Conservatives mock ‘Bring Back Our Girls’ hashtag

So -- nothing found yet huh? Well you still have a few hours.

"Bated", not baited. Surely you can remember bated.

Nothing found cause I'm not looking. You were wrong but you're not man enough to admit it. No one gives a fuck what ONE news report you heardsaid. News flash jackass: this thread isn't about what YOU heard.

No it isn't but this particular point, liar, is about me calling out another poster for bringing religion into the thread as a political wedge, which he did and there's nothing you can do to alter that. And you pissed your pants because I called him out for partisanship. And I let it go. And then YOU negged ME.

So get the flying fuck off your holier-than-thou pedastal, troll. You're a fucking hack.

What you need to be looking for is that evidence of me being a "liar". And you can't do it.

I negged you because you're a douchebag not because of your temper tantrum on TK. And I called you a liar REPEATEDLY because thats what you do to others including me. You are a schmuck and that's all the "evidence" I need.

Now, continue crying about it bitch
Boko Haram, a group of Islamist militants ... right in the op.

Tee many martoonies today?

Do you not understand how to read?

Let me repeat it for ya:
The point was that what I did was chastize Templar Kormac for bringing it into this thread. Do you deny he did that?

-- more visible now or what?

Are you seriously this fucking stupid? The entire reason these girls were kidnapped, likely deformed and forced into marriages IS ISLAM.

That is the entire fucking point of what these assholes did and the foundation of why they did it. To deny so is unexpectedly stupid even by you.

The vile religion of islam is responsible for all of this. It's not extreme islam it's fucking islam at it's base. Extremist my ass, this is what they believe to be the core of their religion.

Are you illiterate too?

See the words in bold above?

Try reading them.

I have posted (or formed) no opinion on WHY anybody did what they did. That's not why I'm here. At all.

Nothing found cause I'm not looking. You were wrong but you're not man enough to admit it. No one gives a fuck what ONE news report you heardsaid. News flash jackass: this thread isn't about what YOU heard.

No it isn't but this particular point, liar, is about me calling out another poster for bringing religion into the thread as a political wedge, which he did and there's nothing you can do to alter that. And you pissed your pants because I called him out for partisanship. And I let it go. And then YOU negged ME.

So get the flying fuck off your holier-than-thou pedastal, troll. You're a fucking hack.

What you need to be looking for is that evidence of me being a "liar". And you can't do it.

I negged you because you're a douchebag not because of your temper tantrum on TK. And I called you a liar REPEATEDLY because thats what you do to others including me. You are a schmuck and that's all the "evidence" I need.

Now, continue crying about it bitch

As I said --- you can't do it. Because it doesn't exist.




Who jumped in calling who a "liar" for not knowing some demagoguery angle here? Was that me? Do I write your posts?


I gave you a dose of your own god damn medicine. Stop whining like a bitch about it & man up.

"Man up" -- to what?? YOU attacked ME here, fuckbreath. Want to see the time stamp?

Again --- you have evidence of my "lying"? POST IT.

For the THIRD time. I don't think you lied, I think you're stupid & uninformed. I enjoy calling you a liar because the veins that pop out of your forehead because of it are really neat.
oops......he was damned sure acting like it was his thread to rule

Uh.. really. Explain.

Did I jump up and declare that some other poster was a "liar" for not knowing some wacko political wedge angle? Can you quote me on that then?


I gave you actual news footage from the BBC and CNN that brought up the religious aspects. Now they're wacko reports? Really? Seriously?

Dig that hole chump

You put those up AFTER you had already negged me as a "liar" you dishonest troll.

Which you still can't document. Because it doesn't exist.

I gave you a dose of your own god damn medicine. Stop whining like a bitch about it & man up.

"Man up" -- to what?? YOU attacked ME here, fuckbreath. Want to see the time stamp?

Again --- you have evidence of my "lying"? POST IT.

For the THIRD time. I don't think you lied, I think you're stupid & uninformed. I enjoy calling you a liar because the veins that pop out of your forehead because of it are really neat.

That is suppose to be an apology? "I don't think you lied but I enjoy calling you a liar"?

Dishonest hack.
Uh.. really. Explain.

Did I jump up and declare that some other poster was a "liar" for not knowing some wacko political wedge angle? Can you quote me on that then?


I gave you actual news footage from the BBC and CNN that brought up the religious aspects. Now they're wacko reports? Really? Seriously?

Dig that hole chump

You put those up AFTER you had already negged me as a "liar" you dishonest troll.

Which you still can't document. Because it doesn't exist.


I don't send comments with my negs LIAR.

... <---- is all I say because if your worthy of a neg you're unworthy of a response.

Now sit down and shut up LIAR
"Man up" -- to what?? YOU attacked ME here, fuckbreath. Want to see the time stamp?

Again --- you have evidence of my "lying"? POST IT.

For the THIRD time. I don't think you lied, I think you're stupid & uninformed. I enjoy calling you a liar because the veins that pop out of your forehead because of it are really neat.

That is suppose to be an apology? "I don't think you lied but I enjoy calling you a liar"?

Dishonest hack.

Apology? Lol ummm no

I don't apologize to people who shit all over themselves because they can't handle being trolled on the internet.

You've been my bitch for the last three hours but you're beginning to bore me.

Go change your panties, perhaps a fresh douche and come back for round two refreshed.
I gave you actual news footage from the BBC and CNN that brought up the religious aspects. Now they're wacko reports? Really? Seriously?

Dig that hole chump

You put those up AFTER you had already negged me as a "liar" you dishonest troll.

Which you still can't document. Because it doesn't exist.


I don't send comments with my negs LIAR.

... <---- is all I say because if your worthy of a neg you're unworthy of a response.

Now sit down and shut up LIAR

"Comments with negs" doesn't enter into anything. You just admitted you LIED calling me a liar -- and then you tried to get away with blowing smoke about posting videos -- AFTER you had already negged me and called me "liar". So you're a liar who lies on top of his own lies.

I've got the time stamps. Wanna see 'em?

You put those up AFTER you had already negged me as a "liar" you dishonest troll.

Which you still can't document. Because it doesn't exist.


I don't send comments with my negs LIAR.

... <---- is all I say because if your worthy of a neg you're unworthy of a response.

Now sit down and shut up LIAR

"Comments with negs" doesn't enter into anything. You just admitted you LIED calling me a liar -- and then you tried to get away with blowing smoke about posting videos -- AFTER you had already negged me and called me "liar". So you're a liar who lies on top of his own lies.

I've got the time stamps. Wanna see 'em?


Knock yourself out, like I'd give a fuck. You're the one who's pussy is all wet.
Pogo their christianity has been front and center since day one. Their forced conversion to Islam has also been front and center. If you never noticed it you either had your head in the sand or you're lying.

For all those who missed it. I gave you TWO OPTIONS. TWO. And rather than take this as new info you hadn't heard before your first response was, and I quote, "bullshit"

Let the forum decide who the idiot is here
Do you not understand how to read?

Let me repeat it for ya:
The point was that what I did was chastize Templar Kormac for bringing it into this thread. Do you deny he did that?

-- more visible now or what?

Are you seriously this fucking stupid? The entire reason these girls were kidnapped, likely deformed and forced into marriages IS ISLAM.

That is the entire fucking point of what these assholes did and the foundation of why they did it. To deny so is unexpectedly stupid even by you.

The vile religion of islam is responsible for all of this. It's not extreme islam it's fucking islam at it's base. Extremist my ass, this is what they believe to be the core of their religion.

Are you illiterate too?

See the words in bold above?

Try reading them.

I have posted (or formed) no opinion on WHY anybody did what they did. That's not why I'm here. At all.

No I read your bullshit, loud and clear.

And look at the bolded in your reply. The fact you are too stupid to assign blame is the problem. It's very obvious where the problem lies you just can't bring yourself to admit it.

If you aren't here to figure out the problem why are you here? Islam is the problem, it's fucking obvious. The fact you are dancing around that is also obvious.

I have a couple hash tags for you though...



Are you seriously this fucking stupid? The entire reason these girls were kidnapped, likely deformed and forced into marriages IS ISLAM.

That is the entire fucking point of what these assholes did and the foundation of why they did it. To deny so is unexpectedly stupid even by you.

The vile religion of islam is responsible for all of this. It's not extreme islam it's fucking islam at it's base. Extremist my ass, this is what they believe to be the core of their religion.

Are you illiterate too?

See the words in bold above?

Try reading them.

I have posted (or formed) no opinion on WHY anybody did what they did. That's not why I'm here. At all.

No I read your bullshit, loud and clear.

And look at the bolded in your reply. The fact you are too stupid to assign blame is the problem. It's very obvious where the problem lies you just can't bring yourself to admit it.

If you aren't here to figure out the problem why are you here? Islam is the problem, it's fucking obvious. The fact you are dancing around that is also obvious.

I have a couple hash tags for you though...




And ---- why do you imagine I need to "assign blame" as you put it? What the hell good would that do?
That ain't why I came here. I came for the idea of twitting, not for the story behind it.

Refresh my memory -- who are you to dictate what I need to do again? :confused: Did I sleep through the job interview where you hired me?

As I already pointed out, the story I heard made no mention of Islam, Christianism, Zorastrianism, the freaking Church of the Subgenius, or any other religion. Nor does the OP here. And nor did this thread, until post 163, where I called out the poster for bringing it in -- which is what the old fart is obsessing on me about.

So maybe you need to define "obvious".
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