Conservatives mock ‘Bring Back Our Girls’ hashtag

Those are some ugly fucking girls. Who the fuck would pay money for them?

Did you really say this? REALLY? Man. I used to be a little disappointed in you cause every now and then you'd say something that wasn't all that bright. But, now... for god's sake, dude. It takes someone SPECIAL to say shit this stupid. Someone REALLY special. I'd like to ask you to leave. Anywhere I'm at, you could just leave. I'm pretty sure it'd be a big favor for everyone.

who the fuck do you think you are ? you fucking liberpig !! :up: .... :lmao:
Those are some ugly fucking girls. Who the fuck would pay money for them?

Did you really say this? REALLY? Man. I used to be a little disappointed in you cause every now and then you'd say something that wasn't all that bright. But, now... for god's sake, dude. It takes someone SPECIAL to say shit this stupid. Someone REALLY special. I'd like to ask you to leave. Anywhere I'm at, you could just leave. I'm pretty sure it'd be a big favor for everyone.

who the fuck do you think you are ? you fucking liberpig !! :up: .... :lmao:

Fuck the NRA! :D
Actually we need to wipe bigotry off the map. And we're already late.
according to libtards lie you, bigotry only happens by american whiteys. Everyone else is as pure as the driven snow

Ok retraction everyone. Pogo assures me he doesnt think like that. That racism can be from everyone and directed at anyone so i will proudly agree with and reiterate his statement that we should eliminate bigotry.

are you advocating exterminating all the liarberals ?

not a bad idea :up: good thinking :lmao:
Did you really say this? REALLY? Man. I used to be a little disappointed in you cause every now and then you'd say something that wasn't all that bright. But, now... for god's sake, dude. It takes someone SPECIAL to say shit this stupid. Someone REALLY special. I'd like to ask you to leave. Anywhere I'm at, you could just leave. I'm pretty sure it'd be a big favor for everyone.

who the fuck do you think you are ? you fucking liberpig !! :up: .... :lmao:

Fuck the NRA! :D

go right ahead, but what do you plan on using.............................., your tongue ?
Those are some ugly fucking girls. Who the fuck would pay money for them?

Did you really say this? REALLY? Man. I used to be a little disappointed in you cause every now and then you'd say something that wasn't all that bright. But, now... for god's sake, dude. It takes someone SPECIAL to say shit this stupid. Someone REALLY special. I'd like to ask you to leave. Anywhere I'm at, you could just leave. I'm pretty sure it'd be a big favor for everyone.

I think he's just another version of TempleKormac- a spazzed-out punk kid who says some reasonable things then turns around & blurts out rw nonsense.
Those are some ugly fucking girls. Who the fuck would pay money for them?

Did you really say this? REALLY? Man. I used to be a little disappointed in you cause every now and then you'd say something that wasn't all that bright. But, now... for god's sake, dude. It takes someone SPECIAL to say shit this stupid. Someone REALLY special. I'd like to ask you to leave. Anywhere I'm at, you could just leave. I'm pretty sure it'd be a big favor for everyone.

I think he's just another version of TempleKormac- a spazzed-out punk kid who says some reasonable things then turns around & blurts out rw nonsense.

I disagree. I think Matthew is a mentally disturbed individual and I whole heartedly believe that
Did you really say this? REALLY? Man. I used to be a little disappointed in you cause every now and then you'd say something that wasn't all that bright. But, now... for god's sake, dude. It takes someone SPECIAL to say shit this stupid. Someone REALLY special. I'd like to ask you to leave. Anywhere I'm at, you could just leave. I'm pretty sure it'd be a big favor for everyone.

I think he's just another version of TempleKormac- a spazzed-out punk kid who says some reasonable things then turns around & blurts out rw nonsense.

I disagree. I think Matthew is a mentally disturbed individual and I whole heartedly believe that

So are you Grandpa. You display the same characteristics as Mathew, TempleKormack and the worst of them all... Steve_McGarrett
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I think he's just another version of TempleKormac- a spazzed-out punk kid who says some reasonable things then turns around & blurts out rw nonsense.

I disagree. I think Matthew is a mentally disturbed individual and I whole heartedly believe that

So are you Grandpa. You display the same characteristics as Mathew, TempleKormack and the worst of them all... Steve_McGarrette

Steve & Matthew are morons. TK is boisterous yes, but hardly crazy.
I see the kiddyrock is still here whining...I thought he'd be on a plane by now off to rescue the girls...
So, are people still all umbraged up about a fucking hashtag?

Too funny...

No. People are "umbraged" about a "Hashtag foreign policy" you twerp.

You mean Hashtag foreign policy that first caught on strong under Condoleeza Rice, before the 2008 election, what? GOPers love Twitter, because they only have to read 150 or so characters, it is easy on their brains. Libs do prefer a couple more words than that.

But do keep on doing what you are doing, I am sure it is doing your Tea Party just a world of good - well, for the Democratic Party!!!

Umbrage, umbrage, umbrage!!! :lol:
So, are people still all umbraged up about a fucking hashtag?

Too funny...

No. People are "umbraged" about a "Hashtag foreign policy" you twerp.

Here's how you deal with rampaging mooslum scum.....

You kill them.


Quote of the Day

"To the people of the world, everybody should know his status: it is either you are with us Mujahedeen or you are with the Christians. We know what is happening in this world, it is a Jihad war against Christians and Christianity. It is a war against western education, democracy and constitution. We have not started, next time we are going inside Abuja; we are going to refinery and town of Christians. Do you know me? I have no problem with Jonathan. This is what I know in Quran. This is a war against Christians and democracy and their constitution, Allah says we should finish them when we get them."

-- Boko Haram leader Abubakr Shekau

Nigerian Vigilantes Deal With Boko Haram in a Non-HashTag Way

Despite not being allowed to own guns villagers near the area where Boko Haram kidnapped 276 schoolgirls managed to gather together some weapons and launch a successful ambush against Boko Haram gunmen.

On Tuesday morning, after learning about an impending attack by militants, locals ambushed two trucks with a gunmen. At least 10 militants were detained, and scores were killed, the official said.

...Kalabalge trader Ajid Musa said that after residents organized the vigilante group, "it is impossible" for militants to successfully stage attacks there.

"That is why most attacks by the Boko Haram on our village continued (to) fail because they cannot come in here and start shooting and killing people," he said.


Who needs #HashTags or even words when you have a few men with guns and a willingness to act.

dimocraps are stupid

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