Conservatives mock ‘Bring Back Our Girls’ hashtag

I pointed out why it wasn't factual.

It is classified as fake news with a liberal twist delivered in a satirical manner on "Comedy Central".

Suuuuuuuure you did. It seems you forgot to point it out again. What was the part that was not factual? Too busy? Got other plans?

I've watched the show. It often uses half-truths and film editing techniques to present funny aspects of real events.

You seem unfamiliar with the show. More correctly, it uses the edits of others to expose what they did...


This one was a winner too...

Jon Stewart ignores the fact that this is Muslim al Qaeda off-shoot and focused on religion in general.....!

Does it matter to him that Democrats support these motherfuckers at the same time they're, raping, kidnapping, and butchering Christians like these girls?

Hell no!!!!!
Did you post a video, or are you trying to be an idiot?

Here: ?F*ck You, Rush!? Stewart Tears Into Limbaugh, Boko Haram | Mediaite

Feel free to ignore it again and say its not true again. When you do go back and smack yourself for speaking about shit you havent seen and teach your past self about being credible

Perfect example: The official in one spot says the Nigerian government wants to sweep this under the rug. Jon Stewart asks "How big are Nigerian rugs??"

It's satire you idiot!!!!

Where is the lie again? I thought you said several times he wasnt factual and now you are telling everyone its comedy?

I thought the name of the network would tip you off to that. were talking about lies.

Peace fuck face....go play this game with someone else
Jon Stewart ignores the fact that this is Muslim al Qaeda off-shoot and focused on religion.

Does it matter to him that Democrats support these motherfuckers at the same time they're, raping, kidnapping, and butchering Christians like these girls?

Hell no!!!!!

Wheres the lie again? :lol:
Did the hash tag thing work out yet? Why don't they have the Nigerian prince buy their freedom?
Jon Stewart ignores the fact that this is Muslim al Qaeda off-shoot and focused on religion.

Does it matter to him that Democrats support these motherfuckers at the same time they're, raping, kidnapping, and butchering Christians like these girls?

Hell no!!!!!

Wheres the lie again? :lol:

Asked and answered.

The story distorts the events and ignores what led us to this situation.

Jon Stewart is blaming relgion for this, not Islamic radicals or the fact that nobody seemed to care that this has been going on for years in the Sudan and elsewhere....
Oh come on, stop with the faux outrage stuff already. Yer girl Hitlery even refused to label Boko Haram a Terrorist Organization. Now suddenly, the idiot First Lady decides to jump on this Social Media bandwagon. It's now fashionable for her to pretend she cares. What a bunch of frauds.
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Oh come on, stop with the faux outrage stuff already. Yer girl Hitlery even refused to label Boko Haram a Terrorist Organization. Now suddenly, the idiot First Lady decides to jump on this Social Media bandwagon. It's now fashionable for her to pretend she cares. What a bunch of frauds.

Mooch is bored, she is in between vacations.
Oh come on, stop with the faux outrage stuff already. Yer girl Hitlery even refused to label Boko Haram a Terrorist Organization. Now suddenly, the idiot First Lady decides to jump on this Social Media bandwagon. It's now fashionable for her to pretend she cares. What a bunch of frauds.

Got to cut hildabeast some slack, she's brain damaged.
Oh come on, stop with the faux outrage stuff already. Yer girl Hitlery even refused to label Boko Haram a Terrorist Organization. Now suddenly, the idiot First Lady decides to jump on this Social Media bandwagon. It's now fashionable for her to pretend she cares. What a bunch of frauds.

Mooch is bored, she is in between vacations.

Yup, it's become fashionable for her to pretend to care about this. If it wasn't fashionable, she wouldn't even bother to comment. She's a disingenuous fraud.
All of you Conservative should kill yourselves. It's not a joke. This is 25 pages in one day of right-wing assholes laughing at an international movement to try to end a hostage crisis. If those 300 people were fetuses, the right-wing would certainly love to help protect them. As far as this situation though, you Conservatives should kill yourselves. You're heartless, arrogant, ignorant pieces of shit. Your thoughts prove it everyday on this board. No one is joking. Turn off your computers and go drink some bleach.

Oh shut your piehole.

How the hell is a stupid hashtag going to save those kids? IT ISN'T!

The only thing those terrorist fuckers understand is brute force. They don't give a shit about hashtags or Twitter.

The only "support" that will get those kids back is a couple of highly-trained SpecOp teams.
All of you Conservative should kill yourselves. It's not a joke. This is 25 pages in one day of right-wing assholes laughing at an international movement to try to end a hostage crisis. If those 300 people were fetuses, the right-wing would certainly love to help protect them. As far as this situation though, you Conservatives should kill yourselves. You're heartless, arrogant, ignorant pieces of shit. Your thoughts prove it everyday on this board. No one is joking. Turn off your computers and go drink some bleach.



Uhh... no, don't think so TK. I didn't know (or care) until now what their religion was, yet here you are trying to make a wedge out of it for political points on a message board by polarizing posters who haven't even mentioned Xianity.

What's more of a mockery?
Dissipating energy into a twitter campaign instead of meaningful action?
Or using a hostage situation to bash one's message board adversaries, none of whom the victims have ever heard of?

First, I don't have any interest in what you "think." You weren't behooved to read the article, and I know the all reasons why. However, their religion was what motivated their abduction in the first place. Research your history, see how badly extremist muslims hate Jews and Christians. Second, you ignore that the OP was doing the same thing from the getgo, using this hostage crisis to bludgeon his political adversaries over the head, but you call me down for it instead? Third, you can't mention this hostage situation without bringing religion into it. Religion is at the crux of this debate, Pogo, your slippery slope arguments notwithstanding.

Frankly, your behavior from what I've seen reading back, has been more polarizing aside from kidrocks'. I will be blunt: you don't have the right to tell others to stop discussing a pertinent topic. Civil discourse is key, with the operative word being "civil." If you aren't winning an argument, you can't attempt to silence it.

Wtf dood?

I've never attempted to "silence" anybody; had it pulled on me (see AzMike above) but all I did was take umbrage at being called a "liar" for not having heard a religious angle to the original story.

Did you get that? A "liar" for not having heard. The troll presumes to look out from inside my head.

As for post 163, yes you were the first to bring it up, it's still back there in quotes, and you used it to try to wedge a couple of other posters on your own self-confessed assumption that they were anti-Christian. Something they never brought up at all. So don't play innocent; it's on the record.

Frankly it wasn't all that big a deal but when Asshole called me a liar, you know what I did? Nothing. I let it go. Then when I didn't take his bait, he came after me. So cut the bullshit. Let's move on.

Frankly, I'm surprised at you willfully ignoring it. First, the article itself mentions that Boko Haram is a group of "islamist militants." Second, the actions they undertook are indeed anti-Christian. And kidrocks? Given his/her posting history, and what I've seen them post, that individual is indeed anti-Christian. Sure, and then again you referring to the God I worship as an "imaginary sky pixie" kinda takes the legs right from under your argument. You can't call me for inserting religion into a debate when you resorted to saying those things.

Moreover, you fail to look at the story from a wider scope. Extremist Muslims all over northern and central Africa have taken to killing Jews and Christians. This is a much broader religious issue than you think. These terrorists are motivated by their twisted versions of Islam. Therefore, and as seen in the past, all of their actions; the murder, the bombings, the persecution of Christians, Women and Jews are all motivated by their twisted religious devotion.
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If there is anything worthy of mockery in the news today, this has to be it.

Talk about a pointless, meaningless, impotent gesture.

If you CARE about these 300 girls, then call your Congressperson and tell them to get U.S. resources involved in resolving the issue.

And don't jump on this bandwagon if you ignore the other killings that go on every day. What makes these girls any more special that the thousands of other victims of these bastards?

Oh yes, by all means, call your congressmen, that'll do it. How stupid can you conservatives get?
Mebbe... but it does have 'tweeting' beat all to hell...

Of all the useless Gen-WhatEverTheF--k 'twit' remedies...
If there is anything worthy of mockery in the news today, this has to be it.

Talk about a pointless, meaningless, impotent gesture.

If you CARE about these 300 girls, then call your Congressperson and tell them to get U.S. resources involved in resolving the issue.

And don't jump on this bandwagon if you ignore the other killings that go on every day. What makes these girls any more special that the thousands of other victims of these bastards?

Oh yes, by all means, call your congressmen, that'll do it. How stupid can you conservatives get?
Mebbe... but it does have 'tweeting' beat all to hell...

Of all the useless Gen-WhatEverTheF--k 'twit' remedies...
Yep, totally useless and pointless......

Let's see what Senate Republicans are saying on Twitter:

Latest SRC video: “GOP: Let’s Move the Economy Forward”
Hollow, empty, pointless gesture.

Senate Republicans @Senate_GOPs
Thank you to the U.S. Capitol Police and police officers across America for your service! #NationalPoliceWeek
Yeah, that'll help.

Senate Republicans @Senate_GOPs
A very happy #MothersDay to all of the hard-working moms across America!
Worthless, stupid waste of time.

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