Conservatives push for end of "no fault" divorce

They are right to try and overturn it

No fault divorse is nothing more than a misndric attack on men by radical feminists

It has nothing whatsoever to do with domestic violence. No fault allows anyone to openly cheat on their spouse and then destroy their spouse in court without any consideration of infidelity. This is most often done by women.

No fault divorce has nothing to do with how marital assets are distributed, where the children go and what alimony/child support is required

Even unmarried people have to pay child support
Does the Govt force people to stay in jobs they do not like?
It does not. It does, however, set consequences for leaving a job, such as not getting paid anymore or staying on the employer's health insurance, and depending on the contract signed when the person was hired, impose legal penalties for badmouthing the employer. IOW, sure you can leave a job, but you pay a price for doing it. And, in some places, the government makes it difficult if not impossible for a company to separate itself from an employee.
Hey, sometimes you have to make sacrifices.

Sometimes you don't always love your spouse, and sometimes you don't like your job.

But you still do what you have to do.
What is gained through that sacrifice? What honor is being served by staying in a bad relationship?
No fault divorce has nothing to do with how marital assets are distributed, where the children go and what alimony/child support is required

Even unmarried people have to pay child support


It does not tell ghow anything is distributed but it DOES prevent distriibution of assets based on who did what to destroy the marriage
Pushing for a jointly wanted divorce is a joke. Marriage is a contract of commitment. It just takes one to no longer want that commitment. Men leave their wives all the time for people they like more or a life they like more. It isnt a gender thing to want out of a relationship.
Every contract contains provisions for dissolving the contract. That's all that's being pursued here. If you want out, you accept the penalties you agreed to when you got married. If you want to swap him or her out for a newer model or just because you're tired of the face at the breakfast table, you pay for the privilege.
Does the Govt force people to stay in jobs they do not like?
Yes. As a matter of fact they do. Particularly as it concerns divorce. Say Ole Jimmy absolutely fucking hates his job, but he puts in hours, because it brings in the money to support a lifestyle his family wants. So he makes that sacrifice for his family. Then one morning his wife wakes up, and chants the magical incantation, "I'm not happy"! Viola! Files for divorce gets at a bare minimum half of everything, and the kids.
Well Jimmy decides to say "fuck it"; he doesn't want that shitty job. He only did it to support the family he no longer has, and instead decides to pursue his pro surfing dream. Not so fast Jimmy. You better stay in that job, or one that pays just as much if not better. Because she needs her cut, and so does the State. If he says fuck it, quits his job, and pursues his dream... He'll be in jail inside the year.
So yes. The State absolutely will make you stay in a job you hate. Or send you to jail...
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They imagine a return to a strict patriarchy.
They unfortunately don’t hold women in enough regard to realize the enormous power women now hold and that they will not abide a return to servility. I’m not sure how these men would force everyone else to abide without significant violence.
There seems to be a movement to restrict freedoms for women in particular.

Birth control
and now this.
And they always quote some biblical reference to support it..
Its obscene.
Again, children make it more complex, but..let the man have the kids, let him have the house and all the stuff…she can pay him child support and
In some cases that might work. But in most the husband earns more and the wife gives up more. So generally the wife gets the kids and the husband gets access.
Total bull. You don't know real people. This is just advocating true equality. What need does the family court system have to automatically award a wife in a divorce custody of the kids and alimony? She can work any job she wants and get paid very well. If she wants out, let her foot the bill. That's equality, but is it what you really want?
You’re hilariously under informed and relying on your own bad assumptions to form an opinion.
Nothing is automatic in a divorce case. Each case is adjudicated on its own set of facts and what is in the best interests of any children given the circumstances at the time. These orders can be changed as circumstances change.
There seems to be a movement to restrict freedoms for women in particular.

Birth control
and now this.
And they always quote some biblical reference to support it..
Its obscene.
I quoted nno biblical referrence but I did state facts,

In no fault divorce states the vast majority of divorce filing are initiated by women. When asked the reasons for filing are overwhelmingly ' lack of satisfaction " not infidelity or domestic violence but just a little unsatisfied with the marriage.

In these same states family aqnd divorce courts are massively biased against men.

What this equates to is a woman gets married has a couple kids and gets a house. Start an affair kick the guy who provided those assets to the curb, take the house, take the kids, and move another man into the bed to replace that man.

This is why feminists zealously pushed for no fault divorce and continue to support it. It was designed as a misandric attack on men

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