Conservatives mock ‘Bring Back Our Girls’ hashtag

So, let me see If I get this

When Bush was President the left wailed we weren't the police of the world

But now it's Obama, we should stick our noses into everything other countries do

I forgot Obama was the President of the WHOLE WIDE can bet they give a shit what he says while they laugh behind his arrogant ass...and I bet they got a real hoot seeing our First lady acting like some child holding up a frikken sign begging to please please please do as we ask and bring back those people, pretty please
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That the twitter campaign is ineffectual is merely your biased opinion. Thank God they don't listen to or care what you think. No one ever claimed that the BBOG campaign would free the girls (it's an 'awareness campaign' that has worked well so far). Their freedom is up to the Nigerian military for now.

Some women in Nigeria started the BBOG campaign and it was picked up here in America by Michelle Obama and other celebrities and BAM! The haters in the GOP immediately attacked and mocked the campaign.

This thread covers that topic well... so you see, it was you guys that started the politically-motivated bludgeoning for no apparent reason other than the usual pure jealousy and hatred.
Is it sinking in yet?

How ignorant can you get?

Well everytime we think you can't get any more ignorant you prove us wrong.
I find that to be wholly dishonest. Seeing as how you used this thread to bludgeon others for supposedly not caring about these girls. You used them as a political vehicle. Twitter is simply an ineffectual means of liberation. It will no more free those girls than attacking us for disagreeing with it. It angers me when people say they really care about someone but uses their plight as a means to childishly attack others. If you really cared, you wouldn't be making politics out of this.

Think about it.

That the twitter campaign is ineffectual is merely your biased opinion. Thank God they don't listen to or care what you think. No one ever claimed that the BBOG campaign would free the girls (it's an 'awareness campaign' that has worked well so far). Their freedom is up to the Nigerian military for now.

Some women in Nigeria started the BBOG campaign and it was picked up here in America by Michelle Obama and other celebrities and BAM! The haters in the GOP immediately attacked and mocked the campaign.

This thread covers that topic well... so you see, it was you guys that started the politically-motivated bludgeoning for no apparent reason other than the usual pure jealousy and hatred.
Is it sinking in yet?

Ha. That is funny. :)
That the twitter campaign is ineffectual is merely your biased opinion. Thank God they don't listen to or care what you think. No one ever claimed that the BBOG campaign would free the girls (it's an 'awareness campaign' that has worked well so far). Their freedom is up to the Nigerian military for now.

Some women in Nigeria started the BBOG campaign and it was picked up here in America by Michelle Obama and other celebrities and BAM! The haters in the GOP immediately attacked and mocked the campaign.

This thread covers that topic well... so you see, it was you guys that started the politically-motivated bludgeoning for no apparent reason other than the usual pure jealousy and hatred.
Is it sinking in yet?

Ha. That is funny. :)
Could be if it wasn't true. But thanks none the less.
That the twitter campaign is ineffectual is merely your biased opinion. Thank God they don't listen to or care what you think. No one ever claimed that the BBOG campaign would free the girls (it's an 'awareness campaign' that has worked well so far). Their freedom is up to the Nigerian military for now.

Some women in Nigeria started the BBOG campaign and it was picked up here in America by Michelle Obama and other celebrities and BAM! The haters in the GOP immediately attacked and mocked the campaign.

This thread covers that topic well... so you see, it was you guys that started the politically-motivated bludgeoning for no apparent reason other than the usual pure jealousy and hatred.
Is it sinking in yet?

How ignorant can you get?
Ignorant? That is their message dumbass. Wake up.
Mock, mock, mock, mock, mock, mock, mock, mock, mock, mock, mock, mock...

( sorry, but this hashtag horseshit as a substitute for action is such a stupid idea that another dozen 'mocks' seemed timely, after having given it a rest for a while )



You've got the weakest Mojo I've seen in quite some time, Junior...
kiddyrock is nothing more than a troll

and he's so worried about these girls get your ass on a plane and try and recue them...Take MaBell Obama and that dingbat Penn with you...
Ignorant? That is their message dumbass. Wake up.

Not them stupid.... you!
Son? Your ignorance precedes you. That photo is their answer to the stupid "Twaddle" campaign so you leftist twits feel good about yourself while actually doing nothing.

More like leftist twits sending conservatives in to do their dirty work for them.

Most elite soldiers vote Republican and don't go for all of this race-baiting crap that Obama practices. Many of them make me look like a liberal.

At least that was the case when I was on a team.
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hashtag, hashtag, hashtag, hashtag is all i hear, who the hell brought up this fucking word hashtag ? all i hear any more is hashtag, hashtag hashtag, i am so fucking sick of it, won't turn on any radio talk show or TV news.

so.., is this the fucking hashtag, # it's self or is the :bsflag: talking points the fucking hashtag HASHTAG HASHTAG
Ignorant? That is their message dumbass. Wake up.

Not them stupid.... you!
Son? Your ignorance precedes you. That photo is their answer to the stupid "Twaddle" campaign so you leftist twits feel good about yourself while actually doing nothing.

No, that is YOUR ignorant photo shopped answer. Boko Haram can read English alright... they are not the jungle-bunnies you make them out to be in your racist mind.

Who cares what you think about our #BBOG campaign... we don't.
Not them stupid.... you!
Son? Your ignorance precedes you. That photo is their answer to the stupid "Twaddle" campaign so you leftist twits feel good about yourself while actually doing nothing.

No, that is YOUR ignorant photo shopped answer. Boko Haram can read English alright... they are not the jungle-bunnies you make them out to be in your racist mind.

Who cares what you think about our #BBOG campaign... we don't.

If you didn't care you wouldn't have started this stupid whiney thread complaining about what we think.

Fuck you're ignorant
Not them stupid.... you!
Son? Your ignorance precedes you. That photo is their answer to the stupid "Twaddle" campaign so you leftist twits feel good about yourself while actually doing nothing.

No, that is YOUR ignorant photo shopped answer. Boko Haram can read English alright... they are not the jungle-bunnies you make them out to be in your racist mind.

Who cares what you think about our #BBOG campaign... we don't.

Yup. Those Boko Haram guys are fine, decent, well-educated fellows in your book. :D

I'd like to see their college transcripts. You must have them, so please post them. I bet those religious radicals are really smart.

Either that, or you're talking out of your butt.....:badgrin:
No, that is YOUR ignorant photo shopped answer. Boko Haram can read English alright... they are not the jungle-bunnies you make them out to be in your racist mind.

Who cares what you think about our #BBOG campaign... we don't.

Yes, he's actually an Oxford educated tea drinker.

You're not letting anyone hate on your guy Boko are you kid?
Here's a pic of the girl that worshipers of allah the dirtbag and muhammed the child molester want to hang for not getting on her knees 6 times a day to worship the murdering scumbags


The little boy is in prison with his mother because the worshipers of allah the scumbag and mohammed the child molester won't let a Christian (his Father) take care of him.

Where's the #hashtag for that?

Don't hold your breath.

You can't attack the ROP (religion of peace), you know.

We need to just wipe Islam off the map.

Before it's too late

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