Conservatives mock ‘Bring Back Our Girls’ hashtag

Do you ever read? How many times do I have to tell you I didn't read the OP, and what we're talking about is not in there anyway?

Are you functionally illiterate?

That was your entire problem. You didn't read the OP. Therefore when I brought up religion, you assumed it had been the first time it was brought up in the thread.

Stop kissing his ass. It's unbecoming. Most posters have defended you. Pogo was ill informed and out of line. That's hardly your problem.

Actually, I am systematically dismantling his argument. To be honest, it is my problem since this entire brouhaha was centered around me and my commentary. My first instinct is to address the source of the problem.

And I also do appreciate those of you who came to my assistance. I'm not defending what he did, frankly I found it to be childish and beneath him.
That was your entire problem. You didn't read the OP. Therefore when I brought up religion, you assumed it had been the first time it was brought up in the thread.

Stop kissing his ass. It's unbecoming. Most posters have defended you. Pogo was ill informed and out of line. That's hardly your problem.

Actually, I am systematically dismantling his argument. To be honest, it is my problem since this entire brouhaha was centered around me and my commentary. My first instinct is to address the source of the problem.

And I also do appreciate those of you who came to my assistance. I'm not defending what he did, frankly I found it to be childish and beneath him.

I used to respect pogo. In fact I used to pos rep him fairly often. Then he jumped on the grampa is a liar bandwagon and took a thread completely out of context after being egged on by ClosedCaption, ludnut and a couple others. I lost all respect for him then. He still has occasional rational posts but at this point the bridge is burned.

Just look at the very first post I addressed to him in this thread. Completely rational and civil, yet look at his response to it.

I neg him and he whines for hours about it trying to garner support. His game is busted. Fuck him and I await his stipid 48 hour neg game
And 48 hour lists are childish too. I've been the victim of one, but luckily for me, the people involved didn't last 12. I thought Pogo was above all this nonsense. This will lead me to approach him differently in the Politics forum.
And 48 hour lists are childish too. I've been the victim of one, but luckily for me, the people involved didn't last 12. I thought Pogo was above all this nonsense. This will lead me to approach him differently in the Politics forum.

It may be all bluster. I've made the threat numerous times just to be a dick but I've never actually intended to follow through with such sillyness.

Although before the 48 hour rule I negged the shit out of rderp lol
dimocraps are scum

MoveOn Petition: 'Reject Terrorist Designation for Boko Haram'
Created in 2012, the petition is still up and people have signed the petition as recently as May 9th, well after the terrorists kidnapped over 300 young female students


Former Secretary of State Clinton was criticized earlier this week when it was revealed her State Department refused to designate Boko Harem, the Islamist group that is kidnapping girls in Nigeria, as a terrorist group. But Ms. Clinton had support;, a progressive group founded by George Soros, ran a petition asking the Obama administration to "Reject Terrorist Designation for Boko Haram" in 2012. The petition is still up and people have signed the petition as recently as May 9th, well after the terrorists kidnapped over 300 young female students. The petition reads as follows:

To be delivered to Hillary Rodham Clinton, Secretary of State, Eric Holder, Attorney General, Rep. Henry Waxman (CA-33), Rep. Bennie Thompson (MS-2), Rep. Chris Smith (NJ-4) and 6 other targets (click here to see more)

Petition to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Attorney General Eric Holder, President Barack Obama and Members of Congress

We urge you not to support the formal designation of Boko Haram in Nigeria as a "Foreign Terrorist Organization" (FTO). Such a move would be a counterproductive mistake with far-reaching negative consequences for both Americans and Nigerians.

It is correct for the United States to join the vast majority of Nigerians in condemning the group for the brutal violence it has inflicted on innocent civilians in Nigeria and their threats to national unity and security in that country.

But U.S. government designation of the group as a FTO, as currently proposed by several Members of Congress and some officials in the the Department of Justice, would increase rather than diminish the threat from Boko Haram. It would give the group additional visibility and credibility among international terrorist networks. It would increase the chances that the group would direct its attacks against U.S. targets.

Most significantly, it would reinforce militarization of Nigerian government actions against the group. Repressive actions by Nigerian security forces in the past have already contributed to increasing support for Boko Haram among those affected. What is needed instead is a multifaceted strategy. Such a strategy must include not only security measures to protect civilians but also flexible diplomacy and serious attention to development issues, particularly in the disadvantaged North of Nigeria where Boko Haram finds support.

FTO designation would also cause enormous collateral damage, making it difficult for both the U.S. government and non-profit groups to address humanitarian and development issues, particularly in the North. It would hamper any efforts by third parties to encourage dialogue and it would introduce new tensions into U.S.-Nigerian relations. It would also pose serious bureaucratic obstacles to travel and family remittances for Nigerian Americans and other Nigerians resident in the United States.

The Nigerian government is well aware of the counterproductive effects of a FTO designation for Boko Haram and has expressed its opposition. So have more than 20 of the top U.S. scholars on Nigeria. We urge you to heed their informed advice.

At the time this petition was posted the Justice Department, the FBI, the CIA, and over a dozen senators and congressmen were urging the State Department to make the designation. John Kerry added Boko Haram to the terrorist list in 2013.

dimocraps are scum
Who jumped in calling who a "liar" for not knowing some demagoguery angle here? Was that me? Do I write your posts?


Don't you owe me a million bucks? Were you lying about that?

Did you find a reference to "Christians" in that CBC story?

Million bucks is still here on the table. Hurry up and find a Christian in there, or else it all goes to cocaine and hookers. Very expensive ones.

Say it ain't so, Pogo!

I already posted it -- this one. You find anything about "Christians" or "Muslims" in there and I'll send you a million bucks.

Again, you're deflecting. The point was that what I did was chastize Templar Kormac for bringing it into this thread. Do you deny he did that?

Fucking dishonest assholes.

If Republicans couldnt be mean assholes they would be forced into silence.

They are like Asshole Hipsters. They didnt give a shit before it was popular

Being popular is important to you?

Being able to think for yourself seems to be a Republican trait.

We don't jump on a cause because everyone else is.

No you guys are better. You do nothing and mock everyone else who is doing something.

The hashtag was started in Nigeria after the govt covered it up and said nothing. Started by two people who had their daughters taken. That hashtag gained in popularity and now the entire world knows about it despite the govt intervention and are sending help from around the world

You're right....Twitter, social networks, etc are useless.

You...sitting there....are doing much more important stuff like...uh...being a bitch
So -- nothing found yet huh? Well you still have a few hours.

"Bated", not baited. Surely you can remember bated.

Nothing found cause I'm not looking. You were wrong but you're not man enough to admit it. No one gives a fuck what ONE news report you heardsaid. News flash jackass: this thread isn't about what YOU heard.

No it isn't but this particular point, liar, is about me calling out another poster for bringing religion into the thread as a political wedge, which he did and there's nothing you can do to alter that. And you pissed your pants because I called him out for partisanship. And I let it go. And then YOU negged ME.

So get the flying fuck off your holier-than-thou pedastal, troll. You're a fucking hack.

What you need to be looking for is that evidence of me being a "liar". And you can't do it.

It is "Pedestal" you illiterate fuck.
If Republicans couldnt be mean assholes they would be forced into silence.

They are like Asshole Hipsters. They didnt give a shit before it was popular

Being popular is important to you?

Being able to think for yourself seems to be a Republican trait.

We don't jump on a cause because everyone else is.

No you guys are better. You do nothing and mock everyone else who is doing something.

The hashtag was started in Nigeria after the govt covered it up and said nothing. Started by two people who had their daughters taken. That hashtag gained in popularity and now the entire world knows about it despite the govt intervention and are sending help from around the world

You're right....Twitter, social networks, etc are useless.

You...sitting there....are doing much more important stuff like...uh...being a bitch

poor leftard; go cry

it's only right to mock phony, sanctimonious left-wing nutjobs late to the game with celebrity "outrage" when in fact your next presidential nominee refused to call Boko Haram what they are; terrorists; for risk of offending them

you libs are some phony hypocrites
Nothing found cause I'm not looking. You were wrong but you're not man enough to admit it. No one gives a fuck what ONE news report you heardsaid. News flash jackass: this thread isn't about what YOU heard.

No it isn't but this particular point, liar, is about me calling out another poster for bringing religion into the thread as a political wedge, which he did and there's nothing you can do to alter that. And you pissed your pants because I called him out for partisanship. And I let it go. And then YOU negged ME.

So get the flying fuck off your holier-than-thou pedastal, troll. You're a fucking hack.

What you need to be looking for is that evidence of me being a "liar". And you can't do it.

It is "Pedestal" you illiterate fuck.

Lol the grammar Nazi made a spelling error himself.
If Republicans couldnt be mean assholes they would be forced into silence.

They are like Asshole Hipsters. They didnt give a shit before it was popular

Being popular is important to you?

Being able to think for yourself seems to be a Republican trait.

We don't jump on a cause because everyone else is.

No you guys are better. You do nothing and mock everyone else who is doing something.

The hashtag was started in Nigeria after the govt covered it up and said nothing. Started by two people who had their daughters taken. That hashtag gained in popularity and now the entire world knows about it despite the govt intervention and are sending help from around the world

You're right....Twitter, social networks, etc are useless.

You...sitting there....are doing much more important stuff like...uh...being a bitch

Do you guys ever, ever stop to double check the lies you repeat? It was not started in Nigeria. It was a California woman

Ramaa Mosley Responds to Criticism Over Creation of #BringBackOurGirls Campaign | EURweb
Being popular is important to you?

Being able to think for yourself seems to be a Republican trait.

We don't jump on a cause because everyone else is.

No you guys are better. You do nothing and mock everyone else who is doing something.

The hashtag was started in Nigeria after the govt covered it up and said nothing. Started by two people who had their daughters taken. That hashtag gained in popularity and now the entire world knows about it despite the govt intervention and are sending help from around the world

You're right....Twitter, social networks, etc are useless.

You...sitting there....are doing much more important stuff like...uh...being a bitch

Do you guys ever, ever stop to double check the lies you repeat? It was not started in Nigeria. It was a California woman

Ramaa Mosley Responds to Criticism Over Creation of #BringBackOurGirls Campaign | EURweb

Good question Fuck face. From your link

“This rally call first happened in Nigeria,” Mosley clarified. “Oby Ezekwesili was the first person to cry out ‘bring back our girls.’ She asked the people who were at the rallies to tweet this #bringbackourgirls. She created it
Read more at Ramaa Mosley Responds to Criticism Over Creation of #BringBackOurGirls Campaign | EURweb

Now have a slice of humble pie and sit the fuck down somewhere

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