Conservatives mock ‘Bring Back Our Girls’ hashtag

Well maybe I should have clicked on those emails which had wealthy Nigerians offering me money in them... I think I made them mad. They keep spamming my twitter account with

"We have your money, we've been trying for years to get it to you. Now we will resort to desperate measures. Come get the money now or we'll hashtag you to death. We're serious? See?"


:lol: This thread's becoming pretty fun. It's going in a different direction then the OP planned. It's crackin me up. Thanks.

Your mocking the kidnapped girls is duly noted. Laugh it up dittoheads.
This thread and the idea that gave us this thing is so sad its laughable. Stupid laughable.
If Republicans couldnt be mean assholes they would be forced into silence.

They are like Asshole Hipsters. They didnt give a shit before it was popular

They're not even human.

shut the fuck up Luddy....i havent forgot what you accused me of a week ago and then did not have the balls to return and answer to what i said....but then i said you would not....
If Twitter had been around in 1979, Americans would have been using it to raise the alarm about the Iranian hostage crisis. Right-wing assholes just don't care about any kids unless they're still in the gestation period.
Rehash: Get another soundbite, will ya? That one is redundant already. :lol:

Now, Now....don't get your panties in a won't be able to Zeig Heil your president if you're weeping.... #LiberalsareNazis

"Zeig Heil"? "Show hail"?

Thought you said you spoke German? So much for that. :eusa_hand:

Relax Nazi. today is my birthday. One too many beers. It's a shame, however, that all you have is spelling corrections....

Take a break and pull your panties out of your crack, Nazi. :lol:
Of course they are. They are reading the headlines and following the "Bring back our girls" campaign worldwide as we speak. The "terrorists" are not the jungle-bunnies" you racist conservatives are making them out to be.

Yes, they are a sophisticated, urbane bunch of motherfuckers who machine gun people in malls because they aren't Muslim.
Why dont you shut the fuck up, you immature pussy?

Muslim? Jungle? You racists are so driven!

No...YOU are ..YOU are the one who made these things into race card issues.
That makes you the racist.
Now, Now....don't get your panties in a won't be able to Zeig Heil your president if you're weeping.... #LiberalsareNazis

"Zeig Heil"? "Show hail"?

Thought you said you spoke German? So much for that. :eusa_hand:

Relax Nazi. today is my birthday. One too many beers. It's a shame, however, that all you have is spelling corrections....

Take a break and pull your panties out of your crack, Nazi. :lol:

Happy Birthday My Brother From Another Mother! AWESOME!
Actually we DO KNOW their demands. It just so happens they are demanding the release of other terrorists in exchange for the girls release. If you spent less time on the bullshit touchy feely crap you would know that. But we all know msnbc doesn't report news, they create news.

Of course I heard that in the news also... everyone did. Heard it on MSNBC as a matter of fact.

But the terrorists tweeted that demand only because of the "Bring back our girls" worldwide pressure campaign.

Get a heart... will ya?

If you actually believe this I have a great deal for you on a bridge in London.

"everyone heard it"....LOL!!!
"i saw it on MSNBC"......ROTF and LMA
Of course I heard that in the news also... everyone did. Heard it on MSNBC as a matter of fact.

But the terrorists tweeted that demand only because of the "Bring back our girls" worldwide pressure campaign.

Get a heart... will ya?

If you actually believe this I have a great deal for you on a bridge in London.

"everyone heard it"....LOL!!!
"i saw it on MSNBC"......ROTF and LMA

Indeed. All 34 people who watch that bastion of Nazism - MSNBC :D
Still waiting to hear what the left thinks a Twitter campaign will accomplish.
Also why Obama is not sending troops?

Next thing ya know is some dopey far left wing group is going to seize on this as a political opportunity and get their wrinkled mugs on TV....Either that or some lefty Hollywood type is going to form a 'foundation' and ask for donations. That, instead of offering up THEIR OWN money.....
Now, Now....don't get your panties in a won't be able to Zeig Heil your president if you're weeping.... #LiberalsareNazis

"Zeig Heil"? "Show hail"?

Thought you said you spoke German? So much for that. :eusa_hand:

Relax Nazi. today is my birthday. One too many beers. It's a shame, however, that all you have is spelling corrections....

Take a break and pull your panties out of your crack, Nazi. :lol:

No, not "all I have" but --- "all you read". Which means you missed a lot. But come on, "Zeig"? That's atrocious.

Happy birthday anyway.
All of you Conservative should kill yourselves. It's not a joke. This is 25 pages in one day of right-wing assholes laughing at an international movement to try to end a hostage crisis. If those 300 people were fetuses, the right-wing would certainly love to help protect them. As far as this situation though, you Conservatives should kill yourselves. You're heartless, arrogant, ignorant pieces of shit. Your thoughts prove it everyday on this board. No one is joking. Turn off your computers and go drink some bleach.

with the shit you spew on this board you aint much different....take your own advice....
Still waiting to hear what the left thinks a Twitter campaign will accomplish.
Also why Obama is not sending troops?

Next thing ya know is some dopey far left wing group is going to seize on this as a political opportunity and get their wrinkled mugs on TV....Either that or some lefty Hollywood type is going to form a 'foundation' and ask for donations. That, instead of offering up THEIR OWN money.....

And that's the rub isn't it? These politicians, Hollweird types will try and coerce funds from the gullibles and not give one red cent to the cause celeb they are hawking on the dumb masses.
Still waiting to hear what the left thinks a Twitter campaign will accomplish.
Also why Obama is not sending troops?

Next thing ya know is some dopey far left wing group is going to seize on this as a political opportunity and get their wrinkled mugs on TV....Either that or some lefty Hollywood type is going to form a 'foundation' and ask for donations. That, instead of offering up THEIR OWN money.....

And that's the rub isn't it? These politicians, Hollweird types will try and coerce funds from the gullibles and not give one red cent to the cause celeb they are hawking on the dumb masses.

Link to that?

If Twitter had been around in 1979, Americans would have been using it to raise the alarm about the Iranian hostage crisis. Right-wing assholes just don't care about any kids unless they're still in the gestation period.

Dumb fuck.

We just don't give much credence to you knee jerk lefty's who never really do anything but whine and bitch about people who are smarter and get more things done than you do.

You'll sit around and cry, and whine, and and wonder why those "bad" men in Africa do the things they do.....

They do them because they are "bad" men dumb ass.
All of you Conservative should kill yourselves. It's not a joke. This is 25 pages in one day of right-wing assholes laughing at an international movement to try to end a hostage crisis. If those 300 people were fetuses, the right-wing would certainly love to help protect them. As far as this situation though, you Conservatives should kill yourselves. You're heartless, arrogant, ignorant pieces of shit. Your thoughts prove it everyday on this board. No one is joking. Turn off your computers and go drink some bleach.

Why don't you do the world a favor and take your lower lip and pull it over your head and swallow?

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