Conservatives mock ‘Bring Back Our Girls’ hashtag

So, the argument is that activism using social media doesn't work?
Muhammar Ghaddafi might disagree.
Joseph Kony might as well.

Depends on what you consider working.

Perhaps you should ask one of the girls that are either now dead, married to terrorists or sold how they think it's worked out.
Liberals attribute tweeting to action in the search for the girls but refuse to this day to attribute the killing of UBL to the interrogations done under Bush.

YYyyyyyeaah, because while underwater the guy said "I can tell you where he will be three and a half years from now..." :cuckoo:

He was never "underwater." That's dunking, a separate means.

However as it turns out, Bin Laden had some errand boys that had overlapping duties and timelines so it was possible to follow the chain of assistants and narrow the possible search area. That led to another operation where DNA was collected from the compound in Abbotabad.

I don't know (and I doubt we'll ever know) that waterboarding specifically helped in this case. I suspect it did, but that's based on my experience in this area and the manner in which it and other tactics are used. I do know that waterboarding did not prevent the good result from happening, nobody died from waterboarding, and no permanent injury has resulted from waterboarding.

Interrogating hardened targets is a tricky business, and I'd rather not have a significant tool removed from the set of options due to an emotional response. It's not ice picks in the patella and it's not working from the toes to the groin with a hammer, which is exactly what our guys get when Bin Laden's folks capture people who had been classified as KIA.

Waterboarding hasn't stopped, our President has just outsourced it to others.
Are those girls any closer to being found and rescued since the whole hashtag campaign started just curious?

Nope. Many of them have already been sold or married off according to Al Jazeera.

Hashtag commandos have failed.

Not sure how serious I would take Al Jazeera that said did anyone seriously think this hashtag stuff would have any real impact on the ground in Nigeria?
Have never heard of this group but upon reading I have to wonder if you don't bother to read your own links. Because this one says as a mission statement:

"We seek to build a party and government controlled by citizens, not corporate elites -- with policies that serve the broad public interest, not just private interests."

And a lot of pics of Bernie Sanders.

"Of the people/by the people/for the people" sounds pretty good to me -- what are you, a shill for corporate elites that serve the private interests then?

Well thanks for that. Worth looking into. And by all means post pictures of Bernie Sanders gunning people down into mass graves. There's always something to learn.

I did read the post, that's why I wrote

"Their message is always pro citizen, their actions are quite the opposite...."

I guess you missed that part. Progs are very good about proclaiming their support for the common man, sadly once they get into power they cast off the sheep skin and reveal their inner wolves.

Based on what? Gainsaying a mission statement? Please.

Take a look at the knee jerk posts your mass grave brought out of the woodwork. That'll tell you all you need to know about what this sort of hair-on-fire hate bullshit begets. Simple knee jerks with simplistic cops-and-robbers mentality, demonizing and polarizing. Real productive.

Yes we don't like your dirty little secrets exposed...we get it...
Already been sent... message received. Boko Haram is on the run. The "#Bring Back Our Girls" campaign has exploded across the liberal social media. :eusa_clap:

Thank you America, thank you Michelle Obama. Keep on tweeting!
Boko Harem is on the run?

Due to tweeting?



That and $3.50 will get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks, my very, very young colleague...

Why... I bet Boko Haram is printing-out and redistributing your tweets on paper right now, even as we speak...

So that all of the Boko Haram members and fighters give those tweets their proper deference...


Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing Christ... but the tweeters on this thread are a scream... more laughs than I've head in weeks around here...

The only way those girls (even just some of them) are coming out of there alive is if a competent military puts boots on the ground...

Backed by the right combination of effective and accurate intelligence and logistics operations to get the job done...

Sticking your thumb up your *** and rotating on it will do as much good as tweeting to scare Boko Haram.

Good thing THEY haven't heard about this stuff yet... they'd pee their pants laughing, and those girls would never get out of there!

Hell yes Boko Haram is on the run because of the worldwide exposure and pressure put on him by the 'bring back our girls' campaign. Boko Haram is desperate as he is being pursued by American and international agents.

:lol::lol::lol::lol: There are no words that describe how asinine that statement is....absolutely none.
So, the argument is that activism using social media doesn't work?
Muhammar Ghaddafi might disagree.
Joseph Kony might as well.

Activism? Since when do GOVERNMENTS engage in activism? Governments are power, PEOPLE engage in activism, when our government resorts to this sort of ridiculous "activism", they expose to the world their impotence.
I did read the post, that's why I wrote

"Their message is always pro citizen, their actions are quite the opposite...."

I guess you missed that part. Progs are very good about proclaiming their support for the common man, sadly once they get into power they cast off the sheep skin and reveal their inner wolves.

Based on what? Gainsaying a mission statement? Please.

Take a look at the knee jerk posts your mass grave brought out of the woodwork. That'll tell you all you need to know about what this sort of hair-on-fire hate bullshit begets. Simple knee jerks with simplistic cops-and-robbers mentality, demonizing and polarizing. Real productive.

Yes we don't like your dirty little secrets exposed...we get it...

You're actually going to sit there on your fat ass, post pictures of barbarians committing genocide, equate that to the revolutionary philosophy that founded this country (Liberalism) and by extension, to those who believe in it, including me --- and claim a fucking high horse?? :disbelief:

Are you fucking insane?

As I said, read the posts your hate spew brought up. Be proud of that, Junior. You and your polarizing hatemonger idiocy are what's taking this country down.
Not "liberals" --- YOU.
how embarrassing for msnbc

the darling flotus barely lifts a finger for the 300 + girls

as if she gives a shit

when in the knowing her husband armed theses creeps

and the party did everything in its powers to

keep them from gaining terrorist recognition

a little too late and a dollar short
westwall said:
Hi, you have received -5909 reputation points from westwall.
Reputation was given for this post.

Yes, you are. Try reading some history some time. You\'re woefully uninformed.


Note: This is an automated message.

^^ Posts a picture of Nazis shooting people into a mass grave, ascribes it to "Liberalism", and then negs me for pointing out that he did that.

What a fucking loser. This is the kind of knuckledragger bullshit mentality we're up against folks.
westwall said:
Hi, you have received -5909 reputation points from westwall.
Reputation was given for this post.

Yes, you are. Try reading some history some time. You\'re woefully uninformed.


Note: This is an automated message.

^^ Posts a picture of Nazis shooting people into a mass grave, ascribes it to "Liberalism", and then negs me for pointing out that he did that.

What a fucking loser. This is the kind of knuckledragger bullshit mentality we're up against folks.


Pogo said:
Vigilante said:
Hi, you have received -871 reputation points from Vigilante.
Reputation was given for this post.

STILL IN YOUR HEAD, They're going to LOVE another love letter from you when I post this! LOLOLOL!!...You do notice my REP keeps climbing, no matter what YOU do!


Note: This is an automated message.

You: 871 neg
Me: 7700 neg

Do the math.

tick... tick... tick....

Say somebody's troll posts seem to have uh, disappeared...

Seems the Dr. of OCD has a hard time with EVERYTHING!
Liberals attribute tweeting to action in the search for the girls but refuse to this day to attribute the killing of UBL to the interrogations done under Bush.

YYyyyyyeaah, because while underwater the guy said "I can tell you where he will be three and a half years from now..." :cuckoo:

He was never "underwater." That's dunking, a separate means.

However as it turns out, Bin Laden had some errand boys that had overlapping duties and timelines so it was possible to follow the chain of assistants and narrow the possible search area. That led to another operation where DNA was collected from the compound in Abbotabad.

I don't know (and I doubt we'll ever know) that waterboarding specifically helped in this case. I suspect it did, but that's based on my experience in this area and the manner in which it and other tactics are used. I do know that waterboarding did not prevent the good result from happening, nobody died from waterboarding, and no permanent injury has resulted from waterboarding.

Interrogating hardened targets is a tricky business, and I'd rather not have a significant tool removed from the set of options due to an emotional response. It's not ice picks in the patella and it's not working from the toes to the groin with a hammer, which is exactly what our guys get when Bin Laden's folks capture people who had been classified as KIA.

Waterboarding hasn't stopped, our President has just outsourced it to others.

Holy shit that was sarcasm, dood... a joke. You're actually gonna try to rationalize it? :cuckoo:

Torture doesn't work. We've known that since the Inquisition. If not longer.
westwall said:
Hi, you have received -5909 reputation points from westwall.
Reputation was given for this post.

Yes, you are. Try reading some history some time. You\'re woefully uninformed.


Note: This is an automated message.

^^ Posts a picture of Nazis shooting people into a mass grave, ascribes it to "Liberalism", and then negs me for pointing out that he did that.

What a fucking loser. This is the kind of knuckledragger bullshit mentality we're up against folks.

:lol::lol::lol: I guess you simply forgot that you negged me first! That had nothing to do with my response to you eh..... little one?

I find it hilarious that instead of arguing against my point, you hit me with a neg and then whine when I neg you back, further, not only do you whine you lie about the cause by omission.


Here is the time of the neg for confirmation..... What a pathetic little boy....

05-14-2014 08:54 PM Pogo Unfuckingbelievable.
westwall said:
Hi, you have received -5909 reputation points from westwall.
Reputation was given for this post.

Yes, you are. Try reading some history some time. You\'re woefully uninformed.


Note: This is an automated message.

^^ Posts a picture of Nazis shooting people into a mass grave, ascribes it to "Liberalism", and then negs me for pointing out that he did that.

What a fucking loser. This is the kind of knuckledragger bullshit mentality we're up against folks.

:lol::lol::lol: I guess you simply forgot that you negged me first! That had nothing to do with my response to you eh..... little one?

I find it hilarious that instead of arguing against my point, you hit me with a neg and then whine when I neg you back, further, not only do you whine you lie about the cause by omission.


Here is the time of the neg for confirmation..... What a pathetic little boy....

05-14-2014 08:54 PM Pogo Unfuckingbelievable.

Yer goddam right I negged you first, and I told you what for, after I had already spelled it out in the thread, and that was for posting a graphic image of Nazis shooting people and equating that not just to me but to the people I believe in, the founders of this noble experiment we live in. You deserved to be negged far earlier than you did but I spelled it out in the thread first and I gave you a window to retract but you were oblivious. That's how it is when your head lives up your ass.

And then you have the temerity to start dictating to me what I believe in PMs? What the fuck does that mean, we believe in genocide?

Fuck you and your fascist asshole bullshit. Wear your neg proudly; you earned it. You're a disgrace.

And btw enighten us all on how an asshole who goes full Godwin, complete with graphic death scene, "won an argument". Pissant.
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I think these folks would argue that supposed fact......

Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada

Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada -

So when you keep railing on these mysterious "progressives" -- you're talking about this little group in Nevada and not a movement from over a century ago?

Allllll righty then...

Progressives have never gone away dear child. They changed their name to liberals when it was discovered they supported dictatorships in the 1920's and '30's. Then, after they had dumbed you and those like you down again, they trotted out the "Progressive" moniker again after they had abused the liberal appellation.

That's what those sorts of asshats do...change their name and then come back to push their agenda yet again. But always at the backs of their minds are power and control over the citizens and woe to those who stand up to them.....


Their message is always pro citizen, their actions are quite the opposite....

Progressive Democrats of America

Progressive Democrats of America - Tim Carpenter Memorial

You have got to be fucking kidding me by posting that pic in tandem with your text.

Have you lost your mind?

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