CONServatives Not Ever Getting It Right But Trying To Pull the Wool Over Your Eyes!

Frequently Asked Questions | National Black Republican Association
HistoryTest | National Black Republican Association
Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Civil Rights - Black Community News - For Conservatives
The Black Conservative: A History of Voting Rights
Whitewashing Republican Support of Civil Rights | BlackPressUSA
Bullshit, here I will help ya with the truth

Wrong side of history? Really?

Who exactly was it that ended slavery and segregation? Cause it sure wasnt the Democrats.
You evidently (and conveniently) didn't read this section in the article. And to answer your question, it certainly was not the Conservatives.

2) "Conservatives opposed freeing the slaves"
Wrong side of history? Really?

Who exactly was it that ended slavery and segregation? Cause it sure wasnt the Democrats.

Northern liberals.

Who drafted the 13th Amendment? James Mitchell Ashley, James F. Wilson, and John Brooks Henderson. All Republicans. Who passed it? Republicans. They had to do some arm wringing to Democrats in order to garner the votes they needed. Who issued the Emancipation Proclamation? Abraham Lincoln, a Republican.

160 years ago most democrats were conservative. Especially in the South.

Republicans were liberals then.

Same thing during the Civil Right fight. It was a coalition of Northern liberals (both Democrat and Republicans) that defeated the Southern Conservatives (both Democrat and Republicans).
what a hack of every leftwing propaganda site on the internet

my gawd make it stop already
This piece is very biased. The one stigma that is a theme presented that the GOP must learn to shake itself from is the representation of the 1 percent and how those people need to be looked after with more emphasis than the average working person who is barely scraping by. It may be all perception but that is the general perception. Toting rubbish such as "everyone has the opportunity to become well off" is simply not true nor applicable. It never has been. Being opposed to things such as SS is only going to backfire. Most all people who collect SS depend upon it to get by. Supporting it might help.
Another leftist propaganda site. Yawn.
Keep being in denial about Republicans and how they are always wrong by clicking your red heels and saying "There's no place like home." Say that enough times and you'll actually start to believe your RW bullcrap only, undoubtedly, you already do.
It's not simply a Republican or Democrat situation. Republicans like Teddy Roosevelt were more Liberal than not while Democrats like George Wallace were rock ribbed Conservatives.

The contention comes from political ideology, not party identity. Republicans were instrumental in passing the Civil Rights Act of 1964. But they were Liberal in their attitudes about race and equal treatment under law. Southern Democrats, ensconced in office since the Civil War (Lincoln was a Republican who waged a war against state's rights) provided the opposition to civil rights. And those southern Democrats were not Democrats as we know them to be today. Those southern Democrats could be Tea Party members in 2014.

Strom Thurmond (D) South Carolina, took his ball and went home at the Democrat National Convention in 1948. He was miffed at President Truman for desegregating the military. Strom and a bunch of his Conservative buddies staged a revolt calling themselves "Dixiecrats" and mounted a campaign to unseat Truman all over the issue of race and equal treatment under law. Now, if you believe Thurmond would fit right in with a contemporary Democrat, you are sorely mistaken. Thurmond was as crazy with his ideas of equal treatment as many to today's extreme Conservatives.
Thurmond could not have been such a true segregationist that he went and fathered a daughter with a Black woman. Why did you leave out that part? No doubt for convenience's sake but Facts are FACTS.

Strom Thurmond's secret biracial daughter dies at 87 -
Wrong side of history? Really?

Who exactly was it that ended slavery and segregation? Cause it sure wasnt the Democrats.
You evidently (and conveniently) didn't read this section in the article. And to answer your question, it certainly was not the Conservatives.

2) "Conservatives opposed freeing the slaves"

You evidently and conveniently are refusing to acknowledge the fact that the political philosophy of conservatives today is what we call classical liberalism of the past. We are conservative because we are trying to preserve the principles the nation was built upon.

If what you claim is correct, then we can all assume you support all pro-choice persons and support the unfettered equal rights of LGBT's, correct? Hey, total freedom for individual rights, and a bar to guv'ment interference of those rights, RIGHT!

If not, then you are a total fraud! But that comes with the territory if one runs with the herd coupled with the inability of self-expression outside of the tribal talking points.
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First, everyone has the opportunity to have a good living, if they will look for and take up the opportunities out there. Educate yourself, work hard and learn to work smart. Knowing a gentleman that started his own company over 30 years ago without knowing how to read or write, and became very successful just shows what one can do if they so desire.
If you wish to be in the 1% ask people such as Soros and Buffett how they went about it.
Secondly, the Dems have more in the top 10 richest of Congress than the Reps do. And why have the rich gotten richer, yet the middle class is stagnant under Dem control for the last 5 years.
This piece is very biased. The one stigma that is a theme presented that the GOP must learn to shake itself from is the representation of the 1 percent and how those people need to be looked after with more emphasis than the average working person who is barely scraping by. It may be all perception but that is the general perception. Toting rubbish such as "everyone has the opportunity to become well off" is simply not true nor applicable. It never has been. Being opposed to things such as SS is only going to backfire. Most all people who collect SS depend upon it to get by. Supporting it might help.
Another leftist propaganda site. Yawn.
Keep being in denial about Republicans and how they are always wrong by clicking your red heels and saying "There's no place like home." Say that enough times and you'll actually start to believe your RW bullcrap only, undoubtedly, you already do.

Its just that you have no idea of what you're talking about.
You evidently and conveniently are refusing to acknowledge the fact that the political philosophy of conservatives today is what we call classical liberalism of the past.

If only that were true.
Ronald Reagan was not on the wrong side of history. He MADE history.
The left seem to always conveniently forget that all the wars of the 20th century was by Democrats.
WWI, WWII, Korean War, Vietnam War. All of them were costly and cost the most lives.
Yet lefties believe that Republicans are always the war mongers.
Keep being in denial about Republicans and how they are always wrong by clicking your red heels and saying "There's no place like home." Say that enough times and you'll actually start to believe your RW bullcrap only, undoubtedly, you already do.
It's not simply a Republican or Democrat situation. Republicans like Teddy Roosevelt were more Liberal than not while Democrats like George Wallace were rock ribbed Conservatives.

The contention comes from political ideology, not party identity. Republicans were instrumental in passing the Civil Rights Act of 1964. But they were Liberal in their attitudes about race and equal treatment under law. Southern Democrats, ensconced in office since the Civil War (Lincoln was a Republican who waged a war against state's rights) provided the opposition to civil rights. And those southern Democrats were not Democrats as we know them to be today. Those southern Democrats could be Tea Party members in 2014.

Strom Thurmond (D) South Carolina, took his ball and went home at the Democrat National Convention in 1948. He was miffed at President Truman for desegregating the military. Strom and a bunch of his Conservative buddies staged a revolt calling themselves "Dixiecrats" and mounted a campaign to unseat Truman all over the issue of race and equal treatment under law. Now, if you believe Thurmond would fit right in with a contemporary Democrat, you are sorely mistaken. Thurmond was as crazy with his ideas of equal treatment as many to today's extreme Conservatives.
Thurmond could not have been such a true segregationist that he went and fathered a daughter with a Black woman. Why did you leave out that part? No doubt for convenience's sake but Facts are FACTS.

Strom Thurmond's secret biracial daughter dies at 87 -
My example of Thurmond was strictly political, as is this thread. His personal life has little or no bearing on his politics.
First, everyone has the opportunity to have a good living, if they will look for and take up the opportunities out there. Educate yourself, work hard and learn to work smart. Knowing a gentleman that started his own company over 30 years ago without knowing how to read or write, and became very successful just shows what one can do if they so desire.
If you wish to be in the 1% ask people such as Soros and Buffett how they went about it.
Secondly, the Dems have more in the top 10 richest of Congress than the Reps do. And why have the rich gotten richer, yet the middle class is stagnant under Dem control for the last 5 years.

**PoliticalTorch's reply.

**Why, you dare ask, about the Middle Class not making much progress? It's because of REPUBLICAN Obstructionism and Control, that's why. If Republicans weren't constantly in the way of progress for the American people as they are you would see a much different picture with many Success stories of the Middle Class!

This piece is very biased. The one stigma that is a theme presented that the GOP must learn to shake itself from is the representation of the 1 percent and how those people need to be looked after with more emphasis than the average working person who is barely scraping by. It may be all perception but that is the general perception. Toting rubbish such as "everyone has the opportunity to become well off" is simply not true nor applicable. It never has been. Being opposed to things such as SS is only going to backfire. Most all people who collect SS depend upon it to get by. Supporting it might help.
The part on Social Security is correct. Many do depend upon it and that is one thing Republicans would love to cut out completely. But it would be a cold day in hell that the American public would allow them to do so. Why even the richest of Republicans draw Social Security, don't you know, when they clearly don't need it! If they're so opposed to it why don't they just leave it in the pool for those who are less fortunate?! :eusa_hand: :mad:
1854 Republican Party established as “the anti-slavery Party and fought to free blacks from slavery”.
1862 President Lincoln (Republican) signs the Emancipation Proclamation to abolish slavery which “resulted in the Juneteenth celebration in black communities today”.
1865 Republican House and Senate pass the 13th Amendment banning slavery and making 3/5’s Compromise moot. That compromise counted blacks as 3/5 of a person for determining the population census for US House of Representatives and taxes. Democratic President Andrew Johnson vetoes the amendment.
1866 The Republican Congress overrides President Johnson’s veto of the 13th amendment; it passes.
1866 Republican Congress passes 14th amendment to protect black voting rights; President Johnson (Democrat) vetoes.
1867 Republican Congress overrides President Johnson’s veto and the 14th amendment passes.
1868 President Johnson (Democrat) is impeached for saying, “This is a country forwhite men. And, by God, as long as I am President it shall be a government of white men.”
1870 Republican Congress created the Department of Justice to safeguard Civil Rights of blacks against the Democrats in the South.
1875 Republican Congress passes Civil Rights Act of 1875 “granting blacks protectionvfrom the Black Codes and prohibiting racial discrimination in public accommodations, and was the Party of most blacks prior to the 1960”s. including Frederick Douglas, Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Truth Booker T. Washington, and Dr. Martin Luther King.”
1894 “Democrat Congress and Democrat President Grover Cleveland join to repeal Republicans” Enforcement Act (Voting Rights Act), which had enabled blacks to vote.
1909 “On 100th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln’s birth, black Republicans and women’s suffragists Ida Wells and Mary Terrell co-found the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People).”
1920 Republicans authored and passed the 19th Amendment giving women the right to vote.
1922 House passes bill written by US Rep Leonidas Dyer (Republican- Missouri) making lynching a federal crime. *Senate Democrats blocked passage with a filibuster.
1924 Republican President Calvin Coolidge signs bill passed by Republican congress granting US citizenship to all Native Americans.
1940 “Republican Party Platform calls for integration of the armed forces; however, Democrat President Franklin Delano Roosevelt refused to order it.
1953 California’s 3-term Republican Governor Earl Warren who was also the 1948 Republican Vice-President Nominee and later Chief Supreme Court Justice, wrote the landmark decision in Brown V. Board of Education banning segregation of schools. 97 Democrats in Congress condemn the judge’s decision.
1955 Republican President Eisenhower’s Administration bans racial segregation of interstate bus travel.
1956 Republican federal judge Frank Johnson rules in favor of Rosa Parks in decision striking down “blacks in the back of the bus” law. Black civil rights leaders Martin Luther King and Ralph Abernathy vote for Republican Dwight Eisenhower for President.
1957 President Dwight Eisenhower signs the Republican Party’s 1957 Civil Rights Act to empower prosecutors and the justice department to obtain court injunctions against interference with blacks right to vote.
1957 President Eisenhower dispatches the 82nd Airborne to Little Rock, AR to force Democrat Governor Orval Faubus to integrate public schools sparking criticism from Democratic Senators John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson.
1960 President Eisenhower signs Republicans’ Civil Rights Act of 1960 overcoming the 125-hour round-the-clock filibuster by 18 Democrats. This bill introduced penalties for obstructing a person’s right to register to vote or vote.
1963 Republicans condemn Democratic Sheriff of Birmingham, AL for arresting over 2000 black children who were marching for their civil rights.
1963 Democratic Governor George Wallace (AL) defies order by US District Judge Frank Johnson, appointed by Dwight Eisenhower, to integrate Tuskegee High School.
1964 Republicans condemn 14-hour filibuster against the 1964 Civil Rights Act by Democratic US Senator and former Ku Klux Klansman Robert Byrd who served in the Senate until his death in 2010. This act was also opposed by most Southern Democratic Senators, several of whom were proud segregationists - one of them being Al Gore SR. Democratic President Lyndon Johnson had to rely on Republican Senate Minority Leader Everett Dirksen to get the act passed.
1965 Republicans pass 1965 Voting Rights Act abolishing literacy tests and other measures including the poll taxes that were devised by Democrats to prevent blacks from voting. 27% of Democrats voted against the act.
1969 Republican President Richard Nixon instituted the first Affirmative Action program with the Philadelphia Plan that established goals and timetables.
1981 Republican President Ronald Reagan establishes the White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities to increase black participation in federalbeducation programs.
1982 President Ronald Reagan signs 25-year extension of 1965 Voting Rights Act.
1988 President Ronald Reagan signs Civil Liberties Act of 1988 compensating Americans of Japanese decent for deprivation of civil rights and property during WWII internment ordered by FDR. The order to rescind FDR’s Executive Order authorizing internment of over 120,000 Japanese Americans was done by Republican President Gerald Ford in 1976.
1991 Republican President George H. W. Bush sings Civl Rights Act of 1991 to provide damages in cases of intentional employment discrimination.
1996 Bill authored by Republican US Rep Susan Molinari to prohibit racial discrimination in adoptions, part of Republicans” Contract With America", becomes law.
Bull, we want to offer a choice.
First, everyone has the opportunity to have a good living, if they will look for and take up the opportunities out there. Educate yourself, work hard and learn to work smart. Knowing a gentleman that started his own company over 30 years ago without knowing how to read or write, and became very successful just shows what one can do if they so desire.
If you wish to be in the 1% ask people such as Soros and Buffett how they went about it.
Secondly, the Dems have more in the top 10 richest of Congress than the Reps do. And why have the rich gotten richer, yet the middle class is stagnant under Dem control for the last 5 years.

**PoliticalTorch's reply.

**Why, you dare ask, about the Middle Class not making much progress? It's because of REPUBLICAN Obstructionism and Control, that's why. If Republicans weren't constantly in the way of progress for the American people as they are you would see a much different picture with many Success stories of the Middle Class!

This piece is very biased. The one stigma that is a theme presented that the GOP must learn to shake itself from is the representation of the 1 percent and how those people need to be looked after with more emphasis than the average working person who is barely scraping by. It may be all perception but that is the general perception. Toting rubbish such as "everyone has the opportunity to become well off" is simply not true nor applicable. It never has been. Being opposed to things such as SS is only going to backfire. Most all people who collect SS depend upon it to get by. Supporting it might help.
The part on Social Security is correct. Many do depend upon it and that is one thing Republicans would love to cut out completely. But it would be a cold day in hell that the American public would allow them to do so. Why even the richest of Republicans draw Social Security, don't you know, when they clearly don't need it! If they're so opposed to it why don't they just leave it in the pool for those who are less fortunate?! :eusa_hand: :mad:
Depending on which era you are discussing, there is a difference between a "Republican" and a "conservative".

The Southern conservatives of LBJs era, for example, were predominantly Democrats. The Republicans of that era were classical liberals.
"Secondly, the Dems have more in the top 10 richest of Congress than the Reps do. And why have the rich gotten richer, yet the middle class is stagnant under Dem control for the last 5 years"

That may be true. However, speaking out against SS and Medicare isn't going to win more votes. Consistently taking a stand for big business while the middle class stagnates or goes backward doesn't help either. Why is some person who has been making no more than $45,000 for the last 20 years and is close to retiring going to vote for getting rid of SS and Medicare? He needs SS to retire. In fact, he depends on it. So why would he be in favor of getting rid of it? If investing is better, then provide him with the investments that are guaranteed to equal or surpass instead of "NO'. In examining Ryan proposed budget earlier this year, it wasn't all that friendly toward the working class slob.
First, everyone has the opportunity to have a good living, if they will look for and take up the opportunities out there. Educate yourself, work hard and learn to work smart. Knowing a gentleman that started his own company over 30 years ago without knowing how to read or write, and became very successful just shows what one can do if they so desire.
If you wish to be in the 1% ask people such as Soros and Buffett how they went about it.
Secondly, the Dems have more in the top 10 richest of Congress than the Reps do. And why have the rich gotten richer, yet the middle class is stagnant under Dem control for the last 5 years.

**PoliticalTorch's reply.

**Why, you dare ask, about the Middle Class not making much progress? It's because of REPUBLICAN Obstructionism and Control, that's why. If Republicans weren't constantly in the way of progress for the American people as they are you would see a much different picture with many Success stories of the Middle Class!

This piece is very biased. The one stigma that is a theme presented that the GOP must learn to shake itself from is the representation of the 1 percent and how those people need to be looked after with more emphasis than the average working person who is barely scraping by. It may be all perception but that is the general perception. Toting rubbish such as "everyone has the opportunity to become well off" is simply not true nor applicable. It never has been. Being opposed to things such as SS is only going to backfire. Most all people who collect SS depend upon it to get by. Supporting it might help.
The part on Social Security is correct. Many do depend upon it and that is one thing Republicans would love to cut out completely. But it would be a cold day in hell that the American public would allow them to do so. Why even the richest of Republicans draw Social Security, don't you know, when they clearly don't need it! If they're so opposed to it why don't they just leave it in the pool for those who are less fortunate?! :eusa_hand: :mad:

Why not give each person an opt in or out to social security instead of forcing every one in to it?
"Why not give each person an opt in or out to social security instead of forcing every one in to it?"

Why not provide free investing for people that will be highly successful? Oh my then everyone gets ahead. We can't have that.

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