Conservatives mock ‘Bring Back Our Girls’ hashtag

Liberals attribute tweeting to action in the search for the girls....

You equivocate tweeting with lack of action. The world didn't give a crap and was taking no action until people protested outside the Nigerian embassy - by the same folks doing all the tweeting.

So I gotta ask -WTF is really you guyzez problem? Do you just hate - everything?
Attention to the crime is what the social media has accomplished. Now it is up to governments to remove these scumbags from the world of the living. All the power nations have special forces that are highly trained in this type of warfare. Time for them to have a little scalp hunting competition.

Oh please, the whole world knows about the crime you idiot. A fucking social media post does nothing but enhance the worlds opinion that we have a bunch of morons running the country.
Liberals attribute tweeting to action in the search for the girls....

You equivocate tweeting with lack of action. The world didn't give a crap and was taking no action until people protested outside the Nigerian embassy - by the same folks doing all the tweeting.

So I gotta ask -WTF is really you guyzez problem? Do you just hate - everything?

No we despise a administration that equates posting on social media as actually DOING something. Either do something about the situation, or shut the hell up.

Ann, I don't recall you even mentioned anything about Nigerian school girls prior to the campaign to raise awareness.

Funny, isn't it?

Ha, Queen Michelle is only pretending to care because Oprah and Beyonce told her it's fashionable & cool. Her good buddy Hitlery even refused to label them a Terrorist Organization. But now they suddenly care so much? I call Bullshite. She's a disingenuous fraud.

Ann, I don't recall you even mentioned anything about Nigerian school girls prior to the campaign to raise awareness.

Funny, isn't it?

Ha, Queen Michelle is only pretending to care because Oprah and Beyonce told her it's fashionable & cool. Her good buddy Hitlery even refused to label them a Terrorist Organization. But now they suddenly care so much? I call Bullshite. She's a disingenuous fraud.
You just hate the fact a black woman is in the white house.
Liberals attribute tweeting to action in the search for the girls....

You equivocate tweeting with lack of action. The world didn't give a crap and was taking no action until people protested outside the Nigerian embassy - by the same folks doing all the tweeting.

So I gotta ask -WTF is really you guyzez problem? Do you just hate - everything?

No we despise a administration that equates posting on social media as actually DOING something. Either do something about the situation, or shut the hell up.

Nigeria: Girls Kidnapped by Boko Haram to Get Help From Obama - TIME
The U.S. is preparing to deploy a team of military, law enforcement and hostage negotiators to Nigeria, officials said Tuesday, to help with the ongoing effort to recover more than 250 kidnapped schoolgirls whose plight has captured global attention.

To be absolutely clear - you would have preferred it if the media never made a big fuss about it and no one every really knew?
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Ann, I don't recall you even mentioned anything about Nigerian school girls prior to the campaign to raise awareness.

Funny, isn't it?

Ha, Queen Michelle is only pretending to care because Oprah and Beyonce told her it's fashionable & cool. Her good buddy Hitlery even refused to label them a Terrorist Organization. But now they suddenly care so much? I call Bullshite. She's a disingenuous fraud.

Even if that is true its leaps and bounds better than being in the peanut gallery with Ann

Ann, I don't recall you even mentioned anything about Nigerian school girls prior to the campaign to raise awareness.

Funny, isn't it?

Ha, Queen Michelle is only pretending to care because Oprah and Beyonce told her it's fashionable & cool. Her good buddy Hitlery even refused to label them a Terrorist Organization. But now they suddenly care so much? I call Bullshite. She's a disingenuous fraud.
You just hate the fact a black woman is in the white house.

Ah, predictable & weak. If Oprah didn't tell Queen Michelle to care, she wouldn't. She was told it was now fashionable & cool to pretend to care about this. She's just another Social Media twit.
Ah, predictable & weak.

the irony
If Oprah didn't tell Queen Michelle to care, she wouldn't. She was told it was now fashionable & cool to pretend to care about this. She's just another Social Media twit.

I just wanna make sure I get this right.

You would prefer it if the world never found out what happened in Nigeria...

primarily because you think Obama's wife only takes instructions from Oprah ....

Is that your argument? Pretty fucking stupid. Get off the Brawndo dude.
Ah, predictable & weak.

the irony
If Oprah didn't tell Queen Michelle to care, she wouldn't. She was told it was now fashionable & cool to pretend to care about this. She's just another Social Media twit.

I just wanna make sure I get this right.

You would prefer it if the world never found out what happened in Nigeria...

primarily because you think Obama's wife only takes instructions from Oprah ....

Is that your argument? Pretty fucking stupid. Get off the Brawndo dude.

Her good bud Hitlery wouldn't even label them a Terrorist Organization. But now they all suddenly care. It's just the latest Social Media fad. She's already forgotten about these girls. Now it's onto the next Social Media farce. It is what it is.
Ah, predictable & weak.

the irony
If Oprah didn't tell Queen Michelle to care, she wouldn't. She was told it was now fashionable & cool to pretend to care about this. She's just another Social Media twit.

I just wanna make sure I get this right.

You would prefer it if the world never found out what happened in Nigeria...

primarily because you think Obama's wife only takes instructions from Oprah ....

Is that your argument? Pretty fucking stupid. Get off the Brawndo dude.

Yeah its pretty fucking bizzare.
How many twits are in the jungle searching? Can they pull themselves away from their 7 dollar coffees to do so?

So unless the same people who make the world aware of something can be the ones to solve the entire problem - it is better the world never know. FOX News sez so!

Got it! Thanks!

Her good bud Hitlery wouldn't even label them a Terrorist Organization.

Because sending the military and hostage negoations doesn't count as "action" - but changing the label you place on something - now that's REAL action.

Its funny how the party of "Supprt Your Troops" bumper stickers are now complaining about supposedly useless sentiment.
Queen Michelle has already forgotten about these girls. She's moved onto planning her next lavish Vacation and Social Media fad. She's a typical Social Media twit. And that's that. Have a nice day. :)
How many twits are in the jungle searching? Can they pull themselves away from their 7 dollar coffees to do so?

So unless the same people who make the world aware of something can be the ones to solve the entire problem - it is better the world never know. FOX News sez so!

Got it! Thanks!


You guys think twitter is responsible? You're idiots. All the government's knew about this. All twitter did was inform the uninformed masses who in turn have done absolutely nothing.

Hashtag commandos to da choppa!

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