Conservatives slamming cancel culture while boycotting Anheuser Busch/Nike over Dylan Mulvaney partnership exposes hypocrisy

Meh, if I wax a bit hypocritical in not buying A-B's swill due to their promoting the mental deficient then I can live with it. No shits given about what some leftist has to say about my choice to do so because I'm still, and will remain, better than them.

That and boycotting a product is the very lowest rung on the whole cancel culture ladder. I can live with that too.

Hey, I still admire the Clydesdales and don't wish to see them turned into soap. ;)

As a interesting aside the term boycott comes from a man by the name of Boycott.

In 19th century Ireland, wealthy, absentee Englishmen owned most of the land. They would hire a Land Manager to look after their estates and collect rent from tenant farmers. Charles Boycott was the Land Manager for the absent Earl of Erne.

In 1880, after a bad harvest, the Earl’s tenants demanded their rents be lowered by 25 percent. The Earl offered them 10 percent. When the tenants wouldn’t accept this, the Earl ordered Boycott to evict any farmers who did not pay their rents.

Local Irish shunned Boycott and anyone associated with him; no one would take over empty farms on the Earl’s land and local businesses would not sell anything to Boycott, including food.

Boycott was forced to leave for Dublin, and even tried to move to the United States, but his reputation followed him and any business that worked with him was threatened with a “boycott.”

In 1888, the Oxford English Dictionary first included the word boycott.

Conservatives slamming cancel culture while boycotting Anheuser Busch/Nike over Dylan Mulvaney partnership exposes hypocrisy​

I know, right?

Well, well, well, look who loves cancel culture now! The same group of conservative hypocrites who are calling for a boycott of Anheuser have been the first to slam cancel culture as 'un-American.' How convenient! It seems like these folks only care about cancel culture when it's aimed at something they like.

The double standard is just too much to handle. Maybe they should focus on boycotting their own hypocrisy instead.

I agree with a previous poster -

Attempting to ruin others because they don't support your agenda / view is different from making a personal decision not to buy a product because you don't support their agenda / views.

One is using your money / influence to hurt / destroy someone / something. The other is choosing to walk away from someone, YOUR choice not to personally fund / support their views.

Well, well, well, look who loves cancel culture now! The same group of conservative hypocrites who are calling for a boycott of Anheuser have been the first to slam cancel culture as 'un-American.' How convenient! It seems like these folks only care about cancel culture when it's aimed at something they like.

The double standard is just too much to handle. Maybe they should focus on boycotting their own hypocrisy instead.
This dude is trying to transfer to a 12 to 14 year old girl. So I guess he is going to want to date boys around that age. You gonna support that? A 26 year old man dating little kids?
You got owned by your favorite dictionary, and now you're canceling Merriam Webster because you didn't like their definition of cancel.
You gonna support a 26 year old man dating little kids? Look like Bush and Nike are and I'm not gonna give my money to businesses that do.

Well, well, well, look who loves cancel culture now! The same group of conservative hypocrites who are calling for a boycott of Anheuser have been the first to slam cancel culture as 'un-American.' How convenient! It seems like these folks only care about cancel culture when it's aimed at something they like.

The double standard is just too much to handle. Maybe they should focus on boycotting their own hypocrisy instead.

So… shitheads destroy lives with cancel culture, you imprison people for quietly walking through the Capitol, you use the FBI, DOJ, and IRS to target your political enemies and LawFare to target Republican politicians, ending with made up charges to arrest Trump…………and you actually expect us to play by the old rules?

You wanted these rules….you created these rules……….now you are going to get hit back twice as hard….

Well, well, well, look who loves cancel culture now! The same group of conservative hypocrites who are calling for a boycott of Anheuser have been the first to slam cancel culture as 'un-American.' How convenient! It seems like these folks only care about cancel culture when it's aimed at something they like.

The double standard is just too much to handle. Maybe they should focus on boycotting their own hypocrisy instead.

Here’s the difference leftists. Nobody is going to bars and beer retailers smashing windows and shutting them down and demanding the government do something. Nobody is assaulting people wearing blue bud light hats. It’s a personal choice for all those that are boycotting bud light. You know, freedom n stuff.
No, cancelling is banning someone across all platforms and trying to get them fired from their job. Words have meaning. Learn them, you stupid fucking imbecile. :cuckoo:

After what they have done to Trump and the rule of law in our country………..we now need to punish them by using their rules of engagement………..

Mutually assured destruction of leftists is the only way to restore civil behavior in our society…..
Here’s the difference leftists. Nobody is going to bars and beer retailers smashing windows and shutting them down and demanding the government do something. Nobody is assaulting people wearing blue bud light hats. It’s a personal choice for all those that are boycotting bud light. You know, freedom n stuff.

You should stop apologizing….embrace the new rules the democrats have forced on us……..the only way to get back to normal is to wreck democrats with their own rules…….make them suffer the same way they have made innocent Americans across the country suffer…….,

Make them suffer…..
This dude is trying to transfer to a 12 to 14 year old girl. So I guess he is going to want to date boys around that age. You gonna support that? A 26 year old man dating little kids?

He is apparently a groomer too…….
You should stop apologizing….embrace the new rules the democrats have forced on us……..the only way to get back to normal is to wreck democrats with their own rules…….make them suffer the same way they have made innocent Americans across the country suffer…….,

Make them suffer…..

I’m not apologizing to anyone or for anything.

Conservatives slamming cancel culture while boycotting Anheuser Busch/Nike over Dylan Mulvaney partnership exposes hypocrisy​

I know, right?
View attachment 774720
We just had three African American teenagers on age 12 murder three white teenage girls in a red county in Florida. This is what you have done. All of the years and spending for social justice without rules and the destabilizing of our nation is in front of us.

I was going to do a thread and poll asking Progressive "men" that. But you pussies would never answer

A boycott is different than "cancel culture."

When a manufacturer like Nike embraces a sick anti American fascist bigot like Colin Kaepernick, Americans have the right to boycott Nike.

That is different than the media canceling Pat Buchanan for telling Americans the truth in 2002, that W's invasion of Iraq is "Israel's war."

Boycotts are very American and consistent with free speech, the free speech of those boycotting.

Cancel culture is about censoring truth and patriotism to America, since the "cancel culture" has neither...

Well, well, well, look who loves cancel culture now! The same group of conservative hypocrites who are calling for a boycott of Anheuser have been the first to slam cancel culture as 'un-American.' How convenient! It seems like these folks only care about cancel culture when it's aimed at something they like.

The double standard is just too much to handle. Maybe they should focus on boycotting their own hypocrisy instead.
You don't like the rules you fricken idiots created? Too damn bad.

Well, well, well, look who loves cancel culture now! The same group of conservative hypocrites who are calling for a boycott of Anheuser have been the first to slam cancel culture as 'un-American.' How convenient! It seems like these folks only care about cancel culture when it's aimed at something they like.

The double standard is just too much to handle. Maybe they should focus on boycotting their own hypocrisy instead.
Yeah, we’re going to play your game now. Get used to it and go fucking cry in a corner. Nobody with a mother, wife, daughter, niece or girlfriend should buy A-B products. Destroy that company. Let them reap what they have sowed.

When you build a brand on real men drinking beer promoted by real beautiful women and do a 180, customers do a 180. You aren’t throwing that faggot shit in our faces and degrading the women in our lives. No matter how hard you cry about it.
Yeah, we’re going to play your game now. Get used to it and go fucking cry in a corner. Nobody with a mother, wife, daughter, niece or girlfriend should buy A-B products. Destroy that company. Let them reap what they have sowed.

When you build a brand on real men drinking beer promoted by real beautiful women and do a 180, customers do a 180. You aren’t throwing that faggot shit in our faces and degrading the women in our lives. No matter how hard you cry about it.
Why would I cry if you just agreed to stop bitching when we boycott crazies, because you were caught the boycotting so you don't want to be
You don't like the rules you fricken idiots created? Too damn bad.

Finally! A right wing nut in the thread agrees that you're engaging in cancel culture. Other conservatives were pretending that it's not canceled culture. They were pretending that liberals and conservatives have different rules. Now you admit that the rules are the same. I love you. You're my favorite bigot.

Well, well, well, look who loves cancel culture now! The same group of conservative hypocrites who are calling for a boycott of Anheuser have been the first to slam cancel culture as 'un-American.' How convenient! It seems like these folks only care about cancel culture when it's aimed at something they like.

The double standard is just too much to handle. Maybe they should focus on boycotting their own hypocrisy instead.
Fragile masculinity is one of the pillars of the Right.
Yeah, we’re going to play your game now. Get used to it and go fucking cry in a corner. Nobody with a mother, wife, daughter, niece or girlfriend should buy A-B products. Destroy that company. Let them reap what they have sowed.

When you build a brand on real men drinking beer promoted by real beautiful women and do a 180, customers do a 180. You aren’t throwing that faggot shit in our faces and degrading the women in our lives. No matter how hard you cry about it.
Oh my! Pitching a fit over a beer can. :heehee:

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