Conservatives mock ‘Bring Back Our Girls’ hashtag

Don't you owe me a million bucks? Were you lying about that?

Did you find a reference to "Christians" in that CBC story?

Million bucks is still here on the table. Hurry up and find a Christian in there, or else it all goes to cocaine and hookers. Very expensive ones.

Your original demand was not limited to "Christians."

Which news story did you hear? How did it manage to not mention that Boko Haram means "Western education is sin"?

Keep digging, I enjoy mocking religious nutjobs.

I already posted it -- this one. You find anything about "Christians" or "Muslims" in there and I'll send you a million bucks.

Again, you're deflecting. The point was that what I did was chastize Templar Kormac for bringing it into this thread. Do you deny he did that?

Fucking dishonest assholes.

You were going on about how religion was interjected into this thread and you weren't very well-versed in this story, you certainly didn't know the religious motives of the terrorists. So while others were having fun trolling you, your initial demand for the payout was that religion was not mentioned in the story you claim to have heard.

Right, that's accurate.

---- and? :dunno:

The Daily Show????

You call amusing satire factual???

The Daily Show is fake news with a liberal slant. Nothing more....

Sure I called it factual and I noticed you failed to point out how it wasnt factual but you did include a lot of question marks...I guess that counts for something

I pointed out why it wasn't factual.

It is classified as fake news with a liberal twist delivered in a satirical manner on "Comedy Central".

Suuuuuuuure you did. It seems you forgot to point it out again. What was the part that was not factual? Too busy? Got other plans?
Did you find a reference to "Christians" in that CBC story?

Million bucks is still here on the table. Hurry up and find a Christian in there, or else it all goes to cocaine and hookers. Very expensive ones.

Say it ain't so, Pogo!

I already posted it -- this one. You find anything about "Christians" or "Muslims" in there and I'll send you a million bucks.

Again, you're deflecting. The point was that what I did was chastize Templar Kormac for bringing it into this thread. Do you deny he did that?

Fucking dishonest assholes.


It ain't so. I was joking about the cocaine and hookers.

Well, one of them anyway... :eusa_shifty:

So you're going to keep your deal with QW? Glad to hear it. I was sure you wouldn't welsh. :thup:
It is helping to bring about a unifying of nations to go after a specific terrorist organization. It may or may not turn out to be precedent setting.

The internet also has been used to cause rebellion in Egypt, Libya, to start riots in London. Probably started the riots on Sept. 11th 2012.
No I read your bullshit, loud and clear.

And look at the bolded in your reply. The fact you are too stupid to assign blame is the problem. It's very obvious where the problem lies you just can't bring yourself to admit it.

If you aren't here to figure out the problem why are you here? Islam is the problem, it's fucking obvious. The fact you are dancing around that is also obvious.

I have a couple hash tags for you though...




It solves the fucking problem. If you can't figure out who the problem is then you can't solve the problem. How in the hell do you think you are going to solve the problem of girls getting kidnapped and sold as sex slaves without assigning blame on those doing it?


Again, as I already told you, I'm not here to "solve Nigeria's problems" and never was. The way I read it this is not a thread about the kidnapping; it's a thread about tweeting about the kidnapping. And that's what I came in for -- the futility of that type of pseudo-activism. What's behind the actual event is a whole 'nother story for a whole 'nother thread. Go off to a tangent if you like but it's off the topic.

Then maybe you should just leave. If you're to fucking stupid to actually follow the story and are going to ignore the entire situation for a tweet then you're to fucking stupid to be on this board. Or any other really. If you can't follow what is happening and reply then don't reply at all. You are the ultimate useful idiot.

I should "leave" because I don't want your tangent? Wtf?? Go start an Islamophobe thread and I'll come over there but this ain't it.

I'm sure you are confused, you have run out of talking points and have proven yourself a retard. You've slept through the news of the day and admitted you don't really want to learn about it so yes. I can easily dismiss you as a moron.

If that's all you have it's all you have. Not my prob.

Just how stupid do you have to be to be you? It actually took you 136 posts to figure out who is behind this? You're about a 136 posts worth of stupid.

163 (not 136) was where a poster tried to bring in a religion wedge. That wasn't present before (go check me) and I called him out for introducing that. The butthurt then started flowing, because we can't have anyone getting in the way of useful fallacy. Tough titty. I saw a lot of polarizing bullshit and called it out. And I'll keep doing that, like it or lump it.

So maybe you need to define "obvious".

In your fucking case I'm not sure how obvious something needs to be for you to consider it obvious. How much more obvious does something need to be before you get it? 136 posts or more?

Once again, it's not part of this thread -- or wasn't until TK brought it in here. I already re-quoted the post; what's the next level of "obvious" after a direct quote then?

You could step outside your box and just realize the obvious that is a group of muslims took a group of girls hostage and are not planning good activities for them. Only a complete retard wouldn't see that in post one let alone need another 136 to come around.

Or anyone who read the OP (where such angle also doesn't appear) or the 162 posts that came before 163. I did see among those 162 however that this band of brigands were holding their hostages as collateral for getting some of their own prisoners released, which frankly is far more relevant but still off the topic of whether tweeting is an effective idea or not.

Which is what this thread is about.

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Sure I called it factual and I noticed you failed to point out how it wasnt factual but you did include a lot of question marks...I guess that counts for something

I pointed out why it wasn't factual.

It is classified as fake news with a liberal twist delivered in a satirical manner on "Comedy Central".

Suuuuuuuure you did. It seems you forgot to point it out again. What was the part that was not factual? Too busy? Got other plans?

I've watched the show. It often uses half-truths and film editing techniques to present funny aspects of real events.
Imagine what the internet could be used for in the US.

Say it ain't so, Pogo!


It ain't so. I was joking about the cocaine and hookers.

Well, one of them anyway... :eusa_shifty:

So you're going to keep your deal with QW? Glad to hear it. I was sure you wouldn't welsh. :thup:

I have Liability holding the cash in escrow so you know it's safe. :rofl:

No, the deal was to find a reference to "Christians" in the link.
I'll tell you a secret ... I already know it's not in there. Pretty crafty huh? Mum's the word now. :eusa_shhh:
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I pointed out why it wasn't factual.

It is classified as fake news with a liberal twist delivered in a satirical manner on "Comedy Central".

Suuuuuuuure you did. It seems you forgot to point it out again. What was the part that was not factual? Too busy? Got other plans?

I've watched the show. It often uses half-truths and film editing techniques to present funny aspects of real events.

You forgot to point out the lies again. Having trouble are we? :D
It ain't so. I was joking about the cocaine and hookers.

Well, one of them anyway... :eusa_shifty:

So you're going to keep your deal with QW? Glad to hear it. I was sure you wouldn't welsh. :thup:

I have Liability holding the cash in escrow :rofl:

No, the deal was to find a reference to "Christians" in the link. I'll tell you a secret ... I already know it's not in there. Pretty crafty huh? Mum's the word now. :eusa_shhh:

Dude ... are you claiming someone else went in and edited your post?

This post:

I already posted it -- this one. You find anything about "Christians" or "Muslims" in there and I'll send you a million bucks.

Again, you're deflecting. The point was that what I did was chastize Templar Kormac for bringing it into this thread. Do you deny he did that?

Fucking dishonest assholes.

Did a mod change it to try to make trouble between you and QW? Report them! That's just wrong. :eusa_snooty:
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Suuuuuuuure you did. It seems you forgot to point it out again. What was the part that was not factual? Too busy? Got other plans?

I've watched the show. It often uses half-truths and film editing techniques to present funny aspects of real events.

You forgot to point out the lies again. Having trouble are we? :D

Not my fault you haven't been specific about anything to begin with.

Post a video or STFU.
I've watched the show. It often uses half-truths and film editing techniques to present funny aspects of real events.

You forgot to point out the lies again. Having trouble are we? :D

Not my fault you haven't been specific about anything to begin with.

Post a video or STFU.

But I thought you saw it and said it wasnt factual. You mean you never saw the video and still proclaimed it was wrong?

Wow, I. am. shocked.

And now you want the video so you can ignore it again? Sure, wait right here and hold your breath
Uhh... no, don't think so TK. I didn't know (or care) until now what their religion was, yet here you are trying to make a wedge out of it for political points on a message board by polarizing posters who haven't even mentioned Xianity.

What's more of a mockery?
Dissipating energy into a twitter campaign instead of meaningful action?
Or using a hostage situation to bash one's message board adversaries, none of whom the victims have ever heard of?

First, I don't have any interest in what you "think." You weren't behooved to read the article, and I know the all reasons why. However, their religion was what motivated their abduction in the first place. Research your history, see how badly extremist muslims hate Jews and Christians. Second, you ignore that the OP was doing the same thing from the getgo, using this hostage crisis to bludgeon his political adversaries over the head, but you call me down for it instead? Third, you can't mention this hostage situation without bringing religion into it. Religion is at the crux of this debate, Pogo, your slippery slope arguments notwithstanding.

Frankly, your behavior from what I've seen reading back, has been more polarizing aside from kidrocks'. I will be blunt: you don't have the right to tell others to stop discussing a pertinent topic. Civil discourse is key, with the operative word being "civil." If you aren't winning an argument, you can't attempt to silence it.

Wtf dood?

I've never attempted to "silence" anybody; had it pulled on me (see AzMike above) but all I did was take umbrage at being called a "liar" for not having heard a religious angle to the original story.

Did you get that? A "liar" for not having heard. The troll presumes to look out from inside my head.

As for post 163, yes you were the first to bring it up, it's still back there in quotes, and you used it to try to wedge a couple of other posters on your own self-confessed assumption that they were anti-Christian. Something they never brought up at all. So don't play innocent; it's on the record.

Frankly it wasn't all that big a deal but when Asshole called me a liar, you know what I did? Nothing. I let it go. Then when I didn't take his bait, he came after me. So cut the bullshit. Let's move on.
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It ain't so. I was joking about the cocaine and hookers.

Well, one of them anyway... :eusa_shifty:

So you're going to keep your deal with QW? Glad to hear it. I was sure you wouldn't welsh. :thup:

I have Liability holding the cash in escrow so you know it's safe. :rofl:

No, the deal was to find a reference to "Christians" in the link.
I'll tell you a secret ... I already know it's not in there. Pretty crafty huh? Mum's the word now. :eusa_shhh:

You forgot to point out the lies again. Having trouble are we? :D

Not my fault you haven't been specific about anything to begin with.

Post a video or STFU.

But I thought you saw it and said it wasnt factual. You mean you never saw the video and still proclaimed it was wrong?

Wow, I. am. shocked.

And now you want the video so you can ignore it again? Sure, wait right here and hold your breath

Did you post a video, or are you trying to be an idiot?
Not my fault you haven't been specific about anything to begin with.

Post a video or STFU.

But I thought you saw it and said it wasnt factual. You mean you never saw the video and still proclaimed it was wrong?

Wow, I. am. shocked.

And now you want the video so you can ignore it again? Sure, wait right here and hold your breath

Did you post a video, or are you trying to be an idiot?

Here: ?F*ck You, Rush!? Stewart Tears Into Limbaugh, Boko Haram | Mediaite

Feel free to ignore it again and say its not true again. When you do go back and smack yourself for speaking about shit you havent seen and teach your past self about being credible
But I thought you saw it and said it wasnt factual. You mean you never saw the video and still proclaimed it was wrong?

Wow, I. am. shocked.

And now you want the video so you can ignore it again? Sure, wait right here and hold your breath

Did you post a video, or are you trying to be an idiot?

Here: ?F*ck You, Rush!? Stewart Tears Into Limbaugh, Boko Haram | Mediaite

Feel free to ignore it again and say its not true again. When you do go back and smack yourself for speaking about shit you havent seen and teach your past self about being credible

Perfect example: The official in one spot says the Nigerian government wants to sweep this under the rug. Jon Stewart asks "How big are Nigerian rugs??"

It's satire you idiot!!!!

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