Conservatives mock ‘Bring Back Our Girls’ hashtag

Who in the blue fuck are YOU to tell ME I'm "lying", ass wipe?

Go read the OP. There's not a damn word about religions in there.
Go search the thread -- nobody brought it up until TK did.
This ain't a story about religions -- it's about kidnapping. Stupid FUCK.

YOU are the liar, fascist asshole. :fu:



FUCK you, lying little pissant. I let your first attack go and then YOU neg ME? You pathetic little toad. Cocksucker fascists like you think you can shut people up?
You're on the clock now, ass hole. See you again in 48, dickweed.

Awwewe that's the cutest tantrum I've seen in weeks...

You're still a hack liar tho
Pogo their christianity has been front and center since day one. Their forced conversion to Islam has also been front and center. If you never noticed it you either had your head in the sand or you're lying.

You are ignoring one possibility, the fact that he has an conscious blindness to anything fact that doesn't fit into his worldview, just like any religious fundamentalist.




I think I tore my sacasm tendon....
Be nice to Pogo guys. I mean he just split the seam in his panties over being negged and busted as a full of shit liar. Give him time to mend his delicate pride.

I negged him too just becaue he is a worthless piece of shit.

Watch out, he may put you on his new 48 hour stalking list.
He's like a little troll hiding under your bed sometimes.
Pogo their christianity has been front and center since day one. Their forced conversion to Islam has also been front and center. If you never noticed it you either had your head in the sand or you're lying.

You are ignoring one possibility, the fact that he has an conscious blindness to anything fact that doesn't fit into his worldview, just like any religious fundamentalist.

Again, I don't know what kind of slop y'all use for your news that centers on religion. I get most of my news from CBC, and they never mentioned it. Nor should they have, because it's not part of the issue. Nor does the OP article here. It's a kidnapping story fer chrissake. Dumb shits.

But oh no, don't I dare call out a poster for bringing in religion as a political wedge, I'm a "liar" and a "fundamentalist". Well fuck both of you up the ass with a cheese grater. Dishonest hacks.
Pogo their christianity has been front and center since day one. Their forced conversion to Islam has also been front and center. If you never noticed it you either had your head in the sand or you're lying.

You are ignoring one possibility, the fact that he has an conscious blindness to anything fact that doesn't fit into his worldview, just like any religious fundamentalist.

Again, I don't know what kind of slop y'all use for your news that centers on religion. I get most of my news from CBC, and they never mentioned it. Nor should they have, because it's not part of the issue. Nor does the OP article here. It's a kidnapping story fer chrissake. Dumb shits.

But oh no, don't I dare call out a poster for bringing in religion as a political wedge, I'm a "liar" and a "fundamentalist". Well fuck both of you up the ass with a cheese grater. Dishonest hacks.

If Twitter had been around in 1979, Americans would have been using it to raise the alarm about the Iranian hostage crisis. Right-wing assholes just don't care about any kids unless they're still in the gestation period.

No one heard about the Iranian hostage crises until a month after it happened because there was no Twitter? I remember hearing about it the same day.
Pogo their christianity has been front and center since day one. Their forced conversion to Islam has also been front and center. If you never noticed it you either had your head in the sand or you're lying.


No I didn't know that, and more to the point it wasn't in this thread until TK brought it in here as a political wedge. I don't know what kind of news sources y'all fawn over that obsess on religion but this was the first I've heard of that angle. And with any luck the last. Nor is any of it mentioned in the OP article for what your "front and center" song and dance is worth.

So you go fuck yourself.

Did you know the girls were kidnapped a month ago? Or did you only notice it when it came up on Twitter?

I don't "twit". I heard it on the news. And I don't appreciate being called "liar" because the news story I heard didn't mention religion.
Nor was there any reason to unless one sponges news from LCD hair-on-fire sensationalist news sites that pander to the unwashed.

Guess that explains a lot.
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Uhh, its a widely known fact they are Christian, Pogo. And Far Left Liberals like kidrocks and BlindBoo have made it clearly evident that they don't care too much for Christians.

However, I'm even more surprised to see you here in this thread participating in this circus. Before you lecture me, think about what you're doing first. You thanked Boo's post which suggested that people in our party would block an effort to rescue these girls. He uses terms like "chambermaids" to describe them. Do you really believe that we don't care about the plight of others?

What is more of a mockery? Turning a life or death situation into a political bludgeon? Or mentioning the religious affiliation of the hostages? You tell me.

Uhh... no, don't think so TK. I didn't know (or care) until now what their religion was, yet here you are trying to make a wedge out of it for political points on a message board by polarizing posters who haven't even mentioned Xianity.

What's more of a mockery?
Dissipating energy into a twitter campaign instead of meaningful action?
Or using a hostage situation to bash one's message board adversaries, none of whom the victims have ever heard of?

You tell me. And there you are doing the same thing with the Christian bullshit. And btw, getting on me because I thanked a post? Seriously? Here's the post (I searched it out, you didn't say which one) with the part I chose to thank in bold:
If he did propose some kind of action the Chambermaids would be told to oppose it and we'd be talking about the ridiculous posts condemning his plans to help. A show of support would be a nice gesture. Impossible in the USA today of course. How do you know there isn't something in the work to help them?

So spare me the selective partisan interpretation.

Yes, when terrorists commit a political kidnapping, the thing to do is not take to twitter; it's take the opportunity to call the POTUS "douchenozzle" and his wife "First Ho". That'll get them home safe. :thup:

The completely impartial Pogo strikes again. Put him anywhere and he will manage to criticize anyone who does not bow before the superior wisdom of the progressive agenda and big government, and then deny that he has an agenda, even though there are plenty of examples of left wing stupidity to point out of he just opens his eyes.

Oh noes, this is too easy...

You know what's coming.... wait for it...

:link: to anything like that?

Cue crickets. Time for you to run away and hide. Seeya.
[ame=]Reports: Abducted Girls Married To Nigerian Rebels - YouTube[/ame]

Don't tell Pogo but this clearly rightwing news organization tells of the forced religious conversion.
This is the story I heard a radio version of.

Not a damn word about "Christian" this or "Muslim" that.

Dishonest fucking hacks.
[ame=]NEW: Nigeria girls 'shown' in Boko Haram video - BBC News - YouTube[/ame]

Oops, heres another lsd induced rightwing news report speaking about RELIGION
If Twitter had been around in 1979, Americans would have been using it to raise the alarm about the Iranian hostage crisis. Right-wing assholes just don't care about any kids unless they're still in the gestation period.

No one heard about the Iranian hostage crises until a month after it happened because there was no Twitter? I remember hearing about it the same day.
I was stationed at Homestead AFB, FL in a Tactical Control Squadron and we heard of it within hours of the occurrence. Some people think History begins the day they were born. It's rather astounding.
You idiots.....hashtags are the yellow ribbons of the 21st century, but since most of you are still in the 19th century, I can understand you ignorance....
You just can't make this shit up, it's pure gold.

Liberals mock "boots on the ground" and instead offer fucking hashtags as a solution.

The ONLY solution to shit like this is a bullet to the head of terrorists. Period

Suit up then tough guy. :eusa_clap: Or will it interfere with your morning doughnut and 2pm nap

Wow, you call someone else out to suit up while your idea of suiting up for battle is jumping on twitter and hash tagging.
Pogo their christianity has been front and center since day one. Their forced conversion to Islam has also been front and center. If you never noticed it you either had your head in the sand or you're lying.

You are ignoring one possibility, the fact that he has an conscious blindness to anything fact that doesn't fit into his worldview, just like any religious fundamentalist.

Again, I don't know what kind of slop y'all use for your news that centers on religion. I get most of my news from CBC, and they never mentioned it. Nor should they have, because it's not part of the issue. Nor does the OP article here. It's a kidnapping story fer chrissake. Dumb shits.

But oh no, don't I dare call out a poster for bringing in religion as a political wedge, I'm a "liar" and a "fundamentalist". Well fuck both of you up the ass with a cheese grater. Dishonest hacks.

Muslim extremists that oppose all education that includes anything that is not the Koran invade a Christian community and kidnap a bunch of young girls and you want me to believe that religion is not an issue. I owe all the lying sacks of shit in the universe an apology for ever comparing them to a religious whachjob like you. You should partner up with theword and help him build his church of never being wrong, the two of you are exactly the same.
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