Conservatives...Smacked In The Kisser!

I can expect your admission of lying anytime now.
Here once more

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One more more example that you can't come up with proof of your claim as follows:

You wrote this:

"You are being so dishonest it is amazing. .. you said I worked to get hillary elected. . Son put up or admit you are a liar "

Where is any such post of mine????

Ready to admit you are a psychopath and a liar???
how sad. Just like the progressive scum you are you are ignoring the proof... You want argue what "is" is now? Pathetic.

There is no 'proof' keep saying that there is....but can't provide it.

Sorry, you will not be allowed to slither away.

You wrote this:

"You are being so dishonest it is amazing. .. you said I worked to get hillary elected. . Son put up or admit you are a liar "
You made a great mistake in writing that.

The only difference between Custer’s Last Stand and what I’m about to do to you is that Custer didn’t have to read the post afterwards.

1. I never lie.
As I am always correct, there could never be a motive to lie.
Further, my morality prevents it.
Not so with you.

2. I gave you more than one opportunity to apologize and admit that there is no such quote of mine, saying that you worked to get Hillary elected.

3. You have submitted numerous posts excusing, mitigating, defending those who voted against President Trump.
Clearly, I've destroyed any cachet those posts intended.
This is you reason to attempt to slander me: your dismal defeat.

4. I would like to believe that everyone who claims the mantle of 'conservative' is honest and of high character.
Sadly, you have disabused me of that view.

5. You have lowered yourself into the category of lying Leftists.

6. Admit you are psychotic.
And admit that I never lie.

7. And beg for forgiveness.
I showed proof twice. Perhaps if you were a adult instead of a dishonest progress scumbag you would admit it.

There is no 'proof' keep saying that there is....but can't provide it.
Your post proves that, and the fact that you are a liar.

Proving you to be psychotic is merely a bonus.

Sorry, you will not be allowed to slither away.

You wrote this:

"You are being so dishonest it is amazing. .. you said I worked to get hillary elected. . Son put up or admit you are a liar "
You made a great mistake in writing that.

Still waiting for the imaginary 'proof.'
Wow.....didn't think I would hear this!

"So far.....Donald Trump is more conservative than George Bush, or George H. W. Bush!"
Mark Levin....@6:36 pm, on 2/22/2017

Levin, if all recall, was strongly 'Never Trump.'

"Conservative Heritage Foundation Rates Trump’s First Year Better Than Reagan’s
News Flash to Conservatives in the Republican Party – According to the Heritage Foundation President Trump did an amazing job in his first year in office – even better than conservative and American icon President Ronald Reagan!
The New York Times reported that the conservative Heritage Foundation ranks President Trump as doing even better than conservative icon President Ronald Reagan in the first year of his Presidency –"
Conservative Heritage Foundation Rates Trump’s First Year Better Than Reagan’s
Wow.....didn't think I would hear this!

"So far.....Donald Trump is more conservative than George Bush, or George H. W. Bush!"
Mark Levin....@6:36 pm, on 2/22/2017

Levin, if all recall, was strongly 'Never Trump.'
I’m not the least bit ashamed to admit that I was staunch “Never Trump”. I’m not afraid to admit that - so far - I’ve been dead wrong. He has been exponentially more conservative than George H.W. Bush or George W. Bush.

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