Conservatives mock ‘Bring Back Our Girls’ hashtag

^^ Posts a picture of Nazis shooting people into a mass grave, ascribes it to "Liberalism", and then negs me for pointing out that he did that.

What a fucking loser. This is the kind of knuckledragger bullshit mentality we're up against folks.

:lol::lol::lol: I guess you simply forgot that you negged me first! That had nothing to do with my response to you eh..... little one?

I find it hilarious that instead of arguing against my point, you hit me with a neg and then whine when I neg you back, further, not only do you whine you lie about the cause by omission.


Here is the time of the neg for confirmation..... What a pathetic little boy....

05-14-2014 08:54 PM Pogo Unfuckingbelievable.

Yer goddam right I negged you first, and I told you what for, after I had already spelled it out in the thread, and that was for posting a graphic image of Nazis shooting people and equating that not just to me but to the people I believe in, the founders of this noble experiment we live in. You deserved to be negged far earlier than you did but I spelled it out in the thread first and I gave you a window to retract but you were oblivious. That's how it is when your head lives up your ass.

And then you have the temerity to start dictating to me what I believe in PMs? What the fuck does that mean, we believe in genocide?

Fuck you and your fascist asshole bullshit. Wear your neg proudly; you earned it. You're a disgrace.

And btw enighten us all on how an asshole who goes full Godwin, complete with graphic death scene, "won an argument". Pissant.

It is not a graphic image as defined by the rules of this forum and other similar photo's have been posted many times by me and others so you take that weak ass argument and forget it. Further, when I am slamming Sunni and the other idiots you seem to have no problem with it but when I use it to point out those who you support you change your stripe.

I have never changed who I am, I am as anti government intervention as you can get. LIBERALISM is LIBERTY FROM GOVERNMENT. I suggest you LOOK up the original founders intent.

Here is the historical evidence that supports my assertion.

Where's yours?

•H. G. Wells, one of the most influential progressives of the 20th century, said in 1932 that progressives must become “liberal fascists” and “enlightened Nazis.” Regarding totalitarianism, he stated: “I have never been able to escape altogether from its relentless logic.” Calling for a “‘Phoenix Rebirth’ of Liberalism” under the umbrella of “Liberal Fascism,” Wells said: “I am asking for a Liberal Fascisti, for enlightened Nazis.”
•The poet Wallace Stevens pronounced himself “pro-Mussolini personally.”
•The eminent historian Charles Beard wrote of Mussolini’s efforts: “Beyond question, an amazing experiment is being made [in Italy], an experiment in reconciling individualism and socialism.”
•Muckraking journalists almost universally admired Mussolini. Lincoln Steffens, for one, said that Italian fascism made Western democracy, by comparison, look like a system run by “petty persons with petty purposes.” Mussolini, Steffens proclaimed reverently, had been “formed” by God “out of the rib of Italy.”
•McClure’s Magazine founder Samuel McClure, an important figure in the muckraking movement, described Italian fascism as “a great step forward and the first new ideal in government since the founding of the American Republic.”
•After having vistited Italy and interviewed Mussolini in 1926, the American humorist Will Rogers, who was informally dubbed “Ambassador-at-Large of the United States” by the National Press Club, said of the fascist dictator: “I’m pretty high on that bird.” “Dictator form of government is the greatest form of government,” Rogers wrote, “that is, if you have the right dictator.”
•Reporter Ida Tarbell was deeply impressed by Mussolini's attitudes regarding labor, affectionately dubbing him “a despot with a dimple.”
•NAACP co-founder W. E. B. DuBois saw National Socialism as a worthy model for economic organization. The establishment of the Nazi dictatorship in Germany, he wrote, had been “absolutely necessary to get the state in order.” In 1937 DuBois stated: “there is today, in some respects, more democracy in Germany than there has been in years past.”
•FDR adviser Rexford Guy Tugwell said of Italian fascism: “It's the cleanest, neatest, most efficiently operating piece of social machinery I've ever seen. It makes me envious.”
•New Republic editor George Soule, who avidly supported FDR, noted approvingly that the Roosevelt administration was “trying out the economics of fascism.”
•Playwright George Bernard Shaw hailed Stalin, Hitler, and Mussolini as the world’s great “progressive” leaders because they “did things,” unlike the leaders of those “putrefying corpses” called parliamentary democracies.

Progressive Support for Italian and German Fascism - Discover the Networks
You sad, pathetic fuck.

Your own graphic image already condemned those "liberty from government" liberals as Nazi genocidists. You're so consumed with your own hatred and your cherrypicked cute little bullet points that you can't even see how you dug your own hole. And I have no idea what the fuck "slamming Sunni" is supposed to mean. Are you so wrapped up in Numero Uno narcissism that you think everyone follows your posts like little puppies? :rolleyes: Trust me, they don't.

Where's mine? Right here. Try learning something, if a simple respect for your elders, let alone peers, is beyond your infantile reach.

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You sad, pathetic fuck.

Your own graphic image already condemned those "liberty from government" liberals as Nazi genocidists. You're so consumed with your own hatred and your cherrypicked cute little bullet points that you can't even see how you dug your own hole. And I have no idea what the fuck "slamming Sunni" is supposed to mean. Are you so wrapped up in Numero Uno narcissism that you think everyone follows your posts like little puppies? :rolleyes: Trust me, they don't.

Where's mine? Right here. Try learning something, if a simple respect for your elders, let alone peers, is beyond your infantile reach.


For someone who is accusing me of hatred you're sure the one throwing the invective around sport!

Here is your free political lesson for the day, there are two types of governmental type, Collectivist (Nazism, socialism, communism, totalitarianism etc.) and Individualistic (Democratic forms of government for a governmental system, and full on anarchy for the ultimate in non government) if you were a citizen living in Nazi Germany or Soviet Russia, and you were not a member of the ruling class, there was very little difference between what your life was like.

You can trot your cute little "theory" of what governments are like all you like, but when you read the history books they make very plain that there was little difference between the Nazi's and "commies".
It is sad, and it is pathetic.

But for another person's ignorance, in this case, Westwall's, I am not responsible.

There is no part of US-American ideology, neither Liberalism nor Conservatism, that contributed to the NAZI holocaust or the mass murders of Russian's by Joseph Stalin or Mao's "Cultural Revolution" or the Armenian genocide at the hands of the Turks one century ago.

People not smart enough to realize that both terms (Liberalism, Conservatism) have changed their meaning over the years, and more importantly, they have different meanings on different continents, don't deserve my pity. But they do earn my scorn.

In Germany, the most Right-Wing party, the one party that is for Capitalism-pure, is the FDP. What do they call themselves?

"Die Liberalen"
"The Liberals"

What Westwall is doing here, under the guise of free speech, is using absolutely gross and disgusting material from another time in our Earth's history (and also on another continent) to impugne a branch of US ideology that has more followers than Conservatism. This technique, one of denunciation by association, was a favorite of the NAZIs.

So, in claiming to be so for free speech (which I support), Westwall willingly got into bed with the Nazis. Heil Westwall!

Ok, it's his right to do that, and I respect that. I never stand in the way of a person who has decided to act stupidly. It's his problem, he will have to deal with the backlash, not me.

It should also be noted that Westwall deliberately derailed this thread, the title for which is:

Conservatives mock ‘Bring Back Our Girls’ hashtag

So, in about 700 posts, we have gone from the OP to ad hominen attacks on the Left by a member, using a graphic photo of genocide to make his point.

I don't need to call Westwall any names. He did it to himself by his very own behavior.

[MENTION=23239]westwall[/MENTION]: just because we have a "right" to say something doesn't mean we should say it. That is where common sense or common decency comes into play with people who have some sanity.

Are you sane?
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Conservatives mock ‘Bring Back Our Girls’ hashtag


it should be's the stupidest damn thing I've ever seen

are these people frikken ADULTS...hold up some sign like that going to help those girls kidnapped
Conservatives mock ‘Bring Back Our Girls’ hashtag


it should be's the stupidest damn thing I've ever seen

are these people frikken ADULTS...hold up some sign like that going to help those girls kidnapped

they are clowns
It is sad, and it is pathetic.

But for another person's ignorance, in this case, Westwall's, I am not responsible.

There is no part of US-American ideology, neither Liberalism nor Conservatism, that contributed to the NAZI holocaust or the mass murders of Russian's by Joseph Stalin or Mao's "Cultural Revolution" or the Armenian genocide at the hands of the Turks one century ago.

People not smart enough to realize that both terms (Liberalism, Conservatism) have changed their meaning over the years, and more importantly, they have different meanings on different continents, don't deserve my pity. But they do earn my scorn.

In Germany, the most Right-Wing party, the one party that is for Capitalism-pure, is the FDP. What do they call themselves?

"Die Liberalen"
"The Liberals"

What Westwall is doing here, under the guise of free speech, is using absolutely gross and disgusting material from another time in our Earth's history (and also on another continent) to impugne a branch of US ideology that has more followers than Conservatism. This technique, one of denunciation by association, was a favorite of the NAZIs.

So, in claiming to be so for free speech (which I support), Westwall willingly got into bed with the Nazis. Heil Westwall!

Ok, it's his right to do that, and I respect that. I never stand in the way of a person who has decided to act stupidly. It's his problem, he will have to deal with the backlash, not me.

It should also be noted that Westwall deliberately derailed this thread, the title for which is:

Conservatives mock ‘Bring Back Our Girls’ hashtag

So, in about 700 posts, we have gone from the OP to ad hominen attacks on the Left by a member, using a graphic photo of genocide to make his point.

I don't need to call Westwall any names. He did it to himself by his very own behavior.

[MENTION=23239]westwall[/MENTION]: just because we have a "right" to say something doesn't mean we should say it. That is where common sense or common decency comes into play with people who have some sanity.

Are you sane?

What he's doing with his juvenile cherrypicked comic book bullet points is "eliminationism" -- the contemporary demagogue exercise that says one's adversary must be not simply engaged on objective terms but demonized, dehumanized, destroyed and utterly eliminated and wiped off the face of the earth altogether, regardless how dishonest the reasoning to get there, the goal being for the demonizer side to gain supreme unilateral control unencumbered by dissent from any corner. And for that it surely is Hitlerian -- ironical considering his graphic image -- but more crucially it spits in the face of democratic disourrse.

Sadly we see this kind of blanket demonization throughout this forum in various degrees (here for example) but even for the worst trolls it almost never has sunk to the point of posting Nazi vermin shooting people and declaring "that's you". That's truly a new low. As noted already -- good job lowering the bar there, ace. And anyone who's honest should be calling this trolling out for what it is, regardless their political "side", as the hate-obsessed juvenile crapola it is.

He's also damn full of himself. Tries to tell me in endless stalking PMs what I believe in --- doesn't ask, just declares unilaterally based on what he pulls out of his ass(umption) what somebody else believes in -- and then, armed with his half-dozen comic book bullet points starring H.G. Wells, tells other people to go get an education.

Well that's horseshit. There's room for all sides in rational discourse without the abject failure of declaring one's discussant is a genocidal subhuman.

At least that's what the Liberals who founded this country and considered it important enough to engrave it into the First Amendment believed ---- just before they apparently picked a group of victims to shoot and drop into a mass grave like cattle, right Einsteinwall?

La luta continua.

Conservatives mock ‘Bring Back Our Girls’ hashtag


it should be's the stupidest damn thing I've ever seen

are these people frikken ADULTS...hold up some sign like that going to help those girls kidnapped

Actually... it's a pretty damn good idea. You can bet the farm that Boko Haram has seen the pictures and is well aware of the worldwide exposure the campaign has brought upon them.
Conservatives mock ‘Bring Back Our Girls’ hashtag


it should be's the stupidest damn thing I've ever seen

are these people frikken ADULTS...hold up some sign like that going to help those girls kidnapped

Actually... it's a pretty damn good idea. You can bet the farm that Boko Haram has seen the pictures and is well aware of the worldwide exposure the campaign has brought upon them.

Are you nuts? Boko Haram cares what a bunch of infidels post on Twitter?

Oh Puh-leeeeze.
Conservatives mock ‘Bring Back Our Girls’ hashtag


it should be's the stupidest damn thing I've ever seen

are these people frikken ADULTS...hold up some sign like that going to help those girls kidnapped

Actually... it's a pretty damn good idea. You can bet the farm that Boko Haram has seen the pictures and is well aware of the worldwide exposure the campaign has brought upon them.

Maybe Putin will cave to a massive Tweet Barrage?
Conservatives mock ‘Bring Back Our Girls’ hashtag


it should be's the stupidest damn thing I've ever seen

are these people frikken ADULTS...hold up some sign like that going to help those girls kidnapped

Actually... it's a pretty damn good idea. You can bet the farm that Boko Haram has seen the pictures and is well aware of the worldwide exposure the campaign has brought upon them.

Are you nuts? Boko Haram cares what a bunch of infidels post on Twitter?

Oh Puh-leeeeze.

No but they do care about all those people from around the world that are now on their asses.....orrrrr maybe they dont care. Either way they are still hunting them down.

One day cons will be on the right side of history day
Conservatives mock ‘Bring Back Our Girls’ hashtag


it should be's the stupidest damn thing I've ever seen

are these people frikken ADULTS...hold up some sign like that going to help those girls kidnapped

Actually... it's a pretty damn good idea. You can bet the farm that Boko Haram has seen the pictures and is well aware of the worldwide exposure the campaign has brought upon them.

Maybe Putin will cave to a massive Tweet Barrage?
Actually... it's a pretty damn good idea. You can bet the farm that Boko Haram has seen the pictures and is well aware of the worldwide exposure the campaign has brought upon them.

Are you nuts? Boko Haram cares what a bunch of infidels post on Twitter?

Oh Puh-leeeeze.

No but they do care about all those people from around the world that are now on their asses.....orrrrr maybe they dont care. Either way they are still hunting them down.

One day cons will be on the right side of history day

Oh, puh-leeze...
Obamabots are pretty funny. They should be mocked.

[ame=]Help Obama Kickstart World War III! - YouTube[/ame]
Mock, mock, mock, mock, mock, mock, mock, mock, mock, mock, mock, mock...

Mock away.

That's in keeping with the theme of this thread. While the 'bring back our girls' hashtag campaign has brought worldwide, widespread condemnation on Boko Haram, the conservatives have been engaging in a well organized substance-free, mock-away campaign.

Thanks for playing the game so well dittoheads.

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