Conservatives mock ‘Bring Back Our Girls’ hashtag

That's because it's stupid. Hash tags don't free hostages. Action does. The “Bring Back Our Girls” Internet campaign, if you can call it that, is just a way for politicians and Hollywood celebrities to feel good about themselves.

Whoa wait a minute. Are you saying hashtags dont free hostages?

Even if its just a way to feel good while bringing attention to the issue why is that a bad thing again?

It's a great thing, as long as no one pretends it will make any difference in the eventual outcome of the situation. Heck, if Obama can get the Nobel Peace Prize for getting elected president, he should get the Medal of Honor for this.
Anyone happen to know Boko Haram's twitter handle...?

Looks like the racist conservatives are out in force today.

how the fuck is that racist?...

It's not. Neither are these other race cards thrown by kidrocks:

Does anyone really think the people that kidnapped these girls are on twitter? Hashtag stupid.

I hear internet reception is kinda sketchy in the jungle....

The Jungle? You racists sure are predictable.

Ducking Drones in the jungle isn't very conducive to Twitter internet fun. I seriously doubt these 'Terrorists' are on Twitter reading the idiot First Lady's dumb rants. Just not very plausible.

Of course they are. They are reading the headlines and following the "Bring back our girls" campaign worldwide as we speak. The "terrorists" are not the jungle-bunnies" you racist conservatives are making them out to be.

Yes, they are a sophisticated, urbane bunch of motherfuckers who machine gun people in malls because they aren't Muslim.
Why dont you shut the fuck up, you immature pussy?
Muslim? Jungle? You racists are so driven!

Dear kidrocks:
We do care about the girls. Enough not to lazily approach the issue via an idiotic twitter campaign. Terrorists respond to only one thing. Force. Not liberals with nerf bats.
You care nothing about the girls you racist twit!

And I remember reading a thread recently where some liberals claimed they never threw out the race card. :cuckoo:
That's because it's stupid. Hash tags don't free hostages. Action does. The “Bring Back Our Girls” Internet campaign, if you can call it that, is just a way for politicians and Hollywood celebrities to feel good about themselves.

That's entirely what it is.
The whole thing is a good exercise in myth making. Let's start with, How did Nigerian girls, living in Nigeria, abducted by Nigerian terrorists become "our" girls? Is Michelle a Nigerian?
It is feel-goodism at its worst. If Obama wanted he could order Delta Force over to Nigeria today. Why aren't people pressing Obama to do something?

AHA! You conservatives don't care about the girls... all you freaks care about is bashing Obama, and liberals in general.

Warmongering is conservatives answer to everything... typical dittoheads.

i dont think you give a shit about them either....all you care about is bad mouthing all the so called righties really seem so concerned....
That's because it's stupid. Hash tags don't free hostages. Action does. The “Bring Back Our Girls” Internet campaign, if you can call it that, is just a way for politicians and Hollywood celebrities to feel good about themselves.

That's entirely what it is.
The whole thing is a good exercise in myth making. Let's start with, How did Nigerian girls, living in Nigeria, abducted by Nigerian terrorists become "our" girls? Is Michelle a Nigerian?
It is feel-goodism at its worst. If Obama wanted he could order Delta Force over to Nigeria today. Why aren't people pressing Obama to do something?

AHA! You conservatives don't care about the girls... all you freaks care about is bashing Obama, and liberals in general.

Warmongering is conservatives answer to everything... typical dittoheads.

everybody is a dittohead who doesnt agree with must be Ed the Cynics left nut....
Informing the public until they public realizes this is a problem and demands action. Whatever action is most popular to back. Boots on the ground is a non starter for most people for some rag tag bunch held up in a cave.

Twitter is a stupid way to spread the word...unless you are a conservative who wants to whine about something and have it posted on Brightfart

You dont think people think this is a problem?
What "action" will the public demand? What expertise does the public have?

See, you want "action". You dont necessarily want results. Action makes people feel better about themselves. Results solves problems.
Liberals don't care about results.

Tell me how Republicans on twitter is good but everyone else is bad again.

Tell me where he said Republicans on Twitter were good.
Simple minded aren't you?

Your answer to this problem is to use force. That, is probably exactly what the terrorists want, give them the excuse to rally terrorists worldwide.

The problem with you r-wingers is that you think just like the terrorists. You both do not value life. You r-wingers and the terrorists both believe that a bullet to the head is your answer to everything.

LOL, we know that evolution argues against your survival kid, you are too stupd and touchy feely to survive.

Like I said, I hope their next target is someone you will be interesting to see how badly you want to "talk" to them then ;)

It would be interesting to see how you would react if the terrorists held your loved ones hostage somewhere deep in the country of Nigeria. Let us see if you are still willing to use military force to strike at the enemy first and foremost... before even talking or negotiating. I feel sorry for your wiped out family... I really do.

I would go all H. Ross Perot on them and hire a bunch of mercenaries to take them out.
SOP for the GOP. Denigrate anything Obama. God forbid Faux would ever champion the idea that Congress should authorize the president taking some type of action to help those poor families.

Has Obama expressed an opinion on it? Don't think so.

Obama doesnt need Congressional authorization to send troops. Why isnt he doing it? Doesnt he care about those girls??

Kid Rocks would be calling him a Ditto Head....
It would be interesting to see how you would react if the terrorists held your loved ones hostage somewhere deep in the country of Nigeria. Let us see if you are still willing to use military force to strike at the enemy first and foremost... before even talking or negotiating. I feel sorry for your wiped out family... I really do.

So tell me kid, what are their demands?
How successful have negotiations ever been with this group?
How prone are they to violence?

You think everyone thinks like those of us in the West, they don't.

Boko Haram literally means "books bad".....their "Imam" teaches that ANY learning done using ANY source but the Quran is blasphemy...he teaches that during jihad it is ok within Islam to seize "sex slaves".

You knew none of this, none of it matters to you.

Because you don't care about truth or reality.

Don't know what their demands are and neither do you... no one knows yet until we talk to each other. Don't believe everything you read or hear in the media either. Don't lump all terrorists groups together either, big mistake. Don't go stereotyping Muslims also.

Use your head.. think outside the box you are in.

They kidnapped a bunch of school girls because they think education of any kind is bad and killing the boys didn't get your attention, what else do I need to know?
Anyone happen to know Boko Haram's twitter handle...?

Looks like the racist conservatives are out in force today.

What in the hell is racist about that question? Come on, spill it you fucking dope...

Do you even know who Boko Haram is?

One thing's for sure, you know absolutely nothing about me...

Oh, and fuck you, shit stain.
Don't know what their demands are and neither do you... no one knows yet until we talk to each other. Don't believe everything you read or hear in the media either. Don't lump all terrorists groups together either, big mistake. Don't go stereotyping Muslims also.

Use your head.. think outside the box you are in.

Actually we DO KNOW their demands. It just so happens they are demanding the release of other terrorists in exchange for the girls release. If you spent less time on the bullshit touchy feely crap you would know that. But we all know msnbc doesn't report news, they create news.

Of course I heard that in the news also... everyone did. Heard it on MSNBC as a matter of fact.

But the terrorists tweeted that demand only because of the "Bring back our girls" worldwide pressure campaign.

Get a heart... will ya?

If you actually believe this I have a great deal for you on a bridge in London.
Don't know what their demands are and neither do you... no one knows yet until we talk to each other. Don't believe everything you read or hear in the media either. Don't lump all terrorists groups together either, big mistake. Don't go stereotyping Muslims also.

Use your head.. think outside the box you are in.

Actually we DO KNOW their demands. It just so happens they are demanding the release of other terrorists in exchange for the girls release. If you spent less time on the bullshit touchy feely crap you would know that. But we all know msnbc doesn't report news, they create news.

Of course I heard that in the news also... everyone did. Heard it on MSNBC as a matter of fact.

But the terrorists tweeted that demand only because of the "Bring back our girls" worldwide pressure campaign.

Get a heart... will ya?

They tweeted nothing dipshit, they released a video through AFP.

Furthermore, they're terrorists, they don't give a shit about a "pressure campaign..."

Good Christ you're gullible...
Spokesman Jay Carney dismissed suggestions that hashtag activism would lead Boko Haram kidnappers to free their hostages.

“No, I wouldn’t say that,” Carney told reporters at his daily briefing when asked whether the outpouring of support would lead the extremists to set the girls free.

“We're not anything but realistic about the challenge here. It's extremely difficult,” the spokesman said. “The area that the Nigerian government is looking for the girls in constitutes roughly the size of New England.”

Still, “I think that highlighting the situation there and the tragedy that the abduction of those girls represents helps focus attention on the matter and helps, I think, focus the attention of those who would want to assist in the finding and recovery of those girls,” Carney said.
Benghazi Tweetfests A Major Success – Trending Benghazi Weekly To Keep It In The Spotlight
Read more at Benghazi Tweetfests A Major Success ? Trending Benghazi Weekly To Keep It In The Spotlight « Pat Dollard

And yet almost two years later no one behind the Benghazi attacks has been caught

Because thats not the goal as you stated. The goal is to feel good about yourself or is this different? :D
I never claimed the Benghazi tweets were any kind of success as for catching those responsible they are no more relevant than the ones about the missing girls.
Still waiting to hear what the left thinks a Twitter campaign will accomplish.
Also why Obama is not sending troops?
They just don't get it at Fox News... do they?

Conservatives mock 'Bring Back Our Girls' hashtag | MSNBC

Fox News contributors on Sunday scoffed at the “Bring Back Our Girls” hashtag recently created in support of finding the nearly 300 missing schoolgirls in Nigeria.

The international community has taken to Twitter using #BringBackOurGirls to encourage the release of the teenage girls. Boko Haram, a group of Islamist militants, attacked a school in Chibok nearly one month ago and kidnapped 276 individuals. Since, they took eight additional girls and threatened to “sell” them all on the market.

“I do not know how adults stand there facing a camera and say, ‘Bring Back Our Girls.’ Are these barbarians in the wilds of Nigeria supposed to check their Twitter accounts and say, ‘Uh-oh Michelle Obama is very cross with us, we better change our behavior?’” Will said on Fox News Sunday.

I think it idiotic.
This is a Nigerian problem. Let them take care of it.
Any US involvement would certainly be criticized around the world. Additionally, the US would bear ANY and ALL blame if in the case of a rescue mission, ONE of those girls is harmed or God forbid is killed.
This is a no win for the US...We have advisers there. That's enough.
BTW, dopey twitter messages and petitions are not going to sway the opinions of a bunch of Islamist terrorists...They are barbarians.
I hope not, but based on past incidents of this type, starting with the Gulf War when Iraqi soldiers went house to house to rape Kuwati women, it is highly possible that most of those girls have been sexually assaulted by their captors.
That's because it's stupid. Hash tags don't free hostages. Action does. The “Bring Back Our Girls” Internet campaign, if you can call it that, is just a way for politicians and Hollywood celebrities to feel good about themselves.

Whoa wait a minute. Are you saying hashtags dont free hostages?

Even if its just a way to feel good while bringing attention to the issue why is that a bad thing again?

Because there is absolutely no substance to it.
Yeah, let's all get together, hold hands and sing "We Are The World". That'll show those bullies...

Hashtag - as impotent as this president is.

Rehash: Get another soundbite, will ya? That one is redundant already. :lol:

Now, Now....don't get your panties in a won't be able to Zeig Heil your president if you're weeping.... #LiberalsareNazis

"Zeig Heil"? "Show hail"?

Thought you said you spoke German? So much for that. :eusa_hand:
If Republicans couldnt be mean assholes they would be forced into silence.

They are like Asshole Hipsters. They didnt give a shit before it was popular

What we don't give a shit about are your sides causes and calls to action.
Hashtags won't do a fucking thing. It's wasted time.
Who the fuck says what your side is doing with this hashy thing is right?
Did it ever occur to you that doing this stupid social media thing, you are endangering the lives of those hostages?
With you libs, it is never what you get done. It's all about good intentions.
Well sunshine, ya know what they say about good intentions...goes right along with the laws of unintended consequences. Which you lefties ignore on a regular basis. Your ignorance always comes at a cost to others.
You libs never stop to think before you act. You never consider the consequences of your actions. You never consider the effects your ideas and actions have on others who want nothing to do with your causes.

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