Conservatives slamming cancel culture while boycotting Anheuser Busch/Nike over Dylan Mulvaney partnership exposes hypocrisy

Why would I cry if you just agreed to stop bitching when we boycott crazies, because you were caught the boycotting so you don't want to be

Finally! A right wing nut in the thread agrees that you're engaging in cancel culture. Other conservatives were pretending that it's not canceled culture. They were pretending that liberals and conservatives have different rules. Now you admit that the rules are the same. I love you. You're my favorite bigot.
"Cancel culture"(your creation) is NOT the same thing as "boycott".
Just like Male is NOT THE SAME THING as Female.
You fucking demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies are NUTS! :cuckoo:
Wrong. Stop making up your own dictionary.
Why would I cry if you just agreed to stop bitching when we boycott crazies, because you were caught the boycotting so you don't want to be

Finally! A right wing nut in the thread agrees that you're engaging in cancel culture. Other conservatives were pretending that it's not canceled culture. They were pretending that liberals and conservatives have different rules. Now you admit that the rules are the same. I love you. You're my favorite bigot.
Let’s see how it works out for you. You loud mouths (10% of the public that are too dumb to define men and women) demand companies perform in your queer antics or you’ll boycott, and we (90% of their customer base) will boycott them if they do.

Let’s see who wins. I have a feeling this A-B boycott is going to be around for a while.
You don't like the rules you fricken idiots created? Too damn bad.


In case you hadn’t noticed, we haven’t been witnessing “business as usual” in America for a while now. This has become particularly obvious over the past two years, but it’s been going on for longer than that. The most recent and obvious example of the “new normal” is the persecution of a former president by an out-of-control liberal District Attorney in Manhattan. But the weaponization of law enforcement and the courts runs much deeper, as we saw with the FBI’s obstruction of the law and successful efforts to influence the outcome of the 2020 elections using Big Tech as their vehicle of choice. Other examples abound.

At Townhall, our colleague Kurt Schlichter points out that the old norms are out the window and the left has basically declared war and open season on conservatives and Republicans. Old traditions of restraint in the interest of getting work done are a thing of the past. And Kurt argues that the only way to return to any sense of normalcy in politics and public life is to start hitting back even harder than our opponents.

I’ll offer some caveats to that concept below, but here’s his opening pitch, describing how liberals are not going to behave reasonably until we “nuke ’em ’til they glow.”

Conservatives whose reaction to the banana republic shenanigans of a leftist DA in a leftist city using a ridiculous perversion of the law to take out an enemy of the leftists is anything less than a desire to deal the pain right back are worse than useless. They are a menace. Their channeling of Kevin Bacon in “Animal House” empowers our enemies to ruin our country – and us. If you love the rule of law, if you want to bring back our precious norms and hold to our precious principles, then it’s time to go Full Truman and nuke ‘em ‘til they glow.
I note that Japan hasn’t gotten uppity since we tossed them a couple of hot rocks. And that’s what we need to do to the left.
Mutually assured destruction works. But the “mutual” part is just as important as the “destruction” part. When you don’t make it mutual, when your sissy rectitude reacts to them wrecking you by whimpering about how hypocritical they are, then it’s only us who get destroyed. And that does not work for me.
The whole column is full of revenge fantasy porn goodness, so it’s worth a read if you missed it yesterday. And the current situation across the country isn’t entirely hopeless. Kurt offers a few examples of people who are already counterpunching to the best of their ability. Kevin McCarthy took hold of the gavel and booted some bad actors out of their precious committee seats. He has a full weaponization committee in gear conducting investigations in every direction. In Florida, Ron DeSantis has fired up the flamethrower and blasted it at more than Disney. There are a few others.

Yeah, we’re going to play your game now. Get used to it and go fucking cry in a corner. Nobody with a mother, wife, daughter, niece or girlfriend should buy A-B products. Destroy that company. Let them reap what they have sowed.

When you build a brand on real men drinking beer promoted by real beautiful women and do a 180, customers do a 180. You aren’t throwing that faggot shit in our faces and degrading the women in our lives. No matter how hard you cry about it.

This........ x 100,000,000


Well, well, well, look who loves cancel culture now! The same group of conservative hypocrites who are calling for a boycott of Anheuser have been the first to slam cancel culture as 'un-American.' How convenient! It seems like these folks only care about cancel culture when it's aimed at something they like.

The double standard is just too much to handle. Maybe they should focus on boycotting their own hypocrisy instead.
Cancel culture is against an individual. Boycotting is against a business. Try not to confuse terms or yourself. America has always been about individual freedom. Thus the concern over attacking individuals through cancel culture.
Cancel culture is against an individual. Boycotting is against a business. Try not to confuse terms or yourself. America has always been about individual freedom. Thus the concern over attacking individuals through cancel culture.
According to the dictionary with no link, Right? Get the f*** out of here with your made up definitions.

Well, well, well, look who loves cancel culture now! The same group of conservative hypocrites who are calling for a boycott of Anheuser have been the first to slam cancel culture as 'un-American.' How convenient! It seems like these folks only care about cancel culture when it's aimed at something they like.

The double standard is just too much to handle. Maybe they should focus on boycotting their own hypocrisy instead.
Seems hypocritical, doesn't it? Essentially it's the same treatment they give their own when they speak their mind as well. Anyone seen Cheney lately?

Well, well, well, look who loves cancel culture now! The same group of conservative hypocrites who are calling for a boycott of Anheuser have been the first to slam cancel culture as 'un-American.' How convenient! It seems like these folks only care about cancel culture when it's aimed at something they like.

The double standard is just too much to handle. Maybe they should focus on boycotting their own hypocrisy instead.
Someone doesn't know the difference between a personal choice to boycott a product based on individual principle; and the use of corrupt corporate power structures to enforce an agenda....

Lefties really are simple. No wonder they are so easily taken advantage of...
Seems hypocritical, doesn't it? Essentially it's the same treatment they give their own when they speak their mind as well. Anyone seen Cheney lately?

You guys......the game is no longer get to destroy without consequences.......
Someone doesn't know the difference between a personal choice to boycott a product based on individual principle; and the use of corrupt corporate power structures to enforce an agenda....

Lefties really are simple. No wonder they are so easily taken advantage of...

Yeah....easily taken advantage of, but easily turned into mass murdering monsters as well..........

Well, well, well, look who loves cancel culture now! The same group of conservative hypocrites who are calling for a boycott of Anheuser have been the first to slam cancel culture as 'un-American.' How convenient! It seems like these folks only care about cancel culture when it's aimed at something they like.

The double standard is just too much to handle. Maybe they should focus on boycotting their own hypocrisy instead.

Not only do Democrats and snowflaes NOT know what a 'woman' is, it was just proved they have no idea what 'cancel culture' is.
Not only do Democrats and snowflaes NOT know what a 'woman' is, it was just proved they have no idea what 'cancel culture' is.

they know what cancel culture is..... it is now one of their latest weapons against normal people........they just have to protect that weapon by pretending it doesn't exist...........

We need to stop being shy about fighting back....this isn't just a boycott, this is a counter attack against their open attack on women and children.....dylan mulvaney is a direct attack on women, and an indirect attack on our children

Well, well, well, look who loves cancel culture now! The same group of conservative hypocrites who are calling for a boycott of Anheuser have been the first to slam cancel culture as 'un-American.' How convenient! It seems like these folks only care about cancel culture when it's aimed at something they like.

The double standard is just too much to handle. Maybe they should focus on boycotting their own hypocrisy instead.
Who says they're the same people?

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