Conservatives only: Is our country salvageable?


Diamond Member
Oct 5, 2021
I have been following news fairly closely, or was until this sick election happened... then not so much

but I still pay attention... so anyhow, i am asking all you conservatives who follow news

Do you think our country is hopeless?

That guy who said that America is great because it is good and when it fails to be good will no longer be great...

yeh... we've arrived at that sad point...
I have been following news fairly closely, or was until this sick election happened... then not so much

but I still pay attention... so anyhow, i am asking all you conservatives who follow news

Do you think our country is hopeless?

That guy who said that America is great because it is good and when it fails to be good will no longer be great...

yeh... we've arrived at that sad point...
I have been following news fairly closely, or was until this sick election happened... then not so much

but I still pay attention... so anyhow, i am asking all you conservatives who follow news

Do you think our country is hopeless?

That guy who said that America is great because it is good and when it fails to be good will no longer be great...

yeh... we've arrived at that sad point...

If we elect another Republican who has no plan to eliminate entire Departments, restore the 4th Amendment by eliminating the entire leadership at FBI, NSA, etc, all the Orwellian terrorists organizations, then yeah, we're fucked - sideways
This is 100% fixable, but it will require getting your lazy asses out there to vote, and don't believe in the lies that your vote will not count.

Even democrats are tiring of Biden, and year two JUST started. By year for, democrats will be completely apathetic to the whole situation. We MUST overwhelm them with numbers.
I have been following news fairly closely, or was until this sick election happened... then not so much

but I still pay attention... so anyhow, i am asking all you conservatives who follow news

Do you think our country is hopeless?

That guy who said that America is great because it is good and when it fails to be good will no longer be great...

yeh... we've arrived at that sad point...

This country is still amazing. Sorry that your life sucks. Mine is great. Lol
Who ever said Progressive was just a code name for Nazi?
If you break the law and are proven guilty of things like domestic terrorism, killing cops, seditious conspiracy, you should serve your sentence. If you are mentally ill ie delusional or schizophrenic, you should be treated at a mental facility. That covers 99% of trumpanzees right there.
I have been following news fairly closely, or was until this sick election happened... then not so much

but I still pay attention... so anyhow, i am asking all you conservatives who follow news

Do you think our country is hopeless?

That guy who said that America is great because it is good and when it fails to be good will no longer be great...

yeh... we've arrived at that sad point...

No matter which conservative Republican ends up becoming President, he or she is still going to be plagued by a howling mass of leftist monkeys, Marxist academics, and their media. Nothing short of feeding all into a giant wood chipper would end that, but that's just now who we are.

So we're screwed. Unless of course, we somehow became engaged in a full-blown war with some communist country like Russia or China. In which case some of the left would get a rude awakening and stand along side us to defeat them. Of course, many of them would also side up with our communist enemies, so it would be open season on them.
If you break the law and are proven guilty of things like domestic terrorism, killing cops, seditious conspiracy, you should serve your sentence. If you are mentally ill ie delusional or schizophrenic, you should be treated at a mental facility. That covers 99% of trumpanzees right there.
You're a dumbass. Your posts are a waste of bandwidth.
The U.S. survived the Civil War, reconstruction, the stock market crash, FDR's two decade Great Depression, a couple of world wars, the Cold War and the assassinations of a couple of presidents. Brandon ain't shit.
FDR didnt cause the Great Depression.
I have been following news fairly closely, or was until this sick election happened... then not so much

but I still pay attention... so anyhow, i am asking all you conservatives who follow news

Do you think our country is hopeless?

That guy who said that America is great because it is good and when it fails to be good will no longer be great...

yeh... we've arrived at that sad point...
Not at all. Now that the Socialist system is proved a disaster in a year, it will take some time to flush it throuth the bowels of the country

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