Conservatives mock ‘Bring Back Our Girls’ hashtag

That is really going to help..not. Besides where was the media and the ladies (and others) when 50 some boys were burned by flame throwers and Christian priests are being killed by muslims?
That is really going to help..not. Besides where was the media and the ladies (and others) when 50 some boys were burned by flame throwers and Christian priests are being killed by muslims?
They're know...Maybe the Statists are awakening to the REAL "War On Women" being perpetrated buy Muslim scumbags? HASHTAGS don't quite cut it as certain, definitive action however.
i would offer a tad more support for the FLOTUS

is she would write a hashtag for the peoples left behind in chicago


[ame=]Obama's Forgotten People - YouTube[/ame]
i would offer a tad more support for the FLOTUS

is she would write a hashtag for the peoples left behind in chicago


Obama's Forgotten People - YouTube

Why should she? The Illinois legislature found $100M to bring the Obama Presidential library to Chicago...

Problem is? Illinois has a huge budget crunch...



Blog: Illinois voters don't want tax money going for Obama library

[ame=""]Living Colour - Cult Of Personality - YouTube[/ame]
i would offer a tad more support for the FLOTUS

is she would write a hashtag for the peoples left behind in chicago


Obama's Forgotten People - YouTube

Why should she? The Illinois legislature found $100M to bring the Obama Presidential library to Chicago...

Problem is? Illinois has a huge budget crunch...



Blog: Illinois voters don't want tax money going for Obama library

[ame=""]Living Colour - Cult Of Personality - YouTube[/ame]

while the children are dying hand over foot

in the windy city

not a peep out of this crew
Let's be very clear, the President of the United States, his Wife, the Democratic Party and all of its adherents on this board are quite frankly cowards.

There is ONLY one thing that will get them back and those who have the authority to authorize it do not have the balls to do it.
Stop you guys are making me laugh to hard......i could see ronnie with a hash tag....i remember liberals mocking nancy reagan about just say no, which is actually effective.
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Dead on accurate. Statists/Liberals are AFRAID of Muslims. They think if good intent is shown...they'll leave them alone. As in the Crusades? The Muslims understand and respect ONE THING...and that is brute force.

Liberals need to understand that IF the Muslims have their way and Sharia Law is instituted? THEY (Liberals) will be the FIRST on the chopping block for their lack of virtue.
Stop you guys are making me laugh to hard......i could see ronnie with a hash tag....i remember liberals mocking nancy reagan about just say no, which is actually effective.

It was? I applaud Nancy for trying to do something but the war on drugs has only become worse. Not because of her, but it did nothing to help. People are right, these lame campaigns never work. The War on Drugs was a giant failure and those little girls will probably never be saved.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
Dead on accurate. Statists/Liberals are AFRAID of Muslims. They think if good intent is shown...they'll leave them alone. As in the Crusades? The Muslims understand and respect ONE THING...and that is brute force.

Liberals need to understand that IF the Muslims have their way and Sharia Law is instituted? THEY (Liberals) will be the FIRST on the chopping block for their lack of virtue.

But "T", it's not only muslims..... It is also the Russians, specifically it's Putin, and the feckless coward in the White House who is AFRAID of him!


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