Conservatives...Smacked In The Kisser!

"Ted Cruz has a warning for weak-kneed Republicans as he prepares to support Trump agenda
...Cruz (R-TX) warns any weakening Republican in Congress who slows Trump: “We’ll have pitchforks and torches in the street, and I may just join them.”

The left is mobilizing a mass defiance and resistance, and some Republicans are becoming afraid to follow through....

Sen. Cruz in this awesome video interview:
only a idiot attacks conservatives for not worshiping the God they worship.

Only an idiot defends self-proclaimed "conservatives" who worked to get Hillary Clinton elected.
are you a communist or do you believe in liberty because right now you are not talking about liberty. Where ever did you think you have the right to treat others like traitors because of how they vote? Just because your guy won doesn't mean it is now good to be a fascist.
only a idiot attacks conservatives for not worshiping the God they worship.

Only an idiot defends self-proclaimed "conservatives" who worked to get Hillary Clinton elected.
are you a communist or do you believe in liberty because right now you are not talking about liberty. Where ever did you think you have the right to treat others like traitors because of how they vote? Just because your guy won doesn't mean it is now good to be a fascist.

They are traitor to conservatism.

They need to admit the mistake, and promise never to do it again.

'Here's another smack in the kisser to Never Trump Conservatives:

Gorsuch To The Rescue!

I'll have the tread completed by the end of the will be one more smack in the kisser for those who abandoned Trump for Hillary.

I dare you to read.....and comment on it.
only a idiot attacks conservatives for not worshiping the God they worship.

Only an idiot defends self-proclaimed "conservatives" who worked to get Hillary Clinton elected.
are you a communist or do you believe in liberty because right now you are not talking about liberty. Where ever did you think you have the right to treat others like traitors because of how they vote? Just because your guy won doesn't mean it is now good to be a fascist.

They are traitor to conservatism.

They need to admit the mistake, and promise never to do it again.

'Here's another smack in the kisser to Never Trump Conservatives:

Gorsuch To The Rescue!

I'll have the tread completed by the end of the will be one more smack in the kisser for those who abandoned Trump for Hillary.

I dare you to read.....and comment on it.
OMG So once again Trump did something good so lets all Give up all our principles to worship the orange comb over! Those that didn't vote for Trump are not traitors to conservatism they are far from it. Republicans does not mean conservative because Trump IS NOT CONSERVATIVE! He might do some things that are conservative but he himself is not. When he does good we should say so and when he does bad like a trillion dollar spending boondoggle we should NEVER do as you and accuse others of being traitors for not worshiping your new messiah.
only a idiot attacks conservatives for not worshiping the God they worship.

Only an idiot defends self-proclaimed "conservatives" who worked to get Hillary Clinton elected.
are you a communist or do you believe in liberty because right now you are not talking about liberty. Where ever did you think you have the right to treat others like traitors because of how they vote? Just because your guy won doesn't mean it is now good to be a fascist.

They are traitor to conservatism.

They need to admit the mistake, and promise never to do it again.

'Here's another smack in the kisser to Never Trump Conservatives:

Gorsuch To The Rescue!

I'll have the tread completed by the end of the will be one more smack in the kisser for those who abandoned Trump for Hillary.

I dare you to read.....and comment on it.
OMG So once again Trump did something good so lets all Give up all our principles to worship the orange comb over! Those that didn't vote for Trump are not traitors to conservatism they are far from it. Republicans does not mean conservative because Trump IS NOT CONSERVATIVE! He might do some things that are conservative but he himself is not. When he does good we should say so and when he does bad like a trillion dollar spending boondoggle we should NEVER do as you and accuse others of being traitors for not worshiping your new messiah.

"... lets all Give up all our principles to worship the orange comb over!"

You couldn't sound more like a Liberal if you tried.

Neil Gorsuch is my principle.

I posted this this morning:



I posted this in the OP:
b. Under Democrat/Liberal LBJ, the law was passed that deprived pastors of their right of free speech.
What possible compelling government interest could this represent????

It just came over the news that at this morns Prayer Breakfast, President Trump said he will end the Fascist Democrat anti-free speech regulation for religious leaders!

I believe I have the vapors!

Yet here you are, sounding like a dunce....defending those fake conservatives who would have handed the election to Bill's wife.
only a idiot attacks conservatives for not worshiping the God they worship.

Only an idiot defends self-proclaimed "conservatives" who worked to get Hillary Clinton elected.
are you a communist or do you believe in liberty because right now you are not talking about liberty. Where ever did you think you have the right to treat others like traitors because of how they vote? Just because your guy won doesn't mean it is now good to be a fascist.

They are traitor to conservatism.

They need to admit the mistake, and promise never to do it again.

'Here's another smack in the kisser to Never Trump Conservatives:

Gorsuch To The Rescue!

I'll have the tread completed by the end of the will be one more smack in the kisser for those who abandoned Trump for Hillary.

I dare you to read.....and comment on it.
OMG So once again Trump did something good so lets all Give up all our principles to worship the orange comb over! Those that didn't vote for Trump are not traitors to conservatism they are far from it. Republicans does not mean conservative because Trump IS NOT CONSERVATIVE! He might do some things that are conservative but he himself is not. When he does good we should say so and when he does bad like a trillion dollar spending boondoggle we should NEVER do as you and accuse others of being traitors for not worshiping your new messiah.

"...Trump IS NOT CONSERVATIVE! He might do some things that are conservative..."

You moron.....don't you recognize how you destroyed your own argument?????
only a idiot attacks conservatives for not worshiping the God they worship.

Only an idiot defends self-proclaimed "conservatives" who worked to get Hillary Clinton elected.
are you a communist or do you believe in liberty because right now you are not talking about liberty. Where ever did you think you have the right to treat others like traitors because of how they vote? Just because your guy won doesn't mean it is now good to be a fascist.

They are traitor to conservatism.

They need to admit the mistake, and promise never to do it again.

'Here's another smack in the kisser to Never Trump Conservatives:

Gorsuch To The Rescue!

I'll have the tread completed by the end of the will be one more smack in the kisser for those who abandoned Trump for Hillary.

I dare you to read.....and comment on it.
OMG So once again Trump did something good so lets all Give up all our principles to worship the orange comb over! Those that didn't vote for Trump are not traitors to conservatism they are far from it. Republicans does not mean conservative because Trump IS NOT CONSERVATIVE! He might do some things that are conservative but he himself is not. When he does good we should say so and when he does bad like a trillion dollar spending boondoggle we should NEVER do as you and accuse others of being traitors for not worshiping your new messiah.

"...Trump IS NOT CONSERVATIVE! He might do some things that are conservative..."

You moron.....don't you recognize how you destroyed your own argument?????
Are you intentionally being stupid? If Obama did something conservative would he then magically be conservative? 70+ Years as a new york liberal and all of a sudden that all disappears because he ran as a republican and chose a couple of Good people for jobs ? Trump wasn't the conservative choice he was the less progressive choice because he is still a new york liberal.

By the way I am talking about individual choices and rights while you are attacking those who use individual choice.... It is not I acting like the collectivist progressive right now.
Only an idiot defends self-proclaimed "conservatives" who worked to get Hillary Clinton elected.
are you a communist or do you believe in liberty because right now you are not talking about liberty. Where ever did you think you have the right to treat others like traitors because of how they vote? Just because your guy won doesn't mean it is now good to be a fascist.

They are traitor to conservatism.

They need to admit the mistake, and promise never to do it again.

'Here's another smack in the kisser to Never Trump Conservatives:

Gorsuch To The Rescue!

I'll have the tread completed by the end of the will be one more smack in the kisser for those who abandoned Trump for Hillary.

I dare you to read.....and comment on it.
OMG So once again Trump did something good so lets all Give up all our principles to worship the orange comb over! Those that didn't vote for Trump are not traitors to conservatism they are far from it. Republicans does not mean conservative because Trump IS NOT CONSERVATIVE! He might do some things that are conservative but he himself is not. When he does good we should say so and when he does bad like a trillion dollar spending boondoggle we should NEVER do as you and accuse others of being traitors for not worshiping your new messiah.

"...Trump IS NOT CONSERVATIVE! He might do some things that are conservative..."

You moron.....don't you recognize how you destroyed your own argument?????
Are you intentionally being stupid? If Obama did something conservative would he then magically be conservative? 70+ Years as a new york liberal and all of a sudden that all disappears because he ran as a republican and chose a couple of Good people for jobs ? Trump wasn't the conservative choice he was the less progressive choice because he is still a new york liberal.

By the way I am talking about individual choices and rights while you are attacking those who use individual choice.... It is not I acting like the collectivist progressive right now.

This thread proves that Trump named as cabinet the most conservative in modern history.

He named the most conservative Supreme Court judge.

Yet you defend those turncoats who would have put Hillary in the presidency.

Turns out you're the stupid one, huh?

This is a disgusting smear: "Trump wasn't the conservative choice he was the less progressive choice..."
If you still have the fez and the tin cup, maybe you can get your old job with the organ grinder....
are you a communist or do you believe in liberty because right now you are not talking about liberty. Where ever did you think you have the right to treat others like traitors because of how they vote? Just because your guy won doesn't mean it is now good to be a fascist.

They are traitor to conservatism.

They need to admit the mistake, and promise never to do it again.

'Here's another smack in the kisser to Never Trump Conservatives:

Gorsuch To The Rescue!

I'll have the tread completed by the end of the will be one more smack in the kisser for those who abandoned Trump for Hillary.

I dare you to read.....and comment on it.
OMG So once again Trump did something good so lets all Give up all our principles to worship the orange comb over! Those that didn't vote for Trump are not traitors to conservatism they are far from it. Republicans does not mean conservative because Trump IS NOT CONSERVATIVE! He might do some things that are conservative but he himself is not. When he does good we should say so and when he does bad like a trillion dollar spending boondoggle we should NEVER do as you and accuse others of being traitors for not worshiping your new messiah.

"...Trump IS NOT CONSERVATIVE! He might do some things that are conservative..."

You moron.....don't you recognize how you destroyed your own argument?????
Are you intentionally being stupid? If Obama did something conservative would he then magically be conservative? 70+ Years as a new york liberal and all of a sudden that all disappears because he ran as a republican and chose a couple of Good people for jobs ? Trump wasn't the conservative choice he was the less progressive choice because he is still a new york liberal.

By the way I am talking about individual choices and rights while you are attacking those who use individual choice.... It is not I acting like the collectivist progressive right now.

This thread proves that Trump named as cabinet the most conservative in modern history.

He named the most conservative Supreme Court judge.

Yet you defend those turncoats who would have put Hillary in the presidency.

Turns out you're the stupid one, huh?

This is a disgusting smear: "Trump wasn't the conservative choice he was the less progressive choice..."
If you still have the fez and the tin cup, maybe you can get your old job with the organ grinder....
Let me get this right choosing TWO count them TWO actual conservatives not even sure they will get the job because lets face it if they fail he most likely will choose someone like his sister makes him have the most conservative cabinet??? ONLY ONE is a cabinet position and he most likely will not get the job because McConnell ... You know the one who runs the senate and the one Whose wife Trump wants in his cabinet along with Preibus another NON conservative. He hasn't been President for a month and Already idiots like you are saying he is more conservative the Ronald Reagan for Christs sake!

Stop drinking the koolaid!
They are traitor to conservatism.

They need to admit the mistake, and promise never to do it again.

'Here's another smack in the kisser to Never Trump Conservatives:

Gorsuch To The Rescue!

I'll have the tread completed by the end of the will be one more smack in the kisser for those who abandoned Trump for Hillary.

I dare you to read.....and comment on it.
OMG So once again Trump did something good so lets all Give up all our principles to worship the orange comb over! Those that didn't vote for Trump are not traitors to conservatism they are far from it. Republicans does not mean conservative because Trump IS NOT CONSERVATIVE! He might do some things that are conservative but he himself is not. When he does good we should say so and when he does bad like a trillion dollar spending boondoggle we should NEVER do as you and accuse others of being traitors for not worshiping your new messiah.

"...Trump IS NOT CONSERVATIVE! He might do some things that are conservative..."

You moron.....don't you recognize how you destroyed your own argument?????
Are you intentionally being stupid? If Obama did something conservative would he then magically be conservative? 70+ Years as a new york liberal and all of a sudden that all disappears because he ran as a republican and chose a couple of Good people for jobs ? Trump wasn't the conservative choice he was the less progressive choice because he is still a new york liberal.

By the way I am talking about individual choices and rights while you are attacking those who use individual choice.... It is not I acting like the collectivist progressive right now.

This thread proves that Trump named as cabinet the most conservative in modern history.

He named the most conservative Supreme Court judge.

Yet you defend those turncoats who would have put Hillary in the presidency.

Turns out you're the stupid one, huh?

This is a disgusting smear: "Trump wasn't the conservative choice he was the less progressive choice..."
If you still have the fez and the tin cup, maybe you can get your old job with the organ grinder....
Let me get this right choosing TWO count them TWO actual conservatives not even sure they will get the job because lets face it if they fail he most likely will choose someone like his sister makes him have the most conservative cabinet??? ONLY ONE is a cabinet position and he most likely will not get the job because McConnell ... You know the one who runs the senate and the one Whose wife Trump wants in his cabinet along with Preibus another NON conservative. He hasn't been President for a month and Already idiots like you are saying he is more conservative the Ronald Reagan for Christs sake!

Stop drinking the koolaid!

Which would Hillary have selected?

Stop wringing your hands over Hillary's loss.
I have to say PoliticalChic - for the first time ever, I am really disappointed in you. I was proud to be a NEVER TRUMP. He doesn't have a true conservative bone in his entire body. He's a life-long liberal and he acts like one - right down to his misogynistic view of women.

I would have even voted for Bernie Sanders over Donald Trump. As much as I abhor socialism - I at least respected the fact that Bernie Sanders was honest. The entire Dumbocrat Party is 100% socialists these days, but only Bernie admits it. It was only due to the fact that the Dumbocrats nominated the most unelectable candidate in U.S. history that I even considered casting a vote for Donald Trump.

I thought you were a true conservative. It turns out, you're just another RINO. :crybaby:

Hitler and mao were honest too.......that is just a stupid fucking argument......
OMG So once again Trump did something good so lets all Give up all our principles to worship the orange comb over! Those that didn't vote for Trump are not traitors to conservatism they are far from it. Republicans does not mean conservative because Trump IS NOT CONSERVATIVE! He might do some things that are conservative but he himself is not. When he does good we should say so and when he does bad like a trillion dollar spending boondoggle we should NEVER do as you and accuse others of being traitors for not worshiping your new messiah.

"...Trump IS NOT CONSERVATIVE! He might do some things that are conservative..."

You moron.....don't you recognize how you destroyed your own argument?????
Are you intentionally being stupid? If Obama did something conservative would he then magically be conservative? 70+ Years as a new york liberal and all of a sudden that all disappears because he ran as a republican and chose a couple of Good people for jobs ? Trump wasn't the conservative choice he was the less progressive choice because he is still a new york liberal.

By the way I am talking about individual choices and rights while you are attacking those who use individual choice.... It is not I acting like the collectivist progressive right now.

This thread proves that Trump named as cabinet the most conservative in modern history.

He named the most conservative Supreme Court judge.

Yet you defend those turncoats who would have put Hillary in the presidency.

Turns out you're the stupid one, huh?

This is a disgusting smear: "Trump wasn't the conservative choice he was the less progressive choice..."
If you still have the fez and the tin cup, maybe you can get your old job with the organ grinder....
Let me get this right choosing TWO count them TWO actual conservatives not even sure they will get the job because lets face it if they fail he most likely will choose someone like his sister makes him have the most conservative cabinet??? ONLY ONE is a cabinet position and he most likely will not get the job because McConnell ... You know the one who runs the senate and the one Whose wife Trump wants in his cabinet along with Preibus another NON conservative. He hasn't been President for a month and Already idiots like you are saying he is more conservative the Ronald Reagan for Christs sake!

Stop drinking the koolaid!

Which would Hillary have selected?

Stop wringing your hands over Hillary's loss.
OMG Hillary lost you fucking moron! She has Nothing to do with his Choices and actions from here on out! It doesn't matter what the stupid **** would have done she lost! It does matter what the President does. You are so busy wanting revenge for people not THINKING as you do comrade that you are stuck in the past! Grow the hell up! Conservatism is about principles not who is president! Considering Trump's obviously anti-capitalist stances he is no conservative. He doesn't Need to be as long as honest people try to stop the more stupid shit he will try to pass to stroke his ego. He made Two good choices for positions and they are FAR from certain to be confirmed... Instead of trying talking about that little truth you are busy talking about a small minority of people who didn't want to vote for a man who is not conservative.

You guys are the sorest winners ever! Try dislodging your head from your ass and take a dose of reality!
"...Trump IS NOT CONSERVATIVE! He might do some things that are conservative..."

You moron.....don't you recognize how you destroyed your own argument?????
Are you intentionally being stupid? If Obama did something conservative would he then magically be conservative? 70+ Years as a new york liberal and all of a sudden that all disappears because he ran as a republican and chose a couple of Good people for jobs ? Trump wasn't the conservative choice he was the less progressive choice because he is still a new york liberal.

By the way I am talking about individual choices and rights while you are attacking those who use individual choice.... It is not I acting like the collectivist progressive right now.

This thread proves that Trump named as cabinet the most conservative in modern history.

He named the most conservative Supreme Court judge.

Yet you defend those turncoats who would have put Hillary in the presidency.

Turns out you're the stupid one, huh?

This is a disgusting smear: "Trump wasn't the conservative choice he was the less progressive choice..."
If you still have the fez and the tin cup, maybe you can get your old job with the organ grinder....
Let me get this right choosing TWO count them TWO actual conservatives not even sure they will get the job because lets face it if they fail he most likely will choose someone like his sister makes him have the most conservative cabinet??? ONLY ONE is a cabinet position and he most likely will not get the job because McConnell ... You know the one who runs the senate and the one Whose wife Trump wants in his cabinet along with Preibus another NON conservative. He hasn't been President for a month and Already idiots like you are saying he is more conservative the Ronald Reagan for Christs sake!

Stop drinking the koolaid!

Which would Hillary have selected?

Stop wringing your hands over Hillary's loss.
OMG Hillary lost you fucking moron! She has Nothing to do with his Choices and actions from here on out! It doesn't matter what the stupid **** would have done she lost! It does matter what the President does. You are so busy wanting revenge for people not THINKING as you do comrade that you are stuck in the past! Grow the hell up! Conservatism is about principles not who is president! Considering Trump's obviously anti-capitalist stances he is no conservative. He doesn't Need to be as long as honest people try to stop the more stupid shit he will try to pass to stroke his ego. He made Two good choices for positions and they are FAR from certain to be confirmed... Instead of trying talking about that little truth you are busy talking about a small minority of people who didn't want to vote for a man who is not conservative.

You guys are the sorest winners ever! Try dislodging your head from your ass and take a dose of reality!

Profanity is the effort of a feeble mind to express itself forcefully.
Are you intentionally being stupid? If Obama did something conservative would he then magically be conservative? 70+ Years as a new york liberal and all of a sudden that all disappears because he ran as a republican and chose a couple of Good people for jobs ? Trump wasn't the conservative choice he was the less progressive choice because he is still a new york liberal.

By the way I am talking about individual choices and rights while you are attacking those who use individual choice.... It is not I acting like the collectivist progressive right now.

This thread proves that Trump named as cabinet the most conservative in modern history.

He named the most conservative Supreme Court judge.

Yet you defend those turncoats who would have put Hillary in the presidency.

Turns out you're the stupid one, huh?

This is a disgusting smear: "Trump wasn't the conservative choice he was the less progressive choice..."
If you still have the fez and the tin cup, maybe you can get your old job with the organ grinder....
Let me get this right choosing TWO count them TWO actual conservatives not even sure they will get the job because lets face it if they fail he most likely will choose someone like his sister makes him have the most conservative cabinet??? ONLY ONE is a cabinet position and he most likely will not get the job because McConnell ... You know the one who runs the senate and the one Whose wife Trump wants in his cabinet along with Preibus another NON conservative. He hasn't been President for a month and Already idiots like you are saying he is more conservative the Ronald Reagan for Christs sake!

Stop drinking the koolaid!

Which would Hillary have selected?

Stop wringing your hands over Hillary's loss.
OMG Hillary lost you fucking moron! She has Nothing to do with his Choices and actions from here on out! It doesn't matter what the stupid **** would have done she lost! It does matter what the President does. You are so busy wanting revenge for people not THINKING as you do comrade that you are stuck in the past! Grow the hell up! Conservatism is about principles not who is president! Considering Trump's obviously anti-capitalist stances he is no conservative. He doesn't Need to be as long as honest people try to stop the more stupid shit he will try to pass to stroke his ego. He made Two good choices for positions and they are FAR from certain to be confirmed... Instead of trying talking about that little truth you are busy talking about a small minority of people who didn't want to vote for a man who is not conservative.

You guys are the sorest winners ever! Try dislodging your head from your ass and take a dose of reality!

Profanity is the effort of a feeble mind to express itself forcefully.
Ignorance is a cancer...... see I can spout stupid sophistry as well
This thread proves that Trump named as cabinet the most conservative in modern history.

He named the most conservative Supreme Court judge.

Yet you defend those turncoats who would have put Hillary in the presidency.

Turns out you're the stupid one, huh?

This is a disgusting smear: "Trump wasn't the conservative choice he was the less progressive choice..."
If you still have the fez and the tin cup, maybe you can get your old job with the organ grinder....
Let me get this right choosing TWO count them TWO actual conservatives not even sure they will get the job because lets face it if they fail he most likely will choose someone like his sister makes him have the most conservative cabinet??? ONLY ONE is a cabinet position and he most likely will not get the job because McConnell ... You know the one who runs the senate and the one Whose wife Trump wants in his cabinet along with Preibus another NON conservative. He hasn't been President for a month and Already idiots like you are saying he is more conservative the Ronald Reagan for Christs sake!

Stop drinking the koolaid!

Which would Hillary have selected?

Stop wringing your hands over Hillary's loss.
OMG Hillary lost you fucking moron! She has Nothing to do with his Choices and actions from here on out! It doesn't matter what the stupid **** would have done she lost! It does matter what the President does. You are so busy wanting revenge for people not THINKING as you do comrade that you are stuck in the past! Grow the hell up! Conservatism is about principles not who is president! Considering Trump's obviously anti-capitalist stances he is no conservative. He doesn't Need to be as long as honest people try to stop the more stupid shit he will try to pass to stroke his ego. He made Two good choices for positions and they are FAR from certain to be confirmed... Instead of trying talking about that little truth you are busy talking about a small minority of people who didn't want to vote for a man who is not conservative.

You guys are the sorest winners ever! Try dislodging your head from your ass and take a dose of reality!

Profanity is the effort of a feeble mind to express itself forcefully.
Ignorance is a cancer...... see I can spout stupid sophistry as well

You've lost the argument...your attempt to absolve those who claim to be conservative but paved the way for the Left's candidate.

What more is there to say?
Let me get this right choosing TWO count them TWO actual conservatives not even sure they will get the job because lets face it if they fail he most likely will choose someone like his sister makes him have the most conservative cabinet??? ONLY ONE is a cabinet position and he most likely will not get the job because McConnell ... You know the one who runs the senate and the one Whose wife Trump wants in his cabinet along with Preibus another NON conservative. He hasn't been President for a month and Already idiots like you are saying he is more conservative the Ronald Reagan for Christs sake!

Stop drinking the koolaid!

Which would Hillary have selected?

Stop wringing your hands over Hillary's loss.
OMG Hillary lost you fucking moron! She has Nothing to do with his Choices and actions from here on out! It doesn't matter what the stupid **** would have done she lost! It does matter what the President does. You are so busy wanting revenge for people not THINKING as you do comrade that you are stuck in the past! Grow the hell up! Conservatism is about principles not who is president! Considering Trump's obviously anti-capitalist stances he is no conservative. He doesn't Need to be as long as honest people try to stop the more stupid shit he will try to pass to stroke his ego. He made Two good choices for positions and they are FAR from certain to be confirmed... Instead of trying talking about that little truth you are busy talking about a small minority of people who didn't want to vote for a man who is not conservative.

You guys are the sorest winners ever! Try dislodging your head from your ass and take a dose of reality!

Profanity is the effort of a feeble mind to express itself forcefully.
Ignorance is a cancer...... see I can spout stupid sophistry as well

You've lost the argument...your attempt to absolve those who claim to be conservative but paved the way for the Left's candidate.

What more is there to say?
Now you are lying about me... how did I do as you say? Please tell me or admit to be a liar

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Which would Hillary have selected?

Stop wringing your hands over Hillary's loss.
OMG Hillary lost you fucking moron! She has Nothing to do with his Choices and actions from here on out! It doesn't matter what the stupid **** would have done she lost! It does matter what the President does. You are so busy wanting revenge for people not THINKING as you do comrade that you are stuck in the past! Grow the hell up! Conservatism is about principles not who is president! Considering Trump's obviously anti-capitalist stances he is no conservative. He doesn't Need to be as long as honest people try to stop the more stupid shit he will try to pass to stroke his ego. He made Two good choices for positions and they are FAR from certain to be confirmed... Instead of trying talking about that little truth you are busy talking about a small minority of people who didn't want to vote for a man who is not conservative.

You guys are the sorest winners ever! Try dislodging your head from your ass and take a dose of reality!

Profanity is the effort of a feeble mind to express itself forcefully.
Ignorance is a cancer...... see I can spout stupid sophistry as well

You've lost the argument...your attempt to absolve those who claim to be conservative but paved the way for the Left's candidate.

What more is there to say?
Now you are lying about me... how did I do as you say? Please tell me or admit to be a liar

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

I wrote this:
You've lost the argument...your attempt to absolve those who claim to be conservative but paved the way for the Left's candidate.

I never lie....

...what are you denying?
No you accused me personally... now prove I DID THAT . We can argue whether they did or not but I know what I did and you lied about it.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
No you accused me personally... now prove I DID THAT . We can argue whether they did or not but I know what I did and you lied about it.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

You've lost the argument...your attempt to absolve those who claim to be conservative but paved the way for the Left's candidate.

I never lie....
...what are you denying?

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