Conservatives mock ‘Bring Back Our Girls’ hashtag

Do you care about the girls? Do you really care?

Hell no!

All you actually care about is putting on a show of concern while trying to sound intelligent and of course, looking good for your fellow dittoheads in the process. It's what you do... it's what all you wing-nuts do well.


It occurs to me that the only thing more impotently ineffectual than a horde of people engaging in pseudo-activism by sending amorphous tweets 140 characters at a time is...

-- a second horde of people splashed over nine hundred internet posts whining about the first horde of people engaging in pseudo-activism by sending amorphous tweets 140 characters at a time.

So it's only a horde engaged in tweeting that gets to you?

How about your whining in this THREAD (not limited to 140 characters) ABOUT whining at Twitter?

Look. It's simple: The pseudo-activism of tweeting such malarkey is mock worthy.

Perhaps there's some sort of one-post delay on the internets.

Again, laughter dies away. Whine is a bottomless well.
It occurs to me that the only thing more impotently ineffectual than a horde of people engaging in pseudo-activism by sending amorphous tweets 140 characters at a time is...

-- a second horde of people splashed over nine hundred internet posts whining about the first horde of people engaging in pseudo-activism by sending amorphous tweets 140 characters at a time.

So it's only a horde engaged in tweeting that gets to you?

How about your whining in this THREAD (not limited to 140 characters) ABOUT whining at Twitter?

Look. It's simple: The pseudo-activism of tweeting such malarkey is mock worthy.

Perhaps there's some sort of one-post delay on the internets.

Again, laughter dies away. Whine is a bottomless well.

Yes. Your whining about whining is like an echo canyon/ bottomless pit.

Whine on, however. Have a blast, kid.
My guy won, not once, but TWICE
passed an UNPRECEDENTED Health Care legislation
Found and killed Bin Laden
Stopped the economy from the free-fall Bush left it under
The economy has been steadily improving
Unemployment has been dropping
The Republicans don't have any plans and are demoralized

And I'M supposed to be "butthurt"?!??



You far rightwing KKKlowns are very entertaining. Hilarious even. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Your guy is doing so well you are about to lose the Senate....BECAUSE of the Health Care Legislation ;)

That's what you think. Obamacare is working and getting better as we speak and by the time the election rolls around Obama's ratings will be up dramatically. Bet on it brother. :D

Its what I do for a living kid, don't believe everything Bammy tells you.
What exactly was this suppose to accomplish?


Finally, an intelligent question. And to think it only took about 880 posts. The consensus is that the hashtag campaign was to focus attention on the plight of the 300 kidnapped girls in Nigeria. An 'aware' campaign if you will.

Worldwide response was rapid and now we await and pray that the girls will be rescued safely. Thank you for asking.

As said a thousand times before, the world knew about the kidnapped girls long before the hashtag came out.
Hashtag Nation...

Starring that new comedy craze, Silly Buggers...

Season 1 premier...

Friday, May 16, 2014, 7:00 pm (Central)...

Only on the WankerVision channel...
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Oh Gawd, are people still bleating on about this? Look, it's a Social Media fad. Queen Michelle has already forgotten about these girls. She's moved onto more Vacation plans and the latest Social Media fads. And I suspect most other Social Media twits have moved on too. The OP is likely one of em.

This is what Queen Michelle and the OP are into now: A cat kicking a dog's ass. It is pretty cool.

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We know Republicans don't care about children in this country. Why would they care about children overseas. Especially black children?

Says the dinkbrain who's political party of choice supports murdering hundreds of thousands of children (including Black children) a year legally through abortion.
It isn't so much that we don't take the hashtag bullshit seriously (we don't) it's more like.... We don't take dimocrap scum seriously.

This has been going on for a while now....

In Sudan, A Christian Woman Sentenced to be Hanged for Apostasy
Ace of Spades HQ

She's nine months pregnant. They'll permit her to give birth to her baby and wean it before executing her.

However, the punishment for "adultery" -- 100 lashes -- will be administered immediately after the birth.

The woman, Mariam Yahia Ibrahim Ishag, brought her punishment of death upon herself, said Judge Abbas Mohammed Al-Khalifa: "We gave you three days to recant but you insist on not returning to Islam."

"I sentence you to be hanged to death." For good measure, Judge Khalifa ordered the woman to be beaten with 100 lashes of the whip before being hung for "adultery."

The "adultery" in question is not adultery. Sharia does not recognize the marriage between the woman (whom it considers an apostate Muslim) and a Christian man, ergo, their sexual congress is "adultery."

Oh, and her 20-month-old child is in jail with her. Because Sharia law will not permit the Christian husband to care for a child they claim is Muslim.

I'm not hearing anything about this story except from right-leaning sources.

We have, once again, an incredible outrage, barbaric, dehumanizing, and fascistic, but the "Villains are wrong." The villains aren't the villains the left prefers.

Ergo, the outrage must be tacitly permitted.

Has the State Department even taken the drastic step of issuing a vigorous #Hashtag? A search did not disclose that any #hashtag activism had been undertaken.

And Her Husband Has US Citizenship, Too: Wow.

The US State Department has managed to rouse itself enough to say it's "deeply disturbed."

No hashtag, though, I guess.

dimocraps are scum
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Stupid fuck.....harassing terrorists on the internet doesn't work unless you are doing to stuff to them you aren't privy to.....twitter whining just makes them laugh.

They just don't get it at Fox News... do they?

Conservatives mock 'Bring Back Our Girls' hashtag | MSNBC

Fox News contributors on Sunday scoffed at the “Bring Back Our Girls” hashtag recently created in support of finding the nearly 300 missing schoolgirls in Nigeria.

The international community has taken to Twitter using #BringBackOurGirls to encourage the release of the teenage girls. Boko Haram, a group of Islamist militants, attacked a school in Chibok nearly one month ago and kidnapped 276 individuals. Since, they took eight additional girls and threatened to “sell” them all on the market.

“I do not know how adults stand there facing a camera and say, ‘Bring Back Our Girls.’ Are these barbarians in the wilds of Nigeria supposed to check their Twitter accounts and say, ‘Uh-oh Michelle Obama is very cross with us, we better change our behavior?’” Will said on Fox News Sunday.

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