Conservatives mock ‘Bring Back Our Girls’ hashtag

All of you Conservative should kill yourselves. It's not a joke. This is 25 pages in one day of right-wing assholes laughing at an international movement to try to end a hostage crisis. If those 300 people were fetuses, the right-wing would certainly love to help protect them. As far as this situation though, you Conservatives should kill yourselves. You're heartless, arrogant, ignorant pieces of shit. Your thoughts prove it everyday on this board. No one is joking. Turn off your computers and go drink some bleach.

Why don't you do the world a favor and take your lower lip and pull it over your head and swallow?
And chase it down with Obama Koolaid.
Pogo their christianity has been front and center since day one. Their forced conversion to Islam has also been front and center. If you never noticed it you either had your head in the sand or you're lying.


No I didn't know that, and more to the point it wasn't in this thread until TK brought it in here as a political wedge. I don't know what kind of news sources y'all fawn over that obsess on religion but this was the first I've heard of that angle. And with any luck the last. Nor is any of it mentioned in the OP article for what your "front and center" song and dance is worth.

So you go fuck yourself.

Negged cause YOU are lying.
"Zeig Heil"? "Show hail"?

Thought you said you spoke German? So much for that. :eusa_hand:

Relax Nazi. today is my birthday. One too many beers. It's a shame, however, that all you have is spelling corrections....

Take a break and pull your panties out of your crack, Nazi. :lol:

No, not "all I have" but --- "all you read". Which means you missed a lot. But come on, "Zeig"? That's atrocious.

Happy birthday anyway.

Then, in the spirit of bipartisanship, I will say "Thank You" and declare a truce for today. Now, it's time for my Birthday dinner. Good night all..... :smiliehug:
All of you Conservative should kill yourselves. It's not a joke. This is 25 pages in one day of right-wing assholes laughing at an international movement to try to end a hostage crisis. If those 300 people were fetuses, the right-wing would certainly love to help protect them. As far as this situation though, you Conservatives should kill yourselves. You're heartless, arrogant, ignorant pieces of shit. Your thoughts prove it everyday on this board. No one is joking. Turn off your computers and go drink some bleach.

A movement to end a hostage crisis? Are you under the influence of a controlled substance?
This is nothing more than a bunch of lefties trying to feel good about themselves.
They are wasting time tapping away on their cell phones....While everyone else is WORKING.
If there is anything worthy of mockery in the news today, this has to be it.

Talk about a pointless, meaningless, impotent gesture.

If you CARE about these 300 girls, then call your Congressperson and tell them to get U.S. resources involved in resolving the issue.

And don't jump on this bandwagon if you ignore the other killings that go on every day. What makes these girls any more special that the thousands of other victims of these bastards?

Oh yes, by all means, call your congressmen, that'll do it. How stupid can you conservatives get?

Who do you suggest people contact for action?
Pogo their christianity has been front and center since day one. Their forced conversion to Islam has also been front and center. If you never noticed it you either had your head in the sand or you're lying.


No I didn't know that, and more to the point it wasn't in this thread until TK brought it in here as a political wedge. I don't know what kind of news sources y'all fawn over that obsess on religion but this was the first I've heard of that angle. And with any luck the last. Nor is any of it mentioned in the OP article for what your "front and center" song and dance is worth.

So you go fuck yourself.

Negged cause YOU are lying.

Who in the blue fuck are YOU to tell ME I'm "lying", ass wipe?

Go read the OP. There's not a damn word about religions in there.
Go search the thread -- nobody brought it up until TK did.
This ain't a story about religions -- it's about kidnapping. Stupid FUCK.

YOU are the liar, fascist asshole. :fu:
That's because it's stupid. Hash tags don't free hostages. Action does. The “Bring Back Our Girls” Internet campaign, if you can call it that, is just a way for politicians and Hollywood celebrities to feel good about themselves.

Whoa wait a minute. Are you saying hashtags dont free hostages?

Even if its just a way to feel good while bringing attention to the issue why is that a bad thing again?

Because you do it instead of doing anything about it, pat yourself on the back for having done nothing, then treat being questioned as a chip on your shoulder and use it to attack anyone who just points out that it's completely pointless and ineffective.

You know, like this thread...
All of you Conservative should kill yourselves. It's not a joke. This is 25 pages in one day of right-wing assholes laughing at an international movement to try to end a hostage crisis. If those 300 people were fetuses, the right-wing would certainly love to help protect them. As far as this situation though, you Conservatives should kill yourselves. You're heartless, arrogant, ignorant pieces of shit. Your thoughts prove it everyday on this board. No one is joking. Turn off your computers and go drink some bleach.

Aren't you just the toughest little boy on the block?

The fact that you think a twitter campaign can end a hostage stand off simply says you a weak assed piece of shit.
If you actually believe this I have a great deal for you on a bridge in London.

"everyone heard it"....LOL!!!
"i saw it on MSNBC"......ROTF and LMA

Indeed. All 34 people who watch that bastion of Nazism - MSNBC :D

Most of MSNBC's show ratings share are so low, they don't even show up in the ratings.
That means less than 100,000 TV households are viewing at any point in a given hour.
MSNBC is in about 95 million TV homes.

No I didn't know that, and more to the point it wasn't in this thread until TK brought it in here as a political wedge. I don't know what kind of news sources y'all fawn over that obsess on religion but this was the first I've heard of that angle. And with any luck the last. Nor is any of it mentioned in the OP article for what your "front and center" song and dance is worth.

So you go fuck yourself.

Negged cause YOU are lying.

Who in the blue fuck are YOU to tell ME I'm "lying", ass wipe?

Go read the OP. There's not a damn word about religions in there.
Go search the thread -- nobody brought it up until TK did.
This ain't a story about religions -- it's about kidnapping. Stupid FUCK.

YOU are the liar, fascist asshole. :fu:


Digging up the girls' religion? Really? And then in the same breath talking about exploiting them for political reasons? Think about it.

Uhh, its a widely known fact they are Christian, Pogo. And Far Left Liberals like kidrocks and BlindBoo have made it clearly evident that they don't care too much for Christians.

However, I'm even more surprised to see you here in this thread participating in this circus. Before you lecture me, think about what you're doing first. You thanked Boo's post which suggested that people in our party would block an effort to rescue these girls. He uses terms like "chambermaids" to describe them. Do you really believe that we don't care about the plight of others?

What is more of a mockery? Turning a life or death situation into a political bludgeon? Or mentioning the religious affiliation of the hostages? You tell me.

Uhh... no, don't think so TK. I didn't know (or care) until now what their religion was, yet here you are trying to make a wedge out of it for political points on a message board by polarizing posters who haven't even mentioned Xianity.

What's more of a mockery?
Dissipating energy into a twitter campaign instead of meaningful action?
Or using a hostage situation to bash one's message board adversaries, none of whom the victims have ever heard of?

You tell me. And there you are doing the same thing with the Christian bullshit. And btw, getting on me because I thanked a post? Seriously? Here's the post (I searched it out, you didn't say which one) with the part I chose to thank in bold:
Has Obama expressed an opinion on it? Don't think so.

Obama doesnt need Congressional authorization to send troops. Why isnt he doing it? Doesnt he care about those girls??

If he did propose some kind of action the Chambermaids would be told to oppose it and we'd be talking about the ridiculous posts condemning his plans to help. A show of support would be a nice gesture. Impossible in the USA today of course. How do you know there isn't something in the work to help them?

So spare me the selective partisan interpretation.

Yes, when terrorists commit a political kidnapping, the thing to do is not take to twitter; it's take the opportunity to call the POTUS "douchenozzle" and his wife "First Ho". That'll get them home safe. :thup:

The completely impartial Pogo strikes again. Put him anywhere and he will manage to criticize anyone who does not bow before the superior wisdom of the progressive agenda and big government, and then deny that he has an agenda, even though there are plenty of examples of left wing stupidity to point out if he just opens his eyes.
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Pogo their christianity has been front and center since day one. Their forced conversion to Islam has also been front and center. If you never noticed it you either had your head in the sand or you're lying.

You are ignoring one possibility, the fact that he has an conscious blindness to anything fact that doesn't fit into his worldview, just like any religious fundamentalist.
Negged cause YOU are lying.

Who in the blue fuck are YOU to tell ME I'm "lying", ass wipe?

Go read the OP. There's not a damn word about religions in there.
Go search the thread -- nobody brought it up until TK did.
This ain't a story about religions -- it's about kidnapping. Stupid FUCK.

YOU are the liar, fascist asshole. :fu:



FUCK you, lying little pissant. I let your first attack go and then YOU neg ME? You pathetic little toad. Cocksucker fascists like you think you can shut people up?
You're on the clock now, ass hole. See you again in 48, dickweed.
Be nice to Pogo guys. I mean he just split the seam in his panties over being negged and busted as a full of shit liar. Give him time to mend his delicate pride.
Pogo their christianity has been front and center since day one. Their forced conversion to Islam has also been front and center. If you never noticed it you either had your head in the sand or you're lying.


No I didn't know that, and more to the point it wasn't in this thread until TK brought it in here as a political wedge. I don't know what kind of news sources y'all fawn over that obsess on religion but this was the first I've heard of that angle. And with any luck the last. Nor is any of it mentioned in the OP article for what your "front and center" song and dance is worth.

So you go fuck yourself.

Did you know the girls were kidnapped a month ago? Or did you only notice it when it came up on Twitter?

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