Conservatives mock ‘Bring Back Our Girls’ hashtag

So did I but nowhere near the awareness the hashtag campaign brought on. Not even close.

this has been going for on for ever but you just heard about it from a frikken hastag campaing...

and what business is it of Obama's and you left anyway...You didn't care for all these years it's been going on....too Bad we didn't have a worth a shit SOS who could of talked with these people, she might of been able to save a few people afterall

And that's all YOU give a shit about... attacking and taking cheap-shots at Obama and Michelle, you could care less about the girls.

#Fuck you!

LOL... and I love it! :D

I wonder how many lives we could have saved if Obama had not supported all of those rebels in all of those countries during the Arab Spring.

If he had not supplied them with weapons would these countries be so unstable? If we had not looked the other way while the Sudan committed genocide would we be hashtaging about the same thing happening in Nigeria?

This administration loves Muslims and hates Christians.

That is the cause of all of this after all.
Mock, mock, mock, mock, mock, mock, mock, mock, mock, mock, mock, mock...

( sorry, but this hashtag horseshit as a substitute for action is such a stupid idea that another dozen 'mocks' seemed timely, after having given it a rest for a while )
this has been going for on for ever but you just heard about it from a frikken hastag campaing...

and what business is it of Obama's and you left anyway...You didn't care for all these years it's been going on....too Bad we didn't have a worth a shit SOS who could of talked with these people, she might of been able to save a few people afterall

And that's all YOU give a shit about... attacking and taking cheap-shots at Obama and Michelle, you could care less about the girls.

#Fuck you!

LOL... and I love it! :D

I wonder how many lives we could have saved if Obama had not supported all of those rebels in all of those countries during the Arab Spring.

If he had not supplied them with weapons would these countries be so unstable? If we had not looked the other way while the Sudan committed genocide would we be hashtaging about the same thing happening in Nigeria?

This administration loves Muslims and hates Christians.

That is the cause of all of this after all.

Looky here, another dittohead feigning concern that's deeply mired in his/her r-wing political agenda. It's the norm now days.

Truth is these bleeding-heart r-wingers don't give a shit about the "girls" much less about the "lives" lost during the Arab Spring in all those countries. It's actually all about their hatred for Michelle and president Obama that drives their heavy hearts.

Of course we all know the truth that the r-wing extremist Christians hate Muslims with a passion.
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Mock, mock, mock, mock, mock, mock, mock, mock, mock, mock, mock, mock...

( sorry, but this hashtag horseshit as a substitute for action is such a stupid idea that another dozen 'mocks' seemed timely, after having given it a rest for a while )



Lady Diance showed more balls by going overseas while she was in danger from landmines

this big bass bunch who the world knows they can't expect help from this man

sends his wife to fill in holding up a frikken sign, with the commie loving Penn

I've never seen such cowards...why aren't these people over there holding up their signs? and Penn with his boat to help them out? They are only brave and crow of killing when they can drop a bomb from the air on unsuspecting civilians and then leave them there with nothing to either starve to death, get hacked to death, or taken as rape slaves....

At least with Bush, he took Saddam Hussain out through legal channels of Congress, freed millions of people and then stayed to help them re-build which is the HONORABLE thing to do

there is nothing honorable about a progressive unless they are beating you American citizens down....know why....they are on safe ground...

Bush took out 5000 American troops lives needlessly also.

#Where are the WMD's?

#Still looking

#Terrorists still suicide bombing in Iraq!

Eat a neg bitch. Stay on topic or get the fuck out

Negged you for being a racist twit you dipshit. :lol:
Stop you guys are making me laugh to hard......i could see ronnie with a hash tag....i remember liberals mocking nancy reagan about just say no, which is actually effective.

It was? I applaud Nancy for trying to do something but the war on drugs has only become worse. Not because of her, but it did nothing to help. People are right, these lame campaigns never work. The War on Drugs was a giant failure and those little girls will probably never be saved.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

Dude, it gave kids someone powerful saying it's ok to say no. Instead of the libtard Hollywood types who glamorized it and made it more appealing.

Now did it significantly reduce it, no, but there wasn't much help from anyone.

Sure there wasn't. :lol:
It was everywhere in the 80s and early 90s. In TV shows, on your box of Lemonheads, Cherry Clan, there were commercials, and documentaries.
"Nancy Reagan was asked about her efforts in the campaign, and said: "If you can save just one child, it's worth it."[6] She traveled throughout the United States and several other nations, totaling over 250,000 miles (400,000 km).[5] Nancy Reagan visited drug rehabilitation centers and abuse prevention programs; with the media attention that the first lady receives, she appeared on television talk shows, recorded public service announcements, and wrote guest articles.[5] By the autumn of 1985, she had appeared on 23 talk shows, cohosted an October 1983 episode of Good Morning America,[7] and starred in a two-hour PBS documentary on drug abuse.[8] The campaign and the phrase "Just Say No" made their way into popular American culture when TV shows like Diff'rent Strokes and Punky Brewster produced episodes centered on the campaign. In 1983, Nancy Reagan appeared as herself in the television programs Dynasty and Diff'rent Strokes to garner support for the anti-drug campaign.[9] She participated in a 1985 rock music video "Stop the Madness" as well.[10] La Toya Jackson became spokesperson for the campaign in 1987 and recorded a song entitled "Just Say No" with British hit producers Stock/Aitken/Waterman.

In 1985, Nancy Reagan expanded the campaign internationally. She invited the First Ladies of thirty various nations to the White House in Washington, D.C. for a conference entitled the "First Ladies Conference on Drug Abuse".[5] She later became the first First Lady invited to address the United Nations.[5]

She enlisted the help of the Girl Scouts of the United States of America, Kiwanis Club International, and the National Federation of Parents for a Drug-Free Youth to promote the cause;[8] the Kiwanis put up over 2000 billboards with Nancy Reagan's likeness and the slogan.[8] Over 5000 Just Say No clubs were founded in schools and youth organizations in the United States and abroad.[8] Many clubs and organizations remain in operation around the country, where they aim to educate children and teenagers about the effects of drugs.[1]"

Nancy had plenty of help getting her message out. Plus we had to go through DARE, which was the biggest joke ever.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

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