"Conservatives Obama Assassination Tweets"


Mar 22, 2010
DailyFinance.com is reporting that a right wing blogger was urging for the killing of the President during a key debate on health care. I don’t watch television news but im sure there has probably been some coverage.

I'm interested to hear what people think when they hear something like that. Do you cry traitor, hero, social rebel maybe? Or do you say that its all just a ploy by the elite controlled media to distract us from what’s actually going on? Maybe its both, like I said I haven’t seen the main stream spin.

I would like a discussion about what repercussions this might have in terms of social policy and laws, to examine if any infringement might occur on social and human rights. Do you think it means something; or do you think its just a distraction? Maybe it's going to pave the way for new laws and regulations that are going to limit what we can say or do over social networks and the Internet?

I personally believe we are seeing the Change.
DailyFinance.com is reporting that a right wing blogger was urging for the killing of the President during a key debate on health care. I don’t watch television news but im sure there has probably been some coverage.

I'm interested to hear what people think when they hear something like that. Do you cry traitor, hero, social rebel maybe? Or do you say that its all just a ploy by the elite controlled media to distract us from what’s actually going on? Maybe its both, like I said I haven’t seen the main stream spin.

I would like a discussion about what repercussions this might have in terms of social policy and laws, to examine if any infringement might occur on social and human rights. Do you think it means something; or do you think its just a distraction? Maybe it's going to pave the way for new laws and regulations that are going to limit what we can say or do over social networks and the Internet?

I personally believe we are seeing the Change.
What is the change you are actually seeing? Give specifics.
I dont like focusing on specifics really, they distract too much from the big picture. But the Change I was refering to concerning this specific story is the Change in social perception and attitude.
Im disappointed that the only thought stimulation you received from my post was concerning my own personal opinion and not the issue I was elucidating
So absolutely nothing to support your claim.

Tell me, what conservative on earth wants to wake up and hear "President Biden" on the News?
First off I want to say that I take no sides. Truly none are right and none are wrong. Second, im "negro" and it has no bearing on the projection of my mental energy whatsoever, it is a physical trait.

I would simply like a reply concerning the issue.
First off I want to say that I take no sides. Truly none are right and none are wrong. Second, im "negro" and it has no bearing on the projection of my mental energy whatsoever, it is a physical trait.

I would simply like a reply concerning the issue.

So you dont think assassinating the President is a bad thing?

I certainly do take sides in that. Murder is bad. It's not something I stand neutral about.
First off I want to say that I take no sides. Truly none are right and none are wrong. Second, im "negro" and it has no bearing on the projection of my mental energy whatsoever, it is a physical trait.

I would simply like a reply concerning the issue.

So you dont think assassinating the President is a bad thing?

I certainly do take sides in that. Murder is bad. It's not something I stand neutral about.

It is not about Murder at all. It is about the social consequences of the controversy and if there will be any perceivable ramifications in society.
First off I want to say that I take no sides. Truly none are right and none are wrong. Second, im "negro" and it has no bearing on the projection of my mental energy whatsoever, it is a physical trait.

I would simply like a reply concerning the issue.

So you dont think assassinating the President is a bad thing?

I certainly do take sides in that. Murder is bad. It's not something I stand neutral about.

It is not about Murder at all. It is about the social consequences of the controversy and if there will be any perceivable ramifications in society.

I guess it depends on the assassin and his political views if it were carried out. What was the social consequences when JFK was shot?
It is not about Murder at all. It is about the social consequences of the controversy and if there will be any perceivable ramifications in society.

And what social consequences will that be? And what will the perceivable ramifications in society be?

And how can you not take a sides when murder is involved? You either are for it or against it. There is no neutral.
So you dont think assassinating the President is a bad thing?

I certainly do take sides in that. Murder is bad. It's not something I stand neutral about.

It is not about Murder at all. It is about the social consequences of the controversy and if there will be any perceivable ramifications in society.

I guess it depends on the assassin and his political views if it were carried out. What was the social consequences when JFK was shot?

Again just forget about Politics, its purpose is to keep you occupied with nonsense. John Kennedys death brought about a halt in the social revolution occuring at that time. His death virtually silenced every influencial dissenter that was aligning with the New Age Kennedy Ideal. The reason was to remain in control for another generation to continue working thier agenda.

Now we are at another crossroads, a new generation has outgrown an old system. Will the system adapt, or will we be forced to?
Again just forget about Politics, its purpose is to keep you occupied with nonsense. John Kennedys death brought about a halt in the social revolution occuring at that time. His death virtually silenced every influencial dissenter that was aligning with the New Age Kennedy Ideal. The reason was to remain in control for another generation to continue working thier agenda.

Now we are at another crossroads, a new generation has outgrown an old system. Will the system adapt, or will we be forced to?

We are supposed to forget about the politics when you start out with a clearly political post?

Halt to the social revolution? What social revolution do you think was taking place?

Outgrown an old system? We haven't tried the "old" system.
It is not about Murder at all. It is about the social consequences of the controversy and if there will be any perceivable ramifications in society.

And what social consequences will that be? And what will the perceivable ramifications in society be?

And how can you not take a sides when murder is involved? You either are for it or against it. There is no neutral.

I shouldn’t have to explain myself in every little detail; im assuming we are not children and all have minds of our own with which we can think and understand.

One of the potential consequences which is most obvious is a crackdown on free speech on the Internet and social networking sights. What if our posts were universally censored?

On the Issue of Neutrality. If you are choosing a side that is because you don’t adequately understand the other. The differences are Illusions and there is only One. In other words there is no Right or Wrong or Good or Evil; and absolutely everything happens for a very specific and important reason. That reason being Dimensional Energetic Equilibrium, or Karma. It is all apart of the same whole and thus inseparable.
Again just forget about Politics, its purpose is to keep you occupied with nonsense. John Kennedys death brought about a halt in the social revolution occuring at that time. His death virtually silenced every influencial dissenter that was aligning with the New Age Kennedy Ideal. The reason was to remain in control for another generation to continue working thier agenda.

Now we are at another crossroads, a new generation has outgrown an old system. Will the system adapt, or will we be forced to?

We are supposed to forget about the politics when you start out with a clearly political post?

Halt to the social revolution? What social revolution do you think was taking place?

Outgrown an old system? We haven't tried the "old" system.

First about the "System", we are still in the old system it just looks different. An analogy would be that even though we are driving cars that look futuristic they are actually almost mechanically identical to ones driven 80 years ago. In fact the basic methods for completely dominating a population into submission haven’t changed, ever, since the dawning of society; The shackle of choice has always been Fear.

Second, the social revolution. What was transpiring during the last months of Kennedy’s life and really a couple years leading up to his death was unprecedented in any modern human society. He was bringing about a system based on complete honesty and openness with the people, giving people free access to all the governments secrets. He was exposing the scandal of the military industrial complex and making people aware that America is still a country based on slavery. He was threatening to steal the power of the elite by giving True knowledge back to the people.
Again just forget about Politics, its purpose is to keep you occupied with nonsense. John Kennedys death brought about a halt in the social revolution occuring at that time. His death virtually silenced every influencial dissenter that was aligning with the New Age Kennedy Ideal. The reason was to remain in control for another generation to continue working thier agenda.

Now we are at another crossroads, a new generation has outgrown an old system. Will the system adapt, or will we be forced to?

We are supposed to forget about the politics when you start out with a clearly political post?

Halt to the social revolution? What social revolution do you think was taking place?

Outgrown an old system? We haven't tried the "old" system.

First about the "System", we are still in the old system it just looks different. An analogy would be that even though we are driving cars that look futuristic they are actually almost mechanically identical to ones driven 80 years ago. In fact the basic methods for completely dominating a population into submission haven’t changed, ever, since the dawning of society; The shackle of choice has always been Fear.

Second, the social revolution. What was transpiring during the last months of Kennedy’s life and really a couple years leading up to his death was unprecedented in any modern human society. He was bringing about a system based on complete honesty and openness with the people, giving people free access to all the governments secrets. He was exposing the scandal of the military industrial complex and making people aware that America is still a country based on slavery. He was threatening to steal the power of the elite by giving True knowledge back to the people.
How was he making people aware that America is still a country based on slavery?

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