Conservatives mock ‘Bring Back Our Girls’ hashtag

I have to stand corrected, I actually did have an exchange with the OP. I forgot about it because I didn't even remember who he was --

yea he seems to have disappeared....Kid did not rock to well in this thread....

What the hell... I happen to have a very fulfilled life people. Don't have time to hang around here all day. I have things to do, to see, to smell (roses). Busy, busy, busy.

Anyways, I see you r-wingers are still mocking, still smirking, and talking crap about me.

How predictable is that?

BTW... has your congressman rescued the girls yet?

"Anyways, I see you r-wingers are still mocking, still smirking, and talking crap about me."
We want to make you feel important.

Thanks... I've come a long ways haven't I.
What the hell... I happen to have a very fulfilled life people. Don't have time to hang around here all day. I have things to do, to see, to smell (roses). Busy, busy, busy.

Anyways, I see you r-wingers are still mocking, still smirking, and talking crap about me.

How predictable is that?

BTW... has your congressman rescued the girls yet?

mine is Loretta Sanchez....she would not soil her hands on something like that........

Maybe we can get the Rev. Al Sharpton or Bill Richardson to intercede and bring our girls back. Better yet... Jimmy Carter.

The fuck? Really? That's your A-Team?
Well, I haven't turned on the news yet this morning. Did we drop a smart tweet on the leaders yet ?
If not, maybe it's time to go to our computers, and send a virtual drone or two over to take them out.
Twitter losers whining that non twitterers tell everyone how utterly POINTLESS this STUPID practice is.

True... Tweeting is SO not the same as posting on a message board. Tweeting is stupid.


Except I never claimed that I was posting to help the kids. Like I've ALWAYS said, I post for MY ENTERTAINMENT. Just like I stated that the twits on twitter do it for their on feel good feelings. At least I can admit that I do it for selfish reasons.
Attention to the crime is what the social media has accomplished. Now it is up to governments to remove these scumbags from the world of the living. All the power nations have special forces that are highly trained in this type of warfare. Time for them to have a little scalp hunting competition.
Oprah and Beyonce told her it would be fashionable and 'cool' for her to go on Twitter and pretend to care. If it wasn't fashionable, she wouldn't be commenting on it. Bet on that.
Attention to the crime is what the social media has accomplished. Now it is up to governments to remove these scumbags from the world of the living. All the power nations have special forces that are highly trained in this type of warfare. Time for them to have a little scalp hunting competition.

Yup, and get people killed.

Cut off these guy's weapons and bullets, stop selling them what they need to operate. Food, money, destroy their camps. Go after their support system, Iran and other terrorist supporters.
What have the twits on twitter accomplished for the girls?
Nigeria's kidnapped girls sold into marriage - Al Jazeera English

Oh just international exposure and teams from around the world searching for them. Thats all.

Nigerian officials said that several thousand troops have been deployed in the search for the girls. Britain, France, Israel and China have also offered help or sent advisors.

Pbbbffft is that all. Whatevs

Looking everywhere but where the terrorist camps are KNOWN to be. Good job
And ole Hitlery even refused to label them a Terrorist group. But now it's suddenly all the rage for them to pretend they care. The First Lady is a fraud. Period, end of story.
“I do not know how adults stand there facing a camera and say, ‘Bring Back Our Girls.’ Are these barbarians in the wilds of Nigeria supposed to check their Twitter accounts and say, ‘Uh-oh Michelle Obama is very cross with us, we better change our behavior?’” Will said on Fox News Sunday.

Does this Brawndo drinking moron even realize the phrase is directed at the Nigerian government and the world - not the terrorists?

Do they administer a urine test for FOX employeees to make sure they have enouf Brawndo in their system before hire?
Liberals attribute tweeting to action in the search for the girls but refuse to this day to attribute the killing of UBL to the interrogations done under Bush.
I simply MOCK this regime ...... for being feckless and ineffectual!

What have the twits on twitter accomplished for the girls?
Nigeria's kidnapped girls sold into marriage - Al Jazeera English

Oh just international exposure and teams from around the world searching for them. Thats all.

Nigerian officials said that several thousand troops have been deployed in the search for the girls. Britain, France, Israel and China have also offered help or sent advisors.

Pbbbffft is that all. Whatevs

Looking everywhere but where the terrorist camps are KNOWN to be. Good job

Thats not in the article silly pants. But at least you know something is being done from that silly old ineffective hashtag.
I simply MOCK this regime ...... for being feckless and ineffectual!


Why did they help brutal Mexican Drug Cartels murder American Border Patrol Agents? Why do they spy on Americans 24/7? Why do they use the IRS to attack their political opponents? Why do they arrest Filmmakers and Journalists? Why is VP Joe Biden's kid now working for a large Ukrainian Gas Company? And so and so on...

Lots of questions need to be asked about this corrupt Administration.
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