Conservatives mock ‘Bring Back Our Girls’ hashtag

Don't we have some stealth tweets that we could send over there ?

Already been sent... message received. Boko Haram is on the run. The "#Bring Back Our Girls" campaign has exploded across the liberal social media. :eusa_clap:

Thank you America, thank you Michelle Obama. Keep on tweeting!
Boko Harem is on the run?

Due to tweeting?



That and $3.50 will get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks, my very, very young colleague...

Why... I bet Boko Haram is printing-out and redistributing your tweets on paper right now, even as we speak...

So that all of the Boko Haram members and fighters give those tweets their proper deference...


Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing Christ... but the tweeters on this thread are a scream... more laughs than I've head in weeks around here...

The only way those girls (even just some of them) are coming out of there alive is if a competent military puts boots on the ground...

Backed by the right combination of effective and accurate intelligence and logistics operations to get the job done...

Sticking your thumb up your *** and rotating on it will do as much good as tweeting to scare Boko Haram.

Good thing THEY haven't heard about this stuff yet... they'd pee their pants laughing, and those girls would never get out of there!
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Actually the opposite is true because the Nigerian govt refused to do anything and ignored it until the tweets caught on and the story got out.

But so far you've been wrong on every part of the story so at least you're consistent

well since this has really helped closed, can michelle tweeet that iran and n korea are building nukes so we can get those problems resolved as well?

Great idea !!
We could tweet away many problems.

I propose that we tweet Mexicans in mass, and inform them we don't want them sneaking into our country any longer !

We could call it the "# Bringbackourborders" campaign !!!

Wow, you think tweeting is getting rid of problems. We got a regular Mensa member over here
Actually the opposite is true because the Nigerian govt refused to do anything and ignored it until the tweets caught on and the story got out.

But so far you've been wrong on every part of the story so at least you're consistent

well since this has really helped closed, can michelle tweeet that iran and n korea are building nukes so we can get those problems resolved as well?

As long as she has internet access she can

apparently she does, so where is it?
well since this has really helped closed, can michelle tweeet that iran and n korea are building nukes so we can get those problems resolved as well?

Great idea !!
We could tweet away many problems.

I propose that we tweet Mexicans in mass, and inform them we don't want them sneaking into our country any longer !

We could call it the "# Bringbackourborders" campaign !!!

Wow, you think tweeting is getting rid of problems. We got a regular Mensa member over here

We got a sarcasm challenged individual over here.
Anyway Pogo, we're beating a dead horse now. Let the poor animal rest in peace. Precedents had already been set in this thread to discuss the religion of these girls. I've got dinner to finish. Just waiting on the chuck to defrost.

You know it's ah, kind of late in the day for the weight thing, just sayin'. I'm down 40 btw. :rock:

I have to stand corrected, I actually did have an exchange with the OP. I forgot about it because I didn't even remember who he was --

Spare us your elitist bullshit. Thanks.

I have to stand corrected, I actually did have an exchange with the OP. I forgot about it because I didn't even remember who he was --

yea he seems to have disappeared....Kid did not rock to well in this thread....

Kiddie is still around. He lashes out with "right winger" this and "racist" that. Basically, typical Liberal diatribe.
Maybe we can get the Rev. Al Sharpton or Bill Richardson to intercede and bring our girls back. Better yet... Jimmy Carter.

Jimmy Carter? :lmao:

Right...because he has a great track record at rescuing hostages!
Great idea !!
We could tweet away many problems.

I propose that we tweet Mexicans in mass, and inform them we don't want them sneaking into our country any longer !

We could call it the "# Bringbackourborders" campaign !!!

Wow, you think tweeting is getting rid of problems. We got a regular Mensa member over here

We got a sarcasm challenged individual over here.

Oh so you dont have a point. Thats what I thought just wanted to be sure
Ann, I don't recall you even mentioned anything about Nigerian school girls prior to the campaign to raise awareness.

Funny, isn't it?

Ha, Queen Michelle is only pretending to care because Oprah and Beyonce told her it's fashionable & cool. Her good buddy Hitlery even refused to label them a Terrorist Organization. But now they suddenly care so much? I call Bullshite. She's a disingenuous fraud.
You just hate the fact a black woman is in the white house.

You're a bit late with the race card, PooDoo...Kidrocks beat you to it a long time ago.
The UN should form a comittee , study the siuation, debate it, have several votes, add amendments, and then formulate a multi-lateral approach to the situation...


You forgot to add: And in the end, it get's vetoed by either Russia or China.
Great idea !!
We could tweet away many problems.

I propose that we tweet Mexicans in mass, and inform them we don't want them sneaking into our country any longer !

We could call it the "# Bringbackourborders" campaign !!!

Wow, you think tweeting is getting rid of problems. We got a regular Mensa member over here

We got a sarcasm challenged individual over here.

Most progressives aren't smart enough to understand sarcasm..... Sad but true.

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