Conservatives...Smacked In The Kisser!

I have to say PoliticalChic - for the first time ever, I am really disappointed in you. I was proud to be a NEVER TRUMP. He doesn't have a true conservative bone in his entire body. He's a life-long liberal and he acts like one - right down to his misogynistic view of women.

I would have even voted for Bernie Sanders over Donald Trump. As much as I abhor socialism - I at least respected the fact that Bernie Sanders was honest. The entire Dumbocrat Party is 100% socialists these days, but only Bernie admits it. It was only due to the fact that the Dumbocrats nominated the most unelectable candidate in U.S. history that I even considered casting a vote for Donald Trump.

I thought you were a true conservative. It turns out, you're just another RINO. :crybaby:
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Well....not all of us conservatives....just the sell-out bunch.

1. When Donald Trump...against all probability...won the Republican nomination, one of the most infuriating....or disappointing....outcomes, was the chorus of the "purer then thou" conservatives....dubbed "Never Trumpers."

2. "....the editor of the conservative National Review, assembles a squadron of writers from all over the world of conservatism -- religious figures, radio personalities, President Reagan's former aides. True, they might have had their differences in the past, but this time, they have all come together in one final effort to stop a powerful villain from destroying liberty and freedom before the Iowa caucuses in just over a week.
That villain, of course, is Donald Trump, ..." Top Republicans say Donald Trump’s real problem is that he’s too moderate

3. "....signing one or both of two public “Never Trump” letters during the campaign, declaring they would not vote for Trump and calling his candidacy a danger to the nation. One letter, with 122 names, was published by War on the Rocks, a website devoted to national security commentary, during the primary season in March. The other, with 50 names, including some repeat signatories, was published by the New York Times during the general-election campaign in August." Vox Popoli: Pity the poor Never Trumpers

5. In the most abysmal act of political betrayal....
"Jeb Bush’s son: Yeah, it’s possible my Uncle George will vote for Hillary Clinton"
Jeb Bush’s son: Yeah, it’s possible my Uncle George will vote for Hillary Clinton - Hot Air

4. Shocked at the duplicity......this comes to mind:
"Ephialtes He betrayed his homeland, in hope of receiving some kind of reward from the Persians,[2] by showing the Persian forces a path around the allied Greek position at the pass of Thermopylae, which helped them win the Battle of Thermopylae in 480 BC." Ephialtes of Trachis - Wikipedia


Ephialtes of Trachis - Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia

" Ever since Ephialtes betrayed the Greeks at Thermopylae, in Greek "ephialtes" means nightmare. Ephialtes also is used in Greek as a synonym for traitor, in a comparable fashion to the usage of the words Quisling or Judas, or Benedict Arnold in the US."
Or....'Never Trump!"

Coming right up....the stake through the heart of the "Never-Trump Conservative" windbags.

The OP is a free trader now devoted to a protectionist.

The OP spewed hatred for Clinton's treatment of women for years, now devoted to Trump, who if anything has been worse then Clinton.

Did I hear the word 'sellout' somewhere?
Trump is worse than Clinton?

New York Times bestselling author Roger Stone has a new book, The Clintons’ War on Women, and he spoke exclusively to Breitbart News about the revelations he is making about Bill and Hillary Clinton.​

"If Hillary intends to build her campaign around an appeal to women, her campaign is built on quicksand,” said Stone. But “Hillary is a life-time abuser of women and her advocacy on women issues rings hollow,” he said.​

The book includes details about Clinton’s alleged crimes in Arkansas, in the White House, during her term as Secretary of State, and at the Clinton Foundation, and concludes with revelations about Hillary’s current presidential campaign.
She’s a life-long abuser of women. She denigrates, degrades and threatens those women who are unlucky enough to be the sexual assault victims of her husband, and that number, you know, is in the hundreds,” Stone said exclusively to Breitbart News.​

He explained the book focuses on 14 individual cases in which Hillary hired private detectives who “threatened and silenced” Bill’s victims."​

Roger Stone Touts New Book, 'The Clintons' War on Women'

Rap Sheet: The Women Who Claim to Be Victims of Bill and Hillary Clinton - Breitbart
Well....not all of us conservatives....just the sell-out bunch.

1. When Donald Trump...against all probability...won the Republican nomination, one of the most infuriating....or disappointing....outcomes, was the chorus of the "purer then thou" conservatives....dubbed "Never Trumpers."

2. "....the editor of the conservative National Review, assembles a squadron of writers from all over the world of conservatism -- religious figures, radio personalities, President Reagan's former aides. True, they might have had their differences in the past, but this time, they have all come together in one final effort to stop a powerful villain from destroying liberty and freedom before the Iowa caucuses in just over a week.
That villain, of course, is Donald Trump, ..." Top Republicans say Donald Trump’s real problem is that he’s too moderate

3. "....signing one or both of two public “Never Trump” letters during the campaign, declaring they would not vote for Trump and calling his candidacy a danger to the nation. One letter, with 122 names, was published by War on the Rocks, a website devoted to national security commentary, during the primary season in March. The other, with 50 names, including some repeat signatories, was published by the New York Times during the general-election campaign in August." Vox Popoli: Pity the poor Never Trumpers

5. In the most abysmal act of political betrayal....
"Jeb Bush’s son: Yeah, it’s possible my Uncle George will vote for Hillary Clinton"
Jeb Bush’s son: Yeah, it’s possible my Uncle George will vote for Hillary Clinton - Hot Air

4. Shocked at the duplicity......this comes to mind:
"Ephialtes He betrayed his homeland, in hope of receiving some kind of reward from the Persians,[2] by showing the Persian forces a path around the allied Greek position at the pass of Thermopylae, which helped them win the Battle of Thermopylae in 480 BC." Ephialtes of Trachis - Wikipedia


Ephialtes of Trachis - Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia

" Ever since Ephialtes betrayed the Greeks at Thermopylae, in Greek "ephialtes" means nightmare. Ephialtes also is used in Greek as a synonym for traitor, in a comparable fashion to the usage of the words Quisling or Judas, or Benedict Arnold in the US."
Or....'Never Trump!"

Coming right up....the stake through the heart of the "Never-Trump Conservative" windbags.

The OP is a free trader now devoted to a protectionist.

The OP spewed hatred for Clinton's treatment of women for years, now devoted to Trump, who if anything has been worse then Clinton.

Did I hear the word 'sellout' somewhere?
I don't know, when someone talks about doing it, while the other actually did do it, then deny it over and over until the blue dress showed up, funny how you leftwing idiots(redundant statement) would be honoring Trump if he had a (D) in front of his name. Liberal hypocrisy knows, no bounds. NyCarbinates, go back to your parents basement, cower in fear, that your welfare check is going away and you might actually have to work for a living. I am tired of having to put you and millions of others on my dependent list W-2.

oh look, a parents' basement insult on the internet. How novel.

Try addressing the OP's hypocrisy.
I would rather point out how much of a loser you are. When people understand where you are coming from, they tend to realize how fanatical you start becoming.

If you know me, go ahead and tell everyone where my parent's basement is.
Well....not all of us conservatives....just the sell-out bunch.

1. When Donald Trump...against all probability...won the Republican nomination, one of the most infuriating....or disappointing....outcomes, was the chorus of the "purer then thou" conservatives....dubbed "Never Trumpers."

2. "....the editor of the conservative National Review, assembles a squadron of writers from all over the world of conservatism -- religious figures, radio personalities, President Reagan's former aides. True, they might have had their differences in the past, but this time, they have all come together in one final effort to stop a powerful villain from destroying liberty and freedom before the Iowa caucuses in just over a week.
That villain, of course, is Donald Trump, ..." Top Republicans say Donald Trump’s real problem is that he’s too moderate

3. "....signing one or both of two public “Never Trump” letters during the campaign, declaring they would not vote for Trump and calling his candidacy a danger to the nation. One letter, with 122 names, was published by War on the Rocks, a website devoted to national security commentary, during the primary season in March. The other, with 50 names, including some repeat signatories, was published by the New York Times during the general-election campaign in August." Vox Popoli: Pity the poor Never Trumpers

5. In the most abysmal act of political betrayal....
"Jeb Bush’s son: Yeah, it’s possible my Uncle George will vote for Hillary Clinton"
Jeb Bush’s son: Yeah, it’s possible my Uncle George will vote for Hillary Clinton - Hot Air

4. Shocked at the duplicity......this comes to mind:
"Ephialtes He betrayed his homeland, in hope of receiving some kind of reward from the Persians,[2] by showing the Persian forces a path around the allied Greek position at the pass of Thermopylae, which helped them win the Battle of Thermopylae in 480 BC." Ephialtes of Trachis - Wikipedia


Ephialtes of Trachis - Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia

" Ever since Ephialtes betrayed the Greeks at Thermopylae, in Greek "ephialtes" means nightmare. Ephialtes also is used in Greek as a synonym for traitor, in a comparable fashion to the usage of the words Quisling or Judas, or Benedict Arnold in the US."
Or....'Never Trump!"

Coming right up....the stake through the heart of the "Never-Trump Conservative" windbags.

The OP is a free trader now devoted to a protectionist.

The OP spewed hatred for Clinton's treatment of women for years, now devoted to Trump, who if anything has been worse then Clinton.

Did I hear the word 'sellout' somewhere?
I don't know, when someone talks about doing it, while the other actually did do it, then deny it over and over until the blue dress showed up, funny how you leftwing idiots(redundant statement) would be honoring Trump if he had a (D) in front of his name. Liberal hypocrisy knows, no bounds. NyCarbinates, go back to your parents basement, cower in fear, that your welfare check is going away and you might actually have to work for a living. I am tired of having to put you and millions of others on my dependent list W-2.

oh look, a parents' basement insult on the internet. How novel.

Try addressing the OP's hypocrisy.
I would rather point out how much of a loser you are. When people understand where you are coming from, they tend to realize how fanatical you start becoming.

If you would rather hurl comical insults than address the topics, you might want to go read the forum rules.
I have to say PoliticalChic - for the first time ever, I am really disappointed in you. I was proud to be a NEVER TRUMP. He doesn't have a true conservative bone in his entire body. He's a life-long liberal and he acts like one - right down to his misogynistic view of women.

I would have even voted for Bernie Sanders over Donald Trump. As much as I abhor socialism - I at least respected the fact that Bernie Sanders was honest. The entire Dumbocrat Party is 100% socialists these days, but only Bernie admits it. It was only due to the fact that the Dumbocrats nominated the most unelectable candidate in U.S. history that I even considered casting a vote for Donald Trump.

I thought you were a true conservative. It turns out, you're just another RINO. :crybaby:

Well, now, [email protected] need some tough love.....
...coming right up

1. "for the first time ever, I am really disappointed in you."
Well, right back atcha,!!!

This thread is designed just for folks like you....folks willing to turn the nation the Founders created, and the one I love, over to a career criminal and congenital liar.

This from my previous post:

Consider what Bill's wife would have brought: "Hillary Clinton took pains to establish herself as the Democratic candidate who would most faithfullycontinue the legacy of President Barack Obama ..."
How Each Democratic Candidate Is Trying To Leverage President Obama

A $40 trillion debt!!!!!!

2. "He doesn't have a true conservative bone in his entire body."
Read this entire thread....and then you can fact, I expect penitential prostration.
You will find proof.....PROOF.....that Trump's cabinet is the most Conservative in modern history!

3. "He's a life-long liberal and he acts like one..."
After I embarrass you with this thread...tell me which of his nominees a Liberal would have chosen

4. "I would have even voted for Bernie Sanders over Donald Trump. As much as I abhor socialism..."
Sanders is more than a socialist....he's a communist.

" [At] the University of Chicago, Sanders joined the Young People’s Socialist League, the youth wing of the Socialist Party USA. He also organized for a communist front, the United Packinghouse Workers Union, which at the time was under investigation by the House Committee on Un-American Activities.

...graduating with a political science degree, Sanders moved to Vermont, where he headed the American People’s History Society, an organ for Marxist propaganda. There, he produced a glowing documentary on the life of socialist revolutionary Eugene Debs, who was jailed for espionage during the Red Scare and hailed by the Bolsheviks as “America’s greatest Marxist.” Don’t be fooled by Bernie Sanders — he’s a diehard communist | New York Post

.... in 1989, as the West was on the verge of winning the Cold War, Sanders addressed the national conference of the US Peace Council — a known front for the Communist Party USA, whose members swore an oath not only to the Soviet Union but to “the triumph of Soviet power in the US.” Don’t be fooled by Bernie Sanders — he’s a diehard communist | New York Post

"Today, Sanders wants to bring what he admired in the USSR, Cuba, Nicaragua and other communist states to America.

For starters, he proposes completely nationalizing our health care system and putting private health insurance and drug companies “out of business.” He also wants to break up “big banks” and control the energy industry, while providing “free” college tuition, a “living wage” and guaranteed homeownership and jobs through massive public works projects.

5. "I thought you were a true conservative. It turns out, you're just another RINO. "

"I thought..." Fact not in evidence.
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6. Trump ran on destroying Obama's Bolshevik eponymous healthcare insurance plan....

....Obamacare, remove penalties, expand waivers, allow non compliant plans, instruct IRS no penalties, turn it over to states to write plans, alter abortion rights for religious,...
"Trump nominates Rep. Tom Price for HHS secretary" Trump nominates Rep. Tom Price for HHS secretary

"Georgia Rep. Tom Price has been one of the fiercest opponents of the Affordable Care Act and his nomination signals Trump intends to make major changes to Obama's signature legislative accomplishment." Donald Trump's Cabinet Picks So Far

7. Trump ran to wrest American Children from the clutches of the Liberal indoctrination industry...
"School choice: Trump picks billionaire Betsy DeVos, school voucher advocate, as education secretary" Trump picks billionaire Betsy DeVos, school voucher advocate, as education secretary

Say what, "Never Trump Conservatives"??????
"political betrayal" is just another word for political hack. Which fits your OPs perfectly :thup:
Not to mention, Trump is about as far from a conservative as Hillary Clinton is.. but hey, fuck reality. Politics is more fun.
As it has been said many times before, all politicians are not perfect, even the Messiah who suckered many people with his Hope and Change(boy you lefties were duped big time). But and there is always a but, Trump didn't run on being a politician who had been in government all his life, he ran on being outside the establishment and guess what? He won, because since George Bush and his Republican Congress and Senate, who increased government like democrats, the "NORMAL" US citizens didn't feel that those establishment pukes on both sides were worth shit. So every time the libs speak bad at Trump, all it does is elevate Trump even higher. So keep up those liberal attacks, and you lefties wont see your side in power, ever again. Trump will make America great again, because with Obama leaving, Trump is going to inherit a country that was fundamentally transformed into a 3rd world nation. Only direction for this country will be up.

View attachment 107424

It's the same hope and change ruse again bub, watch. Glodman Sachs continuity forever and ever amen. Five Goldman Sachs higher ups in the Trump white house already. Same as it would have been with Hilary.
Memo to Never-Trumpers:
Trump picks represent the most conservative cabinet in modern history.

8. "President-elect Donald Trump's pick to lead the U.S. Treasury, Steven Mnuchin, said on Wednesday the administration would make tax reform and trade pact overhauls top priorities as they seek a sustained pace of 3 percent to 4 percent economic growth.

Mnuchin also signaled a desire to remove U.S. mortgage-finance companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac from government ownership, a move that could have wide-ranging ramifications for how Americans pay for their homes.

The one-time Goldman Sachs banker, together with Wilbur Ross, Trump's nominee for commerce secretary, outlined Trump's economic agenda, including what Mnuchin called the largest tax overhaul since the Ronald Reagan administration, in an interview on CNBC." Trump's Treasury pick targets taxes, trade reforms: media

"Wilbur Ross The 79-year-old billionaire made his fortune by buying up and restructuring companies in industries like steel and coal, the kinds of jobs that Trump has pledged to bring back. He also has been an outspoken critic of free trade agreements, which was a hallmark of Trump's campaign. " Donald Trump's Cabinet Picks So Far

Yet "Never Trumpers" were prepared to turn over the nation to Obama's third term.
"political betrayal" is just another word for political hack. Which fits your OPs perfectly :thup:
Not to mention, Trump is about as far from a conservative as Hillary Clinton is.. but hey, fuck reality. Politics is more fun.
As it has been said many times before, all politicians are not perfect, even the Messiah who suckered many people with his Hope and Change(boy you lefties were duped big time). But and there is always a but, Trump didn't run on being a politician who had been in government all his life, he ran on being outside the establishment and guess what? He won, because since George Bush and his Republican Congress and Senate, who increased government like democrats, the "NORMAL" US citizens didn't feel that those establishment pukes on both sides were worth shit. So every time the libs speak bad at Trump, all it does is elevate Trump even higher. So keep up those liberal attacks, and you lefties wont see your side in power, ever again. Trump will make America great again, because with Obama leaving, Trump is going to inherit a country that was fundamentally transformed into a 3rd world nation. Only direction for this country will be up.

View attachment 107424

It's the same hope and change ruse again bub, watch. Glodman Sachs continuity forever and ever amen. Five Goldman Sachs higher ups in the Trump white house already. Same as it would have been with Hilary.

" ...Glodman (sic) Sachs continuity Same as it would have been with Hilary (sic)."

At least when you get vituperation from the Right, it's spelled correctly.
"political betrayal" is just another word for political hack. Which fits your OPs perfectly :thup:
Not to mention, Trump is about as far from a conservative as Hillary Clinton is.. but hey, fuck reality. Politics is more fun.

All you have to know is that Politicalchicken said on this board that Russia was worse than...wait for it....

The NAZI'S!!!

BUT she supports and defend them. Amazing! This is like a preacher suddenly claiming the Devil isn't so bad. Lmao! And she has the nerve to call others traitors!
When Obama was plotting to sell Uranium to Russia after his re-election, you lefties were praising the messiah as the smartest person on the planet. Now that Obummer has poked the bear, pissed them off to the point of possible nuclear war, you hate Russia for even wanting to be at peace with the US, because Trump wants to work with Russia. Just can get more double standards as you lefties.

I know this argument. Obama made Russia commit espionage and since he did we're supposed to give Russia a pass.

Makes sense.
Well....not all of us conservatives....just the sell-out bunch.

1. When Donald Trump...against all probability...won the Republican nomination, one of the most infuriating....or disappointing....outcomes, was the chorus of the "purer then thou" conservatives....dubbed "Never Trumpers."

2. "....the editor of the conservative National Review, assembles a squadron of writers from all over the world of conservatism -- religious figures, radio personalities, President Reagan's former aides. True, they might have had their differences in the past, but this time, they have all come together in one final effort to stop a powerful villain from destroying liberty and freedom before the Iowa caucuses in just over a week.
That villain, of course, is Donald Trump, ..." Top Republicans say Donald Trump’s real problem is that he’s too moderate

3. "....signing one or both of two public “Never Trump” letters during the campaign, declaring they would not vote for Trump and calling his candidacy a danger to the nation. One letter, with 122 names, was published by War on the Rocks, a website devoted to national security commentary, during the primary season in March. The other, with 50 names, including some repeat signatories, was published by the New York Times during the general-election campaign in August." Vox Popoli: Pity the poor Never Trumpers

5. In the most abysmal act of political betrayal....
"Jeb Bush’s son: Yeah, it’s possible my Uncle George will vote for Hillary Clinton"
Jeb Bush’s son: Yeah, it’s possible my Uncle George will vote for Hillary Clinton - Hot Air

4. Shocked at the duplicity......this comes to mind:
"Ephialtes He betrayed his homeland, in hope of receiving some kind of reward from the Persians,[2] by showing the Persian forces a path around the allied Greek position at the pass of Thermopylae, which helped them win the Battle of Thermopylae in 480 BC." Ephialtes of Trachis - Wikipedia


Ephialtes of Trachis - Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia

" Ever since Ephialtes betrayed the Greeks at Thermopylae, in Greek "ephialtes" means nightmare. Ephialtes also is used in Greek as a synonym for traitor, in a comparable fashion to the usage of the words Quisling or Judas, or Benedict Arnold in the US."
Or....'Never Trump!"

Coming right up....the stake through the heart of the "Never-Trump Conservative" windbags.

I think your analysis is wrong on this. What is being described as "conservatives" are not truly conservatives but rather, elitist establishment republicans. These people have been the major obstacle to conservatism. I also don't consider Trump to be a true conservative, he has too many policy ideas that contradict conservative philosophy. He is a populist and a lot of conservatives support him.

In the primary, true conservatives split their votes between Cruz, Carson, Fiorina, Rubio and Paul, as well as Trump. Once the primary was over, many of these conservatives reluctantly threw support behind Trump and some didn't. In the closing weeks of the general election, Trump pivoted toward a more conservative message and I believe that was crucial to his victory.

If he governs as a conservative he will be wildly popular. And being that Conservatism is largely a philosophy and isn't ideologically driven, Trump can also adopt a populist approach and somewhat redefine conservatism much like Reagan did. Reagan's brand of Conservatism wasn't Barry Goldwater's.

As a principled constitutional conservative, some of his stated ideas are going to be a hard sell with me. I don't agree with his protectionist trade policy ideas. I don't favor a nationalized child care program. I don't support single payer health care. I can't get behind raising the minimum wage. These are just things that I will have a problem with when they come up and I won't support them. Now, I may have no choice but to accept them but I will not sit down and shut up. I'm not going to be a Trump cheerleader no matter what the man does. My principles take a front seat to any one man.
Well....not all of us conservatives....just the sell-out bunch.

1. When Donald Trump...against all probability...won the Republican nomination, one of the most infuriating....or disappointing....outcomes, was the chorus of the "purer then thou" conservatives....dubbed "Never Trumpers."

2. "....the editor of the conservative National Review, assembles a squadron of writers from all over the world of conservatism -- religious figures, radio personalities, President Reagan's former aides. True, they might have had their differences in the past, but this time, they have all come together in one final effort to stop a powerful villain from destroying liberty and freedom before the Iowa caucuses in just over a week.
That villain, of course, is Donald Trump, ..." Top Republicans say Donald Trump’s real problem is that he’s too moderate

3. "....signing one or both of two public “Never Trump” letters during the campaign, declaring they would not vote for Trump and calling his candidacy a danger to the nation. One letter, with 122 names, was published by War on the Rocks, a website devoted to national security commentary, during the primary season in March. The other, with 50 names, including some repeat signatories, was published by the New York Times during the general-election campaign in August." Vox Popoli: Pity the poor Never Trumpers

5. In the most abysmal act of political betrayal....
"Jeb Bush’s son: Yeah, it’s possible my Uncle George will vote for Hillary Clinton"
Jeb Bush’s son: Yeah, it’s possible my Uncle George will vote for Hillary Clinton - Hot Air

4. Shocked at the duplicity......this comes to mind:
"Ephialtes He betrayed his homeland, in hope of receiving some kind of reward from the Persians,[2] by showing the Persian forces a path around the allied Greek position at the pass of Thermopylae, which helped them win the Battle of Thermopylae in 480 BC." Ephialtes of Trachis - Wikipedia


Ephialtes of Trachis - Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia

" Ever since Ephialtes betrayed the Greeks at Thermopylae, in Greek "ephialtes" means nightmare. Ephialtes also is used in Greek as a synonym for traitor, in a comparable fashion to the usage of the words Quisling or Judas, or Benedict Arnold in the US."
Or....'Never Trump!"

Coming right up....the stake through the heart of the "Never-Trump Conservative" windbags.

I think your analysis is wrong on this. What is being described as "conservatives" are not truly conservatives but rather, elitist establishment republicans. These people have been the major obstacle to conservatism. I also don't consider Trump to be a true conservative, he has too many policy ideas that contradict conservative philosophy. He is a populist and a lot of conservatives support him.

In the primary, true conservatives split their votes between Cruz, Carson, Fiorina, Rubio and Paul, as well as Trump. Once the primary was over, many of these conservatives reluctantly threw support behind Trump and some didn't. In the closing weeks of the general election, Trump pivoted toward a more conservative message and I believe that was crucial to his victory.

If he governs as a conservative he will be wildly popular. And being that Conservatism is largely a philosophy and isn't ideologically driven, Trump can also adopt a populist approach and somewhat redefine conservatism much like Reagan did. Reagan's brand of Conservatism wasn't Barry Goldwater's.

As a principled constitutional conservative, some of his stated ideas are going to be a hard sell with me. I don't agree with his protectionist trade policy ideas. I don't favor a nationalized child care program. I don't support single payer health care. I can't get behind raising the minimum wage. These are just things that I will have a problem with when they come up and I won't support them. Now, I may have no choice but to accept them but I will not sit down and shut up. I'm not going to be a Trump cheerleader no matter what the man does. My principles take a front seat to any one man.

"I think your analysis is wrong on this."

Well, then....let's see if I can convince you.

9. Confronting the bogus Climate Change scam, Trump reinstitutes the federalism, the rights of the states, of the Founders!
That's Conservatism 101!

"Trump names Scott Pruitt, Oklahoma attorney general suing EPA on climate change, to head the EPA" Trump names Scott Pruitt, Oklahoma attorney general suing EPA on climate change, to head the EPA

reexamining regulation
"President-elect Donald Trump has chosen fast-food restaurant CEO Andy Puzder as his Secretary of Labor, according to multiple news outlets..... a clash between business and labor groups, as he's been an outspoken critic of raising the minimum wage, the Affordable Care Act and "Nanny State" regulations he believes have slowed growth in the industry — things like proposed soda bans and restrictions." Trump Picks Fast-Food Executive Andrew Puzder As Labor Secretary

“The business of America is business”
Calvin Coolidge

And, on energy exploration and production,
"Trump Expected to Pick Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers to Run Interior
If confirmed by the Senate, she would lead administration’s efforts to open up federal lands and waters to fossil-fuel development" Trump Expected to Pick Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers to Run Interior

Trump's conservative cabinet....end the Liberal "War on Success!"
Hey, I like his cabinet picks for the most part. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and I'll even put up with some placation of moderates and liberals along the way... even Reagan had to do that. I've said all along that Conservatism is misunderstood because the left has turned it into a Frankenstein ideology. They cobble together all the worst extremist elements to form some boogy-man they can juxtapose their failed ideology with. What Conservatives have been missing is someone who can effectively argue Conservative philosophy. I don't know that Trump is that person but he certainly can effectively deal with the left and destroy them at their own game.

I've not ever been a "never-trumper" but I couldn't vote for him in the general. I really am hoping that he impresses me so much I vote for his re-election. There are a lot of things I really like about him.
Well....not all of us conservatives....just the sell-out bunch.

1. When Donald Trump...against all probability...won the Republican nomination, one of the most infuriating....or disappointing....outcomes, was the chorus of the "purer then thou" conservatives....dubbed "Never Trumpers."

2. "....the editor of the conservative National Review, assembles a squadron of writers from all over the world of conservatism -- religious figures, radio personalities, President Reagan's former aides. True, they might have had their differences in the past, but this time, they have all come together in one final effort to stop a powerful villain from destroying liberty and freedom before the Iowa caucuses in just over a week.
That villain, of course, is Donald Trump, ..." Top Republicans say Donald Trump’s real problem is that he’s too moderate

3. "....signing one or both of two public “Never Trump” letters during the campaign, declaring they would not vote for Trump and calling his candidacy a danger to the nation. One letter, with 122 names, was published by War on the Rocks, a website devoted to national security commentary, during the primary season in March. The other, with 50 names, including some repeat signatories, was published by the New York Times during the general-election campaign in August." Vox Popoli: Pity the poor Never Trumpers

5. In the most abysmal act of political betrayal....
"Jeb Bush’s son: Yeah, it’s possible my Uncle George will vote for Hillary Clinton"
Jeb Bush’s son: Yeah, it’s possible my Uncle George will vote for Hillary Clinton - Hot Air

4. Shocked at the duplicity......this comes to mind:
"Ephialtes He betrayed his homeland, in hope of receiving some kind of reward from the Persians,[2] by showing the Persian forces a path around the allied Greek position at the pass of Thermopylae, which helped them win the Battle of Thermopylae in 480 BC." Ephialtes of Trachis - Wikipedia


Ephialtes of Trachis - Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia

" Ever since Ephialtes betrayed the Greeks at Thermopylae, in Greek "ephialtes" means nightmare. Ephialtes also is used in Greek as a synonym for traitor, in a comparable fashion to the usage of the words Quisling or Judas, or Benedict Arnold in the US."
Or....'Never Trump!"

Coming right up....the stake through the heart of the "Never-Trump Conservative" windbags.

I think your analysis is wrong on this. What is being described as "conservatives" are not truly conservatives but rather, elitist establishment republicans. These people have been the major obstacle to conservatism. I also don't consider Trump to be a true conservative, he has too many policy ideas that contradict conservative philosophy. He is a populist and a lot of conservatives support him.

In the primary, true conservatives split their votes between Cruz, Carson, Fiorina, Rubio and Paul, as well as Trump. Once the primary was over, many of these conservatives reluctantly threw support behind Trump and some didn't. In the closing weeks of the general election, Trump pivoted toward a more conservative message and I believe that was crucial to his victory.

If he governs as a conservative he will be wildly popular. And being that Conservatism is largely a philosophy and isn't ideologically driven, Trump can also adopt a populist approach and somewhat redefine conservatism much like Reagan did. Reagan's brand of Conservatism wasn't Barry Goldwater's.

As a principled constitutional conservative, some of his stated ideas are going to be a hard sell with me. I don't agree with his protectionist trade policy ideas. I don't favor a nationalized child care program. I don't support single payer health care. I can't get behind raising the minimum wage. These are just things that I will have a problem with when they come up and I won't support them. Now, I may have no choice but to accept them but I will not sit down and shut up. I'm not going to be a Trump cheerleader no matter what the man does. My principles take a front seat to any one man.

"I think your analysis is wrong on this."

Well, then....let's see if I can convince you.

9. Confronting the bogus Climate Change scam, Trump reinstitutes the federalism, the rights of the states, of the Founders!
That's Conservatism 101!

"Trump names Scott Pruitt, Oklahoma attorney general suing EPA on climate change, to head the EPA" Trump names Scott Pruitt, Oklahoma attorney general suing EPA on climate change, to head the EPA

reexamining regulation
"President-elect Donald Trump has chosen fast-food restaurant CEO Andy Puzder as his Secretary of Labor, according to multiple news outlets..... a clash between business and labor groups, as he's been an outspoken critic of raising the minimum wage, the Affordable Care Act and "Nanny State" regulations he believes have slowed growth in the industry — things like proposed soda bans and restrictions." Trump Picks Fast-Food Executive Andrew Puzder As Labor Secretary

“The business of America is business”
Calvin Coolidge

And, on energy exploration and production,
"Trump Expected to Pick Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers to Run Interior
If confirmed by the Senate, she would lead administration’s efforts to open up federal lands and waters to fossil-fuel development" Trump Expected to Pick Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers to Run Interior

Trump's conservative cabinet....end the Liberal "War on Success!"

mind you own countrys business, and go whine about Canadian politics for a change.

Canadian trolls. How pointless.

Well....not all of us conservatives....just the sell-out bunch.

1. When Donald Trump...against all probability...won the Republican nomination, one of the most infuriating....or disappointing....outcomes, was the chorus of the "purer then thou" conservatives....dubbed "Never Trumpers."

2. "....the editor of the conservative National Review, assembles a squadron of writers from all over the world of conservatism -- religious figures, radio personalities, President Reagan's former aides. True, they might have had their differences in the past, but this time, they have all come together in one final effort to stop a powerful villain from destroying liberty and freedom before the Iowa caucuses in just over a week.
That villain, of course, is Donald Trump, ..." Top Republicans say Donald Trump’s real problem is that he’s too moderate

3. "....signing one or both of two public “Never Trump” letters during the campaign, declaring they would not vote for Trump and calling his candidacy a danger to the nation. One letter, with 122 names, was published by War on the Rocks, a website devoted to national security commentary, during the primary season in March. The other, with 50 names, including some repeat signatories, was published by the New York Times during the general-election campaign in August." Vox Popoli: Pity the poor Never Trumpers

5. In the most abysmal act of political betrayal....
"Jeb Bush’s son: Yeah, it’s possible my Uncle George will vote for Hillary Clinton"
Jeb Bush’s son: Yeah, it’s possible my Uncle George will vote for Hillary Clinton - Hot Air

4. Shocked at the duplicity......this comes to mind:
"Ephialtes He betrayed his homeland, in hope of receiving some kind of reward from the Persians,[2] by showing the Persian forces a path around the allied Greek position at the pass of Thermopylae, which helped them win the Battle of Thermopylae in 480 BC." Ephialtes of Trachis - Wikipedia


Ephialtes of Trachis - Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia

" Ever since Ephialtes betrayed the Greeks at Thermopylae, in Greek "ephialtes" means nightmare. Ephialtes also is used in Greek as a synonym for traitor, in a comparable fashion to the usage of the words Quisling or Judas, or Benedict Arnold in the US."
Or....'Never Trump!"

Coming right up....the stake through the heart of the "Never-Trump Conservative" windbags.

I think your analysis is wrong on this. What is being described as "conservatives" are not truly conservatives but rather, elitist establishment republicans. These people have been the major obstacle to conservatism. I also don't consider Trump to be a true conservative, he has too many policy ideas that contradict conservative philosophy. He is a populist and a lot of conservatives support him.

In the primary, true conservatives split their votes between Cruz, Carson, Fiorina, Rubio and Paul, as well as Trump. Once the primary was over, many of these conservatives reluctantly threw support behind Trump and some didn't. In the closing weeks of the general election, Trump pivoted toward a more conservative message and I believe that was crucial to his victory.

If he governs as a conservative he will be wildly popular. And being that Conservatism is largely a philosophy and isn't ideologically driven, Trump can also adopt a populist approach and somewhat redefine conservatism much like Reagan did. Reagan's brand of Conservatism wasn't Barry Goldwater's.

As a principled constitutional conservative, some of his stated ideas are going to be a hard sell with me. I don't agree with his protectionist trade policy ideas. I don't favor a nationalized child care program. I don't support single payer health care. I can't get behind raising the minimum wage. These are just things that I will have a problem with when they come up and I won't support them. Now, I may have no choice but to accept them but I will not sit down and shut up. I'm not going to be a Trump cheerleader no matter what the man does. My principles take a front seat to any one man.

"I think your analysis is wrong on this."

Well, then....let's see if I can convince you.

9. Confronting the bogus Climate Change scam, Trump reinstitutes the federalism, the rights of the states, of the Founders!
That's Conservatism 101!

"Trump names Scott Pruitt, Oklahoma attorney general suing EPA on climate change, to head the EPA" Trump names Scott Pruitt, Oklahoma attorney general suing EPA on climate change, to head the EPA

reexamining regulation
"President-elect Donald Trump has chosen fast-food restaurant CEO Andy Puzder as his Secretary of Labor, according to multiple news outlets..... a clash between business and labor groups, as he's been an outspoken critic of raising the minimum wage, the Affordable Care Act and "Nanny State" regulations he believes have slowed growth in the industry — things like proposed soda bans and restrictions." Trump Picks Fast-Food Executive Andrew Puzder As Labor Secretary

“The business of America is business”
Calvin Coolidge

And, on energy exploration and production,
"Trump Expected to Pick Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers to Run Interior
If confirmed by the Senate, she would lead administration’s efforts to open up federal lands and waters to fossil-fuel development" Trump Expected to Pick Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers to Run Interior

Trump's conservative cabinet....end the Liberal "War on Success!"

mind you own countrys business, and go whine about Canadian politics for a change.

Canadian trolls. How pointless.


I can hear the lugnuts rattling in the hubcaps.
10. And those of us....conservatives....demanding that American sovereignty be restored via stronger borders.......there as Trump with that view at the center of his candidacy.

And here is the reason that millions of illegal aliens voted, inflating Bill's wife's totals.....
....illegal immigration, border control.

"President-elect Donald Trump has chosen retired Marine Gen. John F. Kelly to run the Department of Homeland Security, turning to a blunt-spoken border security hawk who clashed with the Obama administration over women in combat and plans to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay, according to people familiar with the decision. ...would inherit a massive and often troubled department responsible for overseeing ...Trump’s agenda: his proposed crackdown on illegal immigration. DHS is the third-largest Cabinet department, with more than 240,000 employees who do everything from fight terrorism to protect the president and enforce immigration laws."
Retired Marine Gen. John F. Kelly picked to head Department of Homeland Security

And....ending the open arms policy toward invaders.....sanctuary cities:

"Sen. Jeff Sessions is on record saying so-called “sanctuary cities” that protect illegal immigrants should be prosecuted.
He himself may get that chance next year.
Mr. Sessions is president-elect Donald Trump’s pick to be the next attorney general, and if he’s confirmed, he will mark a 180-degree turn from the Obama administration on a host of issues, but nowhere more so than on immigration, where he’s been the Senate’s leading crackdown proponent." Jeff Sessions may prosecute ‘sanctuary cities’ if confirmed as attorney general

What more could a conservative ask for???
....retired Marine Gen. John F. Kelly
....Sen. Jeff Sessions
I believe I have the vapors!!!!!

Sooooo.....where do the Never-Trump conservatives have a beef?????

They don't.

And they should admit it.
And just a few more reasons why 'Never-Trumpers' were wrong to split from this candidate:

12. Renegotiate the Iran Nuclear Deal, strict sanctions, no business with Iran or no business here....pretty conservative positions.

Meet Jim "Mad Dog" Mattis, Trump's Iran hawk choice for secretary of defense
Meet Jim "Mad Dog" Mattis, Trump’s Iran hawk choice for secretary of defense

13. Embassy to Jerusalem....not the position of the back-stabbing snake, Obama....

David Friedman: "Donald Trump's ambassador to supports settlements and opposes two-state solution" Donald Trump's ambassador to Israel supports settlements and opposes two-state solution

14. Foreign policy Rex Tillerson, Chairman and CEO of ExxonMobil, to be Secretary of State. a stunningly successful corporate executive with mythic business success on a global scale, or to use the President-elect's words a world-class player.
Can Tillerson succeed as secretary of state? -

'....the interests he will pursue will be U.S. interests. This is an Eagle Scout kind of guy. He was president of the Boy Scouts,” he said. “He is a straight arrow. If that’s his mission, that’s what he’ll do.”
Critics Ask if Tillerson Can Turn From Corporate to National Interest |

15. Now...that vituperative, dirt-eating 'press' that broke it's deal with the Founders, to be fair and unbiased, and has it's freedom memorialized in the first amendment....Trump has found a way to restrain their power:

14. My challenge, from the OP 'Never-Trump Conservatives': do Trump's nominees represent the most conservative cabinet in modern history?????
Speak up!

Those of us who worked to have Trump elected saw any vote not cast for Trump as support for the most corrupt, dishonest candidate, and a vote for socialism, communism, Liberalism.....and against the Buckley axiom:

the Buckley Rule.

"Conservative author and commentator William F. Buckley (1925-2008) was asked, in 1967, whom he would support in 1968 for U.S. president. Buckley responded with what would late be called the ‘Buckley Rule” for primary voting: “The wisest choice would be the one who would win. No sense running Mona Lisa in a beauty contest. I’d be for the most right, viable candidate who could win."

Conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh disagreed with the “Buckley Rule” and established a new “Limbaugh Rule” on September 14, 2010. Limbaugh said that it requires clairvoyance to determine who will win the general election, so one should just simply vote for the most conservative candidate. "
The Big Apple: Buckley Rule (vote for most conservative primary candidate likely to win general election)

Hillary Clinton....or Donald Trump?

There was never any doubt as to which was the most conservative candidate.

When the battle was failed to heed the call to arms.
Sanders is more than a socialist....he's a communist.
Bernie Sanders is certifiably not a communist. He does not call for the government to own all means of production, he respects gun rights and he is devoted to free speech.

I do have some issues about his social opinions, but they pale in comparison to the coming problems we are going to have with the Robotics Revolution.

It does the cause no good at all to push such disinformation while the rest of your postings are generally accurate and laudable.

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