Conservatives push for end of "no fault" divorce

Let's do away with the term "forced to stay in a marriage", because that's deliberately inflammatory and creates a false impression. No one is saying that. What we ARE saying is it should not be trivial to divorce, especially if kids are involved. If a parent is literally so selfish that they would destroy an okay family for no good reason, that parent should pay a price for doing it, normally with dollar signs and access to the children attached. For example, if you want out and there's no abuse or intolerable situations, you leave, your spouse gets the kids, and you pay child support and alimony. You should not simply be able to force your spouse to leave AND force them to pay you for the privilege.

I see what you are saying and on principle do not disagree
About fucking time!!!!!!
Modern women have been abusing the "system" and WRECKING families for far too long!!!
Sounds like a personal problem. You know what people say about my wife? My wife is loyal. She is the most loyal wife. I could stand in 5th avenue and shoot someone and my wife wouldnt leave me. Its incredible!
To me “no fault” divorce is just like “no fault” traffic accidents… Complete and Utter BS

If it happened one party or the other was more at fault than the other and should face the consequences.
Not if the other person just “feels” like they don’t want to be married anymore. If it’s the woman, the man may be totally committed and if the woman (or the man if the situation is reversed), ends it for that reason, the other person shouldn’t be saddled for that mistake. They shouldn’t lose half of their possessions, pay the other person alimony etc..
They still have kids to support.
Let's do away with the term "forced to stay in a marriage", because that's deliberately inflammatory and creates a false impression. No one is saying that. What we ARE saying is it should not be trivial to divorce, especially if kids are involved. If a parent is literally so selfish that they would destroy an okay family for no good reason, that parent should pay a price for doing it, normally with dollar signs and access to the children attached. For example, if you want out and there's no abuse or intolerable situations, you leave, your spouse gets the kids, and you pay child support and alimony. You should not simply be able to force your spouse to leave AND force them to pay you for the privilege.
Im sure you would like to "do away" with it.

This seems a gift to domestic abusers. I can only see it as a desire to take society back to a pre civilised age.
Message to failed husbands and wives. Once its over its over. You waste your time trying to turn the tide.
They are right to try and overturn it

No fault divorse is nothing more than a misndric attack on men by radical feminists

It has nothing whatsoever to do with domestic violence. No fault allows anyone to openly cheat on their spouse and then destroy their spouse in court without any consideration of infidelity. This is most often done by women.
An additional reason for people today to not bother getting married at all. Most certainly the next relationship will be an unmarried one since those involved can't afford the lawyers to get them out of their first marriage.
They will still need lawyers when they break up no less difficult to dissolve then marriage

But not committing to one seems to be the trend

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