Conservatives slamming cancel culture while boycotting Anheuser Busch/Nike over Dylan Mulvaney partnership exposes hypocrisy

I don't actively participate in boycotts.

I do make personal choices not to buy products or financially support businesses / people who support / advocate things I disagree with / that conflict with my faith, morals, ethics, etc....
I don't actively participate in boycotts.

I do make personal choices not to buy products or financially support businesses / people who support / advocate things I disagree with / that conflict with my faith, morals, ethics, etc....

This is the truth......

For hundreds of years, no one in America bothered or cared about transsexuals and drag queens. Then THEY chose to wage a political war against us normal people. After nearly two-hundred years of peaceful co-existence, leftist transsexuals and drag queens rose up all at once to target our children for grooming and surgical mutilation; cheat in women’s sports; demand access to our daughter’s bathrooms, and bully us to join their anti-science delusion with their stupid pronouns.

Then, because we want no part of that madness, suddenly, the same people who left transsexuals alone for 250 years are the enemy… We’re transphobes… We’re committing “trans genocide,”—which is a hoax

We cancel over the fact of the make pretend they are forcibly advocating
You cancel when your feelings get messy.
This is the truth......

For hundreds of years, no one in America bothered or cared about transsexuals and drag queens.

This is YOUR truth.

Just because you didn't see protests for LGBTQ doesn't mean no one cared.

I can't speak for others, but I served in the military for 35 years to protect and defend this country and EVERYONE, no matter the race, sex, gender, etc...

Also, I believe everyone has the right to live THEIR lives, make THEIR own personal choices and decisions as long as they don't infringe in anyone else's Constitutional rights.

I don't care who you choose to love / live your life with - go for it ... but don't try to ram it down MY throat, force YOUR opinions / lifestyle decisions / choices on me...and leave my kids alone.

If Budweiser wants to make a transgender, pedophile, or someone who engages in necrophilia that is their choice ... but I do not have to agree with or financially support them (gjve them my money).

That is my God-given and Co stitutionsl right to do so. Don't try to destroy me for not agreeing with or for personally opposing 'your' choices, agenda, etc...

Leave me the f* alone, I will leave you alone, and we will disagree to disagree.

I'll go a step further, as I have for 35 years - I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend your Consitutional right to say it.

There are evil, liberal socialist / communist power-hungry people who are not happy with that but who are trying to control every aspect of other people's lives.

I have a seriuis problem with that. I fought that abroad for 35 years. Never thought I would have to do so here, but I am willing to do so.
This is YOUR truth.

Just because you didn't see protests for LGBTQ doesn't mean no one cared.

I can't speak for others, but I served in the military for 35 years to protect and defend this country and EVERYONE, no matter the race, sex, gender, etc...

Also, I believe everyone has the right to live THEIR lives, make THEIR own personal choices and decisions as long as they don't infringe in anyone else's Constitutional rights.

I don't care who you choose to love / live your life with - go for it ... but don't try to ram it down MY throat, force YOUR opinions / lifestyle decisions / choices on me...and leave my kids alone.

If Budweiser wants to make a transgender, pedophile, or someone who engages in necrophilia that is their choice ... but I do not have to agree with or financially support them (gjve them my money).

That is my God-given and Co stitutionsl right to do so. Don't try to destroy me for not agreeing with or for personally opposing 'your' choices, agenda, etc...

Leave me the f* alone, I will leave you alone, and we will disagree to disagree.

I'll go a step further, as I have for 35 years - I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend your Consitutional right to say it.

There are evil, liberal socialist / communist power-hungry people who are not happy with that but who are trying to control every aspect of other people's lives.

I have a seriuis problem with that. I fought that abroad for 35 years. Never thought I would have to do so here, but I am willing to do so.

You missed his point......

No one cared what they did........they were left alone..........the men in dresses lived their lives and did their wasn't until they started invading libraries and girl's bathrooms that the fight started........
You missed his point......

No one cared what they did........they were left alone..........the men in dresses lived their lives and did their wasn't until they started invading libraries and girl's bathrooms that the fight started........

Sorry, I missed that. My apologies. Thank you for the clarification.

Well, well, well, look who loves cancel culture now! The same group of conservative hypocrites who are calling for a boycott of Anheuser have been the first to slam cancel culture as 'un-American.' How convenient! It seems like these folks only care about cancel culture when it's aimed at something they like.

The double standard is just too much to handle. Maybe they should focus on boycotting their own hypocrisy instead.
Again, any game liberals can invent, conservatives can learn to play
No, reality is yours.

My choosing to NOT buy your product is NOT 'cancel culture', dumbass.
Merriam Webster disagrees.

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