Conservatives...Smacked In The Kisser!

Let's review.

1. Every pompous 'Never Trump Conservative' has behaved like a child.

2. Any vote, including not voting, by any who claimed to wish to stop the collectivists was a betrayal of their code.

3.Luckily, those of us who were steadfast bailed you out.
That means steadfast to conservative values....not to the candidate.
We recognized his imperfections.

4. To now claim that you did the right thing is simply a 'dog ate my homework' excuse for not doing the right thing.

5. And, as proven in this thread....Trump validated our choice and your iniquity by choosing the most conservative cabinet in modern history.
1. "You've taken no action to support your pov. Numbers. Got any?"
Sure I do.
Your vote was aimed at Trump losing.

2. Now...why would you want us to keep going over what is clear, and you have admitted...that you were a sell-out who worked against a Trump victory, and for that of the Leftist congenital liar and career criminal?

Guilty conscience?

PC, that is nothing more than your opinion. Period.

If I wrote in Ted Cruz, how is that me trying to get Trump, rather than Clinton, to lose?

You're smart enough to recognize that our elections are binary, and a vote for any but the two parties is against the better of the only two real choices.

In full disclosure, Cruz was my first choice, as well.

You didn't answer my question.

Of course I did.
Every one of them.

If I wrote in Ted Cruz, how is that me trying to get Trump, rather than Clinton, to lose?

Please, stop sounding like a child and asking me to repeat the explanation.

I can do nothing to assuage your sense of guilt.

Repent, and move on.
PC, that is nothing more than your opinion. Period.

If I wrote in Ted Cruz, how is that me trying to get Trump, rather than Clinton, to lose?

You're smart enough to recognize that our elections are binary, and a vote for any but the two parties is against the better of the only two real choices.

In full disclosure, Cruz was my first choice, as well.

You didn't answer my question.

Of course I did.
Every one of them.

If I wrote in Ted Cruz, how is that me trying to get Trump, rather than Clinton, to lose?

Please, stop sounding like a child and asking me to repeat the explanation.

I can do nothing to assuage your sense of guilt.

Repent, and move on.

Translation: I can't answer your question, Zoom, because the answer would make me wrong.

You're smart enough to recognize that our elections are binary, and a vote for any but the two parties is against the better of the only two real choices.

In full disclosure, Cruz was my first choice, as well.

You didn't answer my question.

Of course I did.
Every one of them.

If I wrote in Ted Cruz, how is that me trying to get Trump, rather than Clinton, to lose?

Please, stop sounding like a child and asking me to repeat the explanation.

I can do nothing to assuage your sense of guilt.

Repent, and move on.

Translation: I can't answer your question, Zoom, because the answer would make me wrong.


You Can’t Wake a Person Who Is Pretending to Be Asleep – Navajo Proverb

There were two choices pre-election:

a. That of the Founders, individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government, via the Constitution.

b. Leftists.....communists, Liberals,Progressives, whatever, offer the following:
collectivization, unquestioning lock-step adherence to government policies, over-regulation, and unlimited central command and control governance.....'

a. and b. each had a name attached....Trump or Clinton.

You did not pick the correct one, and now you'd like dispensation.

Look elsewhere for forgiveness.
Was Trump the correct choice for anyone who considers themselves conservative, anti-collectivists, pro-sovereignty?

a. "Trump to act on Mexico border wall, bolster immigration police"
Trump to act on Mexico border wall, bolster immigration police

b. "Trump to sign executive orders enabling construction of proposed border wall and targeting sanctuary cities"
Trump to sign executive orders enabling construction of proposed border wall and targeting sanctuary cities

c. "Trump expected to order temporary ban on refugees"
Trump expected to order temporary ban on refugees

Let's review.

1. Every pompous 'Never Trump Conservative' has behaved like a child.

2. Any vote, including not voting, by any who claimed to wish to stop the collectivists was a betrayal of their code.

3.Luckily, those of us who were steadfast bailed you out.
That means steadfast to conservative values....not to the candidate.
We recognized his imperfections.

4. To now claim that you did the right thing is simply a 'dog ate my homework' excuse for not doing the right thing.

5. And, as proven in this thread....Trump validated our choice and your iniquity by choosing the most conservative cabinet in modern history.
So in your mind if you didn't vote for ether candidate because you have principles you are pompous? That's absurd. I fully understand and can relate to a person who saw Trump as a person they could not vote for. People like me assume Clinton would be worse then Trump. Our proof is in the pudding and the jury is still out. I dont understand how you cant see their point of view.... Trump was the most liberal candidate running in the republican primary. He was rude and vicious and uncouth. He accused fellow candidates of horrible things with no proof and attacked their wives and families. His anti- free trade positions are scary as fuck. History has shown what comes of these positions. I can totally empathize with them. If it wasn't for Hillary Clinton I would not have voted for him and I vote republican almost all the time. I chose pragmatically they went with principles. There hasn't been enough time yet to see who chose the better path.

I will tell you this though attacking fellow conservatives over a obvious liberal populous is not something that will bear healthy fruit.
Was Trump the correct choice for anyone who considers themselves conservative, anti-collectivists, pro-sovereignty?

a. "Trump to act on Mexico border wall, bolster immigration police"
Trump to act on Mexico border wall, bolster immigration police

b. "Trump to sign executive orders enabling construction of proposed border wall and targeting sanctuary cities"
Trump to sign executive orders enabling construction of proposed border wall and targeting sanctuary cities

c. "Trump expected to order temporary ban on refugees"
Trump expected to order temporary ban on refugees
Trump did not get rid of executive amnesty....
Let's review.

1. Every pompous 'Never Trump Conservative' has behaved like a child.

2. Any vote, including not voting, by any who claimed to wish to stop the collectivists was a betrayal of their code.

3.Luckily, those of us who were steadfast bailed you out.
That means steadfast to conservative values....not to the candidate.
We recognized his imperfections.

4. To now claim that you did the right thing is simply a 'dog ate my homework' excuse for not doing the right thing.

5. And, as proven in this thread....Trump validated our choice and your iniquity by choosing the most conservative cabinet in modern history.
So in your mind if you didn't vote for ether candidate because you have principles you are pompous? That's absurd. I fully understand and can relate to a person who saw Trump as a person they could not vote for. People like me assume Clinton would be worse then Trump. Our proof is in the pudding and the jury is still out. I dont understand how you cant see their point of view.... Trump was the most liberal candidate running in the republican primary. He was rude and vicious and uncouth. He accused fellow candidates of horrible things with no proof and attacked their wives and families. His anti- free trade positions are scary as fuck. History has shown what comes of these positions. I can totally empathize with them. If it wasn't for Hillary Clinton I would not have voted for him and I vote republican almost all the time. I chose pragmatically they went with principles. There hasn't been enough time yet to see who chose the better path.

I will tell you this though attacking fellow conservatives over a obvious liberal populous is not something that will bear healthy fruit.

1. "People like me assume Clinton would be worse then Trump."
So should everyone who considered themselves a conservative.

2. " Our proof is in the pudding and the jury is still out."
He has chosen the most conservative cabinet in modern history.
His actions prove he was the better choice for conservatives.

3. "I dont understand how you cant see their point of view...."
I didn't say I didn't see their point of view.
I said they were shortsighted and afraid to choose.
And they were.

4. "If it wasn't for Hillary Clinton..."
But it was.

5. "I chose pragmatically they went with principles."
If left to the Never Trump Conservatives Hillary Clinton would be President.

6. "There hasn't been enough time yet to see who chose the better path."
Wrong again.
Which of is actions, executive orders, cabinet choices, and statements are you ready to malign.

Go ahead.

7. "I will tell you this though attacking fellow conservatives over a obvious liberal populous is not something that will bear healthy fruit."
I speak the truth.....and I won't let you or anyone else prevent me from doing so.
Last edited:
Was Trump the correct choice for anyone who considers themselves conservative, anti-collectivists, pro-sovereignty?

a. "Trump to act on Mexico border wall, bolster immigration police"
Trump to act on Mexico border wall, bolster immigration police

b. "Trump to sign executive orders enabling construction of proposed border wall and targeting sanctuary cities"
Trump to sign executive orders enabling construction of proposed border wall and targeting sanctuary cities

c. "Trump expected to order temporary ban on refugees"
Trump expected to order temporary ban on refugees
Trump did not get rid of executive amnesty....

Flawless diamonds, which are rare, .....
"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without." — Confucius
Let's review.

1. Every pompous 'Never Trump Conservative' has behaved like a child.

2. Any vote, including not voting, by any who claimed to wish to stop the collectivists was a betrayal of their code.

3.Luckily, those of us who were steadfast bailed you out.
That means steadfast to conservative values....not to the candidate.
We recognized his imperfections.

4. To now claim that you did the right thing is simply a 'dog ate my homework' excuse for not doing the right thing.

5. And, as proven in this thread....Trump validated our choice and your iniquity by choosing the most conservative cabinet in modern history.
So in your mind if you didn't vote for ether candidate because you have principles you are pompous? That's absurd. I fully understand and can relate to a person who saw Trump as a person they could not vote for. People like me assume Clinton would be worse then Trump. Our proof is in the pudding and the jury is still out. I dont understand how you cant see their point of view.... Trump was the most liberal candidate running in the republican primary. He was rude and vicious and uncouth. He accused fellow candidates of horrible things with no proof and attacked their wives and families. His anti- free trade positions are scary as fuck. History has shown what comes of these positions. I can totally empathize with them. If it wasn't for Hillary Clinton I would not have voted for him and I vote republican almost all the time. I chose pragmatically they went with principles. There hasn't been enough time yet to see who chose the better path.

I will tell you this though attacking fellow conservatives over a obvious liberal populous is not something that will bear healthy fruit.

1. "People like me assume Clinton would be worse then Trump."
So should everyone who considered themselves a conservative.

2. " Our proof is in the pudding and the jury is still out."
He has chosen the most conservative cabinet in modern history.
His actions prove he was the better choice for conservative.

3. "I dont understand how you cant see their point of view...."
I didn't say I didn't see their point of view.
I said they were shortsighted and afraid to choose.
And they were.

4. "If it wasn't for Hillary Clinton..."
But it was.

5. "I chose pragmatically they went with principles."
If left to the Never Trump Conservatives Hillary Clinton would be President.

6. "There hasn't been enough time yet to see who chose the better path."
Wrong again.
Which of is actions, executive orders, cabinet choices, and statements are you ready to malign.

Go ahead.

7. "I will tell you this though attacking fellow conservatives over a obvious liberal populous is not something that will bear healthy fruit."
I speak the truth.....and I won't let you or anyone else prevent me from doing so.
1. Hillary Clinton was not talking about policy that WILL cause a rise in costs of all products and might bring about another depression. So no it wasn't obvious that she was FAR worse then him.
2. Choosing Goldman sac bankers and Rex as well as McConnell's fucking wife proves you wrong on that. Regan had a far more conservative cabinet.
3. It has yet to be proven they were wrong with Trumps back walking on illegal immigration and executive amnesty and still talking tariffs.
4. That right Trump got fucking lucky Clinton was running because he would NEVER had won otherwise.
5. when have they ever told you how to vote????? Yet you sure feel it in your right to tell them though didn't you? Expression your FIRST AMENDMENT right in saying they wouldn't vote for him is not TREASON. They were always a small group and they always knew it wouldn't come down to them making a difference.
6. Well we can go with his decision to NOT rescind the executive amnesty like he PROMISED. Or his nor back walking moving the embassy in Israel . Also Rex is a pathetic Putin lover.

We shall see what he does next. I dont accuse fellow conservatives of being fools and traitors for sticking to their principles. I leave that to liberals.
Let's review.

1. Every pompous 'Never Trump Conservative' has behaved like a child.

2. Any vote, including not voting, by any who claimed to wish to stop the collectivists was a betrayal of their code.

3.Luckily, those of us who were steadfast bailed you out.
That means steadfast to conservative values....not to the candidate.
We recognized his imperfections.

4. To now claim that you did the right thing is simply a 'dog ate my homework' excuse for not doing the right thing.

5. And, as proven in this thread....Trump validated our choice and your iniquity by choosing the most conservative cabinet in modern history.
So in your mind if you didn't vote for ether candidate because you have principles you are pompous? That's absurd. I fully understand and can relate to a person who saw Trump as a person they could not vote for. People like me assume Clinton would be worse then Trump. Our proof is in the pudding and the jury is still out. I dont understand how you cant see their point of view.... Trump was the most liberal candidate running in the republican primary. He was rude and vicious and uncouth. He accused fellow candidates of horrible things with no proof and attacked their wives and families. His anti- free trade positions are scary as fuck. History has shown what comes of these positions. I can totally empathize with them. If it wasn't for Hillary Clinton I would not have voted for him and I vote republican almost all the time. I chose pragmatically they went with principles. There hasn't been enough time yet to see who chose the better path.

I will tell you this though attacking fellow conservatives over a obvious liberal populous is not something that will bear healthy fruit.

1. "People like me assume Clinton would be worse then Trump."
So should everyone who considered themselves a conservative.

2. " Our proof is in the pudding and the jury is still out."
He has chosen the most conservative cabinet in modern history.
His actions prove he was the better choice for conservative.

3. "I dont understand how you cant see their point of view...."
I didn't say I didn't see their point of view.
I said they were shortsighted and afraid to choose.
And they were.

4. "If it wasn't for Hillary Clinton..."
But it was.

5. "I chose pragmatically they went with principles."
If left to the Never Trump Conservatives Hillary Clinton would be President.

6. "There hasn't been enough time yet to see who chose the better path."
Wrong again.
Which of is actions, executive orders, cabinet choices, and statements are you ready to malign.

Go ahead.

7. "I will tell you this though attacking fellow conservatives over a obvious liberal populous is not something that will bear healthy fruit."
I speak the truth.....and I won't let you or anyone else prevent me from doing so.
1. Hillary Clinton was not talking about policy that WILL cause a rise in costs of all products and might bring about another depression. So no it wasn't obvious that she was FAR worse then him.
2. Choosing Goldman sac bankers and Rex as well as McConnell's fucking wife proves you wrong on that. Regan had a far more conservative cabinet.
3. It has yet to be proven they were wrong with Trumps back walking on illegal immigration and executive amnesty and still talking tariffs.
4. That right Trump got fucking lucky Clinton was running because he would NEVER had won otherwise.
5. when have they ever told you how to vote????? Yet you sure feel it in your right to tell them though didn't you? Expression your FIRST AMENDMENT right in saying they wouldn't vote for him is not TREASON. They were always a small group and they always knew it wouldn't come down to them making a difference.
6. Well we can go with his decision to NOT rescind the executive amnesty like he PROMISED. Or his nor back walking moving the embassy in Israel . Also Rex is a pathetic Putin lover.

We shall see what he does next. I dont accuse fellow conservatives of being fools and traitors for sticking to their principles. I leave that to liberals.

"5. when have they ever told you how to vote????? Yet you sure feel it in your right to tell them though didn't you?"
Don't be absurd.
I did no such thing.

I claim my right to rebuke any who claim to be conservatives but voted in a way to sink the more conservative candidate.

2. You seem to have avoided this:
"There hasn't been enough time yet to see who chose the better path."
Wrong again.
Which of is actions, executive orders, cabinet choices, and statements are you ready to malign.

Go ahead.

3. "I dont accuse fellow conservatives of being fools and traitors for sticking to their principles."
Any who claim to be conservatives but work to put the presidency and supreme court in the hands of Obama-3rd termer, Clinton, are fools and worse.

4. If my posts in support of conservatism are a burr under your saddle, perhaps you should reconsider your perspectives.
Let's review.

1. Every pompous 'Never Trump Conservative' has behaved like a child.

2. Any vote, including not voting, by any who claimed to wish to stop the collectivists was a betrayal of their code.

3.Luckily, those of us who were steadfast bailed you out.
That means steadfast to conservative values....not to the candidate.
We recognized his imperfections.

4. To now claim that you did the right thing is simply a 'dog ate my homework' excuse for not doing the right thing.

5. And, as proven in this thread....Trump validated our choice and your iniquity by choosing the most conservative cabinet in modern history.
So in your mind if you didn't vote for ether candidate because you have principles you are pompous? That's absurd. I fully understand and can relate to a person who saw Trump as a person they could not vote for. People like me assume Clinton would be worse then Trump. Our proof is in the pudding and the jury is still out. I dont understand how you cant see their point of view.... Trump was the most liberal candidate running in the republican primary. He was rude and vicious and uncouth. He accused fellow candidates of horrible things with no proof and attacked their wives and families. His anti- free trade positions are scary as fuck. History has shown what comes of these positions. I can totally empathize with them. If it wasn't for Hillary Clinton I would not have voted for him and I vote republican almost all the time. I chose pragmatically they went with principles. There hasn't been enough time yet to see who chose the better path.

I will tell you this though attacking fellow conservatives over a obvious liberal populous is not something that will bear healthy fruit.

1. "People like me assume Clinton would be worse then Trump."
So should everyone who considered themselves a conservative.

2. " Our proof is in the pudding and the jury is still out."
He has chosen the most conservative cabinet in modern history.
His actions prove he was the better choice for conservative.

3. "I dont understand how you cant see their point of view...."
I didn't say I didn't see their point of view.
I said they were shortsighted and afraid to choose.
And they were.

4. "If it wasn't for Hillary Clinton..."
But it was.

5. "I chose pragmatically they went with principles."
If left to the Never Trump Conservatives Hillary Clinton would be President.

6. "There hasn't been enough time yet to see who chose the better path."
Wrong again.
Which of is actions, executive orders, cabinet choices, and statements are you ready to malign.

Go ahead.

7. "I will tell you this though attacking fellow conservatives over a obvious liberal populous is not something that will bear healthy fruit."
I speak the truth.....and I won't let you or anyone else prevent me from doing so.
1. Hillary Clinton was not talking about policy that WILL cause a rise in costs of all products and might bring about another depression. So no it wasn't obvious that she was FAR worse then him.
2. Choosing Goldman sac bankers and Rex as well as McConnell's fucking wife proves you wrong on that. Regan had a far more conservative cabinet.
3. It has yet to be proven they were wrong with Trumps back walking on illegal immigration and executive amnesty and still talking tariffs.
4. That right Trump got fucking lucky Clinton was running because he would NEVER had won otherwise.
5. when have they ever told you how to vote????? Yet you sure feel it in your right to tell them though didn't you? Expression your FIRST AMENDMENT right in saying they wouldn't vote for him is not TREASON. They were always a small group and they always knew it wouldn't come down to them making a difference.
6. Well we can go with his decision to NOT rescind the executive amnesty like he PROMISED. Or his nor back walking moving the embassy in Israel . Also Rex is a pathetic Putin lover.

We shall see what he does next. I dont accuse fellow conservatives of being fools and traitors for sticking to their principles. I leave that to liberals.

"5. when have they ever told you how to vote????? Yet you sure feel it in your right to tell them though didn't you?"
Don't be absurd.
I did no such thing.

I claim my right to rebuke any who claim to be conservatives but voted in a way to sink the more conservative candidate.

2. You seem to have avoided this:
"There hasn't been enough time yet to see who chose the better path."
Wrong again.
Which of is actions, executive orders, cabinet choices, and statements are you ready to malign.

Go ahead.

3. "I dont accuse fellow conservatives of being fools and traitors for sticking to their principles."
Any who claim to be conservatives but work to put the presidency and supreme court in the hands of Obama-3rd termer, Clinton, are fools and worse.

4. If my posts in support of conservatism are a burr under your saddle, perhaps you should reconsider your perspectives.
Why dont you try reading my post before you tell me I didnt do something sweetheart.
Let's review.

1. Every pompous 'Never Trump Conservative' has behaved like a child.

2. Any vote, including not voting, by any who claimed to wish to stop the collectivists was a betrayal of their code.

3.Luckily, those of us who were steadfast bailed you out.
That means steadfast to conservative values....not to the candidate.
We recognized his imperfections.

4. To now claim that you did the right thing is simply a 'dog ate my homework' excuse for not doing the right thing.

5. And, as proven in this thread....Trump validated our choice and your iniquity by choosing the most conservative cabinet in modern history.
So in your mind if you didn't vote for ether candidate because you have principles you are pompous? That's absurd. I fully understand and can relate to a person who saw Trump as a person they could not vote for. People like me assume Clinton would be worse then Trump. Our proof is in the pudding and the jury is still out. I dont understand how you cant see their point of view.... Trump was the most liberal candidate running in the republican primary. He was rude and vicious and uncouth. He accused fellow candidates of horrible things with no proof and attacked their wives and families. His anti- free trade positions are scary as fuck. History has shown what comes of these positions. I can totally empathize with them. If it wasn't for Hillary Clinton I would not have voted for him and I vote republican almost all the time. I chose pragmatically they went with principles. There hasn't been enough time yet to see who chose the better path.

I will tell you this though attacking fellow conservatives over a obvious liberal populous is not something that will bear healthy fruit.

1. "People like me assume Clinton would be worse then Trump."
So should everyone who considered themselves a conservative.

2. " Our proof is in the pudding and the jury is still out."
He has chosen the most conservative cabinet in modern history.
His actions prove he was the better choice for conservative.

3. "I dont understand how you cant see their point of view...."
I didn't say I didn't see their point of view.
I said they were shortsighted and afraid to choose.
And they were.

4. "If it wasn't for Hillary Clinton..."
But it was.

5. "I chose pragmatically they went with principles."
If left to the Never Trump Conservatives Hillary Clinton would be President.

6. "There hasn't been enough time yet to see who chose the better path."
Wrong again.
Which of is actions, executive orders, cabinet choices, and statements are you ready to malign.

Go ahead.

7. "I will tell you this though attacking fellow conservatives over a obvious liberal populous is not something that will bear healthy fruit."
I speak the truth.....and I won't let you or anyone else prevent me from doing so.
1. Hillary Clinton was not talking about policy that WILL cause a rise in costs of all products and might bring about another depression. So no it wasn't obvious that she was FAR worse then him.
2. Choosing Goldman sac bankers and Rex as well as McConnell's fucking wife proves you wrong on that. Regan had a far more conservative cabinet.
3. It has yet to be proven they were wrong with Trumps back walking on illegal immigration and executive amnesty and still talking tariffs.
4. That right Trump got fucking lucky Clinton was running because he would NEVER had won otherwise.
5. when have they ever told you how to vote????? Yet you sure feel it in your right to tell them though didn't you? Expression your FIRST AMENDMENT right in saying they wouldn't vote for him is not TREASON. They were always a small group and they always knew it wouldn't come down to them making a difference.
6. Well we can go with his decision to NOT rescind the executive amnesty like he PROMISED. Or his nor back walking moving the embassy in Israel . Also Rex is a pathetic Putin lover.

We shall see what he does next. I dont accuse fellow conservatives of being fools and traitors for sticking to their principles. I leave that to liberals.

"5. when have they ever told you how to vote????? Yet you sure feel it in your right to tell them though didn't you?"
Don't be absurd.
I did no such thing.

I claim my right to rebuke any who claim to be conservatives but voted in a way to sink the more conservative candidate.

2. You seem to have avoided this:
"There hasn't been enough time yet to see who chose the better path."
Wrong again.
Which of is actions, executive orders, cabinet choices, and statements are you ready to malign.

Go ahead.

3. "I dont accuse fellow conservatives of being fools and traitors for sticking to their principles."
Any who claim to be conservatives but work to put the presidency and supreme court in the hands of Obama-3rd termer, Clinton, are fools and worse.

4. If my posts in support of conservatism are a burr under your saddle, perhaps you should reconsider your perspectives.
Why dont you try reading my post before you tell me I didnt do something sweetheart.

Read it.

You didn't.
"political betrayal" is just another word for political hack. Which fits your OPs perfectly :thup:
Not to mention, Trump is about as far from a conservative as Hillary Clinton is.. but hey, fuck reality. Politics is more fun.
As it has been said many times before, all politicians are not perfect, even the Messiah who suckered many people with his Hope and Change(boy you lefties were duped big time). But and there is always a but, Trump didn't run on being a politician who had been in government all his life, he ran on being outside the establishment and guess what? He won, because since George Bush and his Republican Congress and Senate, who increased government like democrats, the "NORMAL" US citizens didn't feel that those establishment pukes on both sides were worth shit. So every time the libs speak bad at Trump, all it does is elevate Trump even higher. So keep up those liberal attacks, and you lefties wont see your side in power, ever again. Trump will make America great again, because with Obama leaving, Trump is going to inherit a country that was fundamentally transformed into a 3rd world nation. Only direction for this country will be up.

View attachment 107424

Trump is just the new hope-and-change ruse, watch. How many Goldman Sachs higher ups in this white house?
Let's review.

1. Every pompous 'Never Trump Conservative' has behaved like a child.

2. Any vote, including not voting, by any who claimed to wish to stop the collectivists was a betrayal of their code.

3.Luckily, those of us who were steadfast bailed you out.
That means steadfast to conservative values....not to the candidate.
We recognized his imperfections.

4. To now claim that you did the right thing is simply a 'dog ate my homework' excuse for not doing the right thing.

5. And, as proven in this thread....Trump validated our choice and your iniquity by choosing the most conservative cabinet in modern history.
So in your mind if you didn't vote for ether candidate because you have principles you are pompous? That's absurd. I fully understand and can relate to a person who saw Trump as a person they could not vote for. People like me assume Clinton would be worse then Trump. Our proof is in the pudding and the jury is still out. I dont understand how you cant see their point of view.... Trump was the most liberal candidate running in the republican primary. He was rude and vicious and uncouth. He accused fellow candidates of horrible things with no proof and attacked their wives and families. His anti- free trade positions are scary as fuck. History has shown what comes of these positions. I can totally empathize with them. If it wasn't for Hillary Clinton I would not have voted for him and I vote republican almost all the time. I chose pragmatically they went with principles. There hasn't been enough time yet to see who chose the better path.

I will tell you this though attacking fellow conservatives over a obvious liberal populous is not something that will bear healthy fruit.

1. "People like me assume Clinton would be worse then Trump."
So should everyone who considered themselves a conservative.

2. " Our proof is in the pudding and the jury is still out."
He has chosen the most conservative cabinet in modern history.
His actions prove he was the better choice for conservative.

3. "I dont understand how you cant see their point of view...."
I didn't say I didn't see their point of view.
I said they were shortsighted and afraid to choose.
And they were.

4. "If it wasn't for Hillary Clinton..."
But it was.

5. "I chose pragmatically they went with principles."
If left to the Never Trump Conservatives Hillary Clinton would be President.

6. "There hasn't been enough time yet to see who chose the better path."
Wrong again.
Which of is actions, executive orders, cabinet choices, and statements are you ready to malign.

Go ahead.

7. "I will tell you this though attacking fellow conservatives over a obvious liberal populous is not something that will bear healthy fruit."
I speak the truth.....and I won't let you or anyone else prevent me from doing so.
1. Hillary Clinton was not talking about policy that WILL cause a rise in costs of all products and might bring about another depression. So no it wasn't obvious that she was FAR worse then him.
2. Choosing Goldman sac bankers and Rex as well as McConnell's fucking wife proves you wrong on that. Regan had a far more conservative cabinet.
3. It has yet to be proven they were wrong with Trumps back walking on illegal immigration and executive amnesty and still talking tariffs.
4. That right Trump got fucking lucky Clinton was running because he would NEVER had won otherwise.
5. when have they ever told you how to vote????? Yet you sure feel it in your right to tell them though didn't you? Expression your FIRST AMENDMENT right in saying they wouldn't vote for him is not TREASON. They were always a small group and they always knew it wouldn't come down to them making a difference.
6. Well we can go with his decision to NOT rescind the executive amnesty like he PROMISED. Or his nor back walking moving the embassy in Israel . Also Rex is a pathetic Putin lover.

We shall see what he does next. I dont accuse fellow conservatives of being fools and traitors for sticking to their principles. I leave that to liberals.

"5. when have they ever told you how to vote????? Yet you sure feel it in your right to tell them though didn't you?"
Don't be absurd.
I did no such thing.

I claim my right to rebuke any who claim to be conservatives but voted in a way to sink the more conservative candidate.

2. You seem to have avoided this:
"There hasn't been enough time yet to see who chose the better path."
Wrong again.
Which of is actions, executive orders, cabinet choices, and statements are you ready to malign.

Go ahead.

3. "I dont accuse fellow conservatives of being fools and traitors for sticking to their principles."
Any who claim to be conservatives but work to put the presidency and supreme court in the hands of Obama-3rd termer, Clinton, are fools and worse.

4. If my posts in support of conservatism are a burr under your saddle, perhaps you should reconsider your perspectives.
Why dont you try reading my post before you tell me I didnt do something sweetheart.

Nah, she ain't into anything like that, just here to vomit screed.
So in your mind if you didn't vote for ether candidate because you have principles you are pompous? That's absurd. I fully understand and can relate to a person who saw Trump as a person they could not vote for. People like me assume Clinton would be worse then Trump. Our proof is in the pudding and the jury is still out. I dont understand how you cant see their point of view.... Trump was the most liberal candidate running in the republican primary. He was rude and vicious and uncouth. He accused fellow candidates of horrible things with no proof and attacked their wives and families. His anti- free trade positions are scary as fuck. History has shown what comes of these positions. I can totally empathize with them. If it wasn't for Hillary Clinton I would not have voted for him and I vote republican almost all the time. I chose pragmatically they went with principles. There hasn't been enough time yet to see who chose the better path.

I will tell you this though attacking fellow conservatives over a obvious liberal populous is not something that will bear healthy fruit.

1. "People like me assume Clinton would be worse then Trump."
So should everyone who considered themselves a conservative.

2. " Our proof is in the pudding and the jury is still out."
He has chosen the most conservative cabinet in modern history.
His actions prove he was the better choice for conservative.

3. "I dont understand how you cant see their point of view...."
I didn't say I didn't see their point of view.
I said they were shortsighted and afraid to choose.
And they were.

4. "If it wasn't for Hillary Clinton..."
But it was.

5. "I chose pragmatically they went with principles."
If left to the Never Trump Conservatives Hillary Clinton would be President.

6. "There hasn't been enough time yet to see who chose the better path."
Wrong again.
Which of is actions, executive orders, cabinet choices, and statements are you ready to malign.

Go ahead.

7. "I will tell you this though attacking fellow conservatives over a obvious liberal populous is not something that will bear healthy fruit."
I speak the truth.....and I won't let you or anyone else prevent me from doing so.
1. Hillary Clinton was not talking about policy that WILL cause a rise in costs of all products and might bring about another depression. So no it wasn't obvious that she was FAR worse then him.
2. Choosing Goldman sac bankers and Rex as well as McConnell's fucking wife proves you wrong on that. Regan had a far more conservative cabinet.
3. It has yet to be proven they were wrong with Trumps back walking on illegal immigration and executive amnesty and still talking tariffs.
4. That right Trump got fucking lucky Clinton was running because he would NEVER had won otherwise.
5. when have they ever told you how to vote????? Yet you sure feel it in your right to tell them though didn't you? Expression your FIRST AMENDMENT right in saying they wouldn't vote for him is not TREASON. They were always a small group and they always knew it wouldn't come down to them making a difference.
6. Well we can go with his decision to NOT rescind the executive amnesty like he PROMISED. Or his nor back walking moving the embassy in Israel . Also Rex is a pathetic Putin lover.

We shall see what he does next. I dont accuse fellow conservatives of being fools and traitors for sticking to their principles. I leave that to liberals.

"5. when have they ever told you how to vote????? Yet you sure feel it in your right to tell them though didn't you?"
Don't be absurd.
I did no such thing.

I claim my right to rebuke any who claim to be conservatives but voted in a way to sink the more conservative candidate.

2. You seem to have avoided this:
"There hasn't been enough time yet to see who chose the better path."
Wrong again.
Which of is actions, executive orders, cabinet choices, and statements are you ready to malign.

Go ahead.

3. "I dont accuse fellow conservatives of being fools and traitors for sticking to their principles."
Any who claim to be conservatives but work to put the presidency and supreme court in the hands of Obama-3rd termer, Clinton, are fools and worse.

4. If my posts in support of conservatism are a burr under your saddle, perhaps you should reconsider your perspectives.
Why dont you try reading my post before you tell me I didnt do something sweetheart.

Nah, she ain't into anything like that, just here to vomit screed.

What an excellent characterization of your every post.
Here is the position that every Never Trumper Conservative should have assumed:

"So once Cruz lost, I concluded we have to cut our losses and try to save the nation, however imperfectly we do it. In the process, we can remain constitutional watchdogs and advocates and lobby and pressure Trump to pursue conservative policies.

Other never-Trumpers, the establishment types, have never seemed as alarmed about Obama’s destruction of this nation. They haven’t seen the urgency, and they believe that establishment Republicans have been unfairly criticized for not doing enough to oppose and stop Obama.

Some of them apparently see a Clinton presidency as just another day at the office or are convinced Trump would be so bad that Clinton couldn’t be worse, which is hard for me to wrap my head around. Many of them have contempt for the Cruz types because they believe that Cruz was opportunistically chasing after rainbows, for example, in his willingness to fight Obama to the point of a government shutdown. They don’t share the grass roots’ frustrations with Republicans and therefore don’t grasp that their complacency contributed to the rise of Trump. What an irony!

I can’t see myself being a cheerleader for Trump, but having made my decision on the basis of the nation’s best interests, I do want to do my small part to help him put his best foot forward and to nudge him toward doing the right things and implementing the correct policy prescriptions should he prevail.

.... I have no doubt that he’d govern infinitely more conservatively than Clinton. Remember, if Clinton were to win, not only would she govern as an ultra-leftist (Barack Obama on stilts) but also her constituency groups would urge her to go further left, rewarding her for doing so and punishing her for deviating.
The electorate has changed enough now that she doesn’t usually even bother pretending to be moderate.

That should scare all of us."
Never-Trumpers vs. Reluctant Trumpers | Human Events

Never Trump could they have voted to put the nation in the hands of Bill's wife?????

"It is of course possible to be so principled that one refuses to settle for politicians who don’t entirely live up to one’s ideals.
About ten years ago I addressed a club named for the great conservative Republican of an earlier era Robert A. Taft. During my interaction with members I found that some of them would only vote for a leader who patterned himself on the organization’s namesake. Although I continue to refer to myself as a “Taft Republican,” I thought some of the young people I spoke with held unrealistically high expectations.

But in the case of the never-Trumpers, I would never make this criticism. Here we are dealing mostly with GOP shills who four years ago were drooling on cue over Mitt Romney and who four years earlier were gilding the lily for John McCain.

What exactly were the high “conservative” principles that these candidates of the never-Trumpers articulated that Trump has failed to express? Indeed Trump has raised social issues that Romney and McCain, who were hailed as “conservatives” refused to even touch on the campaign trail. Unlike them, he has promised to appoint “conservatives” to federal judgeships and to protect the religious liberty of devout Christians, who have been beaten from pillar to post by Obama and who are not likely to be treated any better under a Clinton presidency."
David Limbaugh and Extolling the Never-Trumpers

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