Conservatives mock ‘Bring Back Our Girls’ hashtag

Dead on accurate. Statists/Liberals are AFRAID of Muslims. They think if good intent is shown...they'll leave them alone. As in the Crusades? The Muslims understand and respect ONE THING...and that is brute force.

Liberals need to understand that IF the Muslims have their way and Sharia Law is instituted? THEY (Liberals) will be the FIRST on the chopping block for their lack of virtue.

But "T", it's not only muslims..... It is also the Russians, specifically it's Putin, and the feckless coward in the White House who is AFRAID of him!

Indeed...and why didn't I include Tyrants?

Good call.
Stop you guys are making me laugh to hard......i could see ronnie with a hash tag....i remember liberals mocking nancy reagan about just say no, which is actually effective.

It was? I applaud Nancy for trying to do something but the war on drugs has only become worse. Not because of her, but it did nothing to help. People are right, these lame campaigns never work. The War on Drugs was a giant failure and those little girls will probably never be saved.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

Dude, it gave kids someone powerful saying it's ok to say no. Instead of the libtard Hollywood types who glamorized it and made it more appealing.

Now did it significantly reduce it, no, but there wasn't much help from anyone.
Lady Diance showed more balls by going overseas while she was in danger from landmines

this big bass bunch who the world knows they can't expect help from this man

sends his wife to fill in holding up a frikken sign, with the commie loving Penn

I've never seen such cowards...why aren't these people over there holding up their signs? and Penn with his boat to help them out? They are only brave and crow of killing when they can drop a bomb from the air on unsuspecting civilians and then leave them there with nothing to either starve to death, get hacked to death, or taken as rape slaves....

At least with Bush, he took Saddam Hussain out through legal channels of Congress, freed millions of people and then stayed to help them re-build which is the HONORABLE thing to do

there is nothing honorable about a progressive unless they are beating you American citizens down....know why....they are on safe ground...
What exactly was this suppose to accomplish?


Finally, an intelligent question. And to think it only took about 880 posts. The consensus is that the hashtag campaign was to focus attention on the plight of the 300 kidnapped girls in Nigeria. An 'aware' campaign if you will.

Worldwide response was rapid and now we await and pray that the girls will be rescued safely. Thank you for asking.

As said a thousand times before, the world knew about the kidnapped girls long before the hashtag came out.

So did I but nowhere near the awareness the hashtag campaign brought on. Not even close.
Lady Diance showed more balls by going overseas while she was in danger from landmines

this big bass bunch who the world knows they can't expect help from this man

sends his wife to fill in holding up a frikken sign, with the commie loving Penn

I've never seen such cowards...why aren't these people over there holding up their signs? and Penn with his boat to help them out? They are only brave and crow of killing when they can drop a bomb from the air on unsuspecting civilians and then leave them there with nothing to either starve to death, get hacked to death, or taken as rape slaves....

At least with Bush, he took Saddam Hussain out through legal channels of Congress, freed millions of people and then stayed to help them re-build which is the HONORABLE thing to do

there is nothing honorable about a progressive unless they are beating you American citizens down....know why....they are on safe ground...

Bush took out 5000 American troops lives needlessly also.

#Where are the WMD's?

#Still looking

#Terrorists still suicide bombing in Iraq!
Lady Diance showed more balls by going overseas while she was in danger from landmines

this big bass bunch who the world knows they can't expect help from this man

sends his wife to fill in holding up a frikken sign, with the commie loving Penn

I've never seen such cowards...why aren't these people over there holding up their signs? and Penn with his boat to help them out? They are only brave and crow of killing when they can drop a bomb from the air on unsuspecting civilians and then leave them there with nothing to either starve to death, get hacked to death, or taken as rape slaves....

At least with Bush, he took Saddam Hussain out through legal channels of Congress, freed millions of people and then stayed to help them re-build which is the HONORABLE thing to do

there is nothing honorable about a progressive unless they are beating you American citizens down....know why....they are on safe ground...

Bush took out 5000 American troops lives needlessly also.

#Where are the WMD's?

#Still looking

#Terrorists still suicide bombing in Iraq!

Lady Diance showed more balls by going overseas while she was in danger from landmines

this big bass bunch who the world knows they can't expect help from this man

sends his wife to fill in holding up a frikken sign, with the commie loving Penn

I've never seen such cowards...why aren't these people over there holding up their signs? and Penn with his boat to help them out? They are only brave and crow of killing when they can drop a bomb from the air on unsuspecting civilians and then leave them there with nothing to either starve to death, get hacked to death, or taken as rape slaves....

At least with Bush, he took Saddam Hussain out through legal channels of Congress, freed millions of people and then stayed to help them re-build which is the HONORABLE thing to do

there is nothing honorable about a progressive unless they are beating you American citizens down....know why....they are on safe ground...

Bush took out 5000 American troops lives needlessly also.

#Where are the WMD's?

#Still looking

#Terrorists still suicide bombing in Iraq!


Bwahahahahhahahahahah :lol:

Finally, an intelligent question. And to think it only took about 880 posts. The consensus is that the hashtag campaign was to focus attention on the plight of the 300 kidnapped girls in Nigeria. An 'aware' campaign if you will.

Worldwide response was rapid and now we await and pray that the girls will be rescued safely. Thank you for asking.

As said a thousand times before, the world knew about the kidnapped girls long before the hashtag came out.

So did I but nowhere near the awareness the hashtag campaign brought on. Not even close.

this has been going for on for ever but you just heard about it from a frikken hastag campaing...

and what business is it of Obama's and you left anyway...You didn't care for all these years it's been going on....too Bad we didn't have a worth a shit SOS who could of talked with these people, she might of been able to save a few people afterall
As said a thousand times before, the world knew about the kidnapped girls long before the hashtag came out.

So did I but nowhere near the awareness the hashtag campaign brought on. Not even close.

this has been going for on for ever but you just heard about it from a frikken hastag campaing...

and what business is it of Obama's and you left anyway...You didn't care for all these years it's been going on....too Bad we didn't have a worth a shit SOS who could of talked with these people, she might of been able to save a few people afterall

And that's all YOU give a shit about... attacking and taking cheap-shots at Obama and Michelle, you could care less about the girls.

#Fuck you!

LOL... and I love it! :D
So did I but nowhere near the awareness the hashtag campaign brought on. Not even close.

this has been going for on for ever but you just heard about it from a frikken hastag campaing...

and what business is it of Obama's and you left anyway...You didn't care for all these years it's been going on....too Bad we didn't have a worth a shit SOS who could of talked with these people, she might of been able to save a few people afterall

And that's all YOU give a shit about... attacking and taking cheap-shots at Obama and Michelle, you could care less about the girls.

#Fuck you!

LOL... and I love it! :D

this has been going for on for ever but you just heard about it from a frikken hastag campaing...

and what business is it of Obama's and you left anyway...You didn't care for all these years it's been going on....too Bad we didn't have a worth a shit SOS who could of talked with these people, she might of been able to save a few people afterall

And that's all YOU give a shit about... attacking and taking cheap-shots at Obama and Michelle, you could care less about the girls.

#Fuck you!

LOL... and I love it! :D


Aw... Michelle got your panties in a wad too over the hashtag campaign? Join the other mocking-birds. :lol:

LOL... and loving it! Is this country great... or what?

#God is great!
And that's all YOU give a shit about... attacking and taking cheap-shots at Obama and Michelle, you could care less about the girls.

#Fuck you!

LOL... and I love it! :D


Aw... Michelle got your panties in a wad too over the hashtag campaign? Join the other mocking-birds. :lol:

LOL... and loving it! Is this country great... or what?

#God is great!

It was, until the subversives were able to gain control!
Bush took out 5000 American troops lives needlessly also.

#Where are the WMD's?

#Still looking

#Terrorists still suicide bombing in Iraq!


#Saddam is banging his 72 virgins as we speak while laughing his ass off at Bush!

We know Republicans don't care about children in this country. Why would they care about children overseas. Especially black children? Which is why they have no credibility with Benghazi.

Remember, it was the GOP that shouted "let him die" at the GOP presidential debates in Las Vegas.

It was at the Republicans convention where peanuts were thrown with such words as "This is how we feed the animals".

They just cut food stamps for poor children and disabled veterans.

And still, Americans vote them into office. We get what we deserve.

Good job rdean, rep'd you for telling it like it is.

In his own mind.
Lady Diance showed more balls by going overseas while she was in danger from landmines

this big bass bunch who the world knows they can't expect help from this man

sends his wife to fill in holding up a frikken sign, with the commie loving Penn

I've never seen such cowards...why aren't these people over there holding up their signs? and Penn with his boat to help them out? They are only brave and crow of killing when they can drop a bomb from the air on unsuspecting civilians and then leave them there with nothing to either starve to death, get hacked to death, or taken as rape slaves....

At least with Bush, he took Saddam Hussain out through legal channels of Congress, freed millions of people and then stayed to help them re-build which is the HONORABLE thing to do

there is nothing honorable about a progressive unless they are beating you American citizens down....know why....they are on safe ground...

Bush took out 5000 American troops lives needlessly also.

#Where are the WMD's?

#Still looking

#Terrorists still suicide bombing in Iraq!

Eat a neg bitch. Stay on topic or get the fuck out

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