CONServatives Not Ever Getting It Right But Trying To Pull the Wool Over Your Eyes!

You need to learn how to quote. I said, we want to offer a choice, not do away with it. You must have never read Bush's proposal.
"Lindsey said the Bush strategy calls for the creation of individually controlled, voluntary personal retirement accounts that will augment existing Social Security benefits, in lieu of increased taxes or a reduction in benefits."
"Secondly, the Dems have more in the top 10 richest of Congress than the Reps do. And why have the rich gotten richer, yet the middle class is stagnant under Dem control for the last 5 years"

That may be true. However, speaking out against SS and Medicare isn't going to win more votes. Consistently taking a stand for big business while the middle class stagnates or goes backward doesn't help either. Why is some person who has been making no more than $45,000 for the last 20 years and is close to retiring going to vote for getting rid of SS and Medicare? He needs SS to retire. In fact, he depends on it. So why would he be in favor of getting rid of it? If investing is better, then provide him with the investments that are guaranteed to equal or surpass instead of "NO'. In examining Ryan proposed budget earlier this year, it wasn't all that friendly toward the working class slob.
"Why not give each person an opt in or out to social security instead of forcing every one in to it?"

Why not provide free investing for people that will be highly successful? Oh my then everyone gets ahead. We can't have that.
That is what Bush's plan offered.
"Why not give each person an opt in or out to social security instead of forcing every one in to it?"

Why not provide free investing for people that will be highly successful? Oh my then everyone gets ahead. We can't have that.

No one is stopping you from investing in markets or private ventures. Its not your responsibility to provide for me.
Why should I have to pay a financial planner or advisor to invest? Seems unfair especially if the advisor is making a good fee.
Wrong side of history? Really?

Who exactly was it that ended slavery and segregation? Cause it sure wasnt the Democrats.

It sure wasn't Conservatives! Stop hiding behind the skirts of party identity. Conservatives have always provided the resistance, the suppression to issues of civil rights and expanded personal freedoms. What should be slam dunks in the name of liberty have been challenged and resisted by Conservatives. Just look at marriage equality today, the Equal Rights Amendment thirty years ago and the Civil Rights movement fifty years ago for examples of how Conservatives stepped up resistance to freedom and equality.

You can try to whitewash history but its simply not true. The democrats had become a party increasingly rooted in the southern states, with the northern political scene in a state of disarray. Out of this turmoil, emerged the Republican Party.

in no way does the Republican Party of today remotely resemble the Republican Party after it emerged then. The Republican Party of today emerged from the anal glands of past Republicans.
Why should I have to pay a financial planner or advisor to invest? Seems unfair especially if the advisor is making a good fee.
So those guys that actually place the order, or examine the markets to make sure a fund grows should get nothing? Become a trader, then. Quit wanting everything for free.
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It sure wasn't Conservatives! Stop hiding behind the skirts of party identity. Conservatives have always provided the resistance, the suppression to issues of civil rights and expanded personal freedoms. What should be slam dunks in the name of liberty have been challenged and resisted by Conservatives. Just look at marriage equality today, the Equal Rights Amendment thirty years ago and the Civil Rights movement fifty years ago for examples of how Conservatives stepped up resistance to freedom and equality.

You can try to whitewash history but its simply not true. The democrats had become a party increasingly rooted in the southern states, with the northern political scene in a state of disarray. Out of this turmoil, emerged the Republican Party.

in no way does the Republican Party of today remotely resemble the Republican Party after it emerged then. The Republican Party of today emerged from the anal glands of past Republicans.

I agree and neither does the democratic party. The founders would have shipped both of these worthless piles back to the crown.
Wrong side of history? Really?

Who exactly was it that ended slavery and segregation? Cause it sure wasnt the Democrats.
You evidently (and conveniently) didn't read this section in the article. And to answer your question, it certainly was not the Conservatives.

2) "Conservatives opposed freeing the slaves"

Dude.....Slavery ended one point five centuries ago..
Nobody cares about your democrat apologist horse shit
Wrong side of history? Really?

Who exactly was it that ended slavery and segregation? Cause it sure wasnt the Democrats.

Northern liberals.

Actually it was Quakers and Puritans. Deeply religious conservatives that opposed slavery and were directly responsible for the end of slavery.
You should have stopped at "blind".
Now, go bake cookies or something.
There is a wealth of information here that people can learn from. Truly First Class Information designed to open your eyes about CONServatives and their real agenda. KUDOS to this article!

Conservatives: ALWAYS on the Wrong Side of History | Republican Dirty Tricks

Yeah yeah yeah.....Look, don't bother posting this lefty propaganda.
Ya know what one would expect if they lift the lid off a septic tank, dontcha?
Sure do. Conservatives would start popping out right and left in their favorite brown suits! :lol: :lol:
Northern liberals.

Who drafted the 13th Amendment? James Mitchell Ashley, James F. Wilson, and John Brooks Henderson. All Republicans. Who passed it? Republicans. They had to do some arm wringing to Democrats in order to garner the votes they needed. Who issued the Emancipation Proclamation? Abraham Lincoln, a Republican.

160 years ago most democrats were conservative. Especially in the South.

Republicans were liberals then.

Same thing during the Civil Right fight. It was a coalition of Northern liberals (both Democrat and Republicans) that defeated the Southern Conservatives (both Democrat and Republicans).

Sorry, Democrats are Democrats.

No matter how much you want to spin it, you still have to own the sins of your party's past. Trying to attach them to what conservatives are now is dishonest, and pretty sad.

Wrong side of history? Really?

Who exactly was it that ended slavery and segregation? Cause it sure wasnt the Democrats.

Northern liberals.

Actually it was Quakers and Puritans. Deeply religious conservatives that opposed slavery and were directly responsible for the end of slavery.
You should have stopped at "blind".
Now, go bake cookies or something.
It's not simply a Republican or Democrat situation. Republicans like Teddy Roosevelt were more Liberal than not while Democrats like George Wallace were rock ribbed Conservatives.

The contention comes from political ideology, not party identity. Republicans were instrumental in passing the Civil Rights Act of 1964. But they were Liberal in their attitudes about race and equal treatment under law. Southern Democrats, ensconced in office since the Civil War (Lincoln was a Republican who waged a war against state's rights) provided the opposition to civil rights. And those southern Democrats were not Democrats as we know them to be today. Those southern Democrats could be Tea Party members in 2014.

Strom Thurmond (D) South Carolina, took his ball and went home at the Democrat National Convention in 1948. He was miffed at President Truman for desegregating the military. Strom and a bunch of his Conservative buddies staged a revolt calling themselves "Dixiecrats" and mounted a campaign to unseat Truman all over the issue of race and equal treatment under law. Now, if you believe Thurmond would fit right in with a contemporary Democrat, you are sorely mistaken. Thurmond was as crazy with his ideas of equal treatment as many to today's extreme Conservatives.
Thurmond could not have been such a true segregationist that he went and fathered a daughter with a Black woman. Why did you leave out that part? No doubt for convenience's sake but Facts are FACTS.

Strom Thurmond's secret biracial daughter dies at 87 -
My example of Thurmond was strictly political, as is this thread. His personal life has little or no bearing on his politics.
Go feed that line of BS to a newly born. It has Everything to do with his politics as it unequivocally shows he could not possibly have been that much of a segregationist. And if you weren't so much in denial you wouldn't fight so hard against that fact.
The left seem to always conveniently forget that all the wars of the 20th century was by Democrats.
WWI, WWII, Korean War, Vietnam War. All of them were costly and cost the most lives.
Yet lefties believe that Republicans are always the war mongers.
Hey fruitie, Of course you are. Didn't you forget one very important and more recent war? The Iraq War? And who started that if not your *Republican* George W. Bush and Dick Cheney.

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