on the whistleblower. What a bunch of losers.
I don't "twit". I heard it on the news. And I don't appreciate being called "liar" because the news story I heard didn't mention religion.
Nor was there any reason to unless one sponges news from LCD hair-on-fire sensationalist news sites that pander to the unwashed.

Guess that explains a lot.

Which news story did you hear? How did it manage to not mention that Boko Haram means "Western education is sin"?

Keep digging, I enjoy mocking religious nutjobs.

I already posted it -- this one. You find anything about "Christians" or "Muslims" in there and I'll send you a million bucks.

Again, you're deflecting. The point was that what I did was chastize Templar Kormac for bringing it into this thread. Do you deny he did that?

Fucking dishonest assholes.

Boko Haram, a group of Islamist militants ... right in the op.

Tee many martoonies today?
Which news story did you hear? How did it manage to not mention that Boko Haram means "Western education is sin"?

Keep digging, I enjoy mocking religious nutjobs.

I already posted it -- this one. You find anything about "Christians" or "Muslims" in there and I'll send you a million bucks.

Again, you're deflecting. The point was that what I did was chastize Templar Kormac for bringing it into this thread. Do you deny he did that?

Fucking dishonest assholes.

You aren't real bright Pogo.....but then I've known that for some time.

So you found something about "Christian" in there?

Didn't think so, loser.

And drop the fake "I know you from elsewhere" song and dance, Roo. You don't know jack shit.

No I didn't know that, and more to the point it wasn't in this thread until TK brought it in here as a political wedge. I don't know what kind of news sources y'all fawn over that obsess on religion but this was the first I've heard of that angle. And with any luck the last. Nor is any of it mentioned in the OP article for what your "front and center" song and dance is worth.

So you go fuck yourself.
So, just who did you think Boko Haram, a group of Islamist militants -mentioned in the op - took?

"Who do I think they took"? :confused:

They took girls from a dormitory. Is this a trick question?

I didn't read the OP. I heard the story before I got here. I came here to support the idea that twittering was stoopid and then called out one of the posters for piling on to the polarization. And the rest of the polarizers then piled on me, because they're dishonest partisan hacks.

And that's all I know -- a bunch of dishonest trolls who get called out for using a kidnapping to make political points on a message board don't like being exposed for that so they turn on the whistleblower. What a bunch of losers.

Your tears are quite tasty. Keep em coming liar
SOP for the GOP. Denigrate anything Obama. God forbid Faux would ever champion the idea that Congress should authorize the president taking some type of action to help those poor families.

This has nothing to do with the thread. Moreover, since when do hashtags free hostages? Hmm? Think about this for a moment, Obama has two black daughters, Sasha and Malia. If they were abducted or taken hostage by a lunatic, he would do everything in his power to get them freed, he wouldn't sit there and take to twitter saying #FreeSashaAndMalia. He would use the full force of American military power and jurisprudence to make sure they were freed!

But nevermind these Nigerian girls. They're not worth more than a simple twitter campaign. Heaven forbid we actually call forth an effort to rescue these girls beyond sending search teams and talking these terrorists to death 140 characters at a time.

You liberals make me sick. Obama makes me sick. He has two daughters there in the White House, of whom those poor Nigerian school girls should remind him of how precious they are to him. He should also know just how precious those school girls are to their families. This should be a moment where he as not just a president, but as a father, acts as their savior. Michelle Obama shouldn't have to be doing a photo-op holding up a damned sign saying #FreeOurGirls, he should be speaking out, ordering a rescue operation... something other than this halfhearted routine he calls foreign policy. His two daughters should be reminding him of what he should be fighting for!

You have a lot of gall telling us we don't care about these girls. I personally care for any child who gets abducted, killed, or abused. These girls don't deserve to be the subject of a political debate, such as the OP originally tried to make it out as. It is frankly insulting, friends, when instead of caring about the fate of these young girls, liberals in this thread sit here and make political sport out of it. How dare you? How dare you claim to care? All you can do is say "oh you don't care about these girls because you hate Obama and watch Faux(Fox) News."

Seriously? You liberals make my blood boil. Everyone on both sides of the aisle should care. What if those were your children being held hostage by Boko Haram? Have some freaking decency, dammit.

Really? shouldnt be up for debate?

You liberals make me sick. Obama makes me sick. He has two daughters there in the White House, of whom those poor Nigerian school girls should remind him of how precious they are to him. He should also know just how precious those school girls are to their families. This should be a moment where he as not just a president, but as a father, acts as their savior. Michelle Obama shouldn't have to be doing a photo-op holding up a damned sign saying #FreeOurGirls, he should be speaking out, ordering a rescue operation... something other than this halfhearted routine he calls foreign policy. His two daughters should be reminding him of what he should be fighting for!
you are a hypocrite in your own post kid. We have already located the girls via satellite.
Boko Haram offers to swap kidnapped Nigerian girls for prisoners | Reuters

We have helped but in the end it is up to their own government to go get them.

Last....don't speak about what a father should do, because you are not one. Know your place TK, and you are over stepping.

We who? The last time anyone that actually knows anything made a comment on the search for the girls it was, "We got nothing."

Then again, making shit up is pretty much your entire posting technique.
Which news story did you hear? How did it manage to not mention that Boko Haram means "Western education is sin"?

Keep digging, I enjoy mocking religious nutjobs.

I already posted it -- this one. You find anything about "Christians" or "Muslims" in there and I'll send you a million bucks.

Again, you're deflecting. The point was that what I did was chastize Templar Kormac for bringing it into this thread. Do you deny he did that?

Fucking dishonest assholes.

Boko Haram, a group of Islamist militants ... right in the op.

Tee many martoonies today?

Do you not understand how to read?

Let me repeat it for ya:
The point was that what I did was chastize Templar Kormac for bringing it into this thread. Do you deny he did that?

-- more visible now or what?

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