Conservatives mock ‘Bring Back Our Girls’ hashtag

We got a sarcasm challenged individual over here.

Most progressives aren't smart enough to understand sarcasm..... Sad but true.

Most "Progressives" are either long dead, or at least 110 years old... :rolleyes:

But instead of calling for a return to the older liberalism of individual freedom against “big power,” she said she preferred to think of herself as a “progressive.”“Progressive,” Hillary explained, “has a real American meaning, going back to the progressive era at the beginning of the 20th century.” This is highly significant, for more reasons than Hillary admitted, but which she privately knows well. A return to the older liberalism of individual freedom against “big power” would involve reducing the power of big government—the greatest power center in the nation these days. And the key architects of transforming the older liberal tradition into a doctrine of big centralized power were—the Progressives.

Now That Hillary Clinton Has Dismissed 'Liberalism', Can Conservatives Take It Back? - Forbes

Most progressives aren't smart enough to understand sarcasm..... Sad but true.

Most "Progressives" are either long dead, or at least 110 years old... :rolleyes:

But instead of calling for a return to the older liberalism of individual freedom against “big power,” she said she preferred to think of herself as a “progressive.”“Progressive,” Hillary explained, “has a real American meaning, going back to the progressive era at the beginning of the 20th century.” This is highly significant, for more reasons than Hillary admitted, but which she privately knows well. A return to the older liberalism of individual freedom against “big power” would involve reducing the power of big government—the greatest power center in the nation these days. And the key architects of transforming the older liberal tradition into a doctrine of big centralized power were—the Progressives.

Now That Hillary Clinton Has Dismissed 'Liberalism', Can Conservatives Take It Back? - Forbes

Indeed. Progressives are alive and well...and sadly in charge doing as much damage as they can to the republic.
Most progressives aren't smart enough to understand sarcasm..... Sad but true.

Most "Progressives" are either long dead, or at least 110 years old... :rolleyes:

I think these folks would argue that supposed fact......

Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada

Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada -

So when you keep railing on these mysterious "progressives" -- you're talking about this little group in Nevada and not a movement from over a century ago?

Allllll righty then...
Most "Progressives" are either long dead, or at least 110 years old... :rolleyes:

I think these folks would argue that supposed fact......

Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada

So when you keep railing on these mysterious "progressives" -- you're talking about this little group in Nevada and not a movement from over a century ago?

Allllll righty then...

Progressives have never gone away dear child. They changed their name to liberals when it was discovered they supported dictatorships in the 1920's and '30's. Then, after they had dumbed you and those like you down again, they trotted out the "Progressive" moniker again after they had abused the liberal appellation.

That's what those sorts of asshats do...change their name and then come back to push their agenda yet again. But always at the backs of their minds are power and control over the citizens and woe to those who stand up to them.....

Their message is always pro citizen, their actions are quite the opposite....

Progressive Democrats of America
I think these folks would argue that supposed fact......

Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada

Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada -

So when you keep railing on these mysterious "progressives" -- you're talking about this little group in Nevada and not a movement from over a century ago?

Allllll righty then...

Progressives have never gone away dear child. They changed their name to liberals when it was discovered they supported dictatorships in the 1920's and '30's. Then, after they had dumbed you and those like you down again, they trotted out the "Progressive" moniker again after they had abused the liberal appellation.

That's what those sorts of asshats do...change their name and then come back to push their agenda yet again. But always at the backs of their minds are power and control over the citizens and woe to those who stand up to them.....

<graphic image deleted>

Ah. So you're making up your own label names without telling anybody.
That's gotta be effective. Easier to make blanket statements when nobody knows who the fuck you're talking about. Good plan. :thup:

And by the way -- nice touch, the pic of mass slaughter appended to these phantom Emmanuel Goldstein strawmen.
Might want to check the site rules on graphic images though, nomsayin'?
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That's because it's stupid. Hash tags don't free hostages. Action does. The “Bring Back Our Girls” Internet campaign, if you can call it that, is just a way for politicians and Hollywood celebrities to feel good about themselves.

And it gives a platform for the extremes to stand and shout even louder while the girls are whisked away.


Most progressives aren't smart enough to understand sarcasm..... Sad but true.

Most "Progressives" are either long dead, or at least 110 years old... :rolleyes:

But instead of calling for a return to the older liberalism of individual freedom against “big power,” she said she preferred to think of herself as a “progressive.”“Progressive,” Hillary explained, “has a real American meaning, going back to the progressive era at the beginning of the 20th century.” This is highly significant, for more reasons than Hillary admitted, but which she privately knows well. A return to the older liberalism of individual freedom against “big power” would involve reducing the power of big government—the greatest power center in the nation these days. And the key architects of transforming the older liberal tradition into a doctrine of big centralized power were—the Progressives.

Now That Hillary Clinton Has Dismissed 'Liberalism', Can Conservatives Take It Back? - Forbes


Run Pogo....
Their message is always pro citizen, their actions are quite the opposite....

Progressive Democrats of America

Progressive Democrats of America - Progressive Caucus Tribute to Tim Carpenter

Have never heard of this group but upon reading I have to wonder if you don't bother to read your own links. Because this one says as a mission statement:

"We seek to build a party and government controlled by citizens, not corporate elites -- with policies that serve the broad public interest, not just private interests."

And a lot of pics of Bernie Sanders.

"Of the people/by the people/for the people" sounds pretty good to me -- what are you, a shill for corporate elites that serve the private interests then?

Well thanks for that. Worth looking into. And by all means post pictures of Bernie Sanders gunning people down into mass graves. There's always something to learn.
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Their message is always pro citizen, their actions are quite the opposite....

Progressive Democrats of America

Progressive Democrats of America - Progressive Caucus Tribute to Tim Carpenter

Have never heard of this group but upon reading I have to wonder if you don't bother to read your own links. Because this one says as a mission statement:

"We seek to build a party and government controlled by citizens, not corporate elites -- with policies that serve the broad public interest, not just private interests."

And a lot of pics of Bernie Sanders.

"Of the people/by the people/for the people" sounds pretty good to me -- what are you, a shill for corporate elites that serve the private interests then?

Well thanks for that. Worth looking into. And by all means post pictures of Bernie Sanders gunning people down into mass graves. There's always something to learn.

I did read the post, that's why I wrote

"Their message is always pro citizen, their actions are quite the opposite...."

I guess you missed that part. Progs are very good about proclaiming their support for the common man, sadly once they get into power they cast off the sheep skin and reveal their inner wolves.
Most "Progressives" are either long dead, or at least 110 years old... :rolleyes:

But instead of calling for a return to the older liberalism of individual freedom against “big power,” she said she preferred to think of herself as a “progressive.”“Progressive,” Hillary explained, “has a real American meaning, going back to the progressive era at the beginning of the 20th century.” This is highly significant, for more reasons than Hillary admitted, but which she privately knows well. A return to the older liberalism of individual freedom against “big power” would involve reducing the power of big government—the greatest power center in the nation these days. And the key architects of transforming the older liberal tradition into a doctrine of big centralized power were—the Progressives.

Now That Hillary Clinton Has Dismissed 'Liberalism', Can Conservatives Take It Back? - Forbes

Indeed. Progressives are alive and well...and sadly in charge doing as much damage as they can to the republic.

Progressive Nazis are alive and well in America.
Their message is always pro citizen, their actions are quite the opposite....

Progressive Democrats of America

Progressive Democrats of America - Progressive Caucus Tribute to Tim Carpenter

Have never heard of this group but upon reading I have to wonder if you don't bother to read your own links. Because this one says as a mission statement:

"We seek to build a party and government controlled by citizens, not corporate elites -- with policies that serve the broad public interest, not just private interests."

And a lot of pics of Bernie Sanders.

"Of the people/by the people/for the people" sounds pretty good to me -- what are you, a shill for corporate elites that serve the private interests then?

Well thanks for that. Worth looking into. And by all means post pictures of Bernie Sanders gunning people down into mass graves. There's always something to learn.

I did read the post, that's why I wrote

"Their message is always pro citizen, their actions are quite the opposite...."

I guess you missed that part. Progs are very good about proclaiming their support for the common man, sadly once they get into power they cast off the sheep skin and reveal their inner wolves.

Exactly - "Progressives" are the new name for "liberals". Hell, everyone knows this. Liberal became verboten in the 60s and 70s - so, they began to call themselves "progressives", as if to make their agenda acceptable.

Typical liberals - they seek to control everyone in this country. In other words - Nazis.
Have never heard of this group but upon reading I have to wonder if you don't bother to read your own links. Because this one says as a mission statement:

"We seek to build a party and government controlled by citizens, not corporate elites -- with policies that serve the broad public interest, not just private interests."

And a lot of pics of Bernie Sanders.

"Of the people/by the people/for the people" sounds pretty good to me -- what are you, a shill for corporate elites that serve the private interests then?

Well thanks for that. Worth looking into. And by all means post pictures of Bernie Sanders gunning people down into mass graves. There's always something to learn.

I did read the post, that's why I wrote

"Their message is always pro citizen, their actions are quite the opposite...."

I guess you missed that part. Progs are very good about proclaiming their support for the common man, sadly once they get into power they cast off the sheep skin and reveal their inner wolves.

Exactly - "Progressives" are the new name for "liberals". Hell, everyone knows this. Liberal became verboten in the 60s and 70s - so, they began to call themselves "progressives", as if to make their agenda acceptable.

Typical liberals - they seek to control everyone in this country. In other words - Nazis.

I did read the post, that's why I wrote

"Their message is always pro citizen, their actions are quite the opposite...."

I guess you missed that part. Progs are very good about proclaiming their support for the common man, sadly once they get into power they cast off the sheep skin and reveal their inner wolves.

Exactly - "Progressives" are the new name for "liberals". Hell, everyone knows this. Liberal became verboten in the 60s and 70s - so, they began to call themselves "progressives", as if to make their agenda acceptable.

Typical liberals - they seek to control everyone in this country. In other words - Nazis.


Excellent!! America is catching on to the agenda of these Nazis. :udaman:
Their message is always pro citizen, their actions are quite the opposite....

Progressive Democrats of America

Progressive Democrats of America - Progressive Caucus Tribute to Tim Carpenter

Have never heard of this group but upon reading I have to wonder if you don't bother to read your own links. Because this one says as a mission statement:

"We seek to build a party and government controlled by citizens, not corporate elites -- with policies that serve the broad public interest, not just private interests."

And a lot of pics of Bernie Sanders.

"Of the people/by the people/for the people" sounds pretty good to me -- what are you, a shill for corporate elites that serve the private interests then?

Well thanks for that. Worth looking into. And by all means post pictures of Bernie Sanders gunning people down into mass graves. There's always something to learn.

I did read the post, that's why I wrote

"Their message is always pro citizen, their actions are quite the opposite...."

I guess you missed that part. Progs are very good about proclaiming their support for the common man, sadly once they get into power they cast off the sheep skin and reveal their inner wolves.

Based on what? Gainsaying a mission statement? Please.

Take a look at the knee jerk posts your mass grave brought out of the woodwork. That'll tell you all you need to know about what this sort of hair-on-fire hate bullshit begets. Simple knee jerks with simplistic cops-and-robbers mentality, demonizing and polarizing. Real productive.
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Don't we have some stealth tweets that we could send over there ?

Already been sent... message received. Boko Haram is on the run. The "#Bring Back Our Girls" campaign has exploded across the liberal social media. :eusa_clap:

Thank you America, thank you Michelle Obama. Keep on tweeting!
Boko Harem is on the run?

Due to tweeting?



That and $3.50 will get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks, my very, very young colleague...

Why... I bet Boko Haram is printing-out and redistributing your tweets on paper right now, even as we speak...

So that all of the Boko Haram members and fighters give those tweets their proper deference...


Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing Christ... but the tweeters on this thread are a scream... more laughs than I've head in weeks around here...

The only way those girls (even just some of them) are coming out of there alive is if a competent military puts boots on the ground...

Backed by the right combination of effective and accurate intelligence and logistics operations to get the job done...

Sticking your thumb up your *** and rotating on it will do as much good as tweeting to scare Boko Haram.

Good thing THEY haven't heard about this stuff yet... they'd pee their pants laughing, and those girls would never get out of there!

Hell yes Boko Haram is on the run because of the worldwide exposure and pressure put on him by the 'bring back our girls' campaign. Boko Haram is desperate as he is being pursued by American and international agents.
50 pages of debate over whether or not Twitter helps raise awareness about a particular issue.
50 pages of debate over whether or not Twitter helps raise awareness about a particular issue.

Just goes to show you it does... it does. The r-wingers are fit to be tied just like their poster child, Boko Haram.
So, the argument is that activism using social media doesn't work?
Muhammar Ghaddafi might disagree.
Joseph Kony might as well.

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